November 13, 2004


Remember how Kofi Annan lashed out at anti-coalition reports during the liberation of Iraq? Well, he's doing it again, this time over accounts from the Ivory Coast:

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan blamed "hate media" on Thursday for fuelling the political violence in the troubled Ivory Coast and appealed to all parties for calm.

The African nation's airwaves have been rife with anti-French and other angry sentiment in the past few days amid an explosion of riots and bloodshed in the former French colony.

I'd link to some of Annan’s earlier condemnations of the "hate media's" anti-coalition reports ... except I can’t find them.

Posted by Tim Blair at November 13, 2004 02:27 AM

Can we stop pretending this guy is our friend? I mean, you never saw Saddam on Sesame Street.

Posted by: Jim Treacher at November 13, 2004 at 02:39 AM

His dissent has been oppressed by the RightWing KKKontrolled media! [/MOONBAT]

Posted by: Andrea Harris at November 13, 2004 at 03:03 AM

"The African nation's airwaves have been rife with anti-French and other angry sentiment .... "

Gee, why would anyone have anti-French sentiment? ;-)

Having said that, I won't second guess the French commander on the ground in Ivory Coast, but Kofi needs to realize that his plush office equipped with hot and cold running secretaries is not the whole of the universe. There are problems out that the UN and certain member states (yes, I mean France) are exacerbating by their greed and/or incompetence.

Posted by: The Real JeffS at November 13, 2004 at 03:24 AM

What I'm waiting for is for Ted Kennedy to declare the Ivory Coast a quadmire and demand that Bush send troops there...

Posted by: PW at November 13, 2004 at 04:50 AM

"Quagmire", even. I bet a lefty could type that word properly even while asleep.

BTW, where'd the anti-spam feature go?

Posted by: PW at November 13, 2004 at 05:08 AM

What do you want to bet that when the esteemed Mr. Annan finally retires, it will be to a finely appointed apartment somewhere along the Champs d'Elysee?

Posted by: Rebecca at November 13, 2004 at 05:51 AM

PW: it was having a little problem, so I removed it. It will return as soon as I have time to figure the problem out.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at November 13, 2004 at 06:07 AM

"I'd link to some of Annan’s earlier condemnations of the "hate media's" anti-coalition reports ... except I can’t find them."

They're in Sandy Berger's pants along with Kofi's written orders for UN troops to use force to stop the Genocide in Rwanda.

Posted by: Arty at November 13, 2004 at 07:00 AM

Andrea, looks like some asshole promptly took advantage of it. :-\ Now that's what I call a full-on spam message...67 links to the same site in one post, geez.

Posted by: PW at November 13, 2004 at 07:04 AM

Know what I'd like to see? Kofi Annan getting off a plane and falling down the stairs and breaking his knee. Like smash it to smithereens! Hoo boy. And Gerald Ford could be there at the bottom going "Hah ha".

As far as I'm concerned you dumbass kids can take your Bill Maher and push him down the stairs, because physical comedy beats smartmouth crap any day. That's why Treacher's fat ass is lot funnier than his fat mouth.

(All right Pops. It's time for bed now, you're scaring Andrea. I'll read you some more Captain Americrunch tomorrow).

Posted by: Scott Campbell at Blithering Bunny at November 13, 2004 at 07:45 AM

No one who is a worthy despot or embezzler of nation's funds lives in the champs elysses anymore, it is passee and only for the "naive americans".
No perhaps he will move in with Suha in fashionable Neilly by the seine and the bois de boulogne where one used to be able to wonder at night for "cultural exchanges" or simply the exchange of bodily fluids amongst the french undergowth.

Posted by: davo at November 13, 2004 at 07:46 AM

Hate media. Some rich American buffoon has been placing ads suggesting no planes flew into the WTC and building 7 was detonated from within. At least that's what's been reported in the SMH this morning.

Posted by: Janice at November 13, 2004 at 07:49 AM

I sent an email to all my friends yesterday that went like this (we are losing some amusing formatting here, but...)



Posted by: Ned at November 13, 2004 at 08:50 AM

Some rich American buffoon has been placing ads suggesting no planes flew into the WTC and building 7 was detonated from within. At least that's what's been reported in the SMH this morning.

My bet's on George Soros.

Posted by: Quentin George at November 13, 2004 at 08:53 AM

That rich 'murcan is wasting his money: hasn't anyone told him the SMH will publish that kind of stuff for free? Maybe as a community service announcement.

Posted by: cuckoo at November 13, 2004 at 09:11 AM

Quentin, it's not Soros, but the moonbat is a kindred in spirit. From the article:

""I guess I'm one of the few people with the wherewithal to push the issue," said Mr Walter, 57, who says he is worth about $7 million, most of which he inherited from his father's building materials company."

This is poorly phrased. I'd say he has $7 million, but Mr. Walter himself is worthless. I can only say GOOMBA GOOM!

Posted by: The Real JeffS at November 13, 2004 at 09:45 AM

About the only time I could root for the French would be when they're trying to help get innocent people outta harm's way... still.... argh...

Did anyone else in the US see that History Channel thingy last night ("11th Hour, 11th Day, 11th month",) wherein Marshal Foch signed the Armistice at something like 5:45 AM Euro time, but allowed attacks to continue right up to 11 am?

Over 6000 needless casualties, aided and abetted by Black Jack Pershing... what a friggin' disgrace.

Posted by: geezer at November 13, 2004 at 10:24 AM

PW: thanks! I've removed the crap and banned the creep, and I'm working with Hostingmatters to figure out the problem with the plugin.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at November 13, 2004 at 10:30 AM

No plane crashed into the pentagon is the claim, not the WTC (given the video footage that would be a rather extreme claim).

And if the article is accurate he won't be running ads for long since he just spent over half his net worth on some crappy TV spots. And since said net worth was inherited once it's gone it's gone...

Posted by: sholden at November 13, 2004 at 01:55 PM

Speaking of the French,The Australian Rugby Union team match up to the French Tricolors tomorrow. Go the Wallabies!

Posted by: gubbaboy at November 13, 2004 at 07:56 PM

OK, let's suppose Mugabe sent the Zim army into Darfur to protect the oppressed. What would the MSM say?

Let's now suppose the US did the same thing. What would they say?

Now,let's suppose Chirac sent the French army into Ivory Coast to protect the oppressed. What would the MSM say?

Let's now suppose the US did the same thing. What would they say?

Posted by: jlchydro at November 13, 2004 at 08:55 PM

You can always tell the anti-Americans lefties, like Paul McKeogh from the SMH.

“None of this is to underestimate or ignore the atrocities carried out in the name of the insurgents. But it all raises serious questions about the US campaign in Iraq. Apart from the fact they are still attempting to "liberate" swathes of the country 20 months after invading, the outcome of the assault on Falluja undermines the Americans' implicit belief that legitimacy comes from the barrel of a gun."

They give a one liner on how bad the insurgents are or how bad Saddam was then say BUT. They then proceed to give all barrels to the Yanks. Other BUTmen include Philip Adams, Alan Ramsay, Terry Lane, for that matter anyone from the ABC. What really grates in that McKeogh pretends he’s independent because he’s not embedded. He’s as independent as Mike Moore.

Posted by: Anthony at November 13, 2004 at 09:00 PM

"No plane crashed into the pentagon is the claim, not the WTC (given the video footage that would be a rather extreme claim).

And if the article is accurate he won't be running ads for long since he just spent over half his net worth on some crappy TV spots. And since said net worth was inherited once it's gone it's gone...
Posted by: sholden"

I read this story earlier today and it reminded me of an interesting, and in my view important, theory about income distribution. The theory is that, although lefties are always complaining that the distribution of income never changes, this is true only in aggregate terms. In fact, over time many individuals/families are moving from one income/wealth bracket to another, some getting richer, others poorer.

My Grandma always recognized this intuitively, calling it "from rags to riches to rags in three generations". My fellow economists, of course, have a much fancier label - we call it "regression towards the mean". Basically, the idea is that, from a given "family", an exceptional individual will arise and accumulate a decent fortune. His/her descendants will tend to be less exceptional and will tend to squander said fortune, thus regressing toward the average. And vice versa.

I personally reckon that I have witnessed the phenomenon in many instances, but if anyone thinks it doesn't happen, they would just have to read this SMH story to be convinced otherwise. This plonker seems to have squandered almost half his sizeable fortune on this ludicrous claim.

Speaking of SMH (Sydney Morning Herald), I have read, on this blog, several amusing interpretations of this anagram lately, such as "Socialist Morning Herald" and "Singing Marxist Hymns". I reckon we can come up with heaps more for this rag - any takers?

I'll contribute the following. In celebration of "columnist" Margot Kingston, how about "Silly Moaning Hore", complete with obligatory spelling mistake!

Posted by: Bavarian Weissbier at November 13, 2004 at 09:43 PM

How about Stupid Howling Moonbats

Posted by: El-Diablo at November 13, 2004 at 10:10 PM

Dear Bloghead, a suggestion. Everyday, just post this link and then just let the blogsheep blaze away with today's rivetting edition of "vilification of Kofi Annan". Afterall, any excuse will do, and it will save your poor delicate fingers some serious cutting and pasting action for the really important issues that we cover here on Blogmire Central Command.

Posted by: Miranda Divide at November 14, 2004 at 04:36 AM


link again...

Posted by: Miranda Divide at November 14, 2004 at 04:39 AM

y'know, it just doesn't matter.

Posted by: Miranda Divide at November 14, 2004 at 04:40 AM

y'know, it just doesn't matter.


Miranda, all of these idiotic posts of yours, and you just now realize this?

Besides which, one would think that an experienced troll like yourself would have the basic computer skills to make a link. Especially since the instructions are clearly written immediately above the comment box.

This says volumes about the educational and thinking abilities of the left. And since you seem to want to "de-vilify" Kofi, that says volumes about the [sarcasm] esteemed [/sarcasm] Secretary General of the United Nations.

Posted by: The Real JeffS at November 14, 2004 at 05:26 AM

Anthony, the operative phrase in McGeogh's tripe is "it all raises serious questions". "Raising serious questions" is pretty much lefty codespeak for "we'd like to insinuate this particularly idea as being true, even though we have jack-all in supporting evidence".

Posted by: PW at November 14, 2004 at 08:23 AM

My god, Miranda, you're drunk. The directions to posting a link, even one of your stupid ones, is right above the comment posting form in red letters. I do believe I am going to quit banning you -- your ineptness is too entertaining. (And by the way, don't you guys think it's an odd coincidence that Miranda reappears here around the same time that Margo creature comes back from here retreat or vacation or prison sentence or wherever she was?

Posted by: Andrea Harris at November 14, 2004 at 09:20 AM

PW is right about journalistic code: my favourite from way back is 'some have said', meaning 'we want to slander someone, but we haven't the guts so we'll attribute these comments to a non-existent third party'. But I love the bit in today's Melbourne Age about an alleged 40 suicides in the wake of the collapse of the Ansett airline: "It is a figure that is as shocking as it is difficult to prove". Er, if it's difficult to prove, i.e., unlikely to be true, then it's not shocking.

Posted by: cuckoo at November 14, 2004 at 10:49 AM

Remember how we tracked down Miranda's IP to the UN? Now she's getting upset cause we're making fun of the Secretary-General...

...Kofi, is that you?

C'mon, say it, say it!

"I am deeply concerned."

Posted by: Quentin George at November 14, 2004 at 11:19 AM

Quadmire: Four people stuck in the same mudhole.

Posted by: mojo at November 14, 2004 at 11:34 AM

Well, Quentin, maybe Miranda is one of those "special assistants" to Kofi, and assigned the duty of keeping him happy....somehow. God knows that thought makes me ill, but there it is.

And if Andrea's theory is correct, that would mean Margo/Miranda is a secret agent of the United Nations. Her employment would be secret because even the UN wouldn't admit to hiring such a terrible writer.

Posted by: The Real JeffS at November 14, 2004 at 03:18 PM

So its true? Arnotts have just won a big contract to supply the UN with their Kingston Creams?

Coffee breaks will never be the same, Margo must go down on the annans of history

Posted by: rog at November 14, 2004 at 04:19 PM