November 02, 2004


Why on earth did John Kerry keep this concealed until the election campaign was almost at an end?

In an interview broadcast Monday on CBS' "The Early Show," Kerry said voters should reject Republican charges that he's not tough enough to take charge, and he recalled HIS OWN VIETNAM EXPERIENCE.

What a vote-winner! And there’s more:

"When I turned my boat in Vietnam into an ambush and I went straight into the ambush and overran it, I didn't see George Bush or Dick Cheney at my side," Kerry said.

Maybe Bill Clinton was blocking Kerry’s view.

UPDATE. John Kerry’s aides, according to the Boston Globe, have become "increasingly superstitious":

The Massachusetts senator has even forced one of his speechwriters -- a diehard Yankees fan -- to wear a Red Sox cap full time for more than a week now in hopes of conjuring some special Boston magic.

Elsewhere on the trail, he pulls out his lucky buckeye on nearly every stop in Ohio, and still carries a four-leaf clover given to him as he bounced back in Iowa caucus polls to a surprise victory.

Where's the magic hat?

UPDATE II. Republican wonks are feeling unlucky:

I spent the better part of Monday on the phone with Republican Hill staffer after Republican Hill staffer after … well, you get the picture. I was on the phone a lot. The question we all asked each other: “What are you hearing?” The conventional wisdom from the DC GOP kids? House Republicans will be fine, pick up of maybe three in the US Senate, but Bush will lose. Again, this is not based on "inside" numbers, it's just the feelings of those Hill staffers we talked to. (Bear in mind, Hill staffers tend to think everyone is stupid except them, so take it for what it’s worth.)

Posted by Tim Blair at November 2, 2004 11:00 PM

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Posted by: tim at November 2, 2004 at 11:03 PM

he was in vietnam?

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at November 2, 2004 at 11:04 PM

I thought it might be the hair blocking the view.

Still it will be hair today, gone tomorrow. Bye Bye Kerry.

Compare the hair techniques of the candidates.

Posted by: dawn at November 2, 2004 at 11:24 PM

Nice last minute attacks on kerry that don't seem to be coherent in the least.

Who cares if kerry got scratched or whatever and got medals. I don't care about the medals, I care that he volunteered to go as a soldier. Not a draft dodging clinton, not a "military journalist" gore... and not a republican chickenhawk

He just went and did his duty, so lay off.

And before you say "but he's using it to advantage by saluting the crowd and saying 'reporting for duty'" how about we look at Bush in his flight gear on the deck of an aircraft carrier with that oh so infamous banner over his head.

Bottom line is, even if Kerry didn't become an all-american rambo he still volunteered and went as a soldier. Which is more than can be said for Bush.

So I think you guys should lay off and stop bashing ANYONE who has done their military service and duty.

Posted by: layoff at November 2, 2004 at 11:39 PM

I'm crying a real tear, "layoff."

Posted by: Andrea Harris at November 2, 2004 at 11:52 PM

look I don't care if you are left or right, the facts are that kerry did a more involved service to his country re: Vietnam than Bush did.

And it doesn't matter if you think the war was wrong or right, you support the troops. Criticise the politicians if you will, but not troops.

Just like with this war in Iraq, to which I was opposed (but not to the war on terror), they are our soldiers, they follow orders. So they shouldn't be spat on like those stupid accusations against kerry.

Go look at McCain, Bush used the same tactics against him. He's a freakin' war hero and they played so freakin dirty. I am sick of chickenhawks attacking good men who signed up for their country. It's a disgrace. Attack his haircut, his stance on abortion or whatever, but don't attack his military record. That is just outright scum-baggery and there are a hell of alot of servicemen who agree with me, we may or may not like kerry's other stuff, that's not the point. The point is that you shouldn't diss out on someone who volunteered to serve their country in a time of war.

I suggest people stfu on this topic, because the more they diss out servicemen like kerry or mccain the more they show that they are not patriots. Because you could ONLY be a america-hating (or australia-hating) person if you diss out on the servicemen.

Posted by: layoff at November 3, 2004 at 12:09 AM

I have something here that’s not exactly a bombshell, but I wish I had remembered it when Kerry spoke of a “global test.

Joe Biden is Kerry’s man for Secretary of State. And what of the “global test” for our actions in the war against the terrorists?

Some here may remember this. October 2003, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, a Wesley Clark operative, & other Dems met with Euro social democrats to discuss “common strategies” & “political globalization” & concerns over “European concern over current US foreign policy and the effects of globalization” (presumably economic), a meeting for preparing in case the left regains simultaneous power on both sides of the Atlantic. (Since then, the EU twice threatened to target electorally important US states with retaliatory tariffs in response to Bush Administration policies. Spoiling for a fight, it seemed.) Anyway, the Dems & Eurosocs have some strategic planning in place. Technically at least, the Eurosocs are much further to the left than the US Dems with whom they met. So at the least, the meeting was indeed about strategies, whether or not it was also about ideology. “Political globalization” sounds ominous indeed.

“Labour forges ties with US' Democrats” Aftenposten (Norway), Oct. 23, 2003. The meeting seems to have snuck under most press radar. Rush Limbaugh once read this article on the air but got the date wrong—he thought it was current. The article’s Web page at that time was a little more confusing about the date than it is now.


Norway's Labour Party is joining other European social democrats in linking up with the Democrats in the US. The goal is to be prepared with common strategies if a majority of them on both sides of the Atlantic come back to power.

A group of European social democrats, led by former British Foreign Minister Robin Cook, met last week with several top Democratic politicians and party officials. They included US senators Hilary Clinton and Joseph Biden.

They also had meetings with Ron Klain of presidential candidate Wesley Clark's campaign, and Stan Greenberg, former US President Bill Clinton's campaign strategist in 1992.

On the agenda was European concern over current US foreign policy and the effects of globalization.

Espen Barth Eide, who led the Norwegian delegation, said the group met understanding that economic globalization must be accompanied by political globalization.

In an Indonesian article elsewhere but no longer online, I read (with the aid of online automatic translation) that the meeting took place in New York.

Posted by: ForNow at November 3, 2004 at 12:11 AM

Sorry, I messed up. The direct quote includes the unitalicized “Espen Barth Eide, who led the Norwegian delegation, said the group met understanding that economic globalization must be accompanied by political globalization.”

Posted by: ForNow at November 3, 2004 at 12:13 AM

So Layoff, how about we limit the vote to only those who served in combat? What do you think Kerry's chances would be?
How about we limit it to members of the Coastal Patrol Unit that were there in Vietnam with him?

Posted by: monkeyboy at November 3, 2004 at 12:15 AM

So I think you guys should lay off and stop bashing ANYONE who has done their military service and duty.

Hitler was an accomplished soldier in WWI. Nobody ever bash Hitler again, ya hear me!

Posted by: PW at November 3, 2004 at 12:17 AM

Kerry was in Vietnam?!

Golly, too bad I already voted for Bush.

Posted by: jungus at November 3, 2004 at 12:22 AM

Layoff needs to layoff the expresso beans and lattes. Methinks your heartrate is way too high; if you don't, your cardiovascular system might shut down before the election results are annnounced tonight.

Posted by: The Real JeffS at November 3, 2004 at 12:30 AM

Oh, by the way.....Kerry was in Vietnam? I never knew!

Posted by: The Real JeffS at November 3, 2004 at 12:30 AM





ABSENT — US Senate

Posted by: richard mcenroe at November 3, 2004 at 12:36 AM

How can you see to type with all those tears in your eyes, layoff?

Posted by: Andrea Harris at November 3, 2004 at 12:39 AM

It’s so funny to hear people who hate the military rant against “dissing” the serviceman Kerry. Then they shift tactics when it comes to servicemen—hundreds of swift boat vets & ex-POWs, including ex-POW George “Bud” Day, the USA’s most highly decorated living veteran—criticizing ex-serviceman Kerry whose service discharge remains clouded by his now admitted keeping secret of records.

Posted by: ForNow at November 3, 2004 at 12:47 AM

Elsewhere on the trail, he pulls out his lucky buckeye on nearly every stop in Ohio

That'll wow the voters. I've lived in Ohio (``The Buckeye State'') for 30 years and don't know what a buckeye is. Google suggests it's a nut, or perhaps a tree.

He'd do better with a highway construction barrel, the state flower.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at November 3, 2004 at 12:58 AM

No, Ron, that's the NATION's flower. We've had a site in Hampton that's been under construction for oh, about 25 years. And I'd like to get a hold of whoever designed the on ramp from Chippenham to I-95 in Richmond and make him do traffic control. It's a @%#$ nightmare. There's an accident there at least twice a week.

Sorry, you kind of touched a nerve there (almost got sideswiped this morning on the way to work after voting). This ends the rant for today.

And layoff, you really need to up your meds.

Imperial Keeper

Posted by: Elizabeth at November 3, 2004 at 01:15 AM

Christie Brinkley calls in to Imus's radio/TV program this morning at 8:06 to dispel the Bush operative Kerry-Mushroom-Cloud meme

May her call be in time to soothe jittery American moms!

Posted by: Ron Hardin at November 3, 2004 at 01:36 AM

It wasn't just Clinton blocking his view. How about Edwards,and the ghosts of FDR, Wilson and Lincoln. Hopefully, it will dawn on some voters that they are standing in line with no analogous experience to Jakarta and Madrid to contemplate. Somebody must have done something right.

Posted by: YoJimbo at November 3, 2004 at 02:07 AM

Kerry was in Vietnam?

BTW,, Kerry applied for the Swifts because they were not involved in combat ops. It was after he was accepted that they were given new orders. And Bush, on the other hand, volunteered to go to Vietnam, but the F-102s he flew were being pulled from combat and rotated back to the states because they were not successful in Vietnam, and in case you did not realize, it takes the military a bunch of time and money to retrain pilots to fly new aircraft types, so he was not sent over. So layoff the Kerry bravado crap. He tried to get out, just was a victim of timing.

Posted by: Crusader at November 3, 2004 at 02:11 AM

And it doesn't matter if you think the war was wrong or right, you support the troops. Criticise the politicians if you will, but not troops.

Just like with this war in Iraq, to which I was opposed (but not to the war on terror), they are our soldiers, they follow orders. So they shouldn't be spat on like those stupid accusations against kerry.

Or like how Kerry falsely accused his "Band of Brothers" of war crimes after he came home, right?

Posted by: Syd Barret at November 3, 2004 at 02:26 AM

I think the buckeye is really a goat's eye

Posted by: The Real JeffS at November 3, 2004 at 02:27 AM

I wonder why the Kerry campaign waited until now to release this little tidbit. I suppose they didn't want to capitalize on his service and imply that his experience as a Navy LT in Vietnam is sufficient qualification for Commander in Chief. If only I had gotten this information before I voted for Bush.

All kidding aside, I'm happy to take his military career at face value. He did more than some, and I applaud his service. It's his actions immediately on returning to the US and subsequent political career that give me pause.

Posted by: SPY at November 3, 2004 at 03:08 AM

Kerry a Vietnam vet? Oh—nowww I get the story about his saving that hamster or gerbil. Which was it?

I just googled, found it was a hamster, & found this too, which I’d never seen before: “Sauce for the Hamster: Vets debunk Kerry's hamster rescue,” by William Saletan, Posted Aug. 9, 2004, Slate.

Today a group of Massachusetts animal-care professionals, Swift Boat Veterinarians for Truth, launched an advertising campaign...


Vet No. 2: John Kerry has not been honest about what happened.

Vet No. 1: He's lying about the hamster.

Vet No. 3: I know John Kerry is lying about the hamster, because I treated the hamster for that injury.

(On-screen: X-ray)

Vet No. 4: I took care of that retriever since he was a puppy. He would never hurt another living thing. John Kerry has besmirched the honor of every dog who ever served.

(On-screen: guide dog leading veteran)


These are seasoned veterinarians “dissing” Kerry’s veteinary skills, I wonder what poster above has to say about that.

Posted by: ForNow at November 3, 2004 at 04:00 AM

Why applaud Kerry's Vietnam Service? He isn't proud of it, or he would release his military records for all to see and be proud of him too. To me he got caught in a Swiftboat change of mission, trumped up 3 Purple Hearts, dumped his crew, and got out of Dodge.

When he got back he revved up his antiwar activities and received a less than honorable discharge. Can I prove it? No! Can Layoff prove me wrong? No! Both are speculating until he releases the records. I will never forgive the MSM for not hounding him like they hounded Bush over his records.

If all there is to his records is overwhelming praise and admiration, he'd release them in a minute and rub Bush's nose in it. This emperor has no clothes!

Posted by: EddieP at November 3, 2004 at 04:27 AM

I asked my ex-husband on the phone today (our youngest with her 3 kids moved back in with him so I have to deal with it) about his honorable discharge from the service (1966-1969) and whether he had had to have a board of review with it. He said that no, he didn't. That no one he knew did.

That's why Kerry won't release his records. He was probably granted amnesty by President Carter (spit!), and the board of review cleared him to get an honorable discharge.

I'd voted for a person who was trained to fly fighter jets over a person who cut and ran as quickly as he could from combat.

Imperial Keeper

Posted by: Elizabeth at November 3, 2004 at 04:47 AM

Hey Layoff, you need to wake up.

As has been mentioned - both tried to avoid infantry duty. Kerry thought he was being safe, when suddenly the mission changed and he got sent over. In actuality, based upon mortality reports, Bush had the more dangerous duty, although I will concede that being on a river in Nam wouldn't be a great experience. Kerry lied about his wounds in order to get out ASAP where he turned on his band of brothers and lied about his experiences in order to further his political ambitions. Oh and by the way, I can say that he was not intially honorably discharged, otherwise the hearing held on his record in the military never would have happened. I don't know exactly what he got, but he was not honorably discharged. None of what I have written is opinion, but rather all researchable from reputable sources. Layoff, if you think Kerry cares about the military, you shouldn't be voting. He hates America because of its strength, and its resting upon the tradions and institutions that made this country great. He hates it all. He is dangerous and if he wins, will be a one termer with a presidency more damaging than Carters. (so now we know why carter wants him elected)

And to all those Washington staffers, grab a drink. Bush will easily win the overall and grab around 300 EC votes. It will not be a late night overall. Plus Daschle looks to be on his last legs, thank goodness.

Posted by: JEM at November 3, 2004 at 05:13 AM

Also, late deciders are not breaking hard for Kerry. The election is over. Now the GOP just has to protect from fraud in PA, OH, FL.

Posted by: JEM at November 3, 2004 at 05:14 AM