October 05, 2004
"I don't cross picket lines," claims pro-union John Kerry. "I never have."
Unionists will be interested in this casting call for a John Kerry commercial. Find the key words ...
Posted by Tim Blair at October 5, 2004 05:02 PMWhat if they gave a casting call and nobody came?
Kerry, after cutting and running from combat after four months, became famous by undermining the spirit of Americans still fighting in Vietnam. Now Kerry is trying to induce yet more young Americans to follow his footsteps of getting national face time by putting their comrades at risk.
aw they're looking for real live military personnel--what do you think the crossover between that and SAG is?
wonder who they'll find...someone I'm sure.
Posted by: marc at October 5, 2004 at 05:48 PMSure they won't employ union labour, but you get great fringe benefits: free hairstyling and manicure.
Posted by: fidens at October 5, 2004 at 05:50 PMThat's too funny, Tim. You made me spit my coffee. Are you saying that the US military ought to be unionized? Or are you saying that Kerry should maintain his integrity by hiring union actors and faking the interviews?
June 29, 2004 — While Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry addressed education during a speech at Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, critics of Daimler-Chrysler picketed outside the building. news
as a serving member of the us armed forces, i can say that this commercial, if made, will be a violation of the uniform code of military justice. the second any of the people in the commercial mention their service in associattion with any political campaign they're subject to prosecution. no mention of rank, title or wearing of the uniform in conjunction with political statements is allowed.
Posted by: roger at October 5, 2004 at 09:16 PMKerry is once again reviving his post Vietnam 'monster' fabrications by calling for soldiers to speak against their Commander-in-Chief.
Posted by: susan at October 6, 2004 at 12:33 AMRoger is correct. Participating in political activities in uniform is against regulations. If that person is still on active duty, or serving with the Guard or Reserves, they are subject to UCMJ or the state equivalent (if on drill status).
That won't stop the disaffected, though.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at October 6, 2004 at 12:39 AMwoe betide anyone who appears in uniform in a political ad. once they are discharged, it would be different, but they are then not allowed to be in uniform for a different reason. i don't think anyone would make a case for punishing someone in the IRR (discharged from active duty, still available for recall) maybe the Kerry campaign should do themselves a favor and check the DD-214 paperwork from the purported veterans that they get. it would be embarrassing for them to get a repeat of the Winter Soldier fake veteran testimony.
Posted by: Sean at October 6, 2004 at 02:15 AMHere's another non-union casting call. It's for
Billionaires for Bush
I'm sure they are looking for 'positive' 'Wrong-War-Wrong-Time' personnel willing to say
“No American boy or girl should lose their lives for oil,” -- Teresa Heinz-Kerry(D)
Posted by: DANEgerus at October 6, 2004 at 09:05 AMThat's too funny, Tim. You made me spit my coffee. Are you saying that the US military ought to be unionized? Or are you saying that Kerry should maintain his integrity by hiring union actors and faking the interviews?
So, are you saying that those guys holding the cameras and doing the lights are going to be military personnel? Because I was under the impression that they wanted them to be in the commercial, not making it.
I'm sure I've missed something in what you meant, because you're obviously a genius. Could you explain it to me?
Posted by: Sortelli at October 6, 2004 at 12:24 PMSortelli: No, I'm definitely not a genius, but - since you were so polite - I'll explain my reasoning.
The page Tim pointed to was a casting call. The "Union Status" pertains to the actors in the commercial. If you have a look around other pages on the lacasting.com site, you'll see the unions they commonly mention are SAG and AFTRA - actors unions. I was saying nothing about holding the cameras and doing the lights.
roger, Sean and The Real JeffS make a point about the casting call that really is worth pursuing.
Posted by: Alan Green at October 7, 2004 at 10:14 AM