September 04, 2004


At last, a reason to once again read Crikey: P.P. McGuinness has joined as a contributor during the Australian election!

Pity the poor press gallery. With less than a week of the election campaign elapsed, they are running out of things to say. So already they are saying the same things over and over. These are, mainly, the repetition of their own Big Lie that John Howard is a liar and cannot be trusted. The hope is clearly that this simple message will penetrate into the electorate outside the chattering classes and cause of swing against the government.

I may have to respond to this by hiring Frank Devine. Meanwhile, here's how the Crikey/McGuinness deal was sealed.

Posted by Tim Blair at September 4, 2004 03:10 PM


You've enjoyed the pleasure of learning at close quarters how our electoral process works--basically that one party makes speeches while its opponents stand outside screaming "Shut up!" and abusing conventioneers on the sidewalks.

I wish I could travel to Oz (especially as the weather grows colder up here) but please know that I am, in spirit, screaming at Mr. Latham to shut up and telling his supporters, "You don't don't belong here! Fuck off! Go back to [wherever leftie Aussie douche bags live] !!!"

I offer this in the interests of furthering democracy and extending free speech rights.

Posted by: JDB at September 4, 2004 at 03:37 PM

The response from Mike Carlton is hilarious.

First he decries McGuinness's "swingeing ad hominem attacks" and then he uses the following words:

"odious", "rabidly", "Murdoch paymasters", "psychotic", "Fat arse", "Dull, dismal and discarded", "wallows in misery and loathing", "halfway sentient after the pub", "a fuckup", "an ignoramus", "a complete shit", "a dill", "loopy blatherings", etcetera.

Well. Thanks for the dispassionate analysis, Mike.

Posted by: a at September 4, 2004 at 03:48 PM

[wherever leftie Aussie douche bags live]

Newtown, mate, Newtown.

Posted by: Quentin George at September 4, 2004 at 07:01 PM

Lefty (and Loony) capital of Australia:

Byron Bay!!!

(Hint: the Margoyle inhabits a cave or maybe a tree house somewhere around there)

Posted by: Pedro the Ignorant at September 4, 2004 at 10:22 PM

"So already they are saying the same things over and over. These are, mainly, the repetition of their own Big Lie that John Howard is a liar and cannot be trusted."

Could swap these for the press in the US. They say pretty much the same things about Bush over and over.

Wouldn't you think they'd realize that after the 100th repetition of the same old stuff it's time to think of something else to say?

Posted by: Chris Josephson at September 4, 2004 at 11:15 PM

The problem of the liar that cannot be trusted was solved by a reader of Scientific American long ago. Ask him if he knows that they're giving away free beer in the village, and then follow him whatever he says.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at September 5, 2004 at 12:03 AM

Tim, please enlist Frank. If not, Miranda(the real one). Yeah, chicks dat talk real. Maybe Janet. Or whoever's at hand. Use your contacts...

Quentin, it's Nudown, mate, Nudown...

Posted by: jafa at September 5, 2004 at 07:23 AM

Isn't it interesting that Australia is having the same kind of political rumble as the U.S., at just about the same time? More evidence that Australians and Americans are brothers/sisters/cousins. Might we contemplate the day when America becomes a state in Australia?

Posted by: Rebecca at September 5, 2004 at 12:15 PM

Giving Paddy a gong for services to journalism is the equivalent of giving Pol pot an award for human rights.
I'm not sure who is the bigger dill, Tim Blair or PPM?

Posted by: jimbo at September 5, 2004 at 09:11 PM

Rebecca - yeah. In both countries the left had perfectly reasonable candidates available, and dumped them in favour of a total plonker. You'd think they want to lose or something.

Your plan is a good one. United States of America and Australia. Another seven stars... No problem, a 10-9-10-9-10-9 pattern works for that.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at September 5, 2004 at 09:22 PM


Better still. Employ margoyle!


Posted by: neoconchick at September 6, 2004 at 04:23 PM

Huge claims, Jimbo. Care to back them with argument.

Posted by: slatts at September 6, 2004 at 06:04 PM