March 16, 2004


Having interviewed the entire Spanish electorate, the Sydney Morning Herald’s Peter Hartcher files this report:

The Spanish voters removed their government yesterday not for failing to prevent a terrorist attack but because it was seen to be exploiting the train bombings for political purposes.

Man. I get better stuff than this from trolls.

Posted by Tim Blair at March 16, 2004 02:52 AM

The we've hit the spin-cycle in this white wash.

The euro-wheenies all the sudden realize that appeasement will foster more terrorism, so they must make it seem as if the Socialist win in Spain was not a vote for appeasement.

Posted by: Dwayne at March 16, 2004 at 03:00 AM

"There is an important national task at hand. The attack on Spain is a powerful warning. We should all take heed."

yes we should. we should make sure the tanks on the Enola Gay are topped off.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at March 16, 2004 at 03:02 AM

My question is, how will removing Spanish troops from Iraq help in the fight against terrorism? Aren't the Spanish troops fighting terrorists in Iraq RIGHT FRIGGING NOW??

How do people reach this level of stupidity?

Posted by: Tman at March 16, 2004 at 03:19 AM

silly, there are no terrorists in iraq; only future halliburton employees

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at March 16, 2004 at 03:25 AM

You miss the liberal philosophy – not only must you do what they want, you must do it for the correct reason.

The Spanish can’t change their government because they fear the terrorists, it must be because the conservative government is wrong and bad and evil.

If you do what they want you to do for the wrong reason then they aren’t perfect.

Posted by: Ike Jones at March 16, 2004 at 03:29 AM

Oh, I get it now....Spain wants to remove the troops from Iraq to fight the terrorists at home, right? Right? Because it's much easier to fight them on trains and buses in Spain than deserts in Basra, right? Right?

I see this dastardly logic, my what a cunning bunch.

I give them six months before the true caliphate begins to take hold.

Posted by: Tman at March 16, 2004 at 03:38 AM

Focusing on gov't "mistakes" instead of focusing on our common enemy... personalized, non-stop attacks on a strong leader for partisan political gain in an election year...

Why does it all sound so nauseatingly familiar? For the first time, I have a gruesome vision of John F'ng Kerry taking the oath of office next Jan, and it angers me greatly.

We've all got to redouble our efforts and keep the leftist tide from washing over us.

Posted by: geezer at March 16, 2004 at 04:05 AM

how open is Australia to US immigrants?

Posted by: aaron at March 16, 2004 at 04:17 AM

"Man. I get better stuff than this from trolls."

That's right and soon your gonna read my byline in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Posted by: IXLNXS at March 16, 2004 at 04:51 AM

That's right and soon your gonna read my byline in the Sydney Morning Herald.

With your grammar and puncuation it wouldn't surprise me at all to see your name near Margo's.

Posted by: Matt Moore at March 16, 2004 at 06:01 AM

That's right and soon your gonna read my byline in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Upholding the fine tradition of truth, accuracy, and objective reporting, no doubt.

Posted by: david at March 16, 2004 at 06:42 AM

"That's right and soon your gonna read my byline in the Sydney Morning Herald."

You mean we haven't already? Myxy & Fairfax are a natural match! Get out the cheque book Fred, and sign this major new talent - but I wouldn't wait long to cash it if I were you Myxy.

Of course if I was you, I'd have self-esteem problems.

Posted by: Craig Mc at March 16, 2004 at 07:45 AM

Many many people are trying to say that it was because of the coverup that the Spanish voted as they did, not because of appeasement. But I don't understand, since the supposed coverup lasted less than 48 hours. Ask yourself why the Socialists were so hard up on it being Al Qaeda, and why PP was so hard up on it being ETA.


Posted by: JohnG at March 16, 2004 at 12:58 PM

Based on the load of gutless drivel I've just read here, Australia has already surrendered.

Posted by: Jimi at March 16, 2004 at 02:21 PM