March 03, 2004


Up to 150 people have been murdered in attacks on Shi’ite shrines in Iraq. Thaer al-Shimri, a member of the Shi'ite Al-Dawa party, wonders: "How is it possible that any man let alone a Muslim man does this on the day of al-Hussein. Today war has been launched on Islam."

In one northern Baghdad attack:

Four suicide attackers blew themselves up at the Shi'ite mosque, security guards said.

"There were four suicide attackers. One blew himself up at the entrance of the mosque, the other in the heart of the building, and the other two at a side entrance," said Diya Ismail, one of the guards. He said he found a hand still clutching an unexploded grenade.

If fundamentalists can’t kill infidel westerners overseas, they kill Muslims in the Middle East. Anyone care to suggest a “root cause” that these Muslims should blame for their deaths? What have the Shi’ites done to make Islamic suicide killers hate them so?

Posted by Tim Blair at March 3, 2004 02:12 AM

Islam is the root cause. I say better to kill each other than infidels.

Posted by: Reid of America at March 3, 2004 at 02:17 AM

Thats an asinine thing to say. There was a time when Protestants and Catholics killed each other.

Just when things were beggining to improve in Iraq, this happens. They aren't targeting Muslims, they are targeting the successful transition of Iraq into a functioning Islamic democracy. They want the US to fail, because if this experiment is successful, then the rest of the middle east will follow and fundamentalism will die with the despots.

Posted by: Josh at March 3, 2004 at 02:26 AM

You're right on about Bush loosing the friendship of the American people if he didn't take care of Iraq. I was very pissed that we didn't go in in the fall '02. If Bush didn't make the big decision, I would have lost all respect him.

Posted by: aaron at March 3, 2004 at 02:34 AM

Doh! Wrong post, sorry.

Posted by: aaron at March 3, 2004 at 02:36 AM

The people who actually orchestrated the suicide bombing are trying to start a war between Shi'ites and Sunnis, so that Iraq will collapse into chaos, and likely drag the whole Middle East down with it. We must not let this happen.

For the suicide bombers themselves, it's one of two things. They actually believe they'll get into heaven for murder, or the whole point of it all is the murder... of as many people as they can reach. Either way, I believe there's a special room in hell for them.

Posted by: Rebecca at March 3, 2004 at 02:41 AM

How many 4-man teams? Five? Are we seeing the AQ 20-man cell at work?

Posted by: mojo at March 3, 2004 at 04:25 AM

How many 4-man teams? Five? Are we seeing the AQ 20-man cell at work?

Posted by: mojo at March 3, 2004 at 04:28 AM

Thats an asinine thing to say. There was a time when Protestants and Catholics killed each other.

Thank you, Josh. You're absolutely right. Can we lay off the idiotic anti-Islamic one-liners? There's plenty to criticize legitimately without making dimbulb comments like that. I want to see the Islamic world brought into the 21st century, not blowing itself up.

Posted by: Sortelli at March 3, 2004 at 04:36 AM

Supposedly, Sunni mullahs issued a fatwa just a day or two ago telling Sunnis that it ain't kosher to murder fellow Muslims.

Either news travels slow in that region, or Sunnis don't consider Shia real Moslems, or Muslims are incapable of managing their affairs like civilized people, or they mistook the mosques for synagogues.

I think it's funny.

Posted by: Harry Eagar at March 3, 2004 at 04:36 AM

It's all the fault of the Great Satan, who has loosed [note correct usage of "loose"] brainwashed Muslims on the world of Islam to kill Muslims. There's no way any right-thinking Muslim would kill another. Death to the infidel!

Posted by: Tommy Shanks at March 3, 2004 at 04:41 AM

I'm available to take care of any problems.

Posted by: Mr. T at March 3, 2004 at 04:52 AM

The Shia have two paths to follow: (1) work with the interim authority/US and help track down the cells and networks in a lawful and systematic way or (2) unless the fury of their own fighters and essentially start a civil war.

No. 2 cannot happen and must not be allowed to happen. That means give the Shia whatever they want in terms of power in a new government, whatever. If the Sunni's object, just stop returning their phone calls. The Sunni's will get the picture and take care of item (1) themselves (as they should)

Posted by: James at March 3, 2004 at 05:39 AM

You hit it, Harry. They aren't capable of managing their affairs like civilized people, period.

Posted by: Kevin at March 3, 2004 at 05:46 AM

Frankly, I would be happy if muslims turned their idiotic aggresion toward themselves rather then us. Let's hope they blow themselves to hell.

Posted by: Cello at March 3, 2004 at 06:16 AM

Hopefully this will illustrate to Pilger, Chomsky, Tariq Ali et al that these people are not "freedom fighters" or trying for a better Iraq, merely bloody mass-murderers.

I don't hold my breath for them to realise this, though.

Very sad. Just when things were picking up.

Posted by: Quentin George at March 3, 2004 at 06:31 AM

"If fundamentalists can’t kill infidel westerners overseas, they kill Muslims in the Middle East. Anyone care to suggest a “root cause” that these Muslims should blame for their deaths? What have the Shi’ites done to make Islamic suicide killers hate them so?"

Ask the Phat Phart, the Kingston witch and the simpering Marr from M.W. They'll have the "answers"! It'll be John Howards fault!

Posted by: Kate at March 3, 2004 at 06:43 AM

George W. Bush is to blame. [Convoluted, internally contradictory, factless argument purporting to tie suicide bombings aimed at Shia to Halliburton, Skull and Bones and the Texas Rangers]. Anybody but Bush.

It's so simple. WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THIS?

Posted by: Tongue Boy at March 3, 2004 at 07:18 AM

Terrorists are flocking to Iraq like moths to a flame; and since they are essentially becomming more ineffective everyday (anyone actually think the US Military couldn't figure out a way to place electronic jammers on hum-vees?), they have one last gasp: starting cival strife.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are SMACK DAB in the war on terror. Place your finger on the map and look where Iraq is; dead center (pun intended) of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia - ding ding ding we have a winner! Anyone that thinks that Operation Iraq freedom is a distraction from the war on terror is a complete blithering idiot. Lets keep the terrorists fighting our heavily armed military on Iraqi soil instead of American soil please.

Posted by: mateo_g at March 3, 2004 at 07:47 AM

The Prophet (PBUH) had barely settled in his tomb before factions that later became known as Sunnis and Shia started killing each other. These latest attacks are merely a despicable attempt to tap into 1,400 years of animosity.

Posted by: the swanker at March 3, 2004 at 07:55 AM

It's simple folks! Someone has to die violently on an almost daily basis or they get withdrawal symptoms. It says so in the Koran. Cant get hold of any Jews, Christians or Hindus, well looks like it's our own this time..sorry folks! Boom!!! ah thats better.

Posted by: Dog at March 3, 2004 at 08:42 AM

To give a strong hint Timbo. Wahabbists regard Shias as worse than either Jews or Christians.
Take a look at what happened to Afghanistan indeed then cogitate on why the people on the Tampa ( who were Shias)were desperate get away from that place.

Posted by: Homer Paxton at March 3, 2004 at 09:08 AM

Luckily, Iraq will soon be a peaceful Western-style democracy, a veritable sanctuary of freedom and a thriving commercial hub of the Middle East.

Posted by: Michael at March 3, 2004 at 10:15 AM

OK Homer! I guess that makes it okay, then!

And here we thought all along that terrorist aggression was just an expression of justified but regretably violent anti-colonialist Islamic anger, but now that you have explained for us how they actually just want to use violence to oppress their enemies, Islamic and infidel alike, I guess we should get back to kicking their pathetic asses like a good bunch of warmongering imperialistic neocons. For ourselves and for peaceful muslims everywhere.

It's a good thing Robert Fisk didn't get his ass blown off or he'd be in the hospital whining about how he'd blow his own ass off too if he was in their shoes.

Posted by: Sortelli at March 3, 2004 at 10:16 AM

Shia in Pakistan are also being targetted.

Posted by: ilibcc at March 3, 2004 at 10:42 AM

"Either news travels slow in that region, or Sunnis don't consider Shia real Moslems,"

That's the answer.

Check out Ask an Imam (a Sunni site). Full of stuff about Shias not being Moslems. They're just Kufrs.

Posted by: F at March 3, 2004 at 11:30 AM

Sortelli, can we lay off the idiotic anti-Fisk one-liners? There's plenty to criticize legitimately without making dimbulb comments like that. I want to see Fisk brought into the 21st century, not getting his ass blown off.

Posted by: Miranda Divide at March 3, 2004 at 12:29 PM

Bugger that, I reckon I'd pay to see Fisk get his arse/ass blown off.

Posted by: Razor at March 3, 2004 at 01:18 PM


So you're saying Fisk is an idiot who's behind the times now, eh?

Posted by: Sortelli at March 3, 2004 at 01:37 PM

Well Meander Deride,

Fisk needs to be brought into the 21st Century?

Do you need help?

Can I lend you my Cluebat?

Or should we just give him a Shi-ite identity and a one way ticket?

Posted by: Fool to Himself and Burden to Others at March 3, 2004 at 04:21 PM

There's plenty to criticize legitimately without making dimbulb comments like that.

Well...we could criticise you instead, Randy. But you had a whinge about that in the other thread.


Posted by: Quentin George at March 3, 2004 at 04:29 PM

This is an Australian blog, so would all you bloody foreigners please learn the difference between "pissed" and "pissed off". Also between "ass" and "arse".

Thank you kindly.

Posted by: John Elliot at March 3, 2004 at 05:40 PM

In reply to :

Anyone care to suggest a root cause that these Muslims should blame for their deaths?
The answer is, of course, the Jews. And the Circus Bicycle Riders.

Any bets that MEMRI won't be reporting Arab newsagencies saying it was all done by the Israelis and US Crusaders, oh, within 3 days?

Posted by: Alan E Brain at March 3, 2004 at 07:39 PM

John Elliot: if you don't like the way we foreigners talk, piss off.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at March 3, 2004 at 08:15 PM

Who (or what) is Fisk?

Should I care, and why do we seem to take any
viewpoint other than our own as an affront to
our sexuality. If you are having a discussion over morning tea, you never hear the vitriol
that is dripping from these discussions


Posted by: PatD at March 3, 2004 at 08:15 PM

Angus Cook (May his Tribe Increase!) just posted the following to me:

"This is the work of Jews and American occupation forces," a loudspeaker outside Kazimiya blared. Inside, cleric Hassan Toaima told an angry crowd, "We demand to know who did this so that we can avenge our martyrs"
Source : SFGate

Posted by: Alan E Brain at March 3, 2004 at 11:08 PM

Just wait until the terrorists find out that they will have no penises in Paradise if they kill other Moslems.

Posted by: Ron Nord at March 4, 2004 at 02:46 AM

Can we arrange to have Miranda blow herself up in order to blow Fisk's arse off? I'd pay to see it.

Posted by: JorgXMcKie at March 4, 2004 at 06:40 AM

Did the carnage have any effect on Iraqi oil production? No? Then I don't give a damn...

Posted by: Sean at March 4, 2004 at 10:41 AM