January 21, 2004
Mentioned in this week’s Continuing Crisis column for The Bulletin are Paul Keating, Don Watson, John Howard, Steve Waugh, Denis Compton, Thomas Lord, Mark Latham, George Lucas, Molly Ivins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clive James, Clive Barnes, Howard Dean, Al Gore, Paul Krugman, Wesley Clark, John Kerry, Chris Textor, George W. Bush, Harold Shipman, David Blunkett, Frances Crook, and Harry Fletcher.
Plus there’s this:
So many of Australia's National Living Treasures have ceased living since they were elected in 1997 that the National Trust is running a new election to find some replacements. Most already on the list are completely unacceptable – Peter Garrett, Judy Davis, Bob Brown, Cheryl Kernot, Michael Leunig, Phillip Adams – and new treasures will likely include pointless anti-war types such as Andrew Wilkie and Richard Neville. This column therefore demands you vote for Crown Prosecutor Margaret Cunneen, the woman who put paedophile Robert "Dolly" Dunn away for 30 years and secured a record 55-year sentence for Sydney rape-gang leader Bilal Skaf. Send your vote here.
Also: conspiracy theories.
Is Phil Ruddock on the list ?? If not, he should be.
Posted by: Johnny Wishbone at January 21, 2004 at 07:16 PMI have nominated Tim Blair and suggest others do the same.
Posted by: sue at January 21, 2004 at 07:27 PMI second that motion, and will be voting thusly.
Nice little piece of writing on conspiracy theories, Tim! Are you branching out a bit at the Bulletin?
Posted by: Bob Bunnett at January 21, 2004 at 09:27 PMWho the hell nominated Cheryl kernot as a National Treasure?
I'm not offended by her politics, so much as the fact that she's too damn mediocre to be a National Treasure.
Posted by: EvilPundit at January 21, 2004 at 10:25 PMSome are unhappy with Harold Shipman hanging himself as it means they cannot find out who he killed.
Posted by: Andjam at January 21, 2004 at 10:29 PM"I'm very proud and honoured to endorse Howard Dean to be the next president of the United States of America," said former V-P Al Gore last month. This was "a momentous event", according to New York Times columnist and reliable reverse indicator Paul Krugman
'Reliable reverse indicator' Excellent. And the conspiracy theory piece was hilarious.
Posted by: Ryan W at January 22, 2004 at 06:56 AMThe doctor only did later what the death penalty would have effected much sooner.
Posted by: d at January 22, 2004 at 07:47 AMI nominate Andrew Wilkie and Richard Neville as Living National Trashers.
And for all your George Bush conspiracy needs (via Evil Pundit Of Doom).
Posted by: Craig Mc at January 22, 2004 at 08:56 AMIt's all very well and good to nominate a few newies to take over from the dead 'uns, but what I want to know is how the hell we get rid of the living dead weights who are on the list. Seriously, how the hell did the phat phuk get anywhere near a list like this?
Posted by: Todd at January 22, 2004 at 09:55 AMThe conspiracy theory piece was indeed entertaining.
Posted by: Robert at January 22, 2004 at 10:19 AMI nominate "The Happy Wanderer", Ali Bhaktiari, for his services to immigration law enforcement.
(And also his service to lawyer discreditation).
The man's a tireless advocate for deportation.
If we are going to follow the concept of National Treasures used in other countries (eg Japan, where of course they are all respected artists or cultural leaders; no journalists, commentators, politicians, rock singers or sportspeople), then we have to treat them with respect. They should be addressed properly, as in "Dear National Treasure", or in media reporting: "National Treasure, Philip Adams, said today...". Especially important national treasures, such as Malcolm Fraser, should be called "Beloved National Treasure". Use of the title "Master" is optional.
Posted by: freddyboy at January 22, 2004 at 12:46 PM