December 20, 2003
Mark Steyn is in a gambling mood:
You want to put ten thousand bucks on Wes Clark?
Megan Gressor might be after a piece of that action. It’s easy money, Meg! After all, Clark is “the man most likely to be the next US president”. Expect Margo Kingston to throw some cash around as well:
Maybe tough old General Wesley Clark, who opposed the Iraq war and is standing as a Democratic candidate for the US presidency, will help Americans recapture the vision.
The thought strikes: Margo writes a great deal about the US. I wonder how much time she’s spent there. Not much ... I bet.
Posted by Tim Blair at December 20, 2003 04:02 AMHere in the People's Republic of New York, I can tell you that the only AND I MEAN ONLY reason Clark was considered presidential timber was because the libs thought he would steal our man's military thunder. Now that Clark looks like just another babbling brook, the general at 30,000 feet, he's about to be tossed like a salad. Margo et al ought to try Earth sometimes; nice for a change from the everyday for them.
Posted by: Mark from Monroe at December 20, 2003 at 04:11 AM
If Margo's spent any time here, it's been in the rarified patchouli-scented parlors of Berkeley or Santa Monica. She certainly hasn't spent much time where regular Americans live, that's for sure.
"If Margo's spent any time here, it's been in the rarified patchouli-scented parlors of Berkeley or Santa Monica. She certainly hasn't spent much time where regular Americans live, that's for sure."
And for that you can be thankful; very thankful!
"Yes indeed, Mars is a bit far away"
No problem, once Wesley solves that pesky "speed of light" thing.
Posted by: Ken Summers at December 20, 2003 at 08:44 AMAs a psychologist, I can assure Margo that the word she is seeking is not "vision," but "hallucination." Nice try, though!
Posted by: Jerry at December 20, 2003 at 08:47 AMIt wears on the nerves having 'your betters' tell you what's best. I bet people like Margo are sorry we don't have some sort of aristocracy with the 'elite' (them) on top ruling the rest of us.
It must bother them to no end that we do not hold the views they tell us we should hold. They just keep telling us what's best for us, but we're all too stupid to listen to 'our betters'.
I wish we could gather all the 'elite' from our various countries and place them on some far away island. Let them rule each other.
Posted by: Chris Josephson at December 20, 2003 at 09:21 AMLooks like Alan Anderson made Mark's Mailbox this week, too.
Posted by: Dylan at December 20, 2003 at 11:15 AMWes is already sausage coming out of the end of the political meat grinder over here. He's made a fool of himself too many times for anyone to take him seriously any more.
Posted by: brett at December 20, 2003 at 11:40 AMI have bet the Lefties over at the Road to Surfdom $100 on the outcome of Anglospheric elections, with my money on the Right.
But it appears that Tim Dunlop's comments facility will no longer accept my posts, so action is rather muted.
I wonder if he has employed a certain Cyber-Dominatrix as his Web Mistress.
Posted by: Jack Strocchi at December 20, 2003 at 12:30 PMI'd presume the "vision" for most Americans revolves around them and their families not getting blown up by crusading Muslims. Clark doesn't seem able to turn this into reality.
Posted by: gaz at December 20, 2003 at 12:32 PMClark opposed the war? that's new!