December 05, 2003


Paternalist! Sexist! Crusher of dissent!

Ex-wife Gabrielle Gwyther said Mr Latham had rung her after being elected Leader and asked her to be "a good girl".

Ms Gwyther has declined to do so, happily presenting a list of grievances against her former husband. Meanwhile, in a magnificent battle of egos, Latham is being sued by Malcolm Turnbull. Should be fun. Maybe Alan Ramsey will be called to give character evidence on Latham’s behalf, although which Ramsey would appear? This one, from a couple of days ago?

Latham scares the bejesus out of the Coalition. He really does. He is not another Labor leadership patsy and the Government knows it. Whatever you've heard and whatever self-serving hysteria the Government goes on beating up, Latham is the real thing.

Or this one, from October?

[Latham] is as supine about Iraq and George jnr as the rest of the Labor Party.

So is Latham supine or the real thing? Better go ask the man himself.

Posted by Tim Blair at December 5, 2003 12:02 PM

The ex-wife stuff is just tacky. As, presumably, is the ex-wife. Yuck.

As to the Ramsey quotes, they are not logically inconsistent, so the position that it's an either/or question is invalid.

Though, I thought all the fuss was bacause Latham was NOT sufficiently supine about Dubya and Iraq? Surely then Ramsey's comments have been overtaken by events? (in which case citing them here is dishonest and irrelevant).

For the record, Latham was right. Bush IS the most dangerous and incompetent President in the history of America. (Though I'm sure it's a matter of perspective. Doubtless Reagan could have given him a run, had history provided better opportunities).

And now we find even the frigging turkey was a con. Where will it all end?

Posted by: Nemesis at December 5, 2003 at 12:48 PM

Hmmm. Conflicting turkey reports now flying in. Real or fake, fake or real? The world is on the edge of its collective seat as the jury ponders it's verdict.

Verdict: Yes, it was a gen-yoo-wine, authenticated, real and actual star-spangled turkey clutching that platter.

Posted by: Nemesis at December 5, 2003 at 12:53 PM

Nemesis must be from the legal profession (Publicly funded no doubt) to believe that Mark Latham being no patsy and being supine are not in any ordinary sense logically inconsistent.

He then berates George for spending 34 hours on an aircraft flying in and out of a dangerous airport so that he can spend a couple of hours SERVING the troops. I wonder how he feels about Hillary Clinton who swans into Bagdad, installs herself and her entourage at the head of the food service line holding up the troops for an hour before they get their meal before she berates Bush for pulling off a PR Stunt?

Posted by: Michael Gill at December 5, 2003 at 01:02 PM

Latham's hatred of Abbot and Howard is obviously based on the fact they have happy marriages and two balls (each, that is). Violance is notoriously the last resort of the impotent - and look at Latham's fellow mon-orch, Hitler. Remember also the reputation for vituperation and double-crossing generally associated with eunuchs. He should model himself on the Tory peer Lord Halifax, who had an uinfortunate physical disability but managed to remain a gentleman, or perhaps Tony Staley.

Posted by: sue at December 5, 2003 at 01:10 PM

I was just listening to a radio interview with Latham's ex-wife and she said he was a dud root. She used to refer to him a 'two-stroke'.

Posted by: Mike Hunt at December 5, 2003 at 01:16 PM

I was just listening to a radio interview with Latham's ex-wife and she said he was a dud root. She used to refer to him as 'two-stroke'.

Posted by: Mike Hunt at December 5, 2003 at 01:16 PM

' ... Tory peer Lord Halifax ... had an unfortunate physical disability but managed to remain a gentleman, or perhaps Tony Staley.'

Come on now, Tony Staley is a perfect gentleman.

Posted by: ilibcc at December 5, 2003 at 01:59 PM

Glad to see Timbo and his readers are into tabloid politics. That you're all willing to play so low suggests that Latham is scaring the bejesus out of you.

Posted by: Jason Soon at December 5, 2003 at 02:06 PM

scared of the "bachelor nad"? well... YEAH! he's a psyche case!

Posted by: roscoe at December 5, 2003 at 02:13 PM

Tabloid politics?

Unlike broadsheet politics which in its highbrow style is currently all about turkeys, whether they were real or plastic, were they carved, whether they were served, who served them, was it a buffet, who ate them, who got to pull the wishbone, was the breast tender, was it basted enough, was the skin crispy enough to your liking, was the stuffing good, what to do with the leftovers (turkey hash is great), did the dogs get the bones or were they made into soup, who washed up, who said grace ...

Posted by: ilibcc at December 5, 2003 at 02:45 PM

Sophisticated commentary of Jason Soon.

Saturday, April 27, 2002
"Howard ass-wipers in the media. No matter how many turds Howard produces, they keep wiping and wiping and wiping away. But no amount of wiping can hide this outrageous breach of duty and humanity."

Posted by: Gary at December 5, 2003 at 03:26 PM

Ramsey said Latham was "supine about Iraq and George jnr" but that as Labor leader he was "the real thing." Those statements are not inconsistent by any reasonable standard.

The ex-wife stuff is just pathetic.

Posted by: Robert at December 5, 2003 at 06:28 PM

Did Gabby really say I was a dud root?

Posted by: Mark at December 5, 2003 at 06:59 PM