October 01, 2003


The latest Continuing Crisis column in The Bulletin mentions Wesley Clark, George W. Bush, Mike Carlton, Mary, Hugh Shelton, Colin Powell, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Yasser Arafat, Bob Woodruff, Trevor Chappell, Russell Crowe, David Brent, Bjorn Lomborg, Clive Hamilton, Mark Latham, my maid and driver, Verity James, Robert Manne, Keith Windschuttle, and the Mongolian army.

Also in The Bulletin: my guide to tragic Collingwood grief.

Posted by Tim Blair at October 1, 2003 12:52 PM

I've never seen any Australian sports and was planning to sit through the game to check it out, knowing that "that Tim Blair guy likes Colingwood, I think", but time zones are silly, memory is dampened by alcohol, the channel it's on is higher than I can count (really, is dampening the FCC regulations so bad that we're troubled by the idea of 1500 channels of television?), and I just sort of forgot.

There's always next year!

Posted by: Matt from Vegas at October 1, 2003 at 02:20 PM

The Mongol invasion ended up 800,000 dead.Perhaps that is the war of conquest the leftoids were referring to.Was it a quagmire, that's the sealer.

Posted by: d at October 1, 2003 at 03:03 PM

As with the mistakes above, the ABC has apologised.

Some may not have noticed the sarcasm in that statement.

When is the deadline for the columns?

The Mongolian army is back in Iraq, helping guard pipelines and working on construction projects.


It's ironic that Mongolia is worried about unjustified invasion given their history.

The original article also mentioned a suggestion of a free trade agreement (between America and Mongolia). I'd love to see the prospect of free trade between Australia and Mongolia raised - as well as it being a good thing, I'd like to see what kind of protests if any occurred.

Posted by: Andjam at October 1, 2003 at 03:58 PM

Nah, it wasn't a quagmire, the 800K dead were invadees, not invaders.

Posted by: Andjam at October 1, 2003 at 04:02 PM

"The Mongolian army is back in Iraq, helping guard pipelines and working on construction projects. "This is not like the 13th century," a Mongol colonel told The New York Times."

As a proper RWDB, I had been looking forward to some proper Hulagu Khan action in the Battle for Baghdad. Alas, the Iraqi Army was not up for the game, so we just occupied the damn place. No rapine, murdering, or atrocifying involved. Mumble. Mumble. Grumble. What's a proper Death Beast to do? I wanted Imperialism and exploitation, damn it! I didn't vote for George Bush to get simple liberation and democtratization. Good God, who should I vote for now? I want my pyramid of skulls, like any right thinking conqueror!

Posted by: CGeib at October 1, 2003 at 05:57 PM

Tim, after the 1979 Grand Final Carlton President George Harris famously addressed the adoring crowd; "What's better than beating Collingwood by 10 goals? Beating them by five points?"

The last two years Collingwood has been beaten firstly by nine points then by 52 points.

Does George's statement stand up?

Nah, they were both great!

Here's hoping Brisbane can beat Collingwood again next year to equal the Magpies' record of four in a row (1927-30).

Posted by: The Mongrel at October 1, 2003 at 10:03 PM

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