November 25, 2004


Richard Neville now has a blog. With comments.

(via Evil Pundit)

Posted by Tim Blair at November 25, 2004 02:13 PM

You bastards. I was going to post about that tonight.

Now I'll have to talk about naked women or something.

Posted by: Tex at November 25, 2004 at 02:25 PM

Richard's blood-on-hands triptych of Blair, Bush and Cheney gets the award for lamest photoshop on the internet.

I feel dirty for giving that loser a traffic statistic.

Posted by: Matt in Denver at November 25, 2004 at 02:26 PM

Neville tells us to think of "the West’s war mongering neo-con xenophobes as FENS (Flat Earth Neocons).

I suggest you think of Neville as SWAMP (Stupid Wingeing Ancient Moronic Prick).

Posted by: Greg at November 25, 2004 at 02:37 PM

Hey, Tim, just goes to show that just about any idiot can have a blog, but doesn't mean that it is worth a crap! One wonders how someone can so hate his own culture that he would deal with the devil in an effort to destroy it. The real irony here is that he is so stupid that he doesn't realize that he and his ilk would be herded to the front of the head choppers line. If his reasoning wasn't so dangerous, it would be pathetic. But, alas, in the West there are many more like him, and I'm afraid that few Charles Martels have survived. But God left Isaiah a remnant, and I believe in my heart that God left Tim Blair and a few others like him for the same purpose. God bless you, Tim!

Posted by: Red State Joe at November 25, 2004 at 02:54 PM

Neville used TypePad and yet still produced something that looks like it was hand coded by a two year old. How f--king difficult is it? If I was MT, I'd sue him.

Posted by: Hanyu at November 25, 2004 at 02:57 PM

Can someone please explain to me why people continue to give this guy oxygen?

The only thing of note that I am aware of him is successfully defending an obscenity charge in London in the '60s for running a rather unfunny satirical magazine. And in that story he's more or less a footnote, Geofrey Robertson, his lawyer was the one who made history by getting the establishment to take the old obscenity law of the rule books.

Besides if this guy really is a 'futurist' why has it taken him so long to get on the web?

Posted by: Pauly at November 25, 2004 at 03:11 PM

Ok, let us make a solemn pact not to spam his comments like (some of us) did to Noam Chomsky. Dick's idiocy can be pointed out, but no mass spamming that allowed Chomsky to shut down dissent under the guise of being "attacked".


Posted by: Quentin George at November 25, 2004 at 03:12 PM

The Commonwealth should use Dick's blog for an ad campaign on the dangers of drugs- drop just one too many blotters, kiddies, and you'll wind up an incoherent, unco-ordinated, incontinent, babbling boohoo like this poor wretch. Some of the Reg Mombassa war pig 'toons are damn snappy though- I might have to swipe them (and send the prints to Thailand to get them put on t-shirts).

Posted by: Habib at November 25, 2004 at 03:29 PM

I still haven't forgotten his pathetic attempt at humor whilst addressing a Valder rally during the fed campaign. (I saw it on the news)!

Posted by: Kate at November 25, 2004 at 03:36 PM

He is off to a flying start - claiming that US troops 'sprayed' a 'banned chemical weapon' - white phosphorus.

Thats right, the same phosphorus that is manufactured commercially, and appears on the periodic table.

I shouldnt be surprised though - I imagine the only element that Dick is familar with is Lithium

Posted by: attila at November 25, 2004 at 03:42 PM

I thought Matt in Denver was being a little hyperbolic - until I checked out the site. My God, does that even qualify as "photoshopped"? It looks like he took physical photographs, messed around with one of those Junior Watercolors paint sets and smeared a few random brushstrokes of red on the pictures, and scanned them in. If I manufactured PS software I'd sue him for defamation.

Posted by: Sonetka at November 25, 2004 at 03:46 PM

The biggest and weirdest surprise was his gushing endorsement of Australian Idol. Scuse the pun but that was way out of left field! The rest was predictable.

Posted by: BH at November 25, 2004 at 03:48 PM

Another leftwinger displaying the sophistication and critical thinking abilities of an angry teenager!

Who is this jackass, the Ted Rall of Australia?

Posted by: lexine at November 25, 2004 at 03:50 PM

Best comment so far comes from Mindy Somersby.

My cat's name is mittens.

Posted by: Mindy Somersby | November 24, 2004 08:18 PM

Posted by: TimT at November 25, 2004 at 06:13 PM

Richard's blood-on-hands triptych of Blair, Bush and Cheney gets the award for lamest photoshop on the internet.

Blair, Bush and Howard.

The shade of red is wrong (for starters, it's pink) but the choice of photos is pretty good.

Posted by: Andjam at November 25, 2004 at 06:26 PM

First Howard gets re-elected with an increased majority, then George Bush does the same, Margo is back from holiday's and Richard Neville starts a Blog.
Can it get any better than this?
Sorry,a couple of glasses of Chardonnay speaking. I will not gloat,I will not gloat.

Posted by: gubbaboy at November 25, 2004 at 06:52 PM

The comments section is just gold. There really has to be something up when supporters to your blog are outnumbered five to one by people who openly declare you are a drug fucked delusional old hippy who lost the plot. Welcome to reality Dick!

Posted by: Michael Sutcliffe at November 25, 2004 at 08:18 PM

Go richard neville!
I was living in london when neville and his mates were jailed for publishing that school kids edition of their magazine.
They were trailblazers at the time,and neville has a great intellect.
As for the blood on the hands of the war criminals-you would have to be a real optimist to believe that Iraq will work out for the good.

Posted by: marklatham at November 25, 2004 at 09:20 PM

Pauly - ma-a-a-ate! He's been deprived of oxygen at some stage- surely.Hence the de-oxygenated drivel.

Posted by: crash at November 25, 2004 at 09:42 PM

Stop richard neville!
I wasn't living in london when neville and his mates were jailed for publishing an edition of their magazine that some school kids could have done a lot better.
They wore blazers at the time,and neville had a great big overcoat.
As for the blood on the hands of the war criminals-you would have to be a real optimist to believe that Saddam was the best option for Iraq.
Marklatham is yesterday's man. Didn't have the ticker when it counted, hasn't got it now.

Posted by: johnhoward at November 25, 2004 at 10:13 PM

Well "marklatham", the beauty of having George W Bush re-elected is that Iraq will be an unambiguous success by the time that the next US election comes around.

I have always said that it will take 5 years post-invasion to make a judgement. The danger was that the Bush administration would not have the chance to complete what they had started. The American people have given them that chance and now the optimists will be proved correct.

The only long term solution to islamofascism is to reshape the whole middle east. Only the USA had the power and the will to start the process. Sit back and watch, son. Despite all your ill wishes and impotent rage, nothing can stop it now.


Posted by: TFK at November 25, 2004 at 10:31 PM

Wasn't Richard Neville the Earl of Warwick? Or I am just confused?

Posted by: PJ at November 25, 2004 at 11:08 PM

Just checked it out and the commenters are finishing him off but good! 10 to 1 he either closes the comment section or the whole thing closes down in a month.

Posted by: debbie at November 26, 2004 at 12:11 AM

I just had a bit of harmless fun in his comments section. Wonder if he'll twig?

Ye Gods that photo manipulation was ... infantile.

Posted by: Alan E Brain at November 26, 2004 at 12:33 AM

He probably will quit blogging after a while. These loons have no staying power.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at November 26, 2004 at 12:35 AM

It's only a matter of days. Assuming it is read by the protagonist.

Posted by: Dean McAskil at November 26, 2004 at 03:04 AM

Richard seems to be almost as prolific a blogger as Michael Moore.

Posted by: Andjam at November 28, 2004 at 12:20 AM