November 24, 2004
Daily Kos -- one of the dupes suckered by early exit polls on election day -- is among dozens of leftoid sites rejoicing in a Gawker claim that the Bush twins were refused service at a New York City restaurant:
Freemans tuesday night the 16th of nov. the bush twins along with 2 massive secret service men tried to have dinner they were told by the maitre 'd that they were full and would be for the next 4 years upon hearing the entire restaurant cheered and did a round of shots it was amazing!!!
and then everybody ran outside and turned over their car OMG you should have been there it was sooooo cool!!!!! Gawker says it totally confirmed the claim, although the restaurant has issued a denial. Who to believe? Consider that the "entire restaurant" allegedly heard the comment, despite the place being -- as Gawker reported in an earlier review -- "so loud we can barely hear ourselves talk ... "
Most likely we're witnessing another manifestation of Bush Derangement Syndrome. As Charles Krauthammer wrote in August: "What if Bush is reelected? If they lose to him again, Democrats will need more than just consolation. They'll need therapy."
(via Stephen Dawson)
Posted by Tim Blair at November 24, 2004 04:11 PMThat's ok, Jenna and Barbara can have dinner at one place Kos and his commentators never will...
...the White House.
Posted by: Quentin George at November 24, 2004 at 04:15 PMman reading that gawker site really freaked me out ... has anyone read glamorama by brett easton ellis?
Posted by: patrick bateman at November 24, 2004 at 04:26 PMI've heard this kind of urban legend on Snopes, but they usually describe it as happening to some Hollywood idiotarian such as Streissand.
Posted by: Andjam at November 24, 2004 at 04:32 PMI heard a similar story regarding Jane Fonda, when she was married to Ted Turner. Only it took place in Montana, and the resturant owner was a retired Marine who had served in Vietnam.
Whoopee, Kos. You are taken in by an urban legend. That sound is not the NYC eatery guests cheering -- it's your ears ringing from your head exploding.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at November 24, 2004 at 04:51 PMIt is bad that lefties are hearing imaginary voices. What is worse, they believe what they hear.
Posted by: perfectsense at November 24, 2004 at 05:16 PMThey are both welcome to eat at my house any time!
(I might have to clear it with the War Office, first.)
Posted by: Razor at November 24, 2004 at 05:18 PMGood Christ.
Is anybody going to put some adults in charge in that party? Anybody?
Posted by: Dean Esmay at November 24, 2004 at 05:21 PMyeah but, KOS is like yeah!! it's true alright! and i'm kinda like i dunno man, then he's like going yeah c'mon man! but i'm still like, whoa! then he goes fully right off and and i'm like wow!! this is full-on heavy! thanks marKOS!
Posted by: Moonbeam at November 24, 2004 at 07:31 PMIn defense of Kos's readers, one has to point out that a few sensible people understand not only how despicable this would be if this were true, but that it is very likely not true.
Posted by: Sean at November 24, 2004 at 08:04 PMI immediately thought of the Jane Fonda story that Jeff S. mentions.
You can read it at
I don't buy Kos' story for a minute.
I actually did have a friend who owned a small restaurant in Chicago that refused to seat the film critic Rex Reed but I think the kitchen was already closed and the owner wasn't impressed enough to reopen.
I'd open a restaurant for Michael Moore then retire to Tahiti on the evening's earnings!
Posted by: JDB at November 24, 2004 at 09:00 PMEverybody knows Donald Rumsfeld writes KOS under a nome de plume. Hey, Everyone needs a hobby and a way to blow off some steam... You're not supposed to take it seriously you know.
What???? People do??!!
Posted by: JakeD at November 24, 2004 at 09:15 PMTim,
The dems in Fla have been getting therapy since about a week after the election. I posted it on my site.
Noooo.... let the Dems keep going the way they are, they're fun to laugh at.
The Bush twins and company were told they could have a table for four as soon as this cute couple was finished eating. That's why they didn't want to wait 4 years.
Posted by: bc at November 25, 2004 at 12:10 AMi wonder if that maitre d' still has a job or joined ranks of unemployed already? chalk up another victim of bad economy under bush regime.
Posted by: dries at November 25, 2004 at 12:25 AMLet's see:
--Apocryphal urban legend (is that oxymoronic?) soothes angry lefty losers, perhaps rendering them less likely to take up pitchforks and torches against Rethuglican Theocon Monster in the castle, er, White House.
--In an alternative future, angry lefty losers don't lose after all but win the election, undermine War of Terror in patheticly misguided effort to "reach out to the Muslim community", Western Europe takes its cue and continues the Eurabia Experiment unabated, and America, isolated both politically and economically, collapses as Islamofascist adherents to the Religion of Peace(TM) render our cities uninhabitable with radiological and biological weapons.
I say give the babies their candy. Better they get a few sweets than we all get a Geiger-counter-busting dose of radiation.
Posted by: Tongueboy at November 25, 2004 at 12:26 AMMy God, they've descended to peacockery and chest-thumping about restaurant seating! Whatever it was, real democracy, planetary alignment, cheating or just plain luck, the forces that kept this flock of shitheads out of power will have to be understood someday. It seems like some kind of cruel but funny Darwinian joke. These people are Moorlocks in expensive suits.
Posted by: Crazy Chester at November 25, 2004 at 12:31 AMWell since this is a fascist country run by Bushitler, I expect that this restaurant will soon be closed and the owner and all the patrons shot. What brave patriots they were for their futile stand! And what courage Kos has for posting about it!
Posted by: Chris at November 25, 2004 at 01:16 AMOK, so some of the details are wrong, but it's right in principle.
/LLL Moonbat mode off
Posted by: Ernie G at November 25, 2004 at 01:42 AMIt is what to expect when 15 year old kids hang out at a hate blog that is based on the austing of a president and he's re-elected. If anyone there is over 15 then they have a problem.
Posted by: tej at November 25, 2004 at 01:52 AMIf that story spread and the restaurant suffered as a result, wouldn't they have a viable lawsuit against Gawker and Kos? Might be an interesting blogosphere event.
Posted by: Rebecca at November 25, 2004 at 01:52 AMI agree with the general principle that restaurants shouldn't have to serve ig'nant, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging conservative Neanderthals...It might diminish the dining experience of their tolerant, enlightened liberal patrons. We should have separate restaurants for them, places that serve meatloaf and Moon Pies & shit. In fact, we shouldn't have to sleep in the same buildings with them or piss next to them either. They should have their own separate hotels and bathrooms and drinking fountains, too.
Oh,'s been done.
total structual bullshit. Makes Rathergate seem ambiguous.
Posted by: rod at November 25, 2004 at 02:24 AMHey Bush twins, you can come over to my house for dinner.
Reminds of the old joke where a woman from a dating agency rings up Mr. Cohen and asks if he would like her to set him up on a date. Upon hearing this Mr Cohen says "I have two sisters that take care of all my needs". The woman from the dating agency says "I can set you up with someone that can take care of needs that sisters can't". Mr. Cohen replies "I didn't say they were my sisters".
Posted by: Jonny at November 25, 2004 at 02:51 AMI wish there was a version of Gawker Media for bloggers who aren't sufficiently enraged by the name "Bush." Denton's paying those guys like 18 grand a year. Each! Sweet.
Posted by: Jim Treacher at November 25, 2004 at 03:09 AMP.S. Here's the Jane Fonda version. Looks like somebody plugged in John and Teresa's names recently, too.
Posted by: Jim Treacher at November 25, 2004 at 03:17 AMJust imagine if they had Condi with them and they just wanted to sit at the counter.
Posted by: Jesushadatatoo at November 25, 2004 at 03:21 AMI guess the moonbats have to take their consolation anywhere they can get it. Even if it is fabricated. They are pretty damn good at deluding themselves.
Posted by: Catracks at November 25, 2004 at 03:56 AMIf that story spread and the restaurant suffered as a result, wouldn't they have a viable lawsuit against Gawker and Kos? Might be an interesting blogosphere event. Posted by: RebeccaIn New York? Suffer as a result? They could double their prices and still be turning people away.
Hey, if any part of the story is true, I suppose it's nice to know that Mia Lawrence apparently has moved up in the restauranting world...
Posted by: John at November 25, 2004 at 04:13 AMThe predictable reaction from the Gawkers and Kossacks once the dust themselves off from the cluebat beating:
Fake, but Accurate.
Posted by: Spiny Norman at November 25, 2004 at 04:20 AMThe lefties amuse themselves with the supposed snubbing of two nice young ladies in a restaurant, while their father re-structures the CIA, brings the US State Department to heel, and (soon) re-invigorates US Supreme Court.
It's so nice to have the grown-ups in charge.
Posted by: Butch at November 25, 2004 at 04:32 AMSean: The reql question is why any sensible, decent person would still be reading and posting at Kos.
I mean, surely a decent Leftist could find someplace less scummy to hang out, no?
Posted by: Sigivald at November 25, 2004 at 04:40 AMI despise John Kerry and all liberals but I would never consider denying them service at my restaurant. At least not as long as they were paying with cash.
Posted by: robin at November 25, 2004 at 05:26 AMWhat are the odds that the President's kids move about with only two Secret Service men?
I can't see how this story could make it past anyone's giggle filter...
Posted by: John Nowak at November 25, 2004 at 06:29 AMAccording to an update on Gawker's site, the restaurant is strenuously denying the alleged incident ever occurred, and says that the Bush babes and anyone else in the First Family are welcome to drop by any time. I'll Bushitler is really embarrassed now about having the staff taken away and shot...
Posted by: utron at November 25, 2004 at 06:54 AMIt gets worse...I did a google search about the incident and was completely floored by the URL I found and the word they used to describe the Bush girls on the 'Freewilliamsburg' website. This is completely unconscionable. Who do these people think they are? Democracy doesn't matter to them...the truth does not matter to them...civility does not matter to them...just their own precious egos and the sanctimonious conviction that they are the only source of truth in the world.
Posted by: Arnaud at November 25, 2004 at 07:30 AMWhoops...forgot to put the URL. Here it is, apologies for the dirty word, but its not my website...
Posted by: Arnaud at November 25, 2004 at 07:31 AMYep, Arnaud, it's disgusting and crude and dishonest. All these people care about is their own feelings, and nothing beyond themselves. They're so sensitive, aren't they?
I am impressed, however, that a few bloggers left comments on that site saying they thought the title of the article was ugly. It seems that a few of them have a sense of common decency at least.
Posted by: Butch at November 25, 2004 at 07:53 AMTongueboy
soothes angry lefty losers, perhaps rendering them less likely to take up pitchforks and torches against Rethuglican Theocon Monster in the castle.
I'll buy that...throw the dog a bone.
Posted by: Thomas at November 25, 2004 at 10:11 AMThis sort of thing illuminates the thinking behind the French Revolution. However vile and destructive it was, and characteristic of the French as a people, one things stands out. Certain social classes are beyond loathing.
The French Court and aristocracy were particularly awful and remote, they deserved the head-drop into the basket. They were the precursors of today's lefty beneficiaries of inheritance and the meritocracy. A class so inverted and dense, so unimaginably stupid that they must be denied any exercise of power, however small or trivial.
Posted by: Crazy Chester at November 25, 2004 at 10:36 AM
Freemans Restaurant has posted the denial in their webpage:
Posted by: fluke_boy at November 25, 2004 at 10:43 AM"The reql question is why any sensible, decent person would still be reading and posting at Kos."
"Still"? Or "ever"?
Posted by: Jim Treacher at November 25, 2004 at 12:00 PMI sometimes wonder if much of Kossie's readership is conservitive bloggers looking for Grade-A moonbat blather to fisk on their sites. And old Markie-Mark is more than willing to shovel it out.
Posted by: Mr. Blue at November 25, 2004 at 12:56 PMI say the best thing we can do for The Cause is take this absolutely seriously, spread it all over the internet, and credit Kos in every post. If we're lucky, the restaurant will sue his ass off.
Posted by: richard mcenroe at November 25, 2004 at 01:19 PMHmmm.
The 2004 election proves, once again, that God looks out for fools, drunkards and Americans.
Well, that was a sentence all about nothing, ed. Want to try again, wiseass?
Posted by: Andrea Harris at November 25, 2004 at 02:12 PMThat's a quote attributed to Otto von Bismarck, I believe. "The Good Lord looks out for fools, drunks, and the United States of America."
It's amazing how so many people think the US became the most powerful country in the world in the span of 200 years, starting as agricultural colonies on the edge of a wilderness, by sheer accident. It never occurs to moonbats or to Europeans (the moonbats are frequently wannabe Euros) that we might be doing something right.
Compare the American Revolution with the French. We are still on our First Republic, while the French are on their Fifth, not to mention interludes of empire, monarchy, and other despotisms in between. Yet the world is intoxicated by the French Revolution and its Terror, while dismissing or ignoring the American one that actually worked. Those are the people who are supposed to be so much smarter than we American cowboys are? Gimme a break.
Speaking of which, there is another great quote from Bismarck. "Fools say they learn from experience. I prefer to profit from the experience of others."
Posted by: Michael Lonie at November 25, 2004 at 03:12 PMMichael
the world is intoxicated by the French Revolution and its Terror, while dismissing or ignoring the American one that actually worked.
Yes, the world's youngest country, and it's oldest democracy.
Posted by: Thomas at November 25, 2004 at 04:55 PMActually this did happen to Rudy Giuliani at a restaurant in Riverdale in the Bronx. He had been there for a meeting and the restaurant Josephina's refused to serve him because of his policies. The restaurant publicized this and got an increase in business from all the neighbors who hated Rudy. This is the neighborhood where Joe Lieberman's mother-in-law lives and is extremely liberal. Rudy was positively hated in that neighborhood.
Posted by: dick at November 25, 2004 at 05:34 PMUm Thomas ever hear about a little enterprise called the United Kingdom aka Great Britain??
Posted by: Just Another Bloody Lawyer at November 25, 2004 at 11:46 PM>Compare the American Revolution with the French. We are still on our First Republic, while the French are on their Fifth, not to mention interludes of empire, monarchy, and other despotisms in between.
Well, second, if you count the Articles of Confederation.
Posted by: John Nowak at November 26, 2004 at 12:08 AMWill Kos run the same statement as Gawker? As seen here?
Oh, I forgot: being a sissy means never having to say I was wrong. What a pussy.
Posted by: Sok at November 26, 2004 at 12:36 AMJust another bloody lawyer
Um Thomas ever hear about a little enterprise called the United Kingdom aka Great Britain??
I'm actually quoting Sec. Colin Powell.
I am willing to be educated. By what percentage of the vote, did HRM, King George, win his election?
I was to understand that the Monarchy, only became a figure-head, in the 1800's.
Again, I'm open to understanding differently.
Posted by: Thomas at November 27, 2004 at 03:03 PM