September 14, 2004
No word yet on the authenticity of this. More reports to follow, no doubt:
Two Australians and two East Asians have been kidnapped in Iraq, said a statement purportedly from the Islamic Secret Army handed out in the Sunni Muslim insurgent bastion of Samarra on Monday.
"One of our brave brigades ambushed civilian cars belonging to the American army on the motorway from Baghdad to (the main northern city of) Mosul," said the statement dated Monday.
"It took four prisoners, two Australians and two East Asian nationals who were working as security contractors for important people," it said.
"We tell the infidels of Australia that they have 24 hours to leave Iraq or the two Australians will be killed without a second chance."
UPDATE. As of five minutes ago, still no confirmation.
UPDATE II. Still no confirmation:
Australia said Tuesday it was "moving heaven and earth" to investigate claims that two Australians had been kidnapped in Iraq in a bid to force the government to withdraw its troops from the country.
UPDATE III. What’s the world coming to when you can’t even trust the Horror Brigades of the Islamic Secret Army?
Posted by Tim Blair at September 14, 2004 01:16 AMForeign Minister Alexander Downer says all of the Australians working in Iraq have been accounted for, despite claims by a militant group that it has taken two Australians hostage.
A group calling itself the 'Horror Brigades of the Islamic Secret Army' says it has captured two Australians, along with two Asians, on the highway from Baghdad to the main northern city of Mosul.
Tim Dunlop is on the case too, linking to a SMH article.
Posted by: TimT at September 14, 2004 at 01:23 AMFor every Australian they take hostage, we should send another 500 troops.
Posted by: Leigh at September 14, 2004 at 01:37 AMAustralians may be being held hostage in Iraq - let's hope this report is false. Meanwhile, the SMH today runs one of the most sleazy, vile pieces of "journalism" I have ever seen, full of disgraceful innuendo and flat out lies.
As if we needed any reminding - it is pretty clear that there are absolutely no limits to the lengths that the Left will go to to try to oust Howard from office.
Posted by: George at September 14, 2004 at 02:37 AMMy thoughts and prayers go to the hostages, whoever they are.
Posted by: Rebecca at September 14, 2004 at 06:58 AMGood to see the media's screaching again like demented monkeys.
I wonder what they'll do after it's found out that the capture of two Aussies and two Asians is bogus?
I'm also surprised Mr Latham hasn't demanded we bring our troops home immediately. Why wait for any confirmation?
Posted by: Lofty at September 14, 2004 at 08:54 AM"One of our brave brigades ambushed civilian cars...."
Isn't it about time they dropped the 'bravery' thing. They're not kidding anybody
Posted by: Johnny Wishbone at September 14, 2004 at 10:46 AMI'm also surprised Mr Latham hasn't demanded we bring our troops home immediately.
I think current Labor policy is that some troops should remain, and he said in the debate that Labor party policy won't be modified by terrorists (except for the UN).
I hope John Howard is keeping Mark in the loop.
Posted by: Andjam at September 14, 2004 at 10:53 AMI'm waiting for Louise Dodson to report the kidnapping of two Australians in Iraq is 'good news' for Mark Latham.
Posted by: Mike at September 14, 2004 at 11:59 AMMike, wait no longer. Although she's no Louise Dodson, Chris Bath on Sevens mid morning news said to another reporter "wouldn't this be likely to benefit Latham's election capmaign?"
Always on the ball the media, lives for votes!
Have no doubt, if this is true, Latham will use it in anyway he can to score votes. I have no doubt Latham has been hoping like hell something like this would happen.
Posted by: scott at September 14, 2004 at 12:26 PM"Troops home by Christmas".
That sounds a little like pre-emptive negotation to me.
Oops! No spell checker.
"Troops home by Christmas".
That sounds a little like "Pre-emptive Negotiation" to me.
The papers say we have hostage negotiators on standby . . . . first time I've heard the SAS being called "hostage negotiators".
Posted by: steve at September 14, 2004 at 04:24 PM"first time I've heard the SAS being called "hostage negotiators".
Well all negotiators try for a win-win situation. The hostages get released which is a win. And the low-lifes go to paradise to meet their 72 pox-ridden shims, another win.
Posted by: Lofty at September 14, 2004 at 04:41 PMIf they have taken Aussies hostage, we should send more troops.
Posted by: Toryhere at September 14, 2004 at 08:55 PMGet the terrorists to tell the Australian public to vote labour, I would love to see SBS have some talking head explain why voting labour is the only way to win the war on terror and create a socialist paradise within 3 years --> Again.
Posted by: JBB at September 14, 2004 at 09:26 PMI should point out that the story in "Update III" above only asserts that none of the 88 Australians registered with the embassy are missing.
Aside from the humanitarian concern, this is a political hot potato in the middle of the election.
Two hostages and an election
That URL I just posted doesn't seem to work.
It's Two hostages and an election