September 06, 2004
The Melbourne Age runs a pic mocking George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush as dumb and dumber. Being the intelligent newspaper it is, the byline reads: “By Akron, Ohio”.
Look for more of Akron's fine coverage as the election campaign continues.
Posted by Tim Blair at September 6, 2004 12:14 PMWhy didn't they throw Prescott Bush into the bargain as well?
Didn't he kick off the Bush family fortune by doing Hitler's banking?
Posted by: Darp Hau at September 6, 2004 at 12:38 PMNot that there was any doubt what the Melbourne Age thinks about the US president. I suppose they didn't have any other photo to choose from today or they would use a similarly uncomplimentary photo about Sen. Kerry. Hmmm.
Oh, the byline has now been corrected to say "AFP".
The picture is credited to "AFP", but the story is still credited to our good friend Akron, Ohio. That is a story of an interesting and inspiring career change - he used to be in the tire business.
Posted by: Ernie G at September 6, 2004 at 12:57 PMThe Melbourne Age runs a lame picture that is sure to bring a smile of joy to like minded fools.
Oh, well, this just proves that freedom of the press and intelligence need not be related.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at September 6, 2004 at 01:00 PMIt's Mr. Ohio, please. Only his close friends call him Akron.
His wife, Dayton, is quite a catch.
Posted by: SteveMG at September 6, 2004 at 01:04 PMI gather the advice for Kerry is to stay off the tube, as he loses 1-pt every time he speaks. They may also want to lock up his daughters (and son in-law). They are in C-Span as we speak (and not serving in Viet...I mean Iraq right now). They are a walking example of uninformed rich kids, trying to figure out why nobody wants to listen to them, other than other dumb rich kids. Good for a laugh...
Posted by: Jojo at September 6, 2004 at 01:15 I to interpret your silence over the Bush family's connections with the Third Reich to mean what?
Ignorance of the topic?
Too uncomfortable to discuss?
Posted by: Darp Hau at September 6, 2004 at 01:33 PMUmm, we all learned in our early twenties or so - some earlier, some later - not to respond to people wearing tinfoil helmets mumbling about CIA rays penetrating their brains.
We just smile and move on.
Have a nice day Darp. Dogs are nice, aren't they?
Posted by: SteveMG at September 6, 2004 at 01:59 PMSo Tim, do you think Media watch will dwell on the the Age story that George Bish "did nothing" to stop his supporters booing Bill Clinton in the face of his biggest medical emergency since the massive nose bleed while pissing STD razor blades at Mena Airport?
Posted by: superboot at September 6, 2004 at 02:06 PMsuperboot:
AP reissued the story and deleted the claims of "boo!" from the audience. Largely because a lot of the attendees there (plus the video) show that there was not any booing.
FYI, I did find this lukewarm reference to that:
Posted by: The Real JeffS at September 6, 2004 at 02:13 PMIt's not a conspiracy, it's established fact.
Surely you must find it a bit iffy when the present situation of the Bush family dynasty has been financially built on the back of the early success of Nazism?
Guilty by genetics?
I'm sure that Rush Limbaugh would have gone right mental had Clinton, Dukakis or Carter had any family links with Soviet Communism.
Come on, I'm waiting for someone to make the connection and say that "Well Darp, you wouldn't even be able to have this discussion if it wasn't for the Nazi's because they helped kick off IBM."
Posted by: Darp Hau at September 6, 2004 at 02:45 PMI hate to place drop, but I slept with Dayton once. Wasn't as good as that deliciously slutty Albaquerque, but still great. But, that's kinda rude to 'ol Akron, so.... forget I said anything.
Posted by: Andrew X at September 6, 2004 at 02:47 PMSo what if some nut says that Bush's grandfather had business dealings with Hitler? We've already been told that Bush is Hitler.
The Left has smeared Bush so often, and so ridiculously, that nobody even bothers listening to their attacks anymore.
The next step in Kerry's campaign is to smear Bush even more. But the "eeeevil Bush" meme has been done to death. Tough luck, moonbats.
Posted by: EvilPundit at September 6, 2004 at 03:13 PMDarp Hau would not, I take it, have voted for JFK in light of father Joe's activities. Sieg Heil, young stormtrooper Kennedy.
How funny that the Age, even when running a story saying that Bush has an eleven point lead in the polls, uses a photo of an anti-Bush activist's T-shirt to illustrate it. What a bunch of transparently biased hypocrites. I will enjoy taking the piss when it's over.
Posted by: ABC Al at September 6, 2004 at 03:33 PMI think that there is a big difference between wacky jocular accusations of Dubya Bush being Hitler and his grandfather having actual business dealings with the man.
It's not a loony wacko leftoid conspiracy. Recently declassified US government documents have proved this.
Posted by: Darp Hau at September 6, 2004 at 03:36 PMIs that all the moonbats have? Next we'll hear "proof" that the grandson agrees with and supports everything his grandfather did before he was even born. I suppose Ted Kennedy will also be expected to disavow his father's activities at the time...
Whadda maroon.
Posted by: Spiny Norman at September 6, 2004 at 03:41 PM"Recently declassified US government documents have proved this."
How recent was this super secrete information Mat? 10,20 or more years.
Posted by: Gary at September 6, 2004 at 03:42 PMThere's nothing jocular about the Left's wacky accusations that Bush is Hitler.
I've seen so many kooky conspirazoid smears against Bush. This is just one more.
Posted by: EvilPundit at September 6, 2004 at 03:49 PMAnyway Darp, why are you posting tinfoil-hat theories in the comments on Tim's blog?
Shouldn't you be writing more bad poetry about how you want to kill Alexander Downer and feast on his flesh in honour of your cannibalistic ancestors?
Posted by: EvilPundit at September 6, 2004 at 03:52 PMDarp:
(As others have said)
We've been hearing for so long that Bush IS Hitler that having family connections in the past to Hitler is nothing.
I mean, if Bush IS Hitler, it makes what you bring up about his family's past irrelevant. Bush being EQUAL to Hitler trumps the information you have.
We've all been told and told and told how evil and stupid Bush is. There are NO surprises. Nothing you have to bring up now is of any interest because the point has been made. People weary of hearing it.
Post it on a board where people will care. Try Democratic Underground. They'd love to hear another juicy Bash-Bush tidbit. You also should stick around and read all the juicy bits they have. You'll love it. Have a ball.
EvilPundit, Darp is searching for his long lost school chum, Mong. Perhaps during the long and exhaustive search to find Mong, Darp came upon this tidbit on Bush, leapt upon it with cries of joy, and ran to his computer to share this precious data with the blogosphere, there to bask in the glory of a job well done.
Or perhaps Mong beat the crap out of this silly twit (and deservedly so), and now Darp is licking his wounds, dug up this ancient nonsense, and is now looking for someone to vent his rage on.
I'll bet on the latter.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at September 6, 2004 at 04:28 PMWhat about Bush's dads military service in WW2 Mat. How does that fit with Bush=Hitler meme.
Posted by: Gary at September 6, 2004 at 04:50 PMHoly Toledo! Darp is back? I can't remember the particulars, but Medved has dealt with this accusation on any number of times and found it entirely wanting of factual content. This is DU material. I give it two puppets up.
Posted by: YoJimbo at September 6, 2004 at 04:57 PMThere is a "callout for forest defenders" at IndyMedia. Seems there is some rare Tuart Forest destruction goin on out der. Maybe, some people should "report for duty" on this one and give the conspiracy theories a rest for a time.
Posted by: YoJimbo at September 6, 2004 at 05:22 PMBy the way, Darp, your "Prescott Bush is a Nazi" isn't as strong as you'd like.
Posted by: Quentin George at September 6, 2004 at 05:39 PMQG,
From that link:
So, did Bush and his firm finance the Nazis and enable Germany to rearm? Indirectly, yes. But they had a lot of company. Some of the most distinguished names in American business had investments or subsidiaries in prewar Germany, including Standard Oil and General Motors. Critics have argued for years that without U.S. money, the Nazis could never have waged war. But American business has always invested in totalitarian regimes--witness our dealings with mainland China.
So, yes they did but it shouldn't matter because GM and IBM were in on it as well.
Posted by: Darp Hau at September 6, 2004 at 05:52 PMDid you actually read the article? It was pre war. You have offered no proof to show that Prescott Bush did business with the German government knowing that it planned to enact a "final solution" on the Jewish population.
All you have said is, "Wow, he did business with a legitimate government of a foreign country, a perfectly legal operation at the time."
What next? Condemn FDR for giving military equipment to Stalin during the Second World War?
You are an idiot.
In your own words: Pfffffffffffft.
Get fucked.
Posted by: Quentin George at September 6, 2004 at 06:03 PMFor a moment, I had stopped to reconsider my previous judgement that Darp Hau was a rambling idiot with nothing to say worth listening to, but if he's going to troll a thread with idiotic accusation that Prescott Bush's past business dealings are some sort of legitimate argument against GWB's presidency, well... fuck me in the eye for even doubting myself.
Good one, Darp! You've really raised the bar for yourself. What's next on your list? Something to do with aliens? Another awful poem? Or a maudlin post about how people you abused in school do not make themselves available to you?
Posted by: Sortelli at September 6, 2004 at 06:06 PMFrench oil interests + Chinese oil interests =no movement on genocide in Sudan. Pfffffffffft! I wouldn't look for any moral high turf if I were you. Where can we find any of your posts, to any site, on this current and germane subject?
Posted by: YoJimbo at September 6, 2004 at 06:09 PMDarp, any thoughts on Joe Kennedy's nazi sympathies?
Posted by: Ross at September 6, 2004 at 06:44 PMBetter yet.
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, one of the "spiritual" forefathers of the Palestinian movement was hard for the Nazis.
Therefore all Palestinians=Nazis.
Darp logic.
Posted by: Quentin George at September 6, 2004 at 06:54 PMBTW, how ironic that Darp should troll a thread called "DUMB, DUMBER, DUMBEST".
Posted by: Quentin George at September 6, 2004 at 06:55 PMIt's Mr. Ohio. The comma in the name indicates that the names are reversed, like Hardin, Ron, or for that matter Tacks, Thumb.
Posted by: Ron Hardin at September 6, 2004 at 07:02 PMNowhere have I made any connections between Prescott Bush's Nazi interests and the current presidency of his grandson.
Certain people have, in a father fruit-loopy tenuous manner made the suggestion that the current Bush admin's tendency to tell the same lies over and over until people accept them as being truths is remeniscent of the way Goebels went about his business. Those certain people aren't me - that's a tad hogwashy.
Yes, Prescott Bush's dealings with Hitler were before the war kicked off. But I think most people, Jews foremost amongst them knew what Hitler stood for before he marched into Sudentenland.
Posted by: Darp Hau at September 6, 2004 at 07:18 PMhey darp, do you mind if i watch your head explode when chimpy bush gets another 4 years?
Posted by: rocsoe at September 6, 2004 at 08:49 PMNowhere have I made any connections between Prescott Bush's Nazi interests and the current presidency of his grandson.
So why did you post it in the first place? Should we call you "Roger Irrelevant"?
Maybe you should go back to shaving your balls and dreaming of cannibalistic fantasies. And bad poetry. This is where your talents lie -- leave political debate to the grownups.
Posted by: EvilPundit at September 6, 2004 at 09:47 PMSo why did you post it in the first place? Should we call you "Roger Irrelevant"?
Exactly. If there was no link, why post it at all?
Prescott died in 1972. That's before I was even born. Even if he was Hitler's right hand man it would mean little.
Why bring up a Conneticutt Senator who finished his Senate term in 1952 then?
Why indeed.
I know what you meant, Darp, and your weasley evasion doesn't fool me.
Here it is:
George Bush's grandfather was a Nazi, therefore George Bush is a Nazi
I echo EvilPundit, leave the political debates to people with some sort of grasp on reality, and go back to your frolics with the pixies at the bottom of the garden.
Posted by: Quentin George at September 6, 2004 at 10:31 PMOh, what the hell:
Regarding these allegations, the Anti-Defamation League has stated, "Rumors about the alleged Nazi 'ties' of the late Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, have circulated widely through the Internet in recent years. These charges are untenable and politically motivated."
The rumors began with ultrarightist attacks on George H.W. Bush during his 1980 presidential run, and were renewed during his 1988 run.
Run along, Darp.
Posted by: Quentin George at September 6, 2004 at 10:35 PMDarp
I heard your father fucks cats. That makes you a cat fucker.
Posted by: murph at September 6, 2004 at 11:24 PMDarp sez:
"Yes, Prescott Bush's dealings with Hitler were before the war kicked off. But I think most people, Jews foremost amongst them knew what Hitler stood for before he marched into Sudentenland."
Wrong! Ask Neville Chamberlain, Charles Lindbergh, members of the American Bundt, and others. They actively supported Nazi Germany, until Hitler marched on them.
Darp, you are a cretin ignorant of history. Or worse, twisting history to suit your personal needs. And a troll.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at September 7, 2004 at 12:47 AMThanks for the ADL reference ...I'll need that for my upcoming piece on this. Thanks to all of you.
My dad fucks cats?
There's some real level headed thinking going on around here.
Posted by: Darp Hau at September 7, 2004 at 01:03 AMBut I think most people, Jews foremost amongst them knew what Hitler stood for before he marched into Sudentenland
Back in 1934 an American Colonel E A Powell wrote a book "The long roll on the Rhine".
He had an interview with Hitler on the Obersalzberg.
He quotes Hitler as saying "For four and a half years I was a common soldier, most of that time in the trenches, and, unlike the pious politicians at Geneva, I know from personal experience what war means. No victory that Germany could hope to gain by force of arms, no territory that she might recover, would be worth a fraction of what it would cost in human lives. As long as I am the leader of the National Socialist Party, Germany will never resort to arms, save to resist invasion."
How easy it is to be wise after the event!
Posted by: peggy sue at September 7, 2004 at 01:09 AMDarp sez:
"There's some real level headed thinking going on around here."
This from a guy who shaves his balls and laughs about sticking dog turds in some schmucks' school bag? Buy a mirror, Darpie, 'cuz you need a long look at yourself.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at September 7, 2004 at 01:14 AMBush's family was involved with Nazis???
What, Kerry's harping on Vietnam doesn't go back far enough for you, Darp?
Personally, I think somebody should look into the dealings that George Washington's family had with William the Conqueror. And don't even get me started on that Roman soldier in my woodpile!
Posted by: Rebecca at September 7, 2004 at 02:21 AMSorry, long post to follow:
The central charge against Prescott Bush has a basis in fact. In 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the U.S. government seized several companies in which he had an interest. Prescott at the time was an investment banker with Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), which had funneled U.S. capital into Germany during the 1920s and '30s. Among the seized companies was the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) of New York, which was controlled by German industrialist Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen had been an early financier of the Nazi party--in fact, in 1941 he published a book entitled I Paid Hitler. Ergo, Prescott helped finance the Nazis.
An article by journalist Toby Rogers posted on Loftus's Web site makes an even more explosive charge. Another company in which Prescott and his associates had a stake was the Silesian-American Corporation (SAC), which owned several industrial concerns in Poland. The Auschwitz death camp was established in a district where SAC already had a steel plant. The plant allegedly used forced labor from Auschwitz during World War II. The article asserts that "a portion of the slave labor force in Poland was 'managed by Prescott Bush,' according to a Dutch intelligence agent." (See
The slave labor charge is easy to dismiss. SAC plants in Poland were taken over by the German government after the Nazi invasion of 1939, and the Auschwitz prison camp wasn't established until 1940. No one can seriously claim that Prescott Bush managed camp inmates in any of those plants.
Prescott's involvement with Nazi finance is more complicated. Though Thyssen had been an ardent backer of the Nazis in the early days, he broke with them in 1938 after the Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews. He fled to Switzerland the following year, and Hitler confiscated his fortune and stripped him of his citizenship. In I Paid Hitler Thyssen confessed his role in financing the Nazis and denounced the Führer. Arrested in Vichy France, he spent the balance of the war as an Axis prisoner. Prescott Bush, for his part, owned a single share of stock (of 4,000) in UBC, the Thyssen bank. According to a 2001 Boston Globe piece, the New York Herald Tribune ran a story in July 1942 headlined "Hitler's Angel Has 3 Million in US Bank," in which Prescott and other BBH partners "explain[ed] to government regulators that their position [as directors of UBC] was merely an unpaid courtesy for a client."
So, did Bush and his firm finance the Nazis and enable Germany to rearm? Indirectly, yes. But they had a lot of company. Some of the most distinguished names in American business had investments or subsidiaries in prewar Germany, including Standard Oil and General Motors. Critics have argued for years that without U.S. money, the Nazis could never have waged war. But American business has always invested in totalitarian regimes--witness our dealings with mainland China.
Loftus tells me there's more to it than that. He says that the value of German industrial assets in which Bush and friends invested increased during World War II, in part due to slave labor, and that Bush benefited from this increase when the assets were returned--supposedly he got $1.5 million when UBC was liquidated in 1951. I'll buy the claim that Bush got his share of UBC back--it was an American bank, after all--but the idea that his German holdings increased in value despite being obliterated by Allied bombs is ridiculous.
--this was cut and paste from Straight Dope... just to say that americans did business with Germans in the 30's... Wow. and what does this have to do with the price of lamb of Florida?
I still found it bizarre that Darp claimed his view was based on "recently declassified documents", when in fact this smear first emerged in '88, from the extreme right.
That's right, Darp is echoing Lyndon LaRouche talking points.
Posted by: Quentin George at September 7, 2004 at 07:53 AMDoes anyone find it strange that Darp "End the fucking occupation or more Jews Die" Hau pretends to care about Jewish welfare?
Posted by: Quentin George at September 7, 2004 at 07:56 AMGuys, quit responding to Darp "was a bully in high school to the 'different' kid" Hau. I'm back on line and I'll be deleting any further posts from him on this OFF-TOPIC subject as well as any other post since he's got the same copycat opinions as any other stupid, unimaginative troll.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at September 7, 2004 at 09:14 AM