July 29, 2004
"Bawdy arma." That's Bosto-speak for "body armour", as told to me by a cop yesterday. For the best Boston accents, you can't beat the police. It must be part of their training.
Yesterday was kinda slow, with the whole convention developing Infomercial Inertia. Teresa Heinz Kerry? A nightmare. Just as well for the Democrats that non-cable networks are avoiding this event, otherwise they'd have shed 10 points overnight.
More here, of course.
Posted by Tim Blair at July 29, 2004 04:56 AMAny comments on the Nasa photo? He looks like Woody Allen's Sperm #1 from "Everything you Want to Know about Sex"
Posted by: Jason at July 29, 2004 at 05:15 AMDayum, Welch is on a roll, and sounding an awful lot like a little-L libertarian:
"And what of the candidate himself? Well, the first ominous sign is the very title of his narcolpetic campaign explainer, A Call to Service. Here's the money shot, over two sentences:
If we are to stand as the world's role model for democracy, we need to become vigilant about participation in our own democratic system.Do we? It's true that there are many countries who are more vigilant about, for instance, getting citizens to come out and vote. But I don't think Cuba -- or Australia! -- are role models particularly worth emulating. We participate by either voting or not, running for office or not, showing up to city council meetings or not, giving Howard Dean our quarters or (hopefully!) not … and by that little thingie that happens every April 15. If we want to sit naked in the desert and make self-destructing art projects instead, well, that's pretty useful too, especially if the government leaves us the hell alone.
If we are to stand as the world's role model for citizenship, we need to become far more focused on what we expect American citizens to give back in exchange for the blessings of freedom and justice.Give back what, to whom, and on whose marching orders?
John Kerry should have plenty on his plate already, and will have plenty more if our faith in ourselves is restored, I mean if he wins on Nov. 2. Let him win the war against Al Qaeda, and euthanize the horrific War on Drugs, before he even says one more word about what he can "expect" me to "give back in exchange for the blessings of freedom." "
Preach it, Brother Matt! Damn straight I don't owe John Kerry shit for my freedom, we already done paid.
Somebody get a rope on that boy. He needs daily exposure in a major paper.
Posted by: mojo at July 29, 2004 at 05:31 AMHey Blayyyah! We gotta town heaah named aafta yoo. Maaaablehead!
Enjoy the chowdah. Did you catch Moore in that box thingy yet?
Posted by: Jim Whyte at July 29, 2004 at 05:36 AM"For the best Boston accents, you can't beat the police."
Well, they're drunker.
Posted by: Jim Treacher at July 29, 2004 at 05:51 AMPaul, "arma" is how the Audtralians spell "ahma."
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 29, 2004 at 07:02 AMFor any Aussies interested in accents and behind the scenes vision at the DNC, check out Steve Garfields videoblogs.
Posted by: jafa at July 29, 2004 at 08:25 AMWell, Welcome to Massachusetts, possibly named for
the Massachusetts Indians or maybe not. We've
got some interesting town names up here.
There's Braintree and Chicopee, Wister = Worcester
and Glouster = Gloucester, and Medfa = Medford,
Raynum = Raynham, and Hingum = Hingham, Tartan =
If you're in Massachusetts, you have to try the Fried Clams, the best ones are up on the North Shore by Essex, Rowe, and Cape Ann. And make sure you eat the bellies, the best part.
Posted by: Mister Ghost at July 29, 2004 at 09:59 AMYou cahn't get the-ah frahm he-ah except by bo-at.
Forget Boston. Get up to Maine. Kennebunkport. Dock Square. Alisson's. Sam Adams Boston Lager. Chowdah and chili.
Blisssssss ......
Posted by: BruceT at July 29, 2004 at 01:46 PMAlso, I had a joke about pounding on THK's bottom to get the words to come out faster, but I forgot it.
Posted by: Jim Treacher at July 29, 2004 at 02:24 PM
You left out my favorite: Billerica = Billricker.
Posted by: Dave S. at July 29, 2004 at 07:02 PM
You left out my favorite: Billerica = Billricker.
Posted by: Dave S. at July 29, 2004 at 07:03 PMY'all forgot about warsh = wash. I've always wondered if the "R"'s are conserved in Bean Town.
Posted by: Ron at July 30, 2004 at 12:17 AMYeahr, Ron, you got the general idear. That extra R in Billericker wandered over from Bedfud.
Posted by: Paul Zrimsek at July 30, 2004 at 02:58 AMYou don't know wtf you're talking about - Nobody in Boston refers to it as Beantown
Posted by: Jack Tanner at July 31, 2004 at 02:23 AMNobody in Massachusetts warshes cahs. That task got outsouhced to Texas.
Posted by: Omri at August 1, 2004 at 10:07 AM