July 27, 2004
An innocent, off-hand remark from Margo Kingston – "the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia" – has somehow got the crusading truth-teller in trouble. Margo is mystified:
Obviously, I did not mean what many people believed I meant. I am not anti-semitic, and I thought what I wrote was a statement of fact. Is there a language problem here?
A language problem? In Webdiary? What are the odds? Responding to one reader, Margo writes:
I admit I'm at a loss to understand the anti-semetic charge.
She’s also at a loss to spell it.
I'd really appreciate your advice on this - it seemed so uncontroversial when I wrote it - I suppose because I mix largely with left wing Jewish Australians. Is there another form of words which won't offend people but makes the same point?
Let’s help. Please supply your alternative version of "the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia" in comments.
Posted by Tim Blair at July 27, 2004 01:41 AMTry the "N" word and see what reaction you get.
Posted by: perfectsense at July 27, 2004 at 01:55 AM"The filthy Christian-baby-blood-matzoh-baking subhuman vermin were really behind 9/11?"
Posted by: Mike G at July 27, 2004 at 01:56 AMJewish bankers own 80% of...no.
Jerry Falwell and Jews for Jesus have seized the means of produc...no.
The forces of ZOG hold the races of the world hosta...no.
Grant nailed it. I give up.
Posted by: Kerry Is Unelectable at July 27, 2004 at 01:56 AMAnd did she mean to put a slash between "fundamentalist" and "Zionist" to suggest that the fundamentalist Christians and the Zionists are in cahoots, or is her grasp of American politics so dim that she thinks the most influential Jews in America are the Lubavitchers and other extreme (thus, "fundamentalist" in the usual lazy shorthand which doesn't realize that that term only makes sense in reference to Christianity) Orthodox types?
Posted by: Mike G at July 27, 2004 at 01:58 AMPara 39 gets the gist of it
Rewrite "the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia." Mmm...
ahem... "Y'know how there are people both Jewish and non-Jewish who believe the State of Israel has a fundamental right to exist based on history and international law... and who put that case in forums where it needs to be heard - like the United Nations or the zone separating Israel from murderous bombers who would seek to destroy it - and who sometimes successfully influence others in governance and governmental assemblies to see the justice of this cause, and sometimes not? Well, they controlled Joh Bjelke-Petersen and Russ Hinze and now they control Mark Latham and Wilson Tuckey - not to mention George Bush, John Kerry, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Strom Thurmond and Ted Kennedy and media moguls like Rupert Murdoch. Their leader in America - secretly, of course - is Denis Kucinich who wears a tight-fitting wig over his Jew-fro."
Sounds reasonable.
Posted by: CurrencyLad at July 27, 2004 at 02:11 AMWell zionists are usually jews, not all jews are zionists, so let us suppose that 1% of the US population are zionists, Margo is saying that a tiny minority of powerful people secretly conspire to run the world, what's wrong with that?
Posted by: Ross at July 27, 2004 at 02:15 AMRereading my comment, I'm worried that people might think I'm being serious. I'm not.
Posted by: Ross at July 27, 2004 at 02:17 AM"I'm so breathtakingly stupid I don't even know when I've insulted people. I like to make slanderous and baseless claims and stand around with my piehole gaping when people take offense. What's wrong with you all?"
Does that sum it up?
Posted by: mark from monroe at July 27, 2004 at 02:28 AM"Please supply your alternative version of 'the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia' in comments."
Posted by: Jim Treacher at July 27, 2004 at 02:34 AMIf she simply needs a more polite "code word"... 'neocon' would do nicely for someone of Margo's apparent, um, limited wit. That seems to be the practice of the Left in America.
Posted by: Major John at July 27, 2004 at 02:35 AMIt’s funny how nobody ever accuses Anglo-Saxons of running the world. As a part-Anglo-Saxon, I should feel partly offended.
Posted by: ForNow at July 27, 2004 at 02:36 AMHow about "Jews rule the world by proxy and invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy to avoid persecution and gain control of the most powerful countries."
Hey, it worked for Mahathir.
Posted by: Randal Robinson at July 27, 2004 at 02:37 AMCould it be that Margo has woken up slightly and finally smelled what she was shovelling?
Margo, keep working at it - after all, Arbeit macht frei. Unbelievable.
Posted by: Rob at July 27, 2004 at 02:49 AMSo let me get this straight - a columnist for a major newspaper down on your side of the world published in response to a question "the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia"? WOW - I mean... will there be any sort of consequence for her? Having never traveled to your faire country I can only assume this is similar to say Maureen Dowd here in the states printing something similar?
On a side note: I thought Rupert Murdoch controlled politics and the media in Australia and the US.
"Instead of AlJeeezeera, left wing Moonbats and snot nosed university elitist's, it is preferable the fundamentalist Zionist lobby control politics and the media in the US and Australia."
Posted by: beavereater at July 27, 2004 at 02:53 AM"Die Juden sind unser Unglueck" (The Jews are our misfortune), National DEMOCRATIC party, Germany, 1933
Posted by: Yossi at July 27, 2004 at 03:00 AMIn Britain it is usually sufficient to say "Those people, who know who I mean", with a sly smile.
Posted by: Martin Morgan at July 27, 2004 at 03:02 AMHow about, "The Elders in charge of the Politics and Media Departments, Anglo Divisions, are pleased to report meeting or exceeding all quarterly, annual, and millenium goals as outlined in the Protocols."
Posted by: tom at July 27, 2004 at 03:11 AMThe idea that Jews have all this power has, of course, been around forever. One would have thought that the deaths of 6 million all-powerful Jews in the Holocaust would have put an end to this myth, even for total idiots like Kingston.
But apparently not. More to the point,Israel has considerable support from all Americans, not only Jews. This is mostly because of a wierd American distaste for societies that discriminate against women, gays and non-Muslims, have no fundamental freedoms, amputate body parts of criminals in public and contribute nothing to the good of the human race other than the hijacking of airplanes, suicide-bombers and video-taped beheadings of innocent civilians.
Posted by: melk at July 27, 2004 at 03:12 AM"But some of my best friends are fundamentalist Zionists"
Having spent many paragraphs telling us that when she said "zionist" she didn't mean "Jewish", she then produces:
"One thing that is such a telltale about [Minister] Downer's recent closeness to the Jewish right is his continued use of the expresion 'suicide-homicide bomber'. ..."
NB: Not "Israeli right", "zionist right" or "extreme zionists", but "Jewish right". Anyway, isn't 'suicide-homicide bomber' actually a more accurate term (albeit clumsier) than 'suicide bomber'?
Posted by: Bobbing Bob Bobbins at July 27, 2004 at 03:13 AMThirty tears ago when I was a teenager, the only people in the US who sputed this sort of thing were Neo Nazis, Klansmen and John Birchers. It is simply stunning to see all the old crap leave the Right and take up a new home in the Left in such a few short years.
Posted by: Forrest Covington at July 27, 2004 at 03:19 AMI've lived in the US all my life...more decades than I am prepared to state...and I can't ever recall a Zionist controlling anything in my life. Strange....I guess an Australian nitwit knows better.
Posted by: Wallace-Midland Texas at July 27, 2004 at 03:40 AM"It’s funny how nobody ever accuses Anglo-Saxons of running the world."
It's only post-9/11 that the Fundamentalist-Zionist conspiracy (TM) (i.e. Neocons) has been the primary font of evil for the Left. Prior to that there were the other traditional conspiracies.
For example, "THIS is an Anglo-Saxon Protestant conspiracy. So much for Britain’s commitment to European solidarity; its real union is with America." -- European Parliament member Jean-Claude Martinez in 2000.
Posted by: Bruce Rheinstein at July 27, 2004 at 04:02 AMFrom Margo's next column: "Is there a language problem here? I don't see why my uncontroversial statement of fact has caused such a fuhrer."
Adam: Yes, that's right. Rupert Mudoch controls the media. It goes without saying that George Bush and his facist running-dog lackey Ashcroft control the media. Of course the Multinational Corporations control the media. Obvious, really, to anyone who isn't brainwashed by the Zionist media.
That's the cool thing about liberal magical thinking. You can simultaneously assert as many contradictory things as you like! Rational non-contradictory belief systems are so dissent-crushing.
Posted by: Bryan C at July 27, 2004 at 04:14 AMHow about "I am a paranoid, half-educated, left-wing moonbat who obsesses about Joos and Muricans hiding under my bed waiting to kidnap and ravage me"?
Posted by: Rebecca at July 27, 2004 at 04:20 AMYes, I know I used "ravage" when I should have said "ravish", but really... it's Margo Kingston. Would you?
Posted by: Rebecca at July 27, 2004 at 04:21 AMYeah, Rebecca, it's Margo Kingston. What do you mean, "ravish" her?
She couldn't find romance in a concentration camp with a motorcycle.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 27, 2004 at 04:37 AM
Margo, if you seek an alternative mode to express what you wrote, consult "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
BTW, "some of my best friends are Jews" doesn't cut it.
Posted by: Dave S at July 27, 2004 at 04:41 AMSing it, Margo! "Deutchland, Deutchland uber alles..."
Posted by: Cybrludite at July 27, 2004 at 04:53 AMHow about, "I thought what I wrote was a statement of fact, after all, I read it in the New York Times!"
Posted by: Pharaoh at July 27, 2004 at 05:31 AMHas anyone checked out Margo's - *brain housing
group* (a little marine slanguage) to see whether
there's an inordinate amount of rust or corrosion?
The hook-nosed, pork avoiding killers of babies. No, not the Arabs; the other ones.
Posted by: bill at July 27, 2004 at 05:39 AMThe intolerant Christ loving, neo conservative, Likudnik junta.
Posted by: Joel at July 27, 2004 at 05:41 AMit seemed so uncontroversial when I wrote it - I suppose because I mix largely with left wing Jewish Australians
I guess I'm suffering from another language problem here, but doesn't that translate into "it's commonly accepted as fact among left-wing Jewish Australians that the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia"? In that case, oh boy...(self-)hating just reached a whole new level.
Maybe they're pissed it's not them who control politics and the media, so they're blaming "those other Jews" (whoever they are), the unbelieving non-lefty ones... It would nicely mirror the U.S. leftist belief that all Republicans are baby-killing, seal-eating warmongers, at least.
Hate, the religion of the Left. How charming.
Posted by: PW at July 27, 2004 at 05:42 AMThat's the cool thing about liberal magical thinking. You can simultaneously assert as many contradictory things as you like! Rational non-contradictory belief systems are so dissent-crushing.
Damn this shiite is funny and what makes even funnier it that the shiite is true.
Good Stuff!
Posted by: Keith at July 27, 2004 at 05:43 AMYossi, got a reference for that quotation?
"Die Juden sind unser Unglück" - first said by historian Heinrich von Treitschke in 1879, kicking off the first "antisemitism debate" in Germany. (Reference: newsweekly Die Zeit. Intriguingly, they refer to him as a "liberal professor of history". I assume they mean he had, until that point at least, been a classical liberal. I don't see how that statement of his can be perceived as anything but reactionary, especially back in those days.)
Anyway, the statement was later taken up as a rallying cry by Nazi-era "newspaper" Der Stürmer and made a permanent fixture of their cover design. (Examples here and here.)
Posted by: PW at July 27, 2004 at 06:10 AMSee, that was Hitler's problem, too. He shouldn't have said, "Let's kill all the Jews." I should have said, "I believe that it would be optimal at this juncture to embark upon a program of de-vivification of persons of the Jewish faith and/or ancestry."
Posted by: Spoons at July 27, 2004 at 06:15 AMI say that Margo needs to get out more. Maybe to a football match (or baseball game) and have a few beers with the common folk.
Posted by: J_Crater at July 27, 2004 at 06:37 AMMargo's behind the times on her codewords. If she'd used the current approved-phrase, "Likudnik" instead of the out-of-date "Zionist Fundamentalist", she would have been able to properly conceal her Judenhass...
Posted by: Jeff R. at July 27, 2004 at 07:00 AMIt's nothing more than an article problem. She used the definite article "the" when she obviously meant to use the indefinite article "a" as in "a fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia".
Now, if only she would be more precise and tell us to which of the many fundamentalist Zionist lobbies that control politics and the media in the US and Australia she is referring.
Yeah, that's the ticket. She only meant to insult the wrong kind of Jews - the ones she doesn't "mix" with.
Posted by: timks at July 27, 2004 at 07:01 AMIronically,I just watched "The Eternal Jew"-Nazi propaganda film circa 1940-today in the "Anti-Semitism before the Holocaust" class I'm taking. At least half of the film concentrated on Jewish bankers, journalists and government officials, introducing them as "The Jew Warburg, the Jew Rothschild" etc, and talking about their supposed evil, clandestine influence on decent though naive non-Jewish populations. I think it's fair to say that when you are echoing Hitler's propaganda,nearly verbatim, you might reconsider your point. That's the problem with a lot of people, generally the Left: they have no sense of history.
Posted by: jessica at July 27, 2004 at 07:06 AMI think Mike G's explanation posted above is the most likely one:
``...,did she mean to put a slash between "fundamentalist" and "Zionist" to suggest that the fundamentalist Christians and the Zionists are in cahoots...''
I don't know about Margo, but in American Lefty-speak this would mean an eeevvil coalition between fundamentalist Christians (meaning any Christian who takes his faith seriously) and non-self-hating Jews who would rather not see Israel wiped off the map. Regular readers of Margo will know if this is the sort of coalition she would look upon with alarm. But boy-oh-boy, is she a sloppy writer. Don't you have copy editors down yonder?
Posted by: Annalucia at July 27, 2004 at 07:14 AM
"the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia"
I'm looking for names? Would that be the LA Times, which has been at war with the local Jewish community for 25 years, ultimately humiliating it into submission?
Or Reuter, which turned control of its Middle East coverage to a Palestinian woman working dirctly for the PA?
Or the Sunday Times and AP which ran a story about an Israeli "ethno-bomb" and then stone-walled when it turned out to be a fake?
Which one do Zionists control?
You point to a major news source, I'll find you fake, made-up, never-happened, fantasyland news stories written to sell the Palestinian cause.
I can think of a few magazines that don't do this, but that's it.
Scott Adler
Looking over my previous post it appears that I accidentally eraced Margo Kingston's name as the intended adressee.
As a writer and editor, I should know better.
Posted by: Scott Adler at July 27, 2004 at 07:21 AMPersonally, I will gladly admit to being anti-Semtex.
Sometimes, I'm anti-syntactic, but then I sober up.
(I'm not anti-synthetic; Mobil-1 makes my car run quieter.)
Posted by: Sigivald at July 27, 2004 at 07:32 AMI was going to ask Billy McKinney, but he's not answering my calls.
Posted by: Laurence Simon at July 27, 2004 at 07:38 AMJessica, this is "classical" anti-semitism. German (and most other forms of) anti-semitism was focused on two things - the jews control the world (banks, media and politics), and the jews are not loyal citizens (cf. New Zealand). The SMH has a few writers that argue along these lines - Margo Kingston, Alan Ramsay and Paul McIdiot. I've gotto get back to working on my weather machine now. The Simon Weisenthal Center is probably a good resource.
Posted by: Jonny at July 27, 2004 at 07:51 AMCyberludite - as a matter of entertainment, realise that the Alma Mater of that revered and esteemed liberal institution known as Columbia University in New York City *is* "Deutschland uber Allles" !
Sigivald - isn't that the problem with the PC folk - they are basically anti-semantic ?
Grant got it, first; and Jim Treacher fleshed out the phrase to its intended implication:
Juden. Juden raus.
That's what Margo said.
Stop her.
Tim, can you highlight her quote, linked, for, say, forever, weekly? Until everybody sees it, and she goes away.
Dammit people!!! Weren't you listening when Jack Strocchi, Man of Ineffable Causistry, proved conclusively with the full weight of his logic that anti-semitism DOES NOT EXIST IN THE WESTERN LEFT? He did it on this very blog!
He couldn't have been full of shit. I mean, he's Jack Strocchi.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 27, 2004 at 09:17 AMBad Sortelli! Bad! Bad! Bad! Invoking Strocchi's name is likely to bring him back. Now I have to beat you with my (illegal) copy of F9/11.
If I say "Jack Strocchi" three times, will he go away, like Beetle Juice did?
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 27, 2004 at 09:23 AMSaying it three times summoned him, not banished him! OH NO! WE AER DOOMDE
Still, I'd love to see his logical hoop-jumping as he tries to explain for us how claims that the Jews are devious puppet masters are not actually anti-semetic. Maybe folks like carlos and Darp Hau can help him out with this one. Or maybe Jack would take a different tactic and try to claim that while what Margo said is anti-semetic, she and her crowd of agreeable enablers are not members of the "left". Maybe fatfingers could join in with an explanation of how rabid anti-semites are also good sources of information. It could be a little troll panel on anti-semetism.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 27, 2004 at 09:32 AMAll this anger. All this politics of personal destruction for one poor worker for the Common Good. Shouldn't you cut her some slack?. There is probably a plausible explanation for her parallel universe mindset. May I suggest a vegemite deficiency!!!! Or hey, maybe String Theory is valid and she is just the paradigm case! Nah, it's the vegemite!!
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 27, 2004 at 09:58 AMWell, I am talking about Jack Stocchi, after all. Beetle Juice was crazy and self centered, not stupid and self centered.
But I don't know about putting Jack together with our other regular trolls in a panel, though. It might turn into some sort of self-congratulatory leftoid group hugging convention best left undescribed. If Margo and Miranda join in, we might see some unholy unions, with the resulting offspring growing to be a presidential candidate for the Democrats in 2040 or so, unless the US Constitution is changed to lower the age of the President. Or a similar situation in Australia.
I don't want to create that sort of problem for the generations yet unborn.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 27, 2004 at 09:59 AMC'mon, Jeff, it's how they discovered penicilin. Letting those goons get together will convince the rest of the world to strap them to a rocket and launch them into the sun.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 27, 2004 at 10:24 AMThis anti-semetic charge
Thank God she didn't mistype this as, oh, 'semetic discharge'. That's a sementic - whoops, sorry - semantic mistake no one would like to make.
Posted by: TimT at July 27, 2004 at 10:29 AM"the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia"
Jews rule, OK.
C,mon Margo. If you're going to be confused, at least be concise.
Posted by: Dave at July 27, 2004 at 11:01 AMMaybe "fundamentalist Zionist lobby" is just the nigger in the woodpile.
We better flick this over to Media Watch for rubber-stamping.
Posted by: Paul Wright at July 27, 2004 at 11:04 AMShe ought to change her name to Marlon "The Jews run Hollywood" Brando.
Posted by: Tony.T at July 27, 2004 at 11:05 AMIs opposing fundamentalist zionism by definition anti-semitic because the bloghead says so, or because LGF says so?
Are the majority of Israeli citizens who oppose fundamentalist zionism also anti-semitic?
Posted by: Miranda Divide at July 27, 2004 at 11:13 AMIs opposing fundamentalist zionism by definition anti-semitic because the bloghead says so, or because LGF says so?
Are the majority of Israeli citizens who oppose fundamentalist zionism also anti-semitic?
That's who we forgot! Good ol' Moronda. How are the meds this month? You must have been good, since the doctors let you get back on the Interweb again.
Posted by: david at July 27, 2004 at 11:33 AMSortelli, fuel that rocket. Miranda is here.
Miranda, Margo is confused about her own use of terminology. Most people define "Zionist" to relate to the founding of Israel, which is to say, a Jewish state.
So when Margo wrote "..."the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia...", she is complaining about The Jews That Rule The World, in some fashion or another. In short, there's a cabal out there to rule us.
This is anti-semitism in its basic form. The same drivel sold by the Nazi Germany, the KKK, the John Birch Society, and most recently, the leftoids who claim they are not anti-semitic, but merely pro-exploding Palestinians.
I hope that this public service announcement enlightens you. And now, we return to Mission Control in Houston, where the countdown to this historic launch into the sun resumes.....
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 27, 2004 at 11:33 AMKinda makes you wonder how these mass murder holocaust thingies get started, don't it?
"Sheesh! I was only speaking my mind, is all... cut me a fucking break, I mean... are you all hanging on my every word or something??"
I think from here on out it might be a good idea to do just that, and respond with much goodly force. Something tells me this shit won't stop with the '04 elections going our way.
Posted by: geezer at July 27, 2004 at 11:42 AMIs opposing fundamentalist zionism by definition anti-semitic because the bloghead says so, or because LGF says so?
Are the majority of Israeli citizens who oppose fundamentalist zionism also anti-semitic?
Miranda don't try and change the subject. Its a clever trick to change the wording to fundamentalist zionism, by which you mean the 1% of orthdox Jews who think Israel has a religious justification to owning all of Judea and Samaria.
As for the remainder of the the Israeli population, they all surely support zionism (the creation and continued existence of a Jewish state) or else they would be without a country.
Posted by: Jono at July 27, 2004 at 11:51 AMNothing easier. How about this:
"The fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia... not that there's anything wrong with that!Posted by: Andrew S. at July 27, 2004 at 11:57 AM
You know, this whole problem would blow over if we just made a rule that said the Zionists have to wear some sort of marking so that everyone could see who they were and how they actually do control everything. Something like an armband or a yellow star or something.
Forget about the rocket, Jeff, Miranda's not getting onto the troll panel because she's too fucking stupid.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 27, 2004 at 11:58 AM"...Miranda's not getting onto the troll panel because she's too fucking stupid."
Whew! Thanks, Sortelli! I'm glad the International Troll Panel Standards (TM) are well above Miranda's low mentality level. For a while, I had this vision of Miranda being in the public eye....which went blind immediately.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 27, 2004 at 12:06 PMI think even the other trolls shun her. I can't blame them. Who could stand to be shoulder to shoulder with a reactionary twit who will defend Uli Schmaltzmeyer when he makes shit up to call other people racist; and then turn around and defend actual racism?
Oh. Wait. Pretty much all of them would. Nevermind.
I'm being controlled by the Zionists???? NOOOOOOO....
Does mum know??
Posted by: scott at July 27, 2004 at 12:43 PMMargo's words are openly racist and incitive of hatred towards the Jews.
Considering Arab countries hold the mojority of the worlds oil one would be forgiven for thinking it is indeed the Arabs and not the Jews who are trying to control the world.
But hey Margo, just you go ahead on your racist Jew hating campaign as all the left are doing and in no time at all you'll be burning crosses in front of African American houses with your cone shaped hat...
Stupid fucking Moonbat.
Posted by: scott at July 27, 2004 at 12:48 PMYou have added to your list of banned IP addresses.
Sorry Miranda, only one troll per post for you! Actually not even that. (My Zionist Masters™ made me say that! Ooops -- I wasn't supposed to say anything! Now I guess I'll get fined-- hold on, I think someone's at the do
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 27, 2004 at 12:58 PMAs the countdown to doomsday briefens, Margo finds herself composing one elegant, grammatical, & superlatively spelt sentence after another. Rising from her seat of pain & holding her writing arm erect, she screeches, “Mein Führer! I can write again!” when suddenly—
Posted by: ForNow at July 27, 2004 at 01:06 PMPW: Thanks, I know that much. I was more interested in Yossi’s claim that the statement was made by the National Democratic Party in Germany in 1933, as he is clearly trying to link the statement with the US Democratic Party. However, as far as I can tell, there was no National Democratic Party in Germany in 1933. So that’s the reference I was asking for…
Posted by: Robert at July 27, 2004 at 01:18 PMJust on a serious note, can you imagine the vitriol if a right wing commentator used the defence, "I have a Muslim friend who said I could call it a Islamic conspiracy", they would be flayed in the SMH for years.
She is a fucking idiot, the prosecution rests.
Posted by: Nuffy at July 27, 2004 at 01:32 PMBrothers in mines and Brothers in ships
And Brothers behind the plough!
Brothers in factories, offices, shops! Follow our Leader now!
Stock Exchange Jews and Media Jews poison our Fatherland!
Our wish to work like honest men they'll never understand!
But we are faithful to our Leader, Adolf Hitler, stern and strong,
He is our champion and our hope, and will fight against the wrong ... etc.
I remember when Miranda rose to the defense of someone who slipped up and attacked "Jews" instead of "Zionists" (oops!). Oddly enough, she tried to claim TIM was being anti-semetic for mentioning it.
Anyone who still thinks that trolls like Miranda shouldn't be banned outright, please pull your heads out and reconsider.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 27, 2004 at 01:42 PMShe's wrong, the Scots control the world.
McDonald's, Ford, Murdoch, Campbell's, Blair, AC/DC... (especially AC/DC!)
a sinister plot, d'ya ken?
Posted by: scotty at July 27, 2004 at 01:59 PMHas anyone asked Margo to define "zionist"?
Any claim that any group controls America or Australia is crazy.
How about: "The fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia... not that there's anything wrong with that!
This Xena-ist article claims that Jews once controlled hollywood, but regarded it as a good thing as that was a time when the portrayal of arabs was fairly positive.
Posted by: Andjam at July 27, 2004 at 02:01 PMNuffy, Just on a serious note? This is not serious. It's not happening. Can't be. I'm delusional. Have to use my reason, can't trust my sense of sight. There is no way that the S.M.H. would in 2004, when we have troops in the field along with the U.S.in Iraq print a writer's racist, Nazi like rant that the media and politics of the U.S. and Australia are controlled by the Zionist lobby.It is just not rational, why would they do that?
Posted by: David.D at July 27, 2004 at 02:07 PMIt is just not rational, why would they do that?
I think you answered your own question, man. :)
geezer--... grudgingly I admit that I take pleasure from stomping on Miranda, but man, sometimes it becomes just too maddening. You cannot reason with bigots, and she is a bigot. I'm all for bigots being shunned and shut out of society. It's not acceptable, no matter how much psuedo-logic you pour into it. GAH! I got myself all worked up.
You guys want to see anti-semitism? Through my link go to the Michael Totten link that tim gave in his old post there. Read the comments at the end (right before all the crazy spam). Seriously, the language these racist pigs use must be recognized, even if Margo will parrot it blindly and act bewildered when she is called on it. It's sad that Israel has had to literally wall itself off from this kind of world-wide hate, but I certainly understand their need to do it.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 27, 2004 at 02:26 PMMargo's statements make a lot more sense if you precede each one with the phrase "Here on planet Zog". When other demented lefties agree with Margo (hi "Miranda") you can conclude that they too hail from planet Zog.
Planet Zog appears to be a very interesting place.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 27, 2004 at 02:31 PMCome to Planet ZOG, where all your white supremecist dreams of secret Jewish cabals come true! Special rates for groups of lefties, stay as long as you like!
Posted by: Sortelli at July 27, 2004 at 03:09 PMMargo's comments are another example of the commentarian left increasingly embracing post-Weimar socialism. Check out this recent Ted Rall cartoon:
If Latham wins, the opening to the chorus verse set to Aurelai will be:
Ozland, Ozland, Untermich,
Untermich boden voll von scheisse,
Ozvolk, Ozvolk, Lecken mein arsch!
Margo implored:
"I'd really appreciate your advice on this - it seemed so uncontroversial when I wrote it - I suppose because I mix largely with left wing Jewish Australians."
Advice follows:
Find a brick wall. Bend over straight at the waist forming an upside-down L with your body, keeping arms at your side. Run as fast as you can into the brick wall with your head. Repeat as needed.
Posted by: Bonfire7 at July 27, 2004 at 03:27 PMSco'y, d'ya think ya cud beem me up? Ahm havin a bit
o' troble with this divide thing, I d'na ken wha
it's tryin' ta sey, Ah need help! Hurreh mon!
Seems whoever said that the extreme left takes its inspiration from the extreme right might not be far our ?
Enough already Ms kingston has the intellectual might of a cold lutkas !
I've just arrived and I'm a little lost. What planet is this again? And what decade is it supposed to be? (@#$%! malfunctioning time capsules. Set it for 2004 and it decides you really want 1938, every time...)
Posted by: jaed at July 27, 2004 at 04:35 PM“My friend, I do not accuse you of deliberate anti-Semitism. I know you feel, as I do, a deep love of truth and justice and a revulsion for racism, prejudice, and discrimination. But I know you have been misled—as others have been—into thinking you can be “anti-Zionist’ and yet remain true to these heartfelt principles that you and I share.
Let my words echo in the depths of your soul.
When people criticise Zionism, they mean Jews—make no mistake about it.”
Posted by: Anabel at July 27, 2004 at 05:31 PM
On international/non-Aussie web sites, news or otherwise, where a sidebar provides links to the major news organisations within each country, good old Oz is usually represented by the SMH.
Without any further infornmation, such links could be seen as evidence of the SMH being Aust.'s premier, and most credible, news organisation.
Thing is, up until a few weeks ago at least, everyone's favorite freak, Margo Kingston, was the online political editor of this august journal.
Sometimes life is funny.
Posted by: max power at July 27, 2004 at 05:38 PM
I didn't know Rupert and Kerry were Jewish. What's Lachlan doing with that shiksa then?
Posted by: Simon at July 27, 2004 at 05:42 PMPlease supply your alternative version of "the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia"
I'm insane and none of your juden-pschyco-tropic drugs can help me!
I will curl up in a corner now. Excuse the "eees"...
"Please supply your alternative version of 'the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia' in comments."
Ummm, how about.
The jewish race use the blood of christian children for the feast of passover, spread the plague, poisons wells, killed christ - oh and by the way they also control the media and politicians all throughout the west.
Posted by: Azazel at July 27, 2004 at 05:54 PMStephen Mayne hit the mark, I suspect, in today's crikey.com email
Margo is leaving herself wide open to attack with her overblown claims and is no doubt copping plenty of abuse. Then again, maybe she's adopting the Mike Moore approach to overblown claims and conspiracies. Her book Not Happy John! is certainly selling very strongly. The first print run of 10,000 quickly sold out, as did the second consignment of 3,000, so her publishers have printed another 6,000 which are also moving fast.
Gerard Henderson has also asked Margo to address the Sydney Institute, so you can also forget about "the great Jewish conspiracy" when you consider the powerl Jewish backers are reputed to have over the Sydney Institute.
Margo is having no trouble getting media exposure for her book and it is causing plenty of debate. And as for the suggestion her views led to Fairfax offering her retrenchment, this doesn't stack up either when you consider she's been retained for her main gig, the SMH Webdiary, for the next three years.
I think she did it on purpose. Drum up book sales.
Posted by: Scott at July 27, 2004 at 06:11 PMMargo can't spell anti-Semitism, and like many, many others (including most of the commenters here) she doesn't know what it means.
The term Semite describes all the descendants of Abraham, which encompasses both Jews and Arabs - in fact, pretty much everybody who lives in the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf states is of Semite extraction originally. Therefore, being an anti-Semite means being equally biased against both Jews and Arabs.
Come to think of it, perhaps Margo is so confused that this description does apply to her.
Posted by: tim g at July 27, 2004 at 06:17 PMMaybe she can just use the more acceptable term "kike" and be done with it.
Posted by: bbridges at July 27, 2004 at 06:17 PMBloody hell tim g, your living proof that a little knowledge (and I do mean little) is a dangerous thing.
Posted by: Gary at July 27, 2004 at 06:28 PMGary:
I know, scary isn't it. (Or sad, or both.) It's the result of being a history graduate and hence having a head full of useless information. Now that Trivial Pursuit is no longer fashionable, I don't get much chance to use it.
Now, I'm just waiting to pounce on a post that misuses the word 'enormity'.
Posted by: tim g at July 27, 2004 at 06:45 PMTim G
"Therefore, being an anti-Semite means being equally biased against both Jews and Arabs."
I’ve posted this before, and if Tim allows I’ll post it each and every time someone comes up with this tripe.
The word “anti-Semitism” was created by an anti-Semite, Wilhelm Marr in the late 1800’s. Marr’s intention was to replace the German word Judenhass (Jew-hatred) with a term that was politically more acceptable.
The word Anti-Semitism refers to no other people but the Jews.
Get it.
Got it.
Rereading my comment, I'm worried that people might think I'm being serious. I'm not.
Ross, it's getting pretty damn hard to exaggerate these people. They've already broken the "Parody Meter" after they blew past "Weird Al" straight into "Naked Gun".
Posted by: Aaron at July 27, 2004 at 08:02 PMMike G, what the hell are you on about? Lubavitchers are extremists?!? Mate, I don't know if you're quite sure you know who exactly you're talking about, but Lubavitch is a denomination of Judaism (or more specifically, Hasidism), inasmuch as Catholics are Christians. They fully adhere to Jewish law, 'coz they ARE Jews!
Posted by: Jimothy at July 27, 2004 at 08:39 PMNo doubt about it.This Margo girl get our blood a pumpin'.I sometimes wonder whether she feigns stupidity just to have a dialogue with this site. Then the dearheart Miranda Divide appears. She dips a toe into the pool of righteous indignation to take back to that barren wasteland of lefty thought some carrot of hostility to dangle for the baiting .
Posted by: gubbaboy at July 27, 2004 at 09:23 PMMargo's assertion - over and over - that she's at a loss to understand what she did wrong is the most pure glimpse we'll ever get of her true beliefs. Yes, she's anti-semitic, but more disturbingly she's constructed a universe in which the standards of rational thought and common decency just don't arise. If you want to understand the bankruptcy of the Australian Left, check into Chez Margo and see the cook whip up some Stupid Pie. What a complete fu-king ditz.
Grow up Kingston, you sad excuse for a thinker.
Posted by: Sick of Idiots at July 27, 2004 at 09:34 PMI think Australia's own Al-Jazeera puts it well:
This two-part series featuring interviews with US officials, CIA operatives, US journalists and prominent figures of the post-September 11 political landscape creates a disturbing portrait of President George W. Bush. The interviews reveal that Bush and his administration are committed representatives of the Christian Right. After nine months in power and still with no defined political program, George W. Bush found in September 11 the best pretext for declaring war on Iraq and terrorism and for taking on a mission of a lifetime. Himself a radical reborn Christian, a neo-conservative and supportive of Zionist policy, Bush and his operation would definitely serve Israel and settle the USA as controller in the Arab Middle East. Yet to justify his move and get the American people's approval, the Bush government had to implicate - and discredit - United Nations members, political experts, journalists and diplomats alike all around the Western world. Part two screens next Tuesday. (From France, in English and French, English subtitles) (PART 2) CC
By the way, it's not a comedy starring Jerry Lewis.
Posted by: Clem Snide at July 27, 2004 at 09:40 PMhttp://www.intervarsity.org/ism/article_item.php?article_id=955
"If you ever want a detailed account of how the nineteenth-century English Evangelicals ended the British slave trade, abolished sati and infant sacrifice in India, banned child labor and other such abuses in England, started the world's first 'animal rights' group (The RSPCA, which banned the torture of animals for sport), rehabilitated prostitutes, reformed the Parliament, brought education and relief to the destitutes of England, brought about prison and lunatic asylum reforms, etc., etc., then the book to read is "The Call to Seriousness: The Evangelical Impact on the Victorians," by Ian C. Bradley (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1976."
Yes, those fundamentalist Christians...
They just conquered the world like robbers!
Hoo boy, a "disturbing portrait of President George W. Bush", from France no less. How original.
Yet to justify his move and get the American people's approval, the Bush government had to implicate - and discredit - United Nations members, political experts, journalists and diplomats alike all around the Western world.
I daresay the aforementioned managed to do the discrediting pretty well on their own. But hey, what's a $10 billion Oil-for-Food scandal among friends...
Posted by: PW at July 27, 2004 at 11:03 PM These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed
The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons inspectors mandate.
Please try the following:
Click the Regime change button, or try again later.
If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. (IRAQ).
To check your weapons inspector settings, click the UN menu, and then click Weapons Inspector Options. On the Security Council tab, click Consensus. The settings should match those provided by your government or NATO.
If the Security Council has enabled it, The United States of America can examine your country and automatically discover Weapons of Mass Destruction.
If you would like to use the CIA to try and discover them,
click Detect weapons
Some countries require 128 thousand troops to liberate them. Click the Panic menu and then click About US foreign policy to determine what regime they will install.
If you are an Old European Country trying to protect your interests, make sure your options are left wide open as long as possible. Click the Tools menu, and then click on League of Nations. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Head in the Sand section and check settings for your exports to Iraq.
Click the Bomb button if you are Donald Rumsfeld.
Cannot find weapons or CIA Error
Iraqi Explorer
Bush went to Iraq to look for Weapons of Mass Destruction and all he found was this lousy T-shirt.
I wonder if Media Watch will defend Margo and accuse bloggers of hair splitting.
Posted by: drscroogemcduck at July 27, 2004 at 11:13 PMI wouldn't put it past them. They've no problem with '2 blokes in a pub told me' as a front page item.
Posted by: Sheriff at July 27, 2004 at 11:47 PMIn the words of Early McKinney (father of Cynthia, the once and soon to be again U.S. House Representative from Georgia) explaining the cause of his daughter's primary loss two years ago:
"The Jews. J-E-W-S. Jews!"
Jimothy, if you don't know what I'm on about it's because you can't read clearly.
Posted by: Mike G at July 27, 2004 at 11:56 PMMike G.,
I was merely asking you, in a non-agressive manner, why you thought Lubavitch to be extreme, as you obviously do. You said "Lubavitchers and other extreme... Orthodox types", implying Lubavitch to be an extreme Orthodox type.
All I am asking is fromwhere does this perception come?
Anabel, we said. I was going to point that out as well...as I am wont to do. Why would we want to use the word created by judenhaas to describe them? Anti-semitism is a euphemism for JUDENHAAS.
BTW: if any of ZOG/international Jewish conspiracy types have contacts with a record company please send em' my way. I can give chapter and verse on how well I take orders from our Jewish masters.
Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge at July 28, 2004 at 12:39 AMI'm not going to get into Jewish theological debates.
Lubavitchers do not wear modern dress and they believe in an imminent Messiah (as in, maybe already). It is logical to say that puts them toward a conservative end of Judaism in America (as opposed to the kind that makes movies and gives money to Kerry), sort of like the Mormons, who are conservative on the American social spectrum-- even though within Christian contexts, by many other definitions they would be quite radical.
But in any case my whole point was that such hair-splitting demonstrates how little Margo understands anything, since she is using a Christian term (fundamentalist) probably because it wrongly conjures up for her a group of orthodox and other traditionalist Jews who in any case are not the same ones as the neocons who (socially and politically conservative but religiously less traditional) have SOME influence in Washington. So don't try to make sense out of it when my original point was how she's got it all confused in the first place,
Posted by: Mike G at July 28, 2004 at 12:47 AMLubavitchers? Elders? Zionists? Whoa, I must not be paying attention. I thought the Matrix controlled all of that.
Posted by: Hucklebuck at July 28, 2004 at 01:24 AMBecause the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia.
I'm still at a loss for how Rupert Murdoch fits into this.
Posted by: Chas Rich at July 28, 2004 at 02:06 AMSurely Margo simply has to be sacked for that remark. It won't happen of course, but it's what she deserves.
Posted by: Michael Jennings at July 28, 2004 at 02:12 AMWhen some people (not silly Margo- she functions only with a brain stem say the Jews rule the world they are in fact making the observation that Jews kick above their weight in economic terms. There is some observable truth to this. Jews are over-represented in all the professions that require brain power. The fact is that European Jews have an average IQ of 117, much higher than the American average of 98. As a group they have received the most noble prizes of any. Thanks God for Jews then. And if they control things well all the better for them.
Posted by: jc at July 28, 2004 at 02:23 AMPlease supply your alternative version of "the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia" in comments.
"NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them."
So Margo WAS right after all; it was *right there* in the Protocols. I think apologies are in order all 'round.
Posted by: Tongue Boy at July 28, 2004 at 03:54 AMSlavery in th Arab worlD
Islam has neve abolished slavery as it is a core part of its religion, in its treatment of Infidels and black muslims within its lands.
Based on interviews taken in Bangladesh, India and the Philippines, HRW found abysmal and exploitative labor practices, wanton rape of women workers, and beheading of guest workers accused of crimes without proper legal process. Anyone who has visited Saudi Arabia knows the racism with which ordinary Saudis treats the brown and black-skinned masses that come for Hajj. Like hundreds of Bangladeshis every year, my parents endured these indignities during their recent pilgrimage. When he returned from Mecca, my father told me, "To them, we will always be miskeen (beggar). Doesn't matter what we do, or where we come from. They see our skin and don't need to see more." If this is how pilgrims are treated, imagine how much worse is the plight of the "Guest Worker." Yet, we Muslims remain silent on these abuses -- after all the Saudis are the keepers of Islam's holiest site, so they cannot possibly be racist!
How appropriate as well that HRW used the phrase "slavery" to describe conditions inside the desert kingdom. Saudi Arabia was in fact one of the last nation-states to abolish slavery. Along with Yemen, the Saudis only abolished slavery in 1962. Prior to that, the Islamic world's experience with slavery was extremely problematic. Muslims once led the rest of the world in science, culture and human emancipation. The positive examples are numerous and often-repeated. However, the advances brought about in the early days of the Islamic Caliphate ossified, with very little innovation or re-interpretation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries....
The Muslim world is sliding backwards into medievalism, and it is time for reformers to speak openly and bravely. There is a cancer that is eating away at our soul -- a disease marked by paranoia, double standards and virulent racism. While we are in full-throated cry against abuses in Iraq and Palestine, we stay completely silent when it is Muslims who are the abusers (of both non-Muslims and Muslims).
How else to explain our outpouring of sympathy for the Bosnian genocide, but our complete silence on the ongoing genocide in Sudan? In that country's civil war between the Arab Muslim North, and the black Christian and Animist South, 2 million people have been killed to date. In a BBC profile of the hundreds of black Africans who have been raped by pro-government Janjaweed Arab militia, one victim described the attackers: "They called me Abeid (slave in Arabic)."
Shame on the Muslim world for staying silent!
"Let’s help. Please supply your alternative version of "the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia" in comments."
OK here the historical one: The Jew continues his work accordingly to the Protocols of Zion.
Its scientifiKKK
It makes sense that Jews would prefer to read Margo Kingston than, say, Ha'aretz. After all, the Jewish daily informs them of Israel's warts -- the Occupation, Unemployment, Inflation, etc. -- while Ms. Kingston tells them that they secretly Rule The World.
Posted by: furious_a at July 28, 2004 at 08:38 AMThe funniest comment section I've ever read, except the last time I was here. I especially love that you have nicknames for all your nut job trolls!
Posted by: Forbes at July 28, 2004 at 08:55 AMSorry, Forbes, we can't take credit for coming up with their stupid names. As offenbark demonstrates, our stupid trolls can't even hardly take credit for the stupid memes they repeat over and over in their rabid determination to cover up Margo's latest folly. Nice try, offenbark, but you're still going to nap time without your juice-box!
tim g - Thanks for clearing up the spelling of anti-semite for me, since it's not a word I use often. By the way, does your vast trivial goal-post moving intellect have a response to what Anabel said?
(Please note that applying the word 'vast' to your intellect is intended as patronizing sarcasm, which you tend to make yourself fantastically impervious to.)
Posted by: Sortelli at July 28, 2004 at 09:23 AMWell...
I AM a fundamentalist and a staunch supporter of Israel's right to exist. But I don't appreciate the term "anti-semitic", being used to silence legitimate criticism. Don't you have to hate somebody to be anti-semitic?
I criticize the U.S., I am not anti-American. I criticize the NAACP, I am not anti-black. But if I criticize Israel... or Jewish politics... or even George Soros, for cryin' out loud, someone pulls out the "A" word. I think people need to dial it back a few notches. Why make enemies in places they aren't?
Margo Whoever might be an idiot, but what she said is probably NOT anti-semitic.
So, scott, were those wacky guys who penned the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in secret, were they not anti-semitic either?
Posted by: Sortelli at July 28, 2004 at 10:01 AMAnd just to make it perfectly goddamn clear before some goon like IXLPTZ comes in and tries to turn this into a conversation about the chill wind of anti-semitism crushing all valid criticism of the Jews, let's underline what Margo said.
Margo did not criticize Zionism. She claimed Zionists controlled politics and the media. This is a charge that has been passed down for generations by groups who can only be described as anti-semitic, people who wish to scapegoat Jews and rouse public hatred of them.
Anyone who mistakes that for a criticism of Zionists needs to GET A FUCKING CLUE. SERIOUSLY.
PS - Miranda: That means you, you whore.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 28, 2004 at 10:40 AMNo Sortelli, I believe that the protocols are fake. But should we discuss the Talmed here? Are you wanting to stop anti-semitism, or stir it up?
Posted by: scott at July 28, 2004 at 11:23 AMScott, you said that Margo's claim that the Zionists contol politics and the media "is probably NOT anti-semitic."
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were written to create the illusion that Jews control politics and the media (and everything else) in order to further the cause of anti-semities.
Now I'm going to ask you a question that I want you to think about as hard as you can: Do you still believe that Margo's claim, which comes straight out of the Biggest Anti-Semitic Playbook in History, is not anti-semitic?
Posted by: Sortelli at July 28, 2004 at 11:36 AMFirst you answer a question. Are you trying to be civil or just be a loud, f-ing idiot who does more harm than good?
Posted by: scott at July 28, 2004 at 11:43 AMScott, shut up. You obviously didn't bother to read anything, merely jumped in here to lecture us on a point no one is arguing about. If you repeat ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME that "legitimate criticism of Zionism is not anti-Semitism" I will fucking ban your IP. Why? Because, as Sortelli ALREADY POINTED OUT RIGHT BEFORE YOUR LAST COMMENT WHICH YOU COULD HAVE SEEN IF YOUR SWOLLEN SELF-REGARD WASN'T IN THE WAY OF YOUR EYESIGHT, the person we are criticizing did NOT put forth any "legitimate criticism" of anything, she blatted that same ANTI-SEMITIC CANARD that all the other Jew-hating losers in the world hold dear and close to their hearts, which is, and I will repeat FOR THE LAST TIME, the notion that JEWS RUN THE WORLD. Please buy a clue before you comment here again.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 28, 2004 at 11:45 AMNo, scott, I am not trying to be civil. Now answer the question honestly.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 28, 2004 at 11:46 AM*laughs his head off* Thanks, Andrea.
And scott, seriously, answer the question and don't give us a big fat teary cry about how people yell at you online. Because your defense of Margo deserves to be yelled at.
Andrea, you prove my point entirely.
I do not want Jews to be persecuted. I can guarantee that I have prayed for the peace of Jerusalem more than you and any 10 of your friends. People like me were shot by the Gestapo for hiding Jews. And if the crap goes down again, that's probably how I'll buy it. But if it does go down, it will be because miscreants like you and Sortelli stir the pot. The protocols would be laughed off and forgotten if not for types like you bringing them up trying to ascribe hatred where there is reasonable criticism. (It IS possible that Margo is anti-semitic, but is that what you WANT to believe?) EVERYBODY is rippable. Bush, Kerry, American, Aussie, Israeli, Palestinian, Christian, Jew, Muslim. Everybody has laundry. Trying to deflect criticism by charging hatred is immoral. Worse, it's counter productive.
You continue to evade the question I asked you scott, so I will cut and paste it here for your benefit:
Do you still believe that Margo's claim, which comes straight out of the Biggest Anti-Semitic Playbook in History, is not anti-semitic?
Posted by: Sortelli at July 28, 2004 at 12:11 PMWell. I'm pretty sure of two things. Firstly, Margo is not anti-semitic. Secondly, you lot are avowedly anti-Margo, which renders your "opinions" a little questionable, to say the least.
The Palestinians are semites, by the way. You can't be pro-Palestine and anti-semitic all ato once. Complete nonsense.
By the way, it is not the Zionists that control the world. It is the Illimunati. Get a clue.
Posted by: Bleagh at July 28, 2004 at 12:22 PMMaybe Scott is unable to answer, perhaps there is "a language problem here" What he wrote probably seemed "so uncontroversial when I wrote it".
Posted by: David D at July 28, 2004 at 12:27 PMNow, a person can make a racist remark, hold racist beliefs and defend racism without any hatred in their heart and without even considering themselves to be racist. They simply believe what they believe because that is what they have always believed.
That does not mean they aren't perpetuating racism. Margo is perpetuating the same baseless racist idea that was put forth by the fraudulent Protocols. In that case, I'm glad to be considered "avowedly anti-Margo", and I'm proud that my anti-Margo opinions drive ignorant people bat-shit crazy. By the way, Bleagh, we covered the Palestinians are semities thing already. Try to keep up, son.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 28, 2004 at 12:35 PMScott — You do realize that the Protocols can be purchased at every newsstand and bookshop in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Libya the Palestinian refugee camps, and just about anyplace you can find a Muslim community and a cash register, right? You do know that Egyptian national television just aired a whole television series based on the protocols, don't you? So why are you blaming us for noticing the reprehensible behavior going on?
Posted by: richard mcenroe at July 28, 2004 at 12:57 PMMargo Kingston is an irrelevant and semi-illiterate scribe writing for a paper with a rapidly dwindling circulation. Forget about her.
More of a danger are government-funded organisations such as SBS promoting this rubbish which ran in prime time last night - managing to out-Moore Moore.
From the program notes in the link above:
This two-part series featuring interviews with US officials, CIA operatives, US journalists and prominent figures of the post-September 11 political landscape creates a disturbing portrait of President George W. Bush.
Like what for instance?
The interviews reveal that Bush and his administration are committed representatives of the Christian Right.
Well, lock up your daughters!
After nine months in power and still with no defined political program, George W. Bush found in September 11 the best pretext for declaring war on Iraq and terrorism and for taking on a mission of a lifetime.
Himself a radical reborn Christian ...
So you said. Boring.
... a neo-conservative and supportive of Zionist policy, Bush and his operation would definitely serve Israel and settle the USA as controller in the Arab Middle East.
'Zionist' policy? and 'definitely'?
Yet to justify his move and get the American people's approval, the Bush government had to implicate - and discredit - United Nations members, political experts, journalists and diplomats alike all around the Western world.
Discredit the UN? Naaaah! And 'implicate' and 'discredit' political experts, journalists and diplomats? Like we should totally let them run the world.
And by the way, where is this 'documentary' gem from, I wonder?
Part two screens next Tuesday. (From France, in English and French, English subtitles).
Andrew Bolt demolishes this evil lie-ridden 'documentary' today in the Melbourne Herald Sun.
"People like me were shot by the Gestapo for hiding Jews."
You wish.
Posted by: Mike G at July 28, 2004 at 01:55 PM"I can guarantee that I have prayed for the peace of Jerusalem more than you and any 10 of your friends. People like me were shot by the Gestapo for hiding Jews. And if the crap goes down again, that's probably how I'll buy it."
Good god scott, not only are you a fucking moron, you have an ego the size of Michael Moore's ass.
By the way, since you're a Bible-readin' kind of dude, are you familiar with that one about the motes and logs in eyes? How does it go?
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 28, 2004 at 02:01 PMMargo Kingston's amazingly convoluted explanations for her anti-Semitic statements - couched as they were in the sheep's clothing of anti-Zionism - were of such archaic and anachronistic construction that I was wondering if I was not, in fact, reading off of a Ku Klux Klan document from the Alabama of the 1930s. The best I can say to Ms. Kingston is that she is disingenuous. The worst that she is an antiquated but still potent, virulent bigot.
Ms. Kingston, the wide-eyed, misunderstood poor little reporter pretense is risible to say the least. There are not "too many meanings" you just can't get it right. The statement is inaccurate on every level. "Because the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia." You assume, for the purposes of argument, that the "fundamentalist Zionist lobby" (must call them up and have a chat. Got their number?) actually "controls politics and the media in the U.S. and Australia." Do you know how broad and absurd that is? It's exactly the kind of language that propagandists have used for centuries to round up and persecute Jews. Can't you hear yourself? Are you completely tone-deaf? Do you know so little history that you would act shocked when criticism comes your way? You write an internationally-read column, Ms. Kingston, not some grungy little two-inch spurt in a mad-hatter Stalinist flyer. How do you know anything about this phantom group, anyway? If they're so powerful why is it that no one knows about them except a bunch of reactionary cretins of both the left and right? Are they the seers of our civilization? Your Jewish friends were way too easy on you. I hope I am never in a room where you are spewing this crap. I don't know how I would conduct myself.
Posted by: ekwynn at July 28, 2004 at 02:03 PMMargo has disqualified herself as a journalist on several levels in this episode.
Set asie the anti-semitic conspiracy theories, for a moment though they are important in themselves
She had admitted that she is unable to communicate.
She had admitted she moves in a small exclusive circle with a restricted point of view that may colour her own.
Whatever theories they hold, the funadamental requirements of a mere professional working reporter are to (a) communicate and (b) understand, even if not agree with, the feelings and points of view of all sorts of groups in the community they are trying to write to, for and about.
Posted by: Sue at July 28, 2004 at 02:07 PMWhy has the Israeli-Jew lobby that controls the media and politics in the US and AUS forced Margo to say such discrediting garbage? Are the Joos planning to replace her with a leftist journo who can spell? It is all so sinister.
Most American Jews still lean to the Democrat Party, which has increasingly tilted pro-Palestinian. Most American Jews in the media and academia and Hollywood are reflexively leftist. Some support Israel, but many disagree with current Israeli and American and Australian policy. So, Margo's point is what? That the Jew-Zionists are using reverse psychology?
As a journo, Margo must be a mouthpiece for Jewish controller overlords who only want us to believe they are being subjected to gross bias and anti-Semitism from the press, such as hers. They must be vying for victimization status in order to control the Laborites and DNC and Big Media without fair scrutiny. Hey, it worked for the Palestinians, didn't it?
A reminder of who the Left's friends are:
Arabs shock Europeans, refuse to condemn anti-Semitism By Shlomo Shamir, Haaretz Correspondent
NEW YORK - Arab states at the United Nations are trying to foil a proposal to raise a vote condemning anti-Semitism in the General Assembly this September.
At a closed meeting held recently in New York, UN ambassadors from Arab and EU countries met and the Arabs made clear that they do not accept the initiative for the UN General Assembly to condemn anti-Semitism.
The blunt language used by the Arabs describing their opposition, and their plans to use diplomatic means to prevent the resolution from reaching a vote, shocked the Europeans, said a UN source.
According to UN sources, the Arab delegates were also critical of a UN seminar on anti-Semitism held last month. A senior Western diplomat said that among the Arabs who spoke with the Europeans was PLO observer Nasser al Kidwe, and he was particularly outspoken in his objections to a UN General Assembly resolution on anti-Semitism.
The source said Kidwe attacked the content of UN Secretary general Koffi Anan's speech to the seminar last month, particularly Annan's pride in the cancelation of the 1975 Zionism equals racism resolution. "The Europeans were depressed when they left the meeting," said the source.
Jordanian Ambassador to the UN Prince Ziad Hussein argued that the resolution would reinforce the tendency to call any criticism of Israel, anti-Semitic. Moroccan Ambassador Mohammed Banone, said that the seminar against anti-Semitism was a terrible idea and a decision would only divide the world body. Arab League Ambassador Mahamas Hani warned that a UN resolution condemning anti-Semitism would have a negative impact on the Middle East.
The proposed resolution would issue a general condemnation of all forms of anti-Semitism and acts of intolerance, incitement and harassment. The decision would also call on member countries to take steps to block anti-Semitism.
Major countries have already committed to voting in favor. Last year, an Israeli initiative for a similar resolution failed.
Arab states at the United Nations are trying to foil a proposal to raise a vote condemning anti-Semitism in the General Assembly this September.
But, but...don't they know that anti-semitism is anti-Arab as well as anti-Jewish?! I mean, two people said so on this thread, so it must be true. How come the Arab states would not condemn such behaviour? I'm confused.
At least we can count on the international Left to support the resolution. After all, we all know there is no anti-semitism on the Left.
LOL!!!! Oh, wait, PW, Tim G, that intellectual giant who quite correctly pointed out that anti-semitism refers to Arabs as well as Jews, he also quite correctly disparaged your sense of humor. Therefore you are both wrong and unfunny and I did not laugh loudly at work just now. Any attempt to say otherwise would be a lie!
Unless... dare I say it... Tim G is full of shit?
Posted by: Sortelli at July 28, 2004 at 04:32 PMSortelli - you old charmer. My very best wishes to you and your family.
I was just trying to point out a common incorrect word use, which as Anabel pointed out was actually coined by a notorious Jew-hater (although she seemed to think she was rebutting me for some reason). It is strange indeed that people seek to criticise 'anti-Semitism' by adopting a term invented for hateful propaganda purposes by an 'anti-Semite'.
On the evidence of this post, my previous observation about your sense of humour holds up.
Posted by: tim g at July 28, 2004 at 06:43 PMtim g, by now the term anti-semitism is the common phrase for "Jew hatred", regardless of who originally coined it.
Posted by: Quentin George at July 28, 2004 at 09:03 PMMargo does not go on KKK marched or walk around with a swastika on her arm, this is why her aired views are so bad. The clowns with the hoods on and the various Nazi types around the world can never really amount to much without tacit (or open) approval from more mainstream opinion makers. These people, like Margo, are orders of magnitude more dangerous.
As a ‘journalist’ her overriding responsibility is surely to properly consider the implications of the thing she writes. The weasel words, as opposed to a full retraction and straight apology, tend to indicate that she does in fact believe what her words clearly mean.
In reference to one of Davo’s earlier comments, I think most people tend to think of the Left-Right spectrum as linear. Put Hitler on one end and Stalin on the other then bend the ends around into a circle.
I wonder where Margo would sit on this circle, and which way she tends to travel?
Given that the term "anti-semitic" is understood to mean anti or hatred for jews, while the term "semite" describes a jew or arab, then what is the term for anti or hatred for arabs?
Posted by: carlos at July 28, 2004 at 09:37 PMThe term antisemite denotes hatred of Jews as a RACE.
the term Judeophobic defines hatred of jews as a religion.
To justify the extermination of Jews germans used the term antisemetism as it left no religious escapes through conversion.
Whereas the Catholic Church was judeophobic , allowing escape through conversion to Jews.
Margo.s racist comment did not even have originality, they were pilfered from earlier wrantngs of john Pilger.( janet albrechston today's australian).
I would like a dollar for evry time Rupert Murdooch has been called a Jew!
Once more around the deck – then I give up.
Both Semite and Semitic together with Hamite and Hamitic refer to the Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-semitic) language groups.
A Semite is a person who speaks a semitic language.
An Hamite is a person who speaks an hamitic language.
They are linguistic terms and only linguistic terms. They do not refer to racial, ethnic or religious groups.
The common misuse or misunderstanding of these terms does not make them any less true.
You're doing great, Anabel. But some people like to pick and chose their definitions, mostly to shore their already weak arguments or irrational beliefs. Hmmmmmm.....like Margo is doing, for example!
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 29, 2004 at 01:10 AMcarlos said:
'Given that the term "anti-semitic" is understood to mean anti or hatred for jews, while the term "semite" describes a jew or arab, then what is the term for anti or hatred for arabs?'
Who cares? The point is to deal with the problems, not slap labels on things using some sort of psuedo-science.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 29, 2004 at 01:13 AM>I was just trying to point out a common incorrect word use
an·ti-Sem·ite (nt-smt, nt-)
One who discriminates against or who is hostile toward or prejudiced against Jews.
Hey, tim g, why not educate all the other people who use this "incorrect" word use you just made up, point us to a site that actually includes the "correct" definition, or admit you bought a crock and you're wasting our time with your own fantasies about word usage?
How can the fundamentalist Zionists control the US when the House of Saud controls the US? Didn't Margo see "Fahrenheit 9/11"?!?
Oh . . . Oh . . . You mean, King Fahd and the bin Ladens are . . . J- . . . J-j-j- NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Posted by: tom beta 2 at July 29, 2004 at 02:42 AMLOL, tom beta 2!! I wonder if Fat Mike will sue Margo for crushing his dissent!?!?!?!?
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 29, 2004 at 03:43 AMAh jeez tom beta 2, you'd need a friggin' scorecard, or more likely, an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of all the entities that control the U.S. government. Said entities include:
1. The Jews
2. The Zionists
3. The Sauds
4. Big Oil
5. The Big Three Auto-makers
6. Wall Street
7. Neo-conservatives
8. Fundamentalist Christians
9. Skull and Bones
10. Major League Baseball
(Well, maybe not Major League Baseball. But how cool would that be?)
Posted by: David Crawford at July 29, 2004 at 04:06 AMTom beta 2 is correct. I've always wondered why the NECONS are trying to eat their own! It hasn't bothered me that much because I'm sure our hero will explain this in his upcoming docu. entitled;"bowling for reality."
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 29, 2004 at 04:31 AMNEOCONS Sorry. You forgot Halliburton. It's not just an oil company any moore. Oh No, it's much more than that! Oh, much moore!
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 29, 2004 at 04:38 AMMaybe that should be:
No, wait, there's something wrong here......
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 29, 2004 at 05:12 AMReal Jeffs. So many choices. NEOCON JEWS is,of course, redundant because NEOCON is just a codeword for a Jewish world plan. MLB is o.k. Just leave the NHL out of this!! You've been warned!!
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 29, 2004 at 05:20 AMI left out the NHL because that's how the fundamentalist Zionists control Canada. MLB is for the USA and Japan.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 29, 2004 at 06:24 AMReal Jeffs. Your're right,of course. My bad. I simply need more fluids with my medication. Where is that nurse? Miranda! More water!
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 29, 2004 at 06:45 AMI was just trying to point out a common incorrect word use
Posted by: Sortelli at July 29, 2004 at 07:41 AMHow can the fundamentalist Zionists control the US when the House of Saud controls the US? Didn't Margo see "Fahrenheit 9/11"?!?
Oh . . . Oh . . . You mean, King Fahd and the bin Ladens are . . . J- . . . J-j-j- NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I forget where I read it, but it appears one high-ranking Saudi recently made the (veiled) accusation that Al-Qaeda has been subverted by the Jews. Who would have known, the Jews are actually on both sides of the impending Saudi Civil War! How deviously clever; no matter which side wins, the Jews will already be there. No wonder they control the world!
Posted by: PW at July 29, 2004 at 08:56 AMGiven that the term "anti-semitic" is understood to mean anti or hatred for jews, while the term "semite" describes a jew or arab, then what is the term for anti or hatred for arabs?
Given that the term "pro" is understood to mean the opposite of "con", what is the opposite of "progress?"
Posted by: david at July 29, 2004 at 03:48 PM"I admit I'm at a loss to understand the anti-semetic charge."
Well, since it looks like she did spell it correctly in a different paragraph, I'm at least willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that it's a typo. Let he who has never slipped up and switched 'e' and 'i' (they're both middle-finger keys, for Pete's sake) cast the first stone.
Then again, an amateur Freudian would read into that particular misspelling that maybe what she really meant was, "Jews make me vomit."
Posted by: Alex at July 30, 2004 at 12:51 AMBig Dave Haines:
It is also verifiable that Europeans and the descendants of European colonists are even more over represented than Jews in the groups that you list.
Hmmmmm......isn't the name "Haines" originally from Europe? Might you be a descendant of European colonists? Or perhaps you are from Europe?
If this makes you uncomfortable, well, Truth has a way of doing that sometimes.
PS: If my comment sounds silly, read your post again.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 06:15 AMSusan Enders:
Y'know, Susan, I wouldn't be surprised if you are still looking for that second gunman on the grassy knoll. All of your comments are on the wacky side, and are classic talking points for the extreme left leaning leftoids:
A few highlights:
"It wasn't Arabs who started WWII - it was Jews."
Huh? And here I thought Hitler did, by invading Poland in coordination with Stalin. Talk about revising history. Or did the Jews control the Nazis, who promptly sent the Jews to the gas chambers? No, wait, I'll bet you'll say there was no Holocaust, huh?
"It wasn't Arabs who demolished the World Trade Center - it was Jews."
So those 19 Saudi citizens who hijacked the airplanes were Jewish? Or manipulated by Jews into taking the WTC and the Pentagon? Perhaps Osama is under the mental control of Jewish seers?
"It isn't Arabs who break into and enter the offices and homes of law-abiding American citizens, to procure evidence both for their database and in the hopes of getting evidence they can pass to the FBI for prosecution - it is Jews."
The mind boggles.....I last heard this from the John Birch Society. How old are you?
"It wasn't Arabs who ran down Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer - it was a Jew."
This one is true. But you neglect to mention that Corrie openly supported terrorists who murder women and children without mercy. Oh, and she wouldn't move out of the way, although she had plenty of warning and time....far more than the PLO and HAMAS give with their suicide bombers.
"It wasn't Arabs who killed over 20 million Russian Christians - it was Jews."
Excuse me? There were only three regimes that murdered Russian citizens in the last couple of centuries: The Czars, the Soviets, and the Nazis. Which one was controlled by the Jews?
And so on. All of these are leftoid talking points that have been repeated fisked and destroyed by facts and logic. Repeating them here tells me that you need to increase your medication, and bring your paranoid schizophrenia back under control.
Do you need someone to call your doctor for you?
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 06:32 AMI'd be surprised if you are deleted, Dave. Your behavior hasn't crossed the "Andrea's Threshold". I've noticed that she only deletes the really obscene posts, blatant bandwidth abuse, or copyright violations. Your posts are merely stupid.
Sue, is your post from a copyrighted source? Might be a problem if it is.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 07:29 AMWhining nationalists. The nationalists who whine about the Jews are the laziest and most profane group on the planet. L
Posted by: Christopher at July 30, 2004 at 08:55 AMSince re-posting copyrighted material is not allowed, are we allowed to post URLs?
If so, there is a very sharp and to-the-point article by Ciro Scotti in Business Week Online. Although it deals mostly with Michael Moore's Fahreheit 9/11, it touches on this very subject at the end. It can be found at
It's not about whether I like (or dislike) the Jews, as a group. I've known many Jews, and the ratio of good to bad has been about the same as for many other ethnic groups. It's not their ancestry or ethnic classification -- it's the attitude of individuals.
When someone blames all their problems largely on another group (like Sue does above, or Margo did in her article), they aren't accepting responsibility for their own problems. Or they are too mentally ill to know that they have problems. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference.
"...the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia...", "It wasn't Arabs who demolished the World Trade Center - it was Jews", and "The Jewish women were neurotic, stuck-up bitches", and so on, are just cases of someone with a problem that they don't want to accept.
Whatever this problem may be, it is their problem. Not mine. I really resent it when they expect me to gaze at them with wonder and admiration at the sterling quality of their angelic pronouncements. Dave and Sue -- please take note, you sound like you Have All The Answers. You don't, and sounding like the street corner lecturing Larouchies (always armed with a megaphone) that I used to avoid in Chicago is not the best way to prove your points. (hint: they sounded like they needed their medication ramped up).
I don't have all the answers, either.....but at least I can tell when someone is feeding me a line of crap.
PS: This is not crushing of dissent. I chose to reject your prejudices and hatreds because I think that they are wrong. Freedom of speech does not mean one has to listen to fringe dwelling twits.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 09:42 AMSue said:
"As a matter of fact, I DO happen to believe that there was a second gunman involved in the Kennedy assassination, most likely on the grassy knoll, but it any case the full story hasn't come out and never will."
Mike said:
"Nope..Hitler didn't do it right. You Jews still exist. Maybe one day another Hitler will come along and erase the mistakes of the past. Until then...enjoy your ill-gotten financial successes, thanks in part to the taxes you place on food consumed by those of us who actually believe in Jesus."
John said:
"Modern day Communism has been just as kosher, from the Apthekers to the Sixties radicals like Bernardine Dohrn and Mark Rudd and Abby Hoffman.
The millions of hapless Russians and citizens of the captive nations were indeed "murdered by the Jews" in both the moral and literal sense."
And I said:
"When someone blames all their problems largely on another group ... they aren't accepting responsibility for their own problems. Or they are too mentally ill to know that they have problems. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference."
I rest my case.
What weak minded pathetic creatures you are. No need for facts just say "it was Jews" makes thing so easy. Oh and if your comments are deleted ( I hope they will be because there is no obligation to pay for your crap) it is not crushing of dissent you can set up your own site and if someone tries to take that down you can get a Jew to represent you.
John Ridd
Are your ancestors and religion so pure that no one can point to them and blame you.
Posted by: Gary at July 30, 2004 at 11:12 AMLOL, Big Dave! Nice try at changing the subject, and implying a crushing of your dissent. But no cigar, bubba. The problem with your comment is that this isn't the Soviet Union; the Politburo won't be knocking on your door to drag you off to the neighborhood gulag. So your analogy falls under its own weight.
But I can -- and do! -- recognize that some individuals might be mentally ill. How does that old saw go? Oh, yes, "By their actions shall you know them!"
Lacking personal contact, this is good enough for me.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 11:49 AMJohn Ridd
Your projecting you own collective mentality. Reality is, if you ask the two maggots that crawl in your skull the same question they would give different answers.
Posted by: Gary at July 30, 2004 at 12:11 PMJohn, the fact is, the rattlesnake is a benign part of the ecology, and strikes humans only when threatened by them (hint -- where I live, we have a lot of rattlers).
And rattlesnakes do the same thing that other snakes do -- keep the vermin (rodents and small birds, mostly) population under control. They just use venom to be more successful in the food chain. I call that a useful species.
Which tells me that you know as little about ecology as you do about people.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 12:17 PMThe Real JeffS
But BUT!! rattlesnakes are over represented in documentarys.
Posted by: Gary at July 30, 2004 at 12:21 PMAnd perhaps rattlesnakes control the Jews who control the world. This would satisfy both John and Susan.
Think twice about shooting the next rattler you see; the Elders of the Protocols might retaliate.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 12:51 PMSigh. Big Dave, if you package that up in 10 liter bags, you'll have a wonderful fertilizer you can sell anywhere. The profits from that will pay for a blog all your very own, so that you can spew this drivel to like minded fools.
And if you don't like ad hominem attacks, don't be a non-debater; all you is make pompous statements, like a child screeching "I HATE SPINACH!" If you want to hate Jews, go right ahead. I won't stop you. But if you try to stop a bulldozer with your inner strength and personality, don't come whining back here about your dissent being crushed.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 02:06 PMI notice that as always, the pro-Jew (or neo-con or whatever) people are responding to serious allegations with silly answers, or else ad hominem abuse.
What serious allegations? All you wacked out folks* are merely parroting the same old canards of jew-hatred that have been debunked and debunked again and debunked again for time immemorial. You may not have a problem repeating the same stuff ad nauseam, but it gets tiresome after a while for people who actually have other interests in life than "proving" how horrible the Jews are.
At any rate, the fact that you think they're serious allegations is enough any sane person needs to know about you to make a proper assessment of your rank on the intellectual food chain. Don't wanna be ridiculed on this internet thingy? Don't argue in support of opinions that expose you as a sub-room temperature IQ person. It really is that simple, and yes, the Jews made me say that. (Gotta have something in this post to keep you frothing at the mouth.)
* BTW, which site linked this thread to send you wackos all here? Perhaps we can counter-troll there a bit...oh wait, you guys probably don't allow comments at all. Crushing of dissent!
BTW #2, I hope you've all sent emails in support to Margo Kingston. She'd love to hear from you, I'm sure.
Posted by: PW at July 30, 2004 at 03:46 PMPW, Margo probably sent these twits here to teach us the "facts of life"....which means that in reality, the Jews sent them here, since the Fundamentalist Zionists control the media, and Margo is part of the media. Or something like that.
The mind boggles at such idiocy.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 04:01 PMSusan:
1. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/twain.html
2. Explaining the Arab-Israeli conflict through numbers
By Dennis Prager
http://www.jewishworldreview.com | For the many readers who have requested a brief synopsis of the moral arguments in the Arab-Israeli conflict, I offer the following list of numerical data.
Number of times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible: over 700
Number of times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Koran: 0
Number of Arab leaders who visited Jerusalem when it was under Arab rule (1948 to 1967): 1
Number of Arab refugees who fled the land that became Israel: approximately 600,000
Number of Jewish refugees who fled Arab countries: approximately 600,000
Number of U.N. agencies that deal only with Palestinian refugees: 1
Number of U.N. agencies that deal with all the other refugees in the world: 1
Number of Jewish states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 3
Number of Arab or Muslim states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 0
Number of terrorist attacks by Israelis or Jews since 1967: 1
Number of terrorist attacks by Arabs or Muslims since 1967: thousands
Percentage of Jews who have praised the Jewish terrorist: approximately .1
Percentage of Palestinians who have praised Islamic terrorists: approximately 90
Number of Jewish countries: 1
Number of Jewish democracies: 1
Number of Arab countries: 19
Number of Arab democracies: 0
Number of Arab women killed annually by fathers and brothers in "honor killings": thousands
Number of Jewish women killed annually by fathers and brothers in "honor killings": 0
Number of Christian or Jewish prayer services allowed in Saudi Arabia: 0
Number of Muslim prayer services allowed in Israel: unlimited
Number of Arabs Israel allows to live in Arab settlements in Israel: 1,250,000
Number of Jews Palestinian Authority allows to live in Jewish settlements in Palestinian Authority: 0
Percentage of U.N. Commission on Human Rights resolutions condemning an Arab country for human rights violations: 0
Percentage of U.N. Commission on Human Rights resolutions condemning Israel for human rights violations: 26
Number of U.N. Security Council resolutions on the Middle East between 1948 and 1991: 175
Number of these resolutions against Israel: 97
Number of these resolutions against an Arab state: 4
Number of Arab countries that have been members of the U.N. Security Council: 16
Number of times Israel has been a member of the U.N. Security Council: 0
Number of U.N. General Assembly resolutions condemning Israel: 322
Number of U.N. General Assembly resolutions condemning an Arab country: 0
Percentage of U.N. votes in which Arab countries voted with the United States in 2002: 16.6
Percentage of U.N. votes in which Israel voted with the United States in 2002: 92.6
Percentage of Middle East Studies professors who defend Zionism and Israel: approximately 1.
Percentage of Middle East Studies professors who believe in diversity on college campuses: 100
Percentage of people who argue that the Jewish state has no right to exist who also believe some other country has no right to exist: 0
Percentage of people who argue that of all the countries in the world, only the Jewish state has no right to exist and yet deny they are anti-Jewish: approximately 100
Number of Muslims in the world: more than 1 billion
Number of Muslim demonstrations against Islamic terror: approximately 2
Where the fuck did all the Anti-Semites crawl out from?
A cavalcade of lunacy! Hurrah!
Posted by: Quentin George at July 30, 2004 at 05:49 PMWaaa!!
You cant support you case apart from pasting whole irrelevant articles by other demented looneys.
"God will not be mocked."
Your God will be my bitch.
Posted by: Gary at July 30, 2004 at 06:50 PMasm nothing to do with the Susan Enders of any other "Sue" posting anti-semitic lunacy at this site.
Posted by: Sue at July 30, 2004 at 08:05 PMPull the other one Sue. I know all you Sues are working together.
Posted by: David D at July 30, 2004 at 08:22 PMWell, the Moon is going into full phase. Maybe these lunatics will go away when it starts waning.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 31, 2004 at 12:41 AMYou've got that right Mr. Bingley. Though the good part is, that in this "debate" we see on this page the half witted racist bigots are far out numbered.
Posted by: David d at July 31, 2004 at 12:43 AMi hope this disease doesn't infect more 'sues'; i'll have to watch mrs bingley very carefully...
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at July 31, 2004 at 12:58 AMAre you married to one Bingley? Really we shouldn't make light of this. Look what happened on Sept.11 and I've learnt from the above comments that they killed J.F.K. and started the N.A.A.C.P. too. Who knows where they will next strike? You know Sammy Davis Junior became one don't you? Is Sammy really dead or has he gone under cover into a Sue sleeper cell? Think about it. This is serious stuff.
Sue sleeper cell
my god man, you may be on to something...she is awfully tired of late...
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at July 31, 2004 at 01:41 AMBetter watch out, guys, or The Real Conspiracy Sue will add you to her mail list.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 31, 2004 at 01:53 AMI'm surprised and shocked (say it! shocked!!) at the antisemitism on display in this thread. It could be the work of one or a few industrious party-crashers, but it looks real.
But I must say that I don't like the modern practice of equating (1) criticism of Israel's policies and (2) criticism of some conservatives (who happen to be Jewish) in America and elsewhere with antisemitism.
There should be one rule: don't confuse the group with the individual, or vice versa. That means: don't confuse Israel's current government with Jews in general, or Paul Wolfowitz with Jews in general, or Jews in general with Paul Wolfowitz, etc. Similarly, it's plain idiotic to claim that hatred for Wolfowitz's politics is proof of antisemitism.
Mind you, I'm a conservative American gentile, and a hawk who frankly loves Wolfowitz and supports Israel, illegitimate though her founding was. But let's stop branding everyone with such a tired old brush-- we're not all racists. The posts above indicate plenty of people are, but it's not racist merely to think that Israel's policies are wrong. It's merely stupid and unwise.
Posted by: JustSomeGuy at July 31, 2004 at 05:21 AMjustsomeguy,
you don't live near any 'sues', do you?
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at July 31, 2004 at 05:27 AMJustsomeguy, I know, there are a lot of messages on this thread, but the original question was based on an anti-semitic comment made by an Australian journalist (Margo Kingston) who said: "...the fundamentalist Zionist lobby controls politics and the media in the US and Australia...". This thread mocks Margo Kingston for her goofy views. It does not call for labeling those who criticize Israel as anti-semitic.
The moonbat leftoids (in many different varieties) mixed up the criticism of Margo's statement with "...the modern practice of equating (1) criticism of Israel's policies and (2) criticism of some conservatives (who happen to be Jewish) in America and elsewhere with antisemitism."
There's a difference between healthy criticism and prejudiced views being offered as "a statement of fact". That's the issue here.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 31, 2004 at 05:47 AMMr. Bingley: I've not yet met a "sue" in person. No doubt some of the people I know are sues in, uh, Sarandon's clothing, I guess. But people like that tend to jerk off only in private or online.
JeffS: you're right, of course, and Kingston's original comment was truly amazing. I sent Tim's post to several friends.
But's it's simple fact that many on the right have been calling people antisemites without cause. I've read several articles that claim "neocon" is the new code-word for "Jew". Well, bullshit. I'm probably mostly neocon myself, but can't my ideological enemies criticize my point of view without attracting that knee-jerk response? It's like leftists calling all conservative racists. Give me a break.
[note to self: not "brand with brush"; rather, "tar with brush". "Brand with iron" OK.]
Posted by: JustSomeGuy at July 31, 2004 at 05:58 AMI agree, justsomeguy. Labels are too convenient. There is legitimate cause to criticize Israel, Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Republicans, Democrats, and so on. Ain't no one perfect.
Healthy criticism, even without being constructive, is necessary to a healthy society. It's positive feedback, critical to any system.
But you have to sort the wheat from the chaff, especially when one has characters like Conspiracy Sue and Rattlesnake John entering the conversation.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 31, 2004 at 06:08 AMDid someone put too much fluoride in Tarka the Otter’s water again? Classic British Fascist propaganda from George Lint. Must be pining for the romantic torchlit Mosley marches through Manchester…ahh the good old days.
Beef it up for a second holocaust all you like, Georgy boy, but keep in mind that this time, we are not your parents Jews.
Am Yisroel Chai
Tailgunner1488 links to the Stormfront site so its fare assumption.
Posted by: Gary at July 31, 2004 at 08:21 AMGuys, "George Lint," "Big Dave Haines," "John Ridd", "Sue Enders" and "Andrew" (the one that invited you to visit amenusa.org) have been banned and their posts deleted. (They are obviously, by their IP addresses, all the same person.) I am sick of this crap. Obviously commenter registration is the way to go, so there will be some changes coming here soon.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 31, 2004 at 01:06 PMOh yeah, I removed "Tailgunner" also, and a couple of other yahoos as well.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 31, 2004 at 01:07 PM