July 14, 2004
Pete Townshend hits a familiar note:
Michael Moore has been making some claims – mentioning me by name - which I believe distort the truth ... I greatly resent being bullied and slurred by him in interviews just because he didn’t get what he wanted from me. It seems to me that this aspect of his nature is not unlike that of the powerful and wilful man at the centre of his new documentary.
More on this from The Independent and the Washington Post.
Posted by Tim Blair at July 14, 2004 09:37 AMNow there's an idea...could it be that GWB is really just a stand-in for Michael Moore's self-loathing?
Posted by: PW at July 14, 2004 at 10:22 AMWhat's even more ironic about this situation is that Moore wanted to use "Won't Get Fooled Again", which I have always taken as one of the bitterest anti-revolutionary anthems of the time.
Good for Pete, not allowing Moore to pin his self-serving agenda on his great work. People will be listening to The Who long after "Fahrenheit 9/11" is a laughable relic from a dishonest age made by an embarrassing charlatan.
"Fahrenheit 9/11" has swept the wallets of people across the globe ... and the world looks just the same. And history ain't changed...
Posted by: goldsmith at July 14, 2004 at 10:32 AMPete Townshend cuts up Michael Moore so badly that Moore should "pull a Kerry" an award himself some Purple Hearts to show his courage under fire.
Posted by: perfectsense at July 14, 2004 at 11:07 AMwow, shot down by a kiddie fiddler. moore must be devastated.
Posted by: akman at July 14, 2004 at 11:26 AMI see Michael Moore as ultimately ending up like Brando. Anyone who seriously examines Brando's career after 1955 or so has to see a great talent wasted. Moore showed some promise with "Roger and Me" but each successive iteration has slumped lower and lower as his ego (evem more massive than his body) takes over. A sad, sick, pathetic man. How long before even the non-Americans are laughing at him instead of with him? He's totally jumped the shark, and some time ago at that.
Posted by: JorgXMcKie at July 14, 2004 at 11:55 AMTownshend tries to put me d-d-d-down
(Talkin' bout my degeneration)
Cause I weigh f-f-f-five hundred pounds.
(Talkin' bout my degeneration)
On a clear day, you can see for miles.
Unless Michael Moore is anywhere near you.
Posted by: Sean M. at July 14, 2004 at 12:13 PMAck. Roger Daltrey is a Moore fan according to Pete. Sad.
Posted by: JeremyR at July 14, 2004 at 12:20 PMYeah, to the Daltrey observation. It's weird how many ostensibly "tough" rock-n-roll figures throw in with the pussy wing of politics.
By the way, is the man at the center of the documentary, as Townshend describes it, Moore or the President?
Posted by: DrZin at July 14, 2004 at 12:34 PMOf course GWB=MM, coz whenever you corner one of Moore's fans on the distortions they can only squawk "Yeah, but...but... but BUSHLIED!!!!!!!" Then they sob incoherently for a few minutes or quote box office figures.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 14, 2004 at 01:17 PMI'm beginning to lose what little remaining interest I ever had in debating Leftists. They are so UNBELIEVABLY disingenuous, so immune to rebuttal, so incredibly full of shit, that the exercise becomes immediately pointless. It used to take a few premises.
All of the honest Leftists have jumped ship, a la Hitchens.
Posted by: DrZin at July 14, 2004 at 01:43 PMThe WAPO article says, without a trace of sarcasm:
"Moore may or may not affect the election," Ibish concluded. "But he has certainly succeeding [sic] in bringing to a great many Americans the most powerful critique of US foreign policy they have ever heard, albeit one that rests on a bizarre and incoherent conspiracy theory and which confuses at least as much as it enlightens."
Just as my recommendation to arm super-pstriot flying monkeys with disintegrator rays to defend the U.S. against terrorist attack is the most powerful suggestion for national defense that the American people have ever heard. Of course, it is an utter fantasy. But it's so damned POWERFUL...
Posted by: Dave at July 14, 2004 at 02:04 PMAll of the honest Leftists have jumped ship
Not all of them abandoned their camp, some of them were frog-marched out of the ship for failing to follow the Party Line.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 14, 2004 at 02:23 PMOf course, it being a "bizarre and incoherent conspiracy theory (...) which confuses at least as much as it enlightens" is a feature, not a bug, at least from Moore and his fanboy's point of view. Makes it all the more powerful if there's no reasonable way to even debate the points the thing raises, y'see.
Oh, and Sortelli...don't be so hard on Sincerity Slips. I think she likes her phases of incoherent sobbing.
Posted by: PW at July 14, 2004 at 02:29 PMWhat's Townsend complaining about? MM is just treating him as he treats everyone else. I've read posts by MM fans that it's no big deal if MM is 'loose with the truth'. It's the "greater truth" that matters.
MM was obviously after some "greater truth" when he said what he did about Townsend. It's part of MM's creative gift,I've been told.
Sad to say, none of this will matter to MM's faithful fanatics. They'll just blame Townsend and boycott him for trashing their god. Truth is relative to the true believers. Truth is bendable, not absolute.
This is my conclusion based on posts by MM's followers when confronted with MM's lies:
MM is endowed with a gift to see into the hearts and minds of people. MM *knows* what the truth is, even when the facts are different from what MM says they are. Anyone who can't see MM's genius for what it is has obviously been brainwashed by 'them' and is trying to prevent MM from stating his truth.
..all of the honest Leftists have jumped ship..
'Honest Leftists'????
Posted by: Byron_the_Aussie at July 14, 2004 at 02:42 PM'Honest Leftists'????
Point taken. But what can you suggest?
"Honestish Leftists?"
"Leftists with at least a shred of decency?"
"Leftists who refuse to completely bullshit themselves and everyone else?"
. . . it all gets a bit wordy.
Posted by: DrZin at July 14, 2004 at 02:57 PMFurther adding to my difficulty is a general refusal to honor Leftists with the word "liberal," as I recognize nothing about them that warrants the term.
Posted by: DrZin at July 14, 2004 at 03:05 PM"Pictures of Lily" would be better for Moore to use
as he is a wanker.
Daltrey just went down a bit in my
estimation too.
I think she likes her phases of incoherent sobbing.
I like them too, since it presumably keeps her from typing anything. I'd prefer there to be more sobbing and less idiot, knee-jerk trolling.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 14, 2004 at 04:26 PMA little off topic, if you'll please excuse that. Blogger Hesiod, "Counterspin Central" (probably American) has given up the ghost(ly blog). Now get this! - he assures us that he's not been interned in Guantanamo, Cuba - so not to worry. What a card!! What a relief that such a swinehundt is gone from the Net (hasn't posted for more than a month). 'A Small Victory', eh Michelle? Life is good!
'Course there's still Atrios.
Pete Townshend is freaking Garry Glitter-esque kiddie fiddler anyway ..
If F911 was to feature any song by The Who it should have been Substitute ..
your lies for facts
I see right through your plastic mask
Makes you wonder what Keith Moon would have thought of it all.
Probably nothing.
Posted by: Craig G at July 14, 2004 at 05:50 PMHow about this one:
No one knows what it's like
To be the sack of crap...
To be the grease trap...
Behind the lies.
I've got my Chomsky text books
Lead me to the Oscars
Yeah, I'm off to make another film
I've got to stop Bush, stop Bush,
Don't worry 'bout Bin Laden!
Gonna rant till my throat is raw
Fat kid, fat kid, movie-makin' moonbat
And I weigh three hundred pounds
Fat kid, fat kid, realization
Can't make my films for free
Can't make my films for free
This could be improved upon, if anyone wants to fiddle with it.
Posted by: Mike at July 14, 2004 at 09:40 PMdoes this mean Pete Townshend won't get fooled again?
Posted by: Homer Paxton at July 14, 2004 at 09:48 PM"But he has certainly succeeding [sic] in bringing to a great many Americans the most powerful critique of US foreign policy they have ever heard, albeit one that rests on a bizarre and incoherent conspiracy theory and which confuses at least as much as it enlightens."
that really was a beautiful line in that article.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at July 14, 2004 at 11:10 PMAnd to turn that statement around, how pathetic is it that a "bizarre and incoherent conspiracy theory" is "the most powerful critique of US foreign policy [many Americans] have ever heard"? You mean the stuff the Left usually comes up with is even worse?
Well, it makes sense, I guess...would certainly explain why so many Americans apparantly had never heard of those "critiques" before.
Posted by: PW at July 14, 2004 at 11:26 PM