April 20, 2004
Well, folks, Tuesday is the day! The day that George W. gets taught a long overdue lesson ... I think we can give Bush the Mother of all Shellackings on Tuesday ... We will deny Bush control of the Congress next week.
I believe that Wesley Clark will end this war. He will make the rich pay their fair share of taxes. He will stand up for the rights of women, African Americans, and the working people of this country. And he will cream George W. Bush.
Posted by Tim Blair at April 20, 2004 07:00 PMThe Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win.
Poor bloke must have been dropped on his head as a baby.
Posted by: Nathan at April 20, 2004 at 07:06 PMPoor bloke must have been dropped on his head as a baby.
Posted by: Nathan at April 20, 2004 at 07:06 PMPoor bloke must have been dropped on his head as a baby.
Posted by: Nathan at April 20, 2004 at 07:06 PMPoor bloke must have been dropped on his head as a baby.
Posted by: Nathan at April 20, 2004 at 07:06 PMPoor bloke must have been dropped on his head as a baby.
Posted by: Nathan at April 20, 2004 at 07:06 PMYou posted two times too many, Nathan.
In Vietnam it was suggested that we declare that we had won and go home. How about in Iraq we declare that we've lost and stay there? It might appease those who want Bush to fail and get them to focus their attention elsewhere.
Posted by: Andjam at April 20, 2004 at 07:11 PMmebbe moore was *repeatedly* dropped on his head as a baby?
Posted by: rosignol at April 20, 2004 at 07:22 PMCrikey! He said that on April 14? This year?
It's obvious to anyone not blinded by wishful thinking that the 'insurgents' in Iraq are vicious, malevolent opportunists who want to get rid of the Americans so that they can use the ensuing chaos to install themselves as the new Saddam.
I'm coming to the unfortunate conclusion that Moore isn't just an amoral idiot. No one is stupid enough to believe there are moral reasons behind the insurgency. However the only alternative to Moore being an idiot is Moore being... well, evil. And given his influence, that's a repellent thought.
Posted by: Andrew D. at April 20, 2004 at 07:34 PMI like the bit about the rich paying their fair whack of taxes. I bet he doesn't consider himself one of those required to pay more taxes, the fat, rich, prick. And smelly, and uncouth and fat. But mostly a rick prick.
Posted by: JakeD at April 20, 2004 at 07:55 PMDon't believe everything the AFP says.
Have a look at the official statement.
Jeez, I feel sorry for any families of US servicemen and women who read this (april 14). Thats a low statement by Moore, very low indeed.
I don't think anyone questions his patriotism. I mean, it's so obvious he has none, what's worth questioning?
Posted by: Robert Crawford at April 20, 2004 at 10:52 PMDoes this idiot have any real following? I can't imagine going along with this fool on anything. Hopefully he comes out strong for Kerry. Kennedy, Dean, Gore and Moore, what endorsements those would be.
Posted by: Dash at April 20, 2004 at 10:59 PMtoo bad, his views are very popular outside US. he peddles stereotypical images of americans
to europeans & japanese, who actually believe that americans are as obsessed with guns, as that big, fat idiot told them.
He's the darling of the left. You know, the ones who claim that all Republicans are rich (HA, HA, HA), and say that their hearts are for the poor people. The ones who either haven't worked a day in their lives (anybody from the Kennedy clan), or state their views behind the walls of their mansions and villas (Moore and Barbra Streisand). You know, like John Kerry.
Makes me ill.
Imperial Keeper
Speaking of Kerry :
As he promised on Meet the Press he would release all his records, he never meant that at all he meant something else. Ah that's our Kerry.
This from the Boston Globe via DRUDGE.
Rumor is, Moore is lobbying for a post in the new Spanish government...
Posted by: Richard McEnroe at April 21, 2004 at 01:16 AMI actually agree with Michael Moron that the "rich" should pay their fair share. If the top 20% have 40% of the income, they should pay 40% of the taxes.
Of course, that would be a cut from the current 50%...
Don't believe everything the AFP says.
Have a look at the official statement.
Thanks. That's a relief!
The ones who either haven't worked a day in their lives (anybody from the Kennedy clan)
Not including Arnold Schwarzenegger (who Mark Steyn lists as gym owner, bricklayer, mail-order proprietor and actor), right?
Posted by: Andjam at April 21, 2004 at 02:48 AMAnd notice it doesn't matter one wit the ends of their revolution. It only matters that they are in a "REVOLUTION" (big men use the big letters) which is instantly purifying.
Posted by: marc at April 21, 2004 at 03:12 AMYou know, as someone who has ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War, I'm getting tired of these gangsters and islamic facists being compared to them. This is the second one I've read in the last week. The comparison is not only ignorant, it's disgusting.
Posted by: Ken J at April 21, 2004 at 03:13 AMHere is Michael Moore during a little swim around his palatial estate.
Posted by: BC at April 21, 2004 at 04:15 AMBack to Nathan's origional point, was Moore ever a baby? I thought he was hatched. And come to think of it, what head?
Posted by: Brian J. at April 21, 2004 at 04:20 AMY'all being too hard on Lord Byron Moore's romanticism and love for oppressed peoples. For years, he has dedicated his endless imagination to telling Americans how downtrodden by America we are.
(If we be of color, then it's white America who disses us. If we be white, then it's corporate America that stomps on us. If we be corporate, then it's Republican America that steals our profits for the good of the cabal. If we be Republican, then it's the military-industrial America that manipulates the cabalistic government. And so forth.)
Naturally, Moore would empathize with the Ba'athists, saboteurs, and jihadists who struggle against American imperialism in Iraq. Of course he would send secret film crews there to document how our troops have been forced into murdering the freedom fighters.
But why is Moore settling for just a mess of speaking fees, book profits, and film receipts he gets for spreading his message of Yankee corruption round the world? It's time that Lord Moore personally sail to Iraq to enjoin his cause against America, take up arms, and contract a fever.
Or at least a Baghdad boil. Then he would have something really tragic to wax on about.
The lefties are starting to fall into the same pattern as the shrieking thugs of the Arab Street(tm): we will kill, we will destroy, one thousand times revenge. etc. etc. etc.
and then they lose again. then the shrieking begins again. then they lose again. and round it goes.
Posted by: Sergio at April 21, 2004 at 04:29 AMDoes anyone else find Wesley Clark's buddying up with this clown even more hilarious at this point? I can just see Clark squirming at army reunions: "Michael Moore? Uh, I don't believe I've heard the name..." [Sweat dripping copiously from forehead.]
Posted by: Tommy Shanks at April 21, 2004 at 04:59 AMHey Tommy Shanks, how come you look so much like the guy with the snake on his face?
Posted by: Ken J at April 21, 2004 at 05:40 AMI find hilarious in the box under the "Check out the real news" heading on the right side of his site there's a link to The Onion. Perhaps his staff is hesitant to tell him that the Onion is in fact a news *satire* publication, for fear that he'll steal their lunches.
Posted by: Anne at April 21, 2004 at 07:31 AMIf Teddy Kennedy had ever worked as hard as Arnold did on any day in the past 40+ years, he wouldn't be so bloated now. (Although, in all fairness, he would never have gotten out of the car at Chappaquidick if he were as fat then as now.) Teddy inherited his money, his looks, and his Senate seat (unfortunately, also the propensities but not much IQ).
Arnold seems to have not only earned his money by dint of his own work (even putting butts in seats in movies is work) but increased his wealth via his own personal management talents. In addition, he ran a hell of a smart campaign in California, and appears to be cracking the whip there now.
Teddy Kennedy or John F'n Kerry would be fortunate to be 1/10 so capable as Ah-nuld.
(Both Teddo and John F have had many years to prove themselves. Let's list their accomplishments, shall we? Hmmmm? Marrying rich and or beautiful women. Parying down. Drowning or backshooting people. Oh, well, I'll let others complete the list.)
Posted by: JorgXMcKie at April 21, 2004 at 09:11 AMIt's obvious to anyone not blinded by wishful thinking that the 'insurgents' in America are vicious, malevolent opportunists who want to get rid of the British so that they can use the ensuing chaos to install themselves as the new Monarchy.
Maybe try for just a second to let the idea sink in. To an Iraqi it may seem he is fighting to rid his country of American influence. That Iraqi may therefore think of himself as a "Freedom Fighter", similar to those "Minute Men" of American history.
While those who are fighting them would probably consider them the enemy. Since they are fighting on their home turf, they will fight harder to hold what they consider theirs than foreign troops would fight to keep what they believe to not be theirs.
Facts and ideas do not have to always be partisan.
Posted by: IXLNXS at April 21, 2004 at 10:16 AMIXLNXS --
Rather than try to speculate what people are thinking, I'll trust them to be telling me the truth about their aims when they make public statements of their aims.
In Fajulah, they've been issuing pro-Saddam, pro-Baath declarations that endorse dictatoship and denounce democracy. Therefore I will assume that these people are, as they themselves claim, pro-Saddam/Baath/dictatorship, and anti-democracy.
Similarly, al-Sadr and his followers have been calling for an Iran-style mullahocracy. Therefore I will assume that they are, as they themselves claim, in favor of estabilishing a theocracy on the model of Iran's.
Now, if you want to ignore what these people are saying in favor of your own fantasies of what they're thinking, well, go right ahead. I won't bother taking your arguments seriously if you do, however.
Posted by: Warmongering Lunatic at April 21, 2004 at 11:16 AMThe mother from Iraq who blogs in A Family from Bagdad thinks he is wonderful. She would.
Posted by: Ruth H at April 21, 2004 at 11:18 AMIXLXNXLXXSSS, the comparison is not even remotely valid, and only a Mooron of colossal blinded stupidity would consider it so.
Wrap your three brain cells around these FACTS: the Coalition is not colonizing Iraq. They are handing power over to the Iraqis. The transition happens June 30th. You may notice that's not far away.
There can be no revolution against a colonizing power if there is no colonizing power. Comparisons with Minutemen, and "no taxation without representation", and "don't tread on me", are ab-so-lute-ly MOOT. And actually disgusting.
The Sadr insurgency (apparently funded through Iran) is run by an malevolent jackass who's pissed that an *Iraqi* judge had the temerity to issue a warrant for his arrest.
Posted by: Crispytoast at April 21, 2004 at 11:21 AMIXLAKSHD is a guy who can somehow embody the belief that all muslims are dirty brown psychopaths who could only be stopped with genocide and that all anti-American forces in the world are misunderstood heroes.
If only he were the only one who was that fucked up in the head...
Posted by: Sortelli at April 21, 2004 at 11:40 AMMaybe Mike Moore and IXLIDIOT are related by blood. Certainly they are of a similar type: Disregards the truth for their own personal fantasies.
The only real difference is that Mike Moore uses his fantasies to make millions by pandering to a bunch of overpaid left wing useless idiots, while IXLTWIT attempts to match his wits, brain, and logic against the Evil Forces Of the Right (TM) on blogs like Tim's.
Alas, poor IXLNUTS must provide his services for free, and has no wits, brains, or logic in the first place.
Tsk, tsk.
Posted by: JeffS at April 21, 2004 at 12:07 PMMoore has GOT to be muckraking for greed and attention and couldn't possibly believe a syllable of the inanity he puts out. He, not Halliburton, is the real war profiteer, since he is living off the outrage his despicable memes generate. Moore has made quite a living off of his anti-Americanism.
What excuse is there for the believers who try to defend his sick blatherings? By what logic do "Minutemen" cast off the yoke of their liberators? Where were these Ba'athist, Arab agents and jihadist "freedom fighters" when Iraq was under the boot of Saddam? Were they too busy oppressing Iraqis, disappearing Iranian dissenters, bombing foreign cities, and passing out suicide belts to Palestinian kids to be Minutemen a few years ago? Good thing they have finally flocked to Iraq to kill for Allah and save the country from a McDonalds or something
It's so typical of these guys, Michael Moore, John Pilger, Gore Vidal, etc. who from their plush surrounds decide what is best for everyone. Who from their safe and secure estates, on an indulgent whim, decree chaos for others. Perhaps they should read some of the polls taken in Iraq over the past year, even one recently by the cynical and malevolent BBC, to find out what the vast majority of Iraqis actually want. The truth is obvious, they couldn't care less about the average Iraqi. It's all about themselves and their idle ideology about maintaining their profiles and remaining in the limelight.
Posted by: Brian. at April 21, 2004 at 02:36 PMIt's all about themselves and their idle ideology about maintaining their profiles and remaining in the limelight.
And making a profit, Brian. Let's not forget their profit, so they can continue to indulge their whims at our expense. At their leisure, of course.
Posted by: JeffS at April 21, 2004 at 03:01 PMI think you're all missing a very positive change in Michael Moore. He has clearly gained a rudimentary capacity for sincerity as he is now openly cheering for the success of the enemies of civilization.
Moore can be summed up in one word: ASSHOLE (all caps). He could care less about the poor downtrodden masses; it's all about him and his personal vendetta.
His whole modus operandi is based on his personal hatred for a certain social class in the U.S.: successful, white conservative (by Moore's definition) businessmen of one stripe or another. Bush winning (stealing) the election must have been the saddest day in poor Mikey's life. I don't know Moore's background, but somewhere in his history the daughter of the local hardware store owner or something must have laughed in his face when he asked her for a date.
Ladies and gents, fatboy is all about the brand. To ensure that the "brand" is profitable he must be the turd in the proverbial punchbowl. To be in agreement with the WOT or just another milquetoast American socialist don't brang home the bacon. In other words just being another run of the mill loudmouth in a sea of loudmouths doesn't pay; unless of course you're a loudmouth who doesn't mind being a controversial punchbowl turd for money. For some reason Al Franken comes to mind. Folks Moore took the Madonna model of "in your face" profitable controversy and has/is using it all the way to the bank. Moore's minions tend to be diehard non-profitable sheeple and we, his detractors, tend to be his nexus of promotion and purveyors of his profitable brand of controversy, oddly enough. Without angry detractors to publicize his products Moore would be just another fart in the dizzying and bizarre American left. For Moore being an asshole pays, always has. The only difference it seems to me is that when Madonna was behaving this way we all knew she was full of shit yet for some reason still wanted to bone her, with Moore we just want him to shave, shower, and shut the fuck up. What this means is whatever Moore is peddling I ain't buying, and there's just so much fat & stupid entertainment I can take. Even for free. Fuck Fat Mike.
Posted by: Fat Cracker at April 21, 2004 at 06:04 PMArnold's not a Democrat. He's a Republican.
Imperial Keeper
I am obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed because I fail to see how any comparison between the Minutemen of 1776 can be made to Iraqi gunmen of 2004. I seem to recall from my American history class that 'No taxation without representation' was the big thrust of the insurgents in 1776. In 2004 Iraq it appears to be 'no representation....period' or perhaps 'Dictarship yes....democracy no' as the main thrust of the insurgents.
Posted by: zzx375 at April 22, 2004 at 04:07 AM