April 15, 2004


Amid the rubble in the apartment where the Islamist terrorists believed to be the authors of the Madrid massacre on March 11 blew themselves up (seven of them, and counting), police found plans for future strikes: a shopping and leisure center, the high speed train between Madrid and Lleida (another one, not the foiled attempt), and several Jewish targets.

They also found a badly damaged videotape which, unlike the bastards themselves, could actually be reconstructed by police labs:

"After discovering that the situation has not changed, and that your new government announced it would start its mandate with yet more fighting against Muslims and the deployment of more crusader troops to Afghanistan, the Death Squadrons and Ansar al Qaeda have decided to continue on the path of holy war and resistance," the speaker on the video said.

The speaker added that unless all Spanish troops were withdrawn from Muslim lands within a week, the holy war would continue.

John Chappell at Iberian Notes has a full translation, including the really charming conclusion:

Blood for blood! Destruction for destruction!


Glenn's catchphrase ("Read the rest") belongs even here, I think.

[Posted by Franco Alemán from HispaLibertas]

Posted by Tim Blair at April 15, 2004 04:16 AM

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
- Winston Churchill

Posted by: FH at April 15, 2004 at 04:32 AM

Wouldn't most of Spain be considered "Muslim lands" to some very hardline Islamists? What with all that stuff about 1492 being so recent.

Posted by: derf at April 15, 2004 at 05:17 AM

Don't forget India and a chunk of Europe including a bit of the European Union and Russia.


Posted by: scottie at April 15, 2004 at 06:53 AM

I wonder if the appeasers really believe that they can appease these cretins or what?

Posted by: Dwayne at April 15, 2004 at 07:00 AM

As WWII was wrapping up in the Pacific, allied naval forces were confronted with fanatics; they were called kamakaze. The kamakaze were defeated by continuing to shoot until there was nothing left to shoot at.

Posted by: George at April 15, 2004 at 07:26 AM

Will we hear any of this on the taxpayer funded AB stinking C, or read of it in the Sydney Morning Herald? Not bloody likely!

Posted by: Kate at April 15, 2004 at 09:05 AM

Dwayne. The appeasers see this as a big challenge. But don't worry, they're up to the task of trying to continue in their merry little ways. The ABC and SMH are veterans of nuance !

Just as the violence in Iraq is viewed as a challenge (to bringing democracy and stability to Iraq) by us right-wing death beasts, the endless threat of terrorism against any random person is viewed as a challenge by the appeasement brigade, who are already trying to invent some "root-causes" for the poor helpless terrorists.

Posted by: Jono at April 15, 2004 at 10:33 AM

The root cause of attacks by these terrorists is that they view failure to respond quickly and harshly to any attack as weakness -- end of story.

Furthermore, once weakness has been determined (by the many pre-9/11 attacks), no measured response will be taken seriously.

This cannot be solved by routine criminal law. By their lights (and the ACLU and others) they are not criminals at all.

They are the enemy. Find them and kill them before they kill us.

Posted by: Uncle Bill at April 15, 2004 at 10:53 AM

Does "destruction for destruction" mean that if the Islamists ever manage to build a 100 story tower we get to knock it down?

Posted by: Carey Gage at April 15, 2004 at 11:12 AM

From the full text: "You know the Spanish crusade against the Muslims, and it has not been so long since the expulsion from Al-Andalus and the courts of the Inquisition."

If Zapatero hands over southern Spain to Morocco, and compensates Muslims for the Inquisition, maybe the terrorists will take Spain off the hit list?

Posted by: EvilPundit at April 15, 2004 at 11:25 AM

'Does "destruction for destruction" mean that if the Islamists ever manage to build a 100 story tower we get to knock it down?'

The Saudis already have one. A look at the architectural design shows they've already taken precautions against that possibility.

Posted by: EvilPundit at April 15, 2004 at 11:29 AM

I don't about those "precautions", EvilPundit. Enough Semtex will make anything collapse.

Posted by: JeffS at April 15, 2004 at 12:19 PM

Good lord, Evilpundit. Are you telling me the Saudis have a Saks Fifth Avenue, and no Jews are allowed to shop there?

Posted by: Joe Geoghegan at April 15, 2004 at 12:37 PM

This has nothing to do with your post but surely I'm not the only Morford watcher.

This time I checked the dates. Mark morford has indeed been offline due to some unexplained problems he's having with SFgate's powers that be. God I'd love to get their side of the story. But here's part of a letter Morford sent out to his capering, retarded, smurf-like followers:

That is, for most, the good news. I, Mark Morford, am not dead and my Notes & Errata column on sfgate.com is not dead and my deeply skewed, wildly popular, ever-lubricious Morning Fix email newsletter (god he's a stupid dipshit), well, that's a different story.
The newsletter and I, we have been through a bit of legal and corporate hell lo these past six weeks, as our futures with this company were suddenly under duress, picked apart, threatened, reviewed and revised and reconsidered. It was ugly. Blindsided me completely. Access to my sfgate.com email was disabled in early March and not reactivated until last Friday. I had no way to read or reply to anyone who wrote in to this address.

the full thing's at:


The date is April 14, 2004 so it's current this time. See? I learn.

Posted by: Amos at April 15, 2004 at 02:02 PM

Maybe Destruction for Destruction means they all want a slice...

this pic broke me up...and had to share it..lol.


Posted by: bailodor at April 15, 2004 at 07:07 PM