January 19, 2004


It’s about time:

NSW Police has revived controversial plans for a specialist Middle East squad to tackle the wave of violent crime that has plagued Sydney's south-west for more than a decade.

The squad would reverse a decision by the former police commissioner, Peter Ryan, to shelve a proposal for such a unit because of fears it would be seen as racist.

Yes -- must avoid at all times the fear of being seen as racist, even with a knife at your throat. Former Sydney detective Tim Priest has pursued this issue relentlessly:

In February 2001, when I appeared before an inquiry into Cabramatta's crime problem, I gave evidence which at the time attracted the usual claque of ratbags from the ABC and their associates at The Sydney Morning Herald, as well as Sydney's Radio 2UE broadcaster Mike Carlton. I said that Sydney is going to be torn apart by gang warfare the likes of which we have never seen. Last year I was finally proved right, but I take no comfort from that. However, the criticism I received was unprecedented. I was a nutter, a liar, a racist, a disgruntled detective.

Speaking of Carlton, here’s his first column for the year:

More and more evidence is coming in. The jigsaw pieces are fitting into place. It is becoming appallingly clear that President George Bush is an arrant liar and - as Mark Latham correctly suggested - "the most incompetent and dangerous president in living memory".

Carlton may be the most incompetent columnist in living memory. More and more evidence is coming in! Last year he mischaracterised Wesley Clark as a trenchant critic of “Bush’s ill-planned invasion of Iraq”, guessed massively wrong on the economy, repeated a grave Maureen Dowd inaccuracy (and bitched about it when he got caught), revealed his ignorance about Robert Byrd’s sheet-wearing, cross-burning past, joined the herdlike braying against neo-cons, and predicted a rain of death in Baghdad.

How many mistakes will Carlton make in 2004? A Carlton Blunder Count will soon be featured at this site, in competition with a Phillip Adams Error Meter. Watch the media heavyweights duke it out!

Posted by Tim Blair at January 19, 2004 12:32 AM

Ooo, ooo, is this a contest? Can I play?

I predict 2 screw-ups per week in 2004 (with an extra 1 per month just for practice).


Posted by: Barbara Skolaut at January 19, 2004 at 02:05 AM

Last year he mischaracterised Wesley Clark as a trenchant critic of “Bush’s ill-planned invasion of Iraq”

A more positive spin is that he was simply ahead of Clark's own characterization of his views....

Posted by: Otter at January 19, 2004 at 02:31 AM

The Inversion of Truth & History has been in full force for some time.

The Jenin Massacre that wasn't, the millions of refugees that weren't, the Afghan winter that wasn't, the quagmire that wasn't, Bush is a moron he isn't, it's all about oil, it's not, suicide bombers as martyrs, no, they're mass murderers...well, you get the point.

The use of Lenin's Big Lie is the underpinning of Left-speak strategy, in other words, if the lie is oft repeated enough, the masses will eventually believe it. The lack of intellectual honesty, reason, and accuracy are merely the epiphenomena of this practice, and should no longer come as a surprise to anyone.

Combine the Big Lie with historical denial-revision, "Bush is Hitler," and add the narcissistic entitlement that is their "therapeutic culture," and the resultant effect is BBC, NPR, NYT, Al-Jazeera-Guardian, The Age, ABC...well, you get this point, too.

Taking to task the likes of Mr. Carlton and Adams, as well as the organizational systems that deal in their dangerous currency, is vitally important.

Keep up the good work Tim.

Posted by: dog at January 19, 2004 at 03:21 AM

Speaking of Maureen Dowd, Howard Dean made the mistake of standing her up.

Will we someday look back on this as the moment that Dean's campaign jumped the shark?

Posted by: Randal Robinson at January 19, 2004 at 03:28 AM

You mean he stood her up, as opposed to bending her over...?

Posted by: Pervert at January 19, 2004 at 05:54 AM

Hey! Maureen Dowd is a VERY IMPORTANT JOURNALIST and as such you'd better pay some attention to her. In fact, she's a legend in her own mind.

Posted by: JorgXMcKie at January 19, 2004 at 06:06 AM

I want to know how Philip Adams qualifies to be on the list of National Treasures. Precious he might be, as only a millionaire Paddington lefty can be, precocious even, but warm he certainly isn't.

Posted by: freddyboy at January 19, 2004 at 09:19 AM

Maureen Dowd may be a laughingstock in many quarters, but if you want to capture the all important Upper-West-Side-Socialist-Cocktail Party-Sycophant demographic of the Democrats, you had best not snub her.

Posted by: Hermit Dave at January 19, 2004 at 11:57 AM

"The jigsaw pieces are fitting into place. It is becoming appallingly clear that President George Bush is an arrant liar.."

That's not a jigsaw puzzle Carlton, those are Rorschach blots. And it's not George Bush either, you don't even recognize Robert Fisk any more do you? This is so sad. The doctors say "if only the therapy was progressing as well as the war in Iraq". But hang in there lad, making a public arse of yourself might be part of the healing process.

Posted by: onlinediagnosis at January 19, 2004 at 01:02 PM

In the unedited speech that appears in Quadrant Jan/Feb 2004, Tim Priest says, "In February 2001 when I appeared before the Cabramatta inquiry, I gave evidence which at the time was controversial and attracted the usual claque of ratbags, 'lunatics' from the ABC and their associates from the Sydney Morning Herald as well as that 'fruit loop' Mike Carlton from 2UE."(for the trainspotters out there)

Posted by: joejr at January 19, 2004 at 08:33 PM

Lefty pundits who only now find evidence that Bush is a liar or a moron or a hippopotamus or whatever should be fired for incompetence. I mean, it's been 3 YEARS already.

Posted by: maor at January 19, 2004 at 09:25 PM

If we spread the rumour that Bush would be replaced by Schwarzenegger, would that shut the anti-Bush people up?

Posted by: Andjam at January 19, 2004 at 11:19 PM