January 09, 2004
“What liberal media?” asks Eric Alterman. Well, how about this liberal media:
Posted by Tim Blair at January 9, 2004 11:04 PMAmerica's first family has its share of parenting headaches with George Bush's twin daughters acting out their resentment at his chosen career with under-age drinking binges and other escapades, excerpts from a new book have revealed.
Excerpts published in the Washington Post departed from the media convention of granting privacy to the children of previous presidents, including Chelsea Clinton.
I'm not sure this means the media is particularly liberal, just mercenary and out for a good story. Chelsea was underage for much of Clinton's presidency, and has she ever done anything truly interesting, anyway?
Posted by: Matt Moore at January 9, 2004 at 11:30 PMyeah, underage drinking was never heard of til the Bush girls tried to buy a margarita at Chilis with a fake ID. Obvious evidence of for shit parenting! Brother!
Posted by: debbie at January 10, 2004 at 12:22 AMThank you for catching this Mr. Blair! I read this in WashPo the other day and was furious! It was such a nasty hit piece, mostly on Mrs. Bush, that I had to beg the question - why was it on the front page of my newspaper?!
For everyone's info, Tuesday January 13, Ms. Gerhart, the wuthor of the excerpt will be live online at www.washingtonpost.com.
I plan on e-mailing in a few questions about why this account was so damn nasty and why she chose to write about it. Feel free to join me.
Posted by: Bill at January 10, 2004 at 12:23 AMAlthough to be fair, the Bush girls have departed from the presidential-offspring convention of not being hilarious public drunks.
Posted by: Jim Treacher at January 10, 2004 at 01:01 AMP.S.
Posted by: Jim Treacher at January 10, 2004 at 01:09 AMThey drink because they resent their father's career choice? Maybe they just like to par-tay!
Posted by: Jack Tanner at January 10, 2004 at 01:29 AMLike Matt Moore said this is mercenary media and not bias. The Post was all over Clinton during the "scandals".
Still, they shouldn't have done it.
Posted by: Stewart Kelly at January 10, 2004 at 01:41 AMDamn that girl is ugly. Bill and Hil should have adopted.
Posted by: aaron at January 10, 2004 at 02:27 AMI'll have to ask my daughter if her "underage drinking binges" were the result of her resentment of her father's chosen career. At the time I thought it was because she was young and doing what many 18-21 year olds will do to have fun while in college. How could I have been so wrong? How could I have missed such an obvious reason for going out and partying? Guess I was right, I did make a really lousy mother. At least I can consider myself to be in some good company with Laura Bush!
Posted by: Teresa at January 10, 2004 at 02:40 AMOh yeah, that Washington Post. Notorious for its left wing bias.....
Posted by: Tom at January 10, 2004 at 03:16 AMActually the restaurant was Chuy's - a favorite of the locals in Austin. And while the margarita's are good, the texas martinis are better.
And funny how the media never picked up on Al Gore's kid and his marijuana bust. But there's no double standard in the media.
Posted by: WarEagle at January 10, 2004 at 08:07 AMIt's certainly a good example of sensationalistic media nonsense, if nothing else. I've yet to talk to anyone that doesn't think they should just be left alone, but that's never stopped the press before.
If Gore was the President or if he was still a prominent spokesman instead of just popping his head in every few months, don't you think that would have been a much bigger story?
Posted by: _ at January 10, 2004 at 08:19 AMI only wish Georgie's niece Lauren would go on an underage drinking binge. Then maybe we could hook up finally.
Though her dad did have that thing with the Thai hookers...
Posted by: Quentin George at January 10, 2004 at 10:44 AMHey, mullibok@aol.com, could you use a nickname other than a single underscored line? It makes me extremely annoyed to see this cutesy attempt to leave no name. Think of a nickname or I'll think of one for you. And it will appear as your byline from now on.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at January 10, 2004 at 11:59 AMAndrea, you really need to take more of those chill pills. I am yet to come across a post by you in a pleasant or amiable tone.
As for the "cutesy attempt to leave no name", what on earth does it matter? A non-boring nickname is good, and what could be quicker to write than _?
_, I say do what you want. Don't let the proto-fascists get you!
On the other hand, Andrea would do something nasty, so why don't you humour her?
Posted by: fatfingers at January 10, 2004 at 12:53 PM"Boo hoo! The bad lady is mean! Waaah!" Cry me a river. Fathead, you need to put your cranium back into your rectum where it is obviously more comfortable. And let no-name fight his own battles.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at January 10, 2004 at 01:19 PMA friend of mine, ohh lets just call him Richard McGregor is an officer in the NZ army. Him and a friend were the Liason Officers assigned to Chelsea for the Clinton visit. Prior to their arrival the Commanding Officer warned them not to get involved with Chelsea or else.
Richard thought "OK, I dont want to get in any more trouble". Unfortunately his mate thought "If the boss is warning us then this chick must be easy, I'm in".
Sure enough that night the other guy nails Ms Clinton, who is so boisterous that everyone knows what she was up to. Fearing the consequences he goes to breakfast early the next morning and tells everybody about Chelsea and Richard.
The CO heard, and infuriated by Richard's denials awarded him 28 days of extra duty. Definitely Daddy's little girl.
Posted by: Crusader at January 10, 2004 at 02:28 PMAndrea, maybe that is his name. I mean, it might be Prince's son...
Posted by: Jerry at January 10, 2004 at 02:30 PMAmerica's first family has its share of parenting headaches with George Bush's twin daughters acting out their resentment at his chosen career with under-age drinking binges and other escapades, excerpts from a new book have revealed.
Of course, this doesn't explain why Al Gore's son keeps getting into trouble, since he's gotten busted both before and after the 2000 election (to much less fanfare, of course, though that might just be because he doesn't look as good as Jen or Barbara. Now, maybe if Katrina gets clocked doing 110 in a 55 zone or gets busted for doobers the press will pay attention...)
Posted by: John at January 10, 2004 at 04:10 PMHey Andrea, how about making him The Poster Formerly Known as _
Or better yet:
Posted by: Quentin George at January 10, 2004 at 07:17 PMAndrea, you sound amazingly preschoolish, despite the Latin. How old are you? And do you have anything constructive to say, ever?
In case you missed it, I didn't throw a tantrum (unlike some on these boards), but asked genuine questions. What does it matter what anyone calls themselves?
At least _'s nickname isn't in the terminally boring First Name Last Name format.
Posted by: fatfingers at January 11, 2004 at 05:19 PM