December 15, 2003


Sandra Lee, author of a book about Iraqi refugee Guzin Najim, learned of Saddam’s capture via Guzin's son:

I got an SMS from Christopher -- formerly Mohammed Said, whose father was murdered by Saddam Hussein. It said, simply: "Saddam Hussein captured in Iraq, Christopher". It was 20 minutes after the news broke on the TV - and Mohammed/Christopher was surfing the TV and 'net ... something he couldn't do in Iraq under house arrest.

(Note: he recently changed his name to the Anglicised "Christopher" and is all set to join the Australian Army Reserve.)

I immediately spoke to his mother, Guzin, who fled Iraq after her dying husband made her promise to take her children out of Iraq and never go back. She was  in tears of joy. "We want him to go on trial and suffer for years the way he made my Iraqi people suffer,'' she said. "He needs to answer for what he has done."

Oh, he will. It’s not like he was arrested by the UN.

UPDATE. Jeff Jarvis rounds up early Iraqi blogger reaction.

Posted by Tim Blair at December 15, 2003 12:01 AM

Oh, this must be a sad day for the media.... thay have to report good news in Iraq.

Posted by: steve at December 15, 2003 at 12:10 AM

So this is what it feels like to be on the right side of history - not bad, not bad at all!!! I shall try and get to sleep tonight - I will try.....

Posted by: Rob at December 15, 2003 at 12:23 AM

OK, we get it, Saddam's been much space are you going to waste on this? Can we please get back to the plastic turkey?

Posted by: Jerry at December 15, 2003 at 12:37 AM

She may want to re-think the "never going back" to Iraq promise. Saddam and his loyalists are toast.

What's an SMS? Is it Email?

Posted by: George L. at December 15, 2003 at 12:44 AM