October 03, 2003


Arnie calls it early:

All but declaring himself California's next governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday triumphantly announced a 10-step plan for his first 100 days in office and declared that if legislators don't follow his lead, he'll seek approval for his proposals through the initiative process.

"I am not here today to talk about campaigning," Schwarzenegger, hoarse from the campaign, told an audience of several hundred local Republicans at Sacramento's Memorial Auditorium. "I'm here today to talk about governing."

Could be Arnie is trying to counter this LA Times attack:

Six women who came into contact with Arnold Schwarzenegger on movie sets, in studio offices and in other settings over the last three decades say he touched them in a sexual manner without their consent.

That’s one woman every five years. Somewhere Bill Clinton is checking these stats and thinking: “Amateur.” Meanwhile Mark Steyn has upgraded his Huffington vote contest following Arianna’s decision to bail. Cinco de Grayo!

Posted by Tim Blair at October 3, 2003 12:20 AM

I had basically the same thought-- at Maria's family get-togethers, the Kennedy guys are all saying things like, "Whatsamatter, Arnie, steroids make you a girly man?" Even if you assume these women represent only 10% of the total, that's only a grope every few months. Jack Kennedy could get through that number in an afternoon!

Posted by: Mike G at October 3, 2003 at 03:49 AM

Honestly, Arnie. Why can't you be more like Uncle Ted?

Posted by: Maria Shriver at October 3, 2003 at 03:58 AM

Do you think it's possible to get a count of the number of women who have tried to touch HIM inappropriatly? I have seen him in public here in DC. Women clearly want his.. erm... struedel, but he's always seemed more polite than indulging in public.

Posted by: Joe in DC at October 3, 2003 at 04:05 AM

Now I definitely want to see him as governor, if only to watch him try to pronounce "intern."

Posted by: Angus Jung at October 3, 2003 at 04:51 AM

Actually, it's probably a response to criticism that he hasn't made his intentions as governor clear enough up to now.

Posted by: John Nowak at October 3, 2003 at 05:29 AM

I'm afraid Tim that the comment "That’s one woman every five years. " could be interpreted as that you don't oppose unwanted groping. Seeing the comments, makes that even more clear. Overstepping boundaries is just wrong and not only when you're not behaving as bad as a Democrat.

Posted by: Berend de Boer at October 3, 2003 at 07:09 AM

Berend-are you sure that's a man's name Or maybe you just don't have any balls.

Posted by: Freddyboy at October 3, 2003 at 08:16 AM

Frightening. Steyn's competition rules contains an unpleasant barb:if Arianna receives less than 1% of total votes, entrants will be sent a copy of her book.Mark Steyn , as he acknowledges, has ensure that possibility: Arianna read his column and withdrew. A contender make, she has ensured she certainly received less than 1%.

Steyn might reflect: Ariana saw a chance to increase her books sales at the stroke of a pen, and to terrrorise comp. entrants,what a bugger.

Oh no, I'm an entrant.I'll now approach post-box in trepidation and weilding lion taming gear: pistol, automatic rifle, gutsache, can't be to careful.

Posted by: d at October 3, 2003 at 09:21 AM

Berend -- it's more a comment on the double standard. Kennedy can cover up rapes, cause a death, do whatever he wants, and all he gets is praise.

Posted by: Robert Crawford at October 3, 2003 at 09:24 AM

If you read the article, what's most disturbing about Arnie is that he behaves like a boorish movie star as__hole. He's the king of the set, and can pick a meaningless woman out of the crowd, belittle her, and get big laughs from his sycophants. It reminds me of Mel Brooks behavior as King Louie in History of the World -- "It's good to be the King."

Posted by: pj at October 3, 2003 at 09:24 AM

I'm afraid Tim that the comment "That’s one woman every five years. " could be interpreted as that you don't oppose unwanted groping.

Only if one chooses to see it that way. The sentence right after the comment in question seems to make it obvious that that isn't the case.

Posted by: Bashir Gemayel at October 3, 2003 at 09:38 AM

What's wrong with a little groping now and then? Doesn't everyone? Shoot, I grope my dogs all the time... er, uh, guess I shouldn't have said that.

I hate to seem a bit suspicious, but my spider sense starts tingling when I see phrases such as "unwanted groping". That's awfully vague--is this "groping that was offered/given but not desired", or "he groped, she said no, he kept at it"? The first could be due to misread signals, the other is clearly a problem.

Ok, maybe not such a great thing to do in a public setting, but I'd rather have a good governor who gropes a little than a slimy one who drives the state deeper and deeper into debt.

Alright, I should shut up and get back to groping my dogs.

Posted by: 42nd SSD at October 3, 2003 at 10:04 AM

Don't we all agree that know-nothing Hollywood actors and entertainers should keep their half-brains out of matters political?

Next thing we know, Martin Sheen will be governor of Alabama, Susan Sarandon will be in the Senate, and President Streisand will be calling the shots.

Somebody should terminate Arnie.

I mean, good grief - did the Reagan years teach us NOTHING?

Posted by: Nemesis at October 3, 2003 at 10:37 AM

It would appear so necrosis, since you seem incapable of learning.

Posted by: Imam Psycho Muhammed at October 3, 2003 at 10:49 AM

Maybe... finally... this will cause Davis' behavior toward people that work for him to get aired. We're talking full blown nut job.

Posted by: Chrees at October 3, 2003 at 11:15 AM

I agree with Nemesis. Only experts like Gray Davis should be elected to, er, "run" a government. I mean, Arnold might come in and mess things up!

Posted by: Jerry at October 3, 2003 at 11:17 AM

He started from having nothing but his muscles,his brain and a strong german accent. I mean if you looked at him all those years ago during his body building days, you would have thought that there was no way he was going to make it. Too many things were against him.

But here he is, a multi millionaire (by the way he was a millionaire before he got into movies), recognised the world over and married to a Kennedy (that must sting all you Democrats out there). Not bad for an alleged "idiot" who they say wont be able to handle the complexities of governing California.

When are some of you dumb ass "intellectuals" take a good look and maybe, just maybe realise that there are different kinds of smarts. Book smart and life smart - ie making the most of what you are given. I think by any measure you cannot possibly call Arnie dumb. He has always confounded all the experts who think they know him. I think he might just suprise them again if he becomes governor.

Anyway it is up to the people now and we know you lefties really hate that!!! Go Ahhnold go!!!

Posted by: Rob at October 3, 2003 at 12:30 PM


We are only against actors becoming politicians when they are lefties. This is because lefties are always wrong on the big issues, always want to trample on people's freedom and never understand that their stupid ideas have had horrible consequences. If you are ignorant of this last fact, I suggest you go a'googling on the name "Theodore Dalrymple". He is a doctor who actually spends time treating the underclass. So, unlike left leaning pseudo-intellectuals who always say that they care about the poor, he actually works with them. His experiences demonstrate how the social engineering of the left since the end of the War has led to massive social problems.

Posted by: Toryhere at October 3, 2003 at 12:40 PM

Hear, hear! Toryhear, and the same applies to Oz leftoids and their grand schemes to save the poor as in, it is code for bury them in misery and keep them there to justify big fat interfereing socialist govts and the buckets of mnoey which poors into their own pockets and serves to preserve their silly, fatuous little careerahs.

Posted by: d at October 3, 2003 at 12:44 PM

Terry McAuliffe, Clinton appointee and head of the Democratic National Committee said Arnold shouldn't be governor because his past history with women shows a negative pattern of behavior. Clinton appointee. Head of the Democrats. Past history with women shows a negative pattern of behavior. Clinton appointee. Head...ad naus.

Posted by: Matt from Vegas at October 3, 2003 at 01:38 PM

On November 27, 1997 issue of the otherwise leftist leaning (and now defunct) rag, the Los Angeles New Times, Jill Stewart (who now has her own quasiblog) reported that numerous female staffers have claimed (off the record, like Arnold's accusers) that Davis had attacked them. And were not talking about touching boobies here, we're talking about throwing things at and shoving women (sometimes elderly women).

The best part of this story? The LA Times had an investigator reporting the matter in the lead up to the 1998 election, and the LA Times KILLED the story, and continue to sit on it to this day.(hat tip: pseudodub)

Posted by: Sean at October 3, 2003 at 02:39 PM

There's me, the very epitome of balance and objectivity, carefully having a go at celebrity no-brains of both right and left, and I still get labelled a biased lefty socialist, commy, pinko, thingummibob.

And this by a person calling themselves Imam Psycho Mohammed. Who clearly is not a lefty, and probably will claim they are not racist either.

Dear, dear.

And I didn't even mention Charlton Heston.

Which reminds me: the only celeb worth listening to these day is Michael Moore, any way.

*Smiles, before exiting stage left, closing the door carefully and quietly behind him*

Posted by: Nemesis at October 3, 2003 at 02:56 PM

>I mean, good grief - did the Reagan years teach us NOTHING?

Yeah, winning the cold war sucked. And then there was the atomic war of 1985 that killed billions.

Posted by: John Nowak at October 3, 2003 at 03:02 PM

That's the internet for you Nemisis. Love it or leave it - it appears that you have done the latter.

Posted by: Rob at October 3, 2003 at 03:05 PM

"I tell you now, you believe me later!"

Trust me, In California a little grope every five years is flamin' minor...

Posted by: mojo at October 3, 2003 at 03:28 PM

Which reminds me: the only celeb worth listening to these day is Michael Moore, any way.

Only if you're receptive to his version of a "documentary".

Posted by: Bashir Gemayel at October 3, 2003 at 04:41 PM

Sorry, Nemesis, you'll have to explain to me how Reagan was so appalling.

Anyone who attacks loser Californian arts undergraduates with tear gas and destroys the USSR has my nod of approval.

Posted by: Steve Edwards at October 3, 2003 at 04:56 PM

Which is worse, the death and destruction produced by Reagan's atomic war or the radiation induced mutation of a toad into the only celebrity worth listening to?

Posted by: S Whiplash at October 3, 2003 at 06:44 PM

This is only the begining of smear week for Arnie. Because he's an Austrian, they'll label hinm a Nazi; becuase he was a bodybuilder, thet'll say he used drugs;because he's rich, he must have ripped somebody off;and because he's hetero, he must be a rapist. What else? He's successful, he eats meat,likes hunting....this guy is all bad! Totally non-PC. Just what California needs.

Posted by: Rob (No 1) at October 3, 2003 at 06:54 PM

If an allin wrestler (Jesse Ventura) can be a governor, why not an action figure?
I reckon that if Conan the Republican makes it into the state house, or whatever they call it, the southern Cal establishment will commit Hara Kiri with swords from Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill prop department.

Posted by: Dave F at October 3, 2003 at 07:03 PM

Rob -- you right, that left wing wacko, Matt Drudge, is comparing Arnie to Hitler -- the fact that Arnie listed Hitler as his hero helps the story along.

Posted by: pj at October 3, 2003 at 11:35 PM

Next thing we know, Martin Sheen will be governor of Alabama, Susan Sarandon will be in the Senate, and President Streisand will be calling the shots.

By and large they'd have to get elected by the voters first. If they want to have a go, they're welcome to run for office. In fact, I'd respect them more if some of them did have a try.

And I didn't even mention Charlton Heston.

Who was involved in one of the earliest inter-racial relationships on screen (without making a big fuss about it) and was one of the earliest Hollywood celebreties to oppose discrimination against African-Americans.

*Smiles, before exiting stage left, closing the door carefully and quietly behind him*

LOL! You've got a sense of humour.

My returning comment: Arnold shouldn't be running for governor of California. He should be secretary for the Department of Defense.

Rob -- you right, that left wing wacko, Matt Drudge, is comparing Arnie to Hitler -- the fact that Arnie listed Hitler as his hero helps the story along.

Drudge probably dislikes Arnie as Arnie isn't "right-wing" enough in some respects (gun control, abortion, gay rights). Plus, Drudge is only good at throwing mud as far as I know, and Arnie is an inviting target for some reason.

Arnold denies praising Hitler, and most Hitler fans don't support the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Posted by: Andjam at October 4, 2003 at 02:06 AM

The Reagan Radiation War of 1985 accounts for the football-sized goiter growing out of my neck. Damn him, damn him all to hell!

Posted by: Tongue Boy at October 4, 2003 at 02:21 AM

Just read a comment over at Lucianne.com that sums up my feelings exactly (as a female voter in California) -

I'd rather be groped by Arnold than screwed by Davis

Posted by: Polly at October 4, 2003 at 05:06 AM

I've worked on a film set with Arnold and yeah, he's blunt and has fun at other's expense...kind of like any genuinely charismatic character I've ever been around. And I was the victim of such joking. And I thought it was funny. I still tell the story to friends. Some people are just tittie-babies who get their panties in a wad if they feel the least bit embarrassed.

Groping? I'm not his type (male) so I never experienced that. That will have to be figured out over time.

But the real, undisputed scandal here is the LA Times strategic timing of this story. Everybody knew they were sitting on this until the prime time. They've dropped this bomb when there is no time to straighten it out before the election. They have shown their stripes throughout this recall with bogus polls and stories. They are in bed with Davis and everybody knew that Davis' thugs would be coming out with dirt just as he has in every election

in 97 the Times refused to run a story about Davis assaulting his staff. Sending one to the hospital. Why? Because they told the reporter they don't use "unnamed sources".

I'm curious as to how their subscription cancelations are running. I'm calling mine in now.


Posted by: bruce bridges at October 4, 2003 at 06:46 AM

Nemesis tries out smug "humor":

(Smiles, before exiting stage left, closing the door carefully and quietly behind him.)

Slips on the bag of dog poop left on the door, falls down the stairs, lands ass up in a garbage can. (Brit.-Aus. translation: lands arse-up in a rubbish bin.)

Posted by: Andrea Harris at October 4, 2003 at 09:50 AM