September 23, 2003


People say we Collingwood supporters are rancid of tongue and foul of temper. It’s just not right! To completely discredit this absurd myth, here’s a note from a Collingwood pal on the subject of Victorian premier Steve Bracks and his opposition to freelance economic initiatives:

the stupid little fuck has decided to show himself the socialist by trying to ban ticket scalping - at the behest of the fucking greatest scalpers of all - the AFL - so now if e-bay dares to let some punter sell their tickets for $400 they get prosecuted - but AXA and Telstra and CUB can flog you a fucking seat and some bain maree chicken in a tent for $1400.


Why cant the little cunt just admit he knows nothing about economics or markets and stay the fuck out of it? Blog him to death for me will ya? And let me know if there's any tickets about.

See? A fine, balanced missive, all loaded with nuance and stuff. By the way, I was prepared to go to $500 for a ticket, but that’s about $200 below current blackmarket levels -- if you can find anyone willing to sell, which I can’t.

Posted by Tim Blair at September 23, 2003 08:22 PM

Your mate's right, Brack is a cunt. He runs a spin-driven killjoy state full of fucking wowser rules, living off the twin sugar teats of fine revenue and gambling money and stands for nothing more than getting re-elected.

Now he's anti-capitalism too.


Posted by: Eddie at September 23, 2003 at 10:06 PM

I hate the cunt as well

Posted by: Chap at September 23, 2003 at 10:46 PM

Hey Tim, Ronna is gonna miss the Grand Final! Now lets see you break the myth.

Posted by: Cruddrick at September 23, 2003 at 11:24 PM

Rocca, not Ronna.

Posted by: Cruddrick at September 23, 2003 at 11:26 PM

Likening Bracks to a cunt is a slur on a fine and fascinating organ, the only valid point of comparison being that both are extremely wet -- the former only when economic policy is at issue, the latter most of the time and especially when I'm about and on the job.

Better to call Bracks "a Broinowski" -- a form or cunt, true, but one that's always dripping some sort of toxic sludge, smells bad, and offers no potential for pleasure whatsoever.

Posted by: Doctor Dick at September 24, 2003 at 02:07 AM

Lucky Bracks wasn't around when X-mas festivities were inaugurated; he'd have outlawed it as a capitalist pig plot.Yup, Bracks, you're a commie dribbler alright.

Posted by: d at September 24, 2003 at 09:49 AM

I hate to preach to the converted but bracks really is a low form of life isn't he. To top it off I've got brackys et al coming to my office today to wank on about how Victoria supports big business (my CEO has tickets to the GF guaranteed) and wants to help us expand blah, blah, blah.

I've been told to remove my MRAA protest poster which features bracks in a WANTED poster (he's collecting 14 million over 3 years for motorcycle saftey but so far there has been less than 300,000 spent on anything except a couple of adds). It's been moved to a more discreet position but I'll be fucked before I take it down.

There'll press here and lots of smiling and back patting etc. If I didn't want to keep my job it'd be eggs and tommys at 10 paces. For those in Vic look for it on the news if you can stomach him. You might see an angry biker-type being led away.

Posted by: Jake D at September 24, 2003 at 11:19 AM

Jake D:

A Premier bullseye with the old eggs & tomatoes act would elevate you to protected species status in the Peoples' Republic of Victoria.

Especially if you managed to knock over a few children on the way. Try it - they can't sack you for anything in the PRoV.

Posted by: ilibcc at September 24, 2003 at 12:18 PM

By the way, in place of the usual crap Grand Final pre-match entertainment, can we have a verse or two of Slim Dusty's Pub With No Beer ... teams lined up, heads bowed, tear in the eye.

Now that's a national anthem.

Posted by: ilibcc at September 24, 2003 at 01:05 PM

Update on bracky's visit to my work. He came, he smiled, he went away (thank God). I was told in no uncertain terms that my presence during his speech was not required so I couldn't even direct a good scowl in his direction. Pity that. I guess my views are a little too well known, or I'm too scruffy, something like that.

Posted by: Jake D at September 24, 2003 at 01:57 PM

The Bracks / eBay thing is actually rather interesting. Genuine ticket scalping is not good and should not be condoned, however at what point does free-market sales/purchasing become scalping?

If I've bought an item (e.g. a GF ticket) and then break my leg and can't attend, surely I have a right to sell that item to try to recoup my money?

If I have that right, do I not have a right to ask any price I wish? The market (i.e. the potential buyer) will decide if my asking price is fair or not.

The only way to test that asking price is advertise it; eBay is simply one of many ways I could advertise.

It would be interesting to test Bracks' "orders" to eBay via the ACCC and Trade Practices Act.

Posted by: Bushy at September 24, 2003 at 02:24 PM

I think you are right Bushy. The Trade Practices Act probably renders any State Legislation invalid.

It doesn't worry Bracksy, all he's got to do is bury all the disasters (Federation Square, Seal Rocks etc, the State Budget)under 15 metres of concrete for one more term and he's delivered nearly all of his Mp's 2 or 3 terms to sew up their Parliamentary Pensions.

Winning the next election is all they stand for and will make Saint Steve a 3 Term Labor Hero without ever having had enunciated a single policy except the Scoresby Bypass Toll Road which is incredibly unpopular.

He'll probably drop the Toll Road idea once he figures he has lost government just to leave a pile of shit for the next administration.

Posted by: Michael Gill at September 24, 2003 at 04:47 PM

Can anyone confirm Bracksy's lineage? He's french isn't he? I'd bet good money that someone who is that big of a prick would have to be french.

Bushy, M. Gill, your both spot-on but Bracksy in his usual style wants *to be seen* to be doing something. It doesn't matter that eBay could reply with "We've considered you request and must inform you to shove it up your arse". As long as everyone thinks there's good old Bracksy protecting our sports etc. he'll have a go even if there is no net benefit to anyone other than his party.

Bracksy and the french, fuck 'em.

Posted by: Jake D at September 24, 2003 at 05:25 PM

An apology to the Lebanese is in order, Jake D. Steve Bracks is of Lebanese descent.

Posted by: ilibcc at September 24, 2003 at 05:45 PM