September 23, 2003


• James Lileks on cheese and warfare:

I’ve never understood why nations with great cheese don’t have better armies. Right now to my left I have a plate that contains six chunks of Stravecchoio Grana Padano, each wrapped in a gossamer-thin scarf of prosciutto. Any Italian worth his mettle would take one bite, contemplate the perfection this combination represents, and decide that his nation should - no, must muster the forces required to repulse anyone who would take such cheese from his countrymen. Cheese this fine would cause armies to cross the Alps to have it; surely they demand armies sufficient to protect it.

I mean, this is good cheese.

• The Wogblogger, a cheese fan, points to diet advice from Steve Irwin:

‘She wants chocolate. Mum's not lookin'. “Here. Have the whole bloody block.” And you know what? It works out. She's not a chubby little chocolate freak kid.’

• Margo's Curse -- she’s supported losers John Hewson, Kim Beazley, and Simon Crean in Australian politics -- appears to function internationally:

There's a bloke called Howard Dean who was considered a rank outsider in the US Democrats presidential race. He's the only Democrats contender who's been against the Iraqi war from the beginning, and through the internet he's garnered more money for his campaign than any other candidate. He's now a frontrunner!

• Blog elder Professor Bunyip spars with uppity upster Robert Corr.

• Alan Anderson has moved to a new address.

• Myself and the Professor stand accused of deception in the mysterious case of The Three-Cent Cheque. I can remember writing out the cheque, but perhaps my accountant stole the funds to finance a Brazilian holiday. Investigations continue.

• And Right Wing News has the latest poll results. Surprises aplenty!

Posted by Tim Blair at September 23, 2003 05:21 AM

"extreme right journo"?

Posted by: madne0 at September 23, 2003 at 05:52 AM

Lileks: 'must muster the forces required to repulse anyone who would take such cheese from his countrymen.'

France doesn't need to worry, some years ago Australia banned imports of Roquefort, the world's best cheese.

Posted by: ilibcc at September 23, 2003 at 12:19 PM

What ilibcc said. Cheese supreme.

While we're almost up, cheese made from unpasteurised milk should be allowed into this country. Y'know, it tastes better.

Posted by: Pigfucka at September 23, 2003 at 07:27 PM

Tim Wrote:
Margo's Curse -- she’s supported losers John Hewson, Kim Beazley, and Simon Crean in Australian politics -- appears to function internationally:

Do not be so harsh on John Hewson, if he had been PM in 1993, Australia now would have lower prices for imported goods, far less unemployment and welfare dependency. John Hewson was a political idiot, however had the right ideas what should be done to Australia.

Posted by: Tristan Jones at September 23, 2003 at 08:04 PM

Right-wingers' 10th-favorite political website: The Washington Post.

Damn that liberal media!

Posted by: vaara at September 24, 2003 at 03:09 AM