July 19, 2003
MYONGWATCH! has a Myong update, including an actual photograph of the Myong himself. Myong on!
Posted by Tim Blair at July 19, 2003 01:25 PMThe link is Myonged, er munged. It should be http://strategicintelligence.blogspot.com/2003_07_01_strategicintelligence_archive.html#105854768998457508.
Kinda looks like an Oriental Frankenstein monster. But not as personable.
Posted by: Cracker Barrel Philosopher at July 19, 2003 at 02:04 PMApart from ol Kim Il Jong, ever see a North Korean with glasses? Next time you see a North Korean May Day photo, take a close look at the masses. You won't see many people with glasses on. What is the reason for that? Asians have better than average eyesight? Or how about North Korea is the world's leader in laser eye surgery?
I would think they would have about the same percentage of eye glass wearers as South Korea, but you would expect something like that from a xenophobic racist like me.
Posted by: Charles at July 19, 2003 at 03:11 PMHis hair is so hip. I wonder if he was ever in a boy -band.
Posted by: Cody at July 19, 2003 at 07:02 PMRather well fed, I should say.
Wonder of he reads this stuff...
Posted by: The Marmot at July 20, 2003 at 01:12 AM