June 05, 2003
Maureen Dowd edits Damian Penny!
Posted by Tim Blair at June 5, 2003 05:34 PMFrom the June 4 column with comments from the peanut gallery:
"...America has no intelligence." Tell us how you really feel!
"For the first time in history, America...went to war after the war was over." Yup, unique to say the least....
"...reporters....were guilty of hypebole..., '...the President....saw 9- and 10-year-old boys coming...in Baghdad.'" Please cite source; this is simply a disgusting statement and its author(s) deserve(s) the rebuke of every decent person.
"But it was...the U.S....that...struck a Western compound, killing eight Americans." They didn't kill Kenny! You bastards!
"'...Western Europeans...inflamed the Muslim world, softened and significantly weakened...the pillars...of the U.N....,' said Pew's director, Andrew Kohut." Huh? I thought the chant went "Europeans good, Americans bad. Europeans good, Americans bad, four feet good, two feet bad..."
Posted by: Tongue Boy at June 7, 2003 at 12:08 AM