March 14, 2003


MARGOGATE, DAY TWO: A NATION SITS AROUND AND WAITS. The latest on Ms. Kingston's fight against the crushing of dissent:

Accusations of bias were flying in Sydney yesterday as Fairfax journalist Margo Kingston launched an incendiary Anti-Discrimination Board report accusing certain sections of the media (that Kingston does not work for) of slanted coverage of race issues. The report, which had already been leaked to Fairfax's Sydney Morning Herald, prompted Sydney's Daily Telegraph editor Campbell Reid to take to the airwaves, declaring Kingston one of the most biased, agenda-driven journalists in the country. The man who commissioned the report, ex-Liberal Chris Puplick, was also in the firing line. Despite the reservations of her employers – she was called in by editor Robert Whitehead to explain – Kingston went ahead with the launch. She tells Strewth there is no truth to the rumours that she has been sacked or was asked to cancel. However, Kingston says she was appearing "in a personal capacity".

Get some supplies in, folks. This one's going to run for weeks. Posted by Tim Blair at March 14, 2003 09:16 AM
