December 12, 2004
A thriving coalition of election denialists has emerged in the wake of George W. Bush's victory.
Compare the paranoid howlings from these people to the calm reason of Michael Moore. If only all anti-Bush activists were as rational.
(Via Rob at SemiSkimmed)
Posted by Tim Blair at December 12, 2004 02:56 PMThey utter, though they know it not, words long ago uttered to the same effect:
"The South Shall Rise Again!"
History shall mock them.
Posted by: FH at December 12, 2004 at 03:12 PMAnd thus a parallel historical narrative is born, complete with it's own heroes, traitors and villains. Diverging first from the 2000 election, then veering off fully into the wild blue conspiracy yonder of 2004, a fully detailed, self-perpetuating fantasy alternative worldview, soon to be popularized by an Oliver Stone movie and unkillable as a plastic turkey.
We are never going to hear the end of this. Ever. That it's total, unsubstantiated bullshit means nothing, that this irresponsible garbage corrupts the perceived legitimacy of the democratic process itself means nothing to these people. They don't care.
Fucking. Morons.
Posted by: Amos at December 12, 2004 at 03:14 PMPsst...
...I've got this theory that 1992 election was stolen...C'mon Bush was a war-hero! No way a chickenhawk could win...
Like all serious, well-researched pundits, I will be making a website... how about
Oh, wait, someone already did.
Posted by: Quentin George at December 12, 2004 at 03:47 PMKerry had the option to "fight for you all until every last vote is counted". To his credit he didn't when it was apparent he was going to lose. I like to think he did that because the squabling would only encourage the "morons" Amos described.
Democracy should be treasured not pissed on like these sore losers are doing. Shame on them.
Hey, does anyone reckon Saddam stole the last Iraqi election?
Man, that 98% of the vote is a little suss...
Posted by: Quentin George at December 12, 2004 at 04:00 PMThis is why Tim's way of dealing with these things is right. You have to laugh at the plastic turkey stories, even relish and collect them, because in any case the bird flies on. And we should collect and enjoy stolen election stories too, because whether we laugh or grit our teeth they're not going to stop. And chronic laughter doesn't lead to dental bills.
Posted by: David Blue at December 12, 2004 at 04:12 PMI think we should encourage them in their delusions. Persuade them to donate huge percentages of their disposable income to the cause. That way they'll be less likely to do something dangerous with it, plus they'll out themselves as fools.
The Democrats lost control of their brand identity to the 527's in the last election, and I'm perfectly happy with them not getting it back.
Posted by: Ernst Blofeld at December 12, 2004 at 04:23 PMLet 'em bitch. I look forward to the landslide Republican victories in 2006 and 2008 under DNC Chair Howard Dean and
Posted by: Warmongering Lunatic at December 12, 2004 at 04:28 PMThe Dems have a lot to learn. I'm amazed nobody there has yet thought to consult Robert Mugabe on how to run an election and win it fair-and-square.
In comparison with these whiners, the Australian Left looks calm and rational...
Posted by: JPB at December 12, 2004 at 04:45 PMAnother reminder: Download and save those moonbat pages for 2006. Just the thing to wave in the face of your local Dem Congressional candidate...
Posted by: richard mcenroe at December 12, 2004 at 05:16 PMMeanwhile, Mr. Moore's all-out war against me has taken its toll, and The Gleeson Bloglomerate is now about 70 votes short of first place in the Blogs Nobody Cares About Category. Will no one stand up to that fat tyrant?
Posted by: Sean Gleeson at December 12, 2004 at 05:52 PMGood news, though: it wasn't dioxin after all.
Posted by: Sean Gleeson at December 12, 2004 at 07:52 PM>Man, that 98% of the vote is a little suss...
Well, if you are popular, then you are popular. He was!
Bush probably only attacked Iraq because he was jaloux of his popularity?
'Moore told Leno that there was a reason President Bush was re-elected November 2, "He got more votes."'
By George, I think he's got it!
I don't know which is funnier. Moonbats still raving over a lost cause, or Michael Moore in a suit trying to salvage his career.
Posted by: Rebecca at December 13, 2004 at 03:06 AMActually, Saddam ran up an even bigger percentage of the vote: 100%. According to official figures, nobody in Iraq voted against him. Every single voter was in favor of him.
Posted by: Ernst Blofeld at December 13, 2004 at 03:24 AMAmos, "And thus a parallel historical narrative is born, complete with it's own heroes, traitors and villains. Diverging first from the 2000 election, then veering off fully into the wild blue conspiracy yonder of 2004, a fully detailed, self-perpetuating fantasy alternative worldview, soon to be popularized by an Oliver Stone movie and unkillable as a plastic turkey."
Curiously, just last night I was watching a rerun of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode "Normal Again", in which the point of view shifts back and forth between "our" Buffy and a lunatic Buffy in an asylum who has delusions that she's a super-hero.
Perhaps the PEST sufferers should just sink totally into their wish-fulfillment state, believe that Kerry won, and sever all connection with the real world.
Posted by: Agent Smith at December 13, 2004 at 05:30 AMfidens, its nice to know I'm not the only one warped enough to catch that.
As I left in the comments section of one of the nut sites, I sure hope they have Reynolds Wrap advertising on these sites.
They're gonna sell a lot of tin foil.
Posted by: Confederate Yankee at December 13, 2004 at 07:23 AMFH,
We are going to rise again. I'm up here above the Manson-Nixon Line solely for recon purposes...
Posted by: Confederate Yankee at December 13, 2004 at 07:25 AMOne of the denialists (Whore Ally Won) is gloating that nobody linking from Tim's site has even bothered to try to refute his towering logic.
Ummm....maybe that's because to post on Whore's site, one has to register....
At least one of the hundreds of visitors could register...what's the problem?
Posted by: BlueMan at December 14, 2004 at 12:50 AM"At least one of the hundreds of visitors could register...what's the problem?"
Why bother? Is it going to change his "mind"?
There are better things to do than refute mental diarrhea on a site nobody reads anyway.
If the Denialists want reasons for fighting a recount effort, I'll offer two (but won't bother to log onto Blogger on some nobody's site to give them):
1) Recounting gives the Dems another opportunity to commit fraud, just like they were trying to do in Miami in 2000. Who knows what they could have done with the Ohio ballots, electronic and otherwise, in the last 40 days?
2) Recounting gives the Dems and mainstream media (but I repeat myself) the opportunity to undermine the President's legitimacy. Why would the President want to do that? If the votes went for Kerry, would the Dems be agreeable to a recount effort? Yeah, about the time this 6'3" 200# very male very hetero ex-paratrooper grows udders and gives milk. Sheesh.
You trolled for a response, Mr. Blueman, and now you have one. Do you have a thoughtful intelligent response?
Posted by: Confederate Yankee at December 14, 2004 at 04:32 AMRe: Rick the Lawyer
Yeah, the Democrats and mainstream media are one and the same. That's why you turn on the TV and can't avoid hearing endless stories about the Ohio recount.
And think of all the mischief they could do with the ballots in Ohio! Oh, if only we could have Bush's Ohio campaign chair be the Secretary of State of Ohio...what a great coup that would be!
Posted by: BlueMan at December 14, 2004 at 10:46 PMTo people like Blue, there are only two outcomes:
1) Kerry wins
2) Recount again
Assume there is a recount. The vote totals stay the same. Are people like Blue going to say, "Oops. You're right. Bush won fair and square." No way. What will they say? "More fraud. Recount again." And again, and again, and again.
Trying to please them is a fool's errand. A waste of time. So, no recount.
Blue says, "Yeah, the Democrats and mainstream media are one and the same. That's why you turn on the TV and can't avoid hearing endless stories about the Ohio recount."
Two words, Blue: Dan. Rather.
One sentence, Blue: Even the MSM media knows there are some dogs that just don't hunt.
Blue says, "And think of all the mischief they could do with the ballots in Ohio! Oh, if only we could have Bush's Ohio campaign chair be the Secretary of State of Ohio...what a great coup that would be!"
Bush's campaign chairman in Ohio is also the Secretary of State. Which means there must be vote fraud, right, Blue? Blue: You are projecting. The Dems, given half a chance, would stuff the living crap out of every ballot box in America if they could, "For [our] own good." But just because YOU would commit fraud doesn't mean EVERYONE would.
Like I said, to Blue, there can be only two outcomes from a recount:
1) Kerry wins
2) Recount again
Two more words, Blue: Sore. Loser.
Dan Rather lost his job for reporting a story about false documents about a true story. Yet the media is liberal. Did you see how the liberal media ignored the SwiftBoat Vets and the idea that Kerry is a flip flopper? Yeah, they ignore the stories we want to read and print the right wing talking points.
They even buy the Kerik/nanny story, printing and reprinting that one scandal of what, six, was the one to bring him down.
Posted by: BlueMan at December 15, 2004 at 12:58 AMBlue:
If the MSM had done its job in reporting the truth about Kerry, his name wouldn't even have appeared on the ballot.
Probably wouldn't have appeared on the ballot for Senator.
Which might, in retrospect, have been the best thing for you.
LOL. The good Lord moves in mysterious ways....
Are you really a lawyer, or just play one on the internet? I thought lawyers were the bad guys to the Republican party. (Except when filing lawsuits to install Bush in the WH). Well, there are allegedly homosexual Repubs too.
What truth about Kerry are you referring to that would make it impossible to appear on a ballot for the Senate?
Posted by: BlueMan at December 15, 2004 at 08:50 PMPoint One:
I didn't say it would be "impossible" for Kerry to have appeared on the ballot for Senator if the MSM had told the truth about him: I said that if the MSM had told the truth about Kerry, his name "probably" wouldn't have appeared on the ballot.
Point Two:
I'll give you a short answer to your question: Read "Unfit for Command." That will explain why, if the MSM had told the truth about Kerry, his name probably wouldn't have appeared on the ballot.
Point Three:
This dialogue began because I mentioned that Whore Ally Won said nobody from this site had been able to refute Whore's brilliant points and towering intellect. I refuted his points in about thirty seconds, with half my brain tied behind my back, tapping out a refutation with my nose while I fielded phone calls, drafted a document, and drank coffee.
You have not responded to the points I raised about Whore here. You said you did respond on Whore's site; I'm not going to give him a hit. So, enlighten me here with your response.
Point Four:
1) Yes, I am an attorney. I am a partner with a large law firm in Atlanta.
2) I am a conservative, but outspoken enough on some issues that I was banned on Lucianne.
3) I'm not gay; I am happily married and have a wife and three terrific kids, one of whom will be commissioned as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army in May. We raise 'em right here. We really do.
Cheers, and if we don't post back and forth again, Merry Christmas to you and yours.
I thought it was Confederate Yankee who answered the challenge, not Rick the Conservative Attorney.
(Bush spoke out against lawyers again today?)
Why is Unfit for Command a true story, and the story told by the men who actually served on Kerry's boat false?
Posted by: BlueMan at December 16, 2004 at 08:28 AM"Why is Unfit for Command a true story, and the story told by the men who actually served on Kerry's boat false?"
Short answer: 254 to 9.
Medium answer: Why is the story told by the men on Kerry's boat true, and Unfit for Command false?
Long answer: Kerry got caught flat-out lying with his "Christmas in Cambodia" tale. His three Purple Hearts are all suspect. His rotation out of Vietnam was either improper (if any one of the Purple Hearts was not merited) or contrary to the spirit of the regulation (in the unlikely event that all three were merited). His Rassman yarn is inconsistent and totally beyond belief; the notion that he and the rest of the PCF's were under heavy fire (his words) while they shored up the mine-damaged PCF and rescued its crew (what would that take--a half hour or so?), then sped up the river taking heavy fire for 2.5 miles (his words), yet none of the PCFs was damaged by rifle or machine gun fire, and none of the crewmembers were wounded or killed...hey, you figure it out. Picture being near-stationary in a river for half an hour, then heading upriver for 2.5 miles (what--about 5 more minutes?), while people are shooting like mad at you. No holes in your boats (big, easy-to-hit targets)? No holes in you?Ummmm....I don't think so. Your boats would look like a colander and so would you.
Oh, with respect to the Presidant's attack on lawyers: I don't think he is right. But, there is a little matter called "The War for Western Civilization" that is more important to me than caps on punitive damage awards.
I tend to believe the people on the boat, not the 254 who weren't. But the SCLM did air the stories of the 254 enough for you to buy their story, so it worked.
One more question: what's the big deal with visiting the "Whore" site (funny how your side is obsessed with sex!) What will one more hit from spleenville do to hurt your feelings, or whatever it would do in that world of yours? And you and CY are one and the same?
Posted by: BlueMan at December 16, 2004 at 11:56 AMIt doesn't matter what you believe. You still lost.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at December 16, 2004 at 01:39 PM