December 07, 2004
Kevin Naughton, the ABC’s highest-rating drive host, has been fired by South Australia’s 891 ABC Radio. An in-the-know SA reader sends this backgrounder:
Naughton is quite a good journo/presenter; seems slightly Liberal but comes across as genuinely independent in presenting State issues.
I don't know the political leanings of his replacement but it is to be a lifestyle type show rather than current events.
The current SA ABC line up is now:
Breakfast - music
Mornings - Matthew Abraham (likely ALP candidate for Unley at State election) & David Bevan (reasonable but slightly left wing journo)
Afternoon - Carol Whitelock (nanny state leftist)
Drive - ? (used to be a nice balance to the morning show - now the dissent is silenced!)
Evening - Peter Goers (unreconstructed unapologetic communist)
Puzzling decision. Naughton had doubled the ratings for his time slot since taking over in 1999.
Posted by Tim Blair at December 7, 2004 05:25 AM"Evening - Peter Goers (unreconstructed unapologetic communist)"
Your wife, is she a Goers? Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge.
Does Australian Radio have a good selection of non-lefty talk shows that are popular?
We have Rush Limbaugh and although I'm not a fan of his (don't listen to him),his popularity has provided many other non-lefty talk shows a chance to get onto the dial. Some of the local ones in my area are aimed more towards Libertarians or Independents and are quite good.
I'm in the Boston, MA. area (John Kerry's home state along with Ted Kennedy). We're pretty lefty here. But, there's a station whose entire line up is non-lefty. Another station has a pretty good evening line up of non-lefties as well.
Just wondering if you have a good selection of non-lefty radio talk shows in Australia, national as well as local.
(I'm not trying to hijack this thread .. sorry if it's not EXACTLY on topic. I was thinking the BROAD topic of radio.)
Chris as a rule the commercial stations mostly lean to the right.The most popular show in Sydney is Allan Jones a former conservative party candidate.
The Government owned stations are the ones where diversity of views are hard to find(except for Sally Loane in Sydney who is fairminded)
From the ABC point of view, perhaps increasing ratings was one of his negatives - the increased ratings might have been from the "wrong" types of people - couldn't have any plebs, rednecks, etc defiling our ABC paradise, could we??
Posted by: HippyHunter at December 7, 2004 at 11:24 AMThe very people who sacked Kevin are the ones who carp on about the tall-poppy-syndrome whenever one of their own fails - which is pretty constant. They hate merit, success and endeavour in any field, apart from the causes they annoint. Time for the ABC to be restructured if not sold off.
Posted by: Peter Ness at December 7, 2004 at 12:00 PMNah, Fidel wouldn't be interested, it's too left wing for him.
Posted by: Pauly at December 7, 2004 at 12:31 PMWell I cry bullshit.
The ABC is biased and a total f***ing monoculture, but they are also pretty damn professional. The shows are well run, the technical standards are high and the solid lefty thought-policing relatively subtle compared with the tripe got from (for instance) the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Coorporation.
I think there is a story other than just forcing someone out for not being a clone apparatchik.
Posted by: ChrisPer at December 7, 2004 at 12:34 PMAnd besides Fidel is probably too smart for it - he keeps his millions in a Swiss bank account as he preaches communism; so wouldn't go for a loss-maker like the ABC....
Posted by: HippyHunter at December 7, 2004 at 01:27 PMAs a local I can attest to the severe left-leaning of 891 ABC Radio in Adelaide.
Matthew and David in the mornings would be the biggest culprits.
It was noticable that during the recent Federal election they were quite happy to have Bob Ellis come on the show to rubbish John Howard, after he had a good set of opinion polls come out. Of course they would never get an Andrew Bolt on, even they recognise their weakness when it comes to well reasoned argument. They would have been done over like a dogs dinner. They are also very keen to push the cause of the illegal Pakistani asylum seekers, the Bahktiyeris.Talking all over the top of Amanda Vanstone after they had invited her on to give the governments position on that family.
Interesting that during the election, a time when the ABC should be seen to be impartial, Matt and Dave got Brian Deegan on to comment about the bombing of the Australian Embassy, in his role as a person affected by the Bali bombing.Funny they could not find any other victim's families to give free air-time to. Not so surprising when you realise Deegan was running as an independent in the seat of Mayo against Alexander Downer, and he also went to school with Matt Abraham...
oh yes... the old school tie works wonders.
I sincerely doubt that he was axed on political grounds. It is more likely either a bheind the scenes issue that the public doesnt know about, or 891 really does want to change direction.
But youre right, it is a very puzzling decision, obviously radio stations would normally keep a show that had pumped the ratings up so much. Perhaps there is a power struggle going on?
Thinking that it was for a political reason is very far-fetched. Its more likely to be stupidity on the part of 891 than political bias.
Posted by: Nic White at December 7, 2004 at 06:01 PMUs South Aussies still have Bob Francis - thank God!
Posted by: Dylan at December 7, 2004 at 06:41 PMTim, maybe you fried your brain in the Brisbane sun.
Just look at that headline! It defines the term oxymoron. "ABC Logic"? Should make sure it is listed in the next edition of the Oxford dictionary.
Otherwise, keep up the great work.
Posted by: Driver at December 7, 2004 at 08:30 PMits time to give the abc the final push into the real world and sell it. i mean is running spy reality tv shows govt. core business?
any way what i would do for a start
1. remove from abc tv charter all sport and sport funding
2. give sbs a second freq with abc sport moneys
3. let sbs run a 24 hour channel for sport that is not commercialy viable or fringe viable or overseas test cricket etc.
4. bask in better coverage for half the price and keep ethnic lobby in raptures over better soccer coverage.
john h you know it makes sense
Posted by: astonished at December 7, 2004 at 10:18 PMWhat is it about english-speaking public broadcasters?
The CBC is a hotbed of eco-fascism, bushhitler equaters and social engineers.
In Vietnam, I have the choice of BBC or local TV. BBC news and commentary is scurrilous, shallow, superficial leftoid vindictiveness.
I was in Oz during the US elections last month and their coverage was hateful and (at the end) despairing of the fate of the Universe.
Who is payrolling this biased and subversive nonsense??
Oh, Fuck! We are!
Sell 'em off. No fucking alternative
Posted by: jlchydro at December 8, 2004 at 12:19 AMWhat is it about english-speaking public broadcasters?
The CBC is a hotbed of eco-fascism, bushhitler equaters and social engineers.
In Vietnam, I have the choice of BBC or local TV. BBC news and commentary is scurrilous, shallow, superficial leftoid vindictiveness.
I was in Oz during the US elections last month and their coverage was hateful and (at the end) despairing of the fate of the Universe.
Who is payrolling this biased and subversive nonsense??
Oh, Fuck! We are!
Sell 'em off. No fucking alternative
Posted by: jlchydro at December 8, 2004 at 12:20 AMI agree with those advocating the sale of the ABC. The national broadcaster cannot claim to be an independent or unbiased voice but rather is the left's media unit. The left wing rot is so entrenched in the organistation that only by setting it adrift in the real world will it be cleansed. Sell it off!
Posted by: Phil at December 8, 2004 at 02:14 PM