December 01, 2004


Shattering testimony from relatives of those killed in last year's terrorist attack on a Jakarta hotel:

Sri Lestari described how her husband, a Marriott hotel security guard, suffered for more than a week in hospital before succumbing to the terrible burns covering most of his body.

"For eight days, I saw him with a hose going into his mouth and I could not talk with him," she said before breaking down in tears.

The second witness in the trial, which began in October and is expected to drag well into next year, lost his brother-in-law, a taxi driver trying to park at the hotel when the bomb exploded.

"My brother was parking. His head was cut off and could not be found anywhere even until now. His legs were also gone. Only his arms were still intact," Husni said.

According to this Canadian protester, Bush must be to blame ... since he's the only terrorist she knows:


Posted by Tim Blair at December 1, 2004 09:44 AM

Looks like the only terrorist she really knows is Oreo cookies.

Posted by: goldsmith at December 1, 2004 at 09:54 AM

Or as Michael Moore might say, there is no terrorist threat.

Posted by: Anthony at December 1, 2004 at 09:56 AM

I'll bet she spent hours trying to decide whether to make the 'S' in BUSH a dollar sign or a swastika. They're both so expressive.

Posted by: lyle at December 1, 2004 at 10:00 AM

Go ahead, Canuks - arrest the President of the US for 'war crimes". I freakin' DARE ya....

Posted by: mojo at December 1, 2004 at 10:16 AM

I was born in Canada and served for years in the Canadian Forces. Just could not take the continued destruction of that proud institution by Canada's socialist government and lept at the chance to serve in the ADF and have never looked back. A lot is being made about the stresses in the Canada/US relationship, but the MSM would have you think it was all President Bush's fault. No mention is made of PM Jean Cretien's continued and antagonistic attacks on the U.S. as a cheap sop to his ego and a deflection from his corrupt history while in the job.

I can say that in Western Canada there is a strong feeling of amity towards the US and one of the premiers almost formed an independent foreign policy by sending personal messages of support to the Bush White House. At least one Canadian general resigned over the decision NOT to go to war in Iraq and that sentiment certainly prevades among my friends still serving there.

There are far more Bush supporters in Canada than the media polls would indicate...then again these are the same people who predicted a Lathem landslide and a Kerry victory.

Posted by: A.N. at December 1, 2004 at 10:29 AM

Fat, ugly and ignorant is no way to go through life, dearie.

Posted by: Russell Wardlow at December 1, 2004 at 11:16 AM

AN -- very good points. Some Canadian politicians have for years been blaming the US for everything.

Diefenbacker blamed JFK for his election loss in 1962 (interestingly, in that election, the liberals were the ones calling for closer defense ties to the US, including arming Canadian missiles with American nuclear warheads). And of course, Truedau made anti-Americanism the central cultural aspect of Canadianism.

Personally, I like Canadians and rather they be our neighbors than other countries out there. But in the Canadian elite, the defining characteristic for years has been anti-Americanism. Bush simply is a more convinent target.

Posted by: Anthony at December 1, 2004 at 11:59 AM

So that's why the Bush entourage was diverted to Halifax, they had to get around her.

Posted by: Arty at December 1, 2004 at 12:08 PM

The bottomless stupidity on display here isn't politics, it's a pathology. And in the case of this melon-headed, beady-eyed moron, one could have written her life story before ever seeing the sign. Leftism is the last resort of parasites, idiots, dependencies, misfits, state-cases and the insane.

I have a Canadian connection myself, which I have chosen to ignore and conceal for thirty-five years. The groundwork for what we see in this photo was laid a long time ago. It isn't anything new. Canada has chosen to be a tenth-rate nation because that is Canada's destiny. It also proves in somehow that groups can devolve and revert to lesser states for no discernible reason. Maybe in this case it was just too easy, and therefore too hard to resist. Blame it on the U.S. We were too fucking easy on these whiners for far too long. Bush should have stayed home. Why flatter this bunch?

Poster A.N. describes the attitudes alive in the Western Provinces, and the success stories there, and I suspect that these forces will run headlong into the withering and dependent remains of Old Canada in the east someday. It's inevitable. Some people will always strive to move to the right on the evolutionary chart.

Posted by: Crazy Chester at December 1, 2004 at 12:09 PM

She needs to get out more.

Posted by: fidens at December 1, 2004 at 12:11 PM

Oh God, please stop embarassing us :/
Thats just NOT the place for that kind of pretest.

Posted by: Nic White at December 1, 2004 at 01:00 PM

Michael Moores Canadian love child.

Posted by: gubbaboy at December 1, 2004 at 01:28 PM

This sign might pull a sympathy root.

Posted by: Oh No at December 1, 2004 at 02:07 PM

This sign might pull a sympathy root.

Maybe. But most likely, just before climax, she'd scream, "Oh, yes, George! Oh!"

That's how obsessive these people are...

Posted by: Quentin George at December 1, 2004 at 03:15 PM

I just want to add, why is it that in every one of these stupid signs, any s in the name has to be a dollar sign, whether or not it has anything to do with the protest of not?

Mind you, you'd never see this chick with a sign saying $addam Hu$$ein, or O$ama Bin Laden, or what have you.

Posted by: Quentin George at December 1, 2004 at 03:32 PM

Pity you can't put a dollar sign where it's appropriate: "Kofi Annan"

Posted by: Art Vandelay at December 1, 2004 at 03:56 PM

America is wide open to Islamic jihadist infiltration from its open Canadian border.
Anyone can reason that this could be well be the source of a new 911 (god forbid).
WOnder if this is one of the topics of discussion on this trip?

Posted by: davo at December 1, 2004 at 04:30 PM

The sooner the country changes it's name to The Socialist Republic of Canada the better. All this talk of former British colony with strong ties to America, it's a sham. They've even got their (Inuit) gulags in the frozen north, just like another loveable empire that once existed to their east (and I don't mean the Roman).

Posted by: Juanito at December 1, 2004 at 06:30 PM

Waitaminnit. She knows Bush? How? Does she come from Crawford? If so, maybe she knows something the rest of us don't. OK, I'm convinced, Bush is a terrorist. I mean, look at that face; would she lie about a thing like this?

Posted by: Zev Sero at December 1, 2004 at 06:46 PM

If beauty is skin deep, that woman must be turned inside out.
An old joke, I know, but it seems appropriate.

Posted by: Craig at December 1, 2004 at 07:46 PM

Apart from Bush she doesn't know the names of any terrorists? Memory loss is a common problem that can happen at any time of life. Diet and exercise are recommended

Posted by: rexie at December 1, 2004 at 08:41 PM

>"The sooner the country changes it's name to The Socialist Republic of Canada the better."

Why bother with an interim name - Canada may as well go straight to: "The Holy Islamic State of Canada".

Posted by: jorgen at December 1, 2004 at 09:19 PM

Is that sign meant to say she "knows" Bushitler in the biblical sense?

If it does, W needs new glasses.

Posted by: Pedro the Ignorant at December 1, 2004 at 09:24 PM

You could always try

Ko€i Annan, the currency is more suited.

Posted by: EU Serf at December 1, 2004 at 10:45 PM

I have to differ with you guys. I think she's kind of hot, stupid... but hot. But that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.

Posted by: moptop at December 2, 2004 at 12:48 AM

Fools! Fools! Doesn't anybody understand but me! Bush IS the only terrorist! Bush IS Osama bin Laden in disguise! - you've never seen them together in the same photograph, have you? Which proves it! Bush carried out the Jakarta Embassy bombing to help John Howard win the election!

P. Adams

Posted by: Sue at December 2, 2004 at 01:01 AM

Who the hell is BUbuckH??

...And does he have 'nEUcular' lasers?

Posted by: monkey fan at December 2, 2004 at 01:03 AM

If the only terrorist she knows is Bush, she should count herself lucky. If only dear folks in Bali, Madrid, Jerusalem and elsewhere could have shared in her good fortune.

Posted by: Emily at December 2, 2004 at 01:06 AM

Alternate photo caption?

A well-nourished Canadian prostitute's vagina monologue.

Posted by: monkey fan at December 2, 2004 at 04:59 AM

A well-nourished Canadian prostitute's vagina monologue

No way, monkey fan. If THAT'S a well-nourished call girl, it has to be government assistance - it's not possible for the free market to produce such a frumpy success in the World's Oldest Profession. She's three-fifths forehead, for cryin' out loud! No wonder the Canucks are so grouchy.

We should add "babes" to the list of tactical exports over in the laser thread.

Posted by: Nightfly at December 2, 2004 at 06:35 AM

Jim Hensen would roll over in his grave if he knew Ms. Piggy was sold into liberal slavery.

Posted by: Tej at December 2, 2004 at 06:39 AM

ooops...Sorry Aussies....I meant "left Wing slavery"

Posted by: Tej at December 2, 2004 at 06:40 AM

I don't know much about bush and terrorism but the ugly bint is scaring the crap out of me. I hope she don't eat that sign.

Posted by: John at December 2, 2004 at 01:29 PM

Interestingly enough, that photo jumped out at me the most of any. These folks just don't get it.
I hope they keep it will mean more GOP wins in the United States. They have not learned.

Posted by: JAMSON64 at December 2, 2004 at 01:38 PM

Pity you can't put a dollar sign where it's appropriate: "Kofi Annan"

You'll just have to refer to him by his job title, of course. $ecretary General Kofi Annan. You could even throw in EU Serf's idea with the Euro sign then and make it $e€retary General.

The sooner the country changes it's name to The Socialist Republic of Canada the better.

Please. No self-respecting socialist country would ever be so obvious about it. Now, Democratic People's Republic of Canada, that might work.

Posted by: PW at December 2, 2004 at 02:06 PM

So Canada admits there is a terrorist problem?

They're learning.

Posted by: Mark at December 3, 2004 at 12:26 PM

Excuse me, but the last time I looked, I believe $treisand and $oros both had more money than Bu$h.

Posted by: alfadog at December 3, 2004 at 09:41 PM

AN said: "There are far more Bush supporters in Canada than the media polls would indicate"

If one were to listen to the people holding the megaphones over here, you would think the whole country went to Kerry. It's just that conservative minded people tend not to protest and carry signs with ridiculous wording.

Posted by: Catracks at December 4, 2004 at 06:23 AM

Jean Cretin?????

Posted by: crash at December 4, 2004 at 11:59 AM

[The webfooted wonder that left this jewel here must keep it stored on his hard drive for easy cutting-and-pasting. I am leaving this here as a public service for all those persons who wonder what we Right Wing Death Beasts mean when we refer to things like "leftist talking points", "moonbattery", and "stupid, thoughtless opinionating from someone who -- all posturings about 'free speech' aside -- is no more qualified to discuss these matters than my cat on whether I am allowed to leave the house or not, and which should therefore be treated with the same respect, if not less, than I treat my cat's ire at my leaving her alone all day while I go to work." (She really does get upset when I leave the house. Really, I thought cats were supposed to be independent.) The Management.]

As a 6th generation Aussie, I'm embarassed by the moronic populous who voted for the lying, cock sucking bastard we have in power here (and they were stupid enough to do it twice). I'm even more embarassed by our government's relentless sucking up to the USA.

We used to have the one of the best health systems in the world and one of the best education systems in the world. Australia used to be known as the "lucky country". Not any longer, thanks to our illustrious leader and the stupid FTA he's signed. Canada is looking like a better place to live every year (except for the weather and proximity to the USA).

As for Bush? He clearly didn't win the election fairly first time. But thanks to his Daddy's friends intervention it wasn't even investigated. And if you do your research, you'll discover that there are way too many voting irregularities (search google for "voting irregularities" and "scanned") for the latest election to not be investigated. He lied about the Iraqi having involvement in 911 and lied about the weapons (the Iraqi's had already destroyed the stuff the US provided). Do some more digging and the ties to oil and millitary contracts among the members of the US government become startling. IMO he should be impeached (and preferably shot) along with much of his party.

Meanwhile, the USA is having a wonderful time ramming democracy and capitalism down the throats of other countries when (in my eyes) it doesn't even work there. I challenge anybody to say a system works when there are people working 2 jobs and still living in poverty. Do some more research and you'll discover just how much slavery (through indentured labour) still occurs in that country (especially in Florida and California). Some "bastion of freedom" the USA is.

Despite what your respecitive media organisations have told you, the USA did support the Taliban (until their treatment of women became a sore point during Monicagate) and Hussein (until a convenient excuse came along to finish the job George Senior started). Same as they supported toppling a legitimate regime and putting Pinochet into power (who subsequently slaughtered between 3000 and 5000 Chileans). Similarly, the Iraqi people haven't fought for democracy, it's been thrust upon them "for their own good". As I heard one US marine say: "They don't deserve democracy, they haven't fought for it". If the USA truly beleived in choice and freedom, they'd empower the people of other countries to rule themselves as they see fit (even if they don't agree with the rulers they choose or their form of government). If a regime is too oppressive, the people will eventually stand up to it (as the Americans did to the Brittish), and if they don't, they don't deserve better.

But the USA has a long history of meddling in the affairs of other countries to their own ends (which are usually money, oil or thwarting communism/socialism) with no regard for the long term effects. If you want some background on the causes of 911, read "The Taliban" by "Ahmed Rashid". There points where Afghanistan could have become a peaceful and prosperous country in the 90's, but the USA didn't like the means (since it also meant that Iran would prosper from the deals). That sort of short-sighted pettiness caused a lot of greif in that country (the sort of greif that causes young people to join resistance movements).

Events like 911 are probably just the beginning for the USA. IMNSHO, the USA's foreign policies caused that to come upon themselves (look for a Time magazine article on why many Arabs hate the USA, it was published not long after 911). If the USA doesn't want similar events in the future, they have to stop meddling in the middle east (and elsewhere in the world).

For a start: if they want the Arabs to stop attacking them, maybe they should stop giving the Jews guns? As for the Jews? California was taken from the Mexicans much more recently than Israel was taken from the Jews. If the USA wants to make a good example to the Arabs, perhaps they could give California back? Then the Arabs might even consider the possibility that the USA could be the good guys. But I'd suggest the possibility of that happening is nil.

Then the USA has zero credibility when it comes to arms. Who is going to drop weapons at the behest of the only country to ever nuke another and then invades sovereign nations at a whim and without the approval of the UN (which they helped to create)? And judging by their talk about dropping their non-proliferation treaties, they're unlikely to ever have any credibility in that area.

The USA also don't have the faintest understanding (or regard) of the cultures they're intervening in. Especially when it comes to Muslim extremists. In particular, they have no understanding of why the extremists consider the USA and other Western cultures to be evil. Consider this: The Sunni Muslims beleive that not having religious prayer be part of your every day is evil. But you don't hear the Sunni point of view on the "popular" media (except in Muslim countries). Obviously, the people of the Western countries don't want to hear that they're evil.

According to Time Magazine, the USA is a modern version of the Roman Empire with an even larger advantage over the rest of the world in the areas of military (size and spending), financial clout and cultural influence. They also have troops and bases in more countries all over the globe (including mine). The USA needs to pull it's head in and look at the longer term if it wants peace (which I doubt). Even Europe is getting annoyed at the USA's influence in many areas (that's part of the reason why they've created the Euro, their own space program and their own GPS system).

IMHO, the #1 reason democracy will never work is because you can't acheive anything long sighted in a 3-4 term. Everything in politics is focused around the next term of office and no longer. None of the democratic countries have plans that last longer than that (many of the plans don't even last beyond the election date). And IMHO capitalism failed the moment money became the end and stopped being the tool. As for a better system? I'd like to see one where people are rewarded for what they provide to society as a whole. At the moment, all people are rewarded for is their cunning and greed. I'd even settle for a system where politicians are held accountable for their election promises (and punished accordingly for breaking them).

If you think that all people who think the war in Iraq is wrong are mindless hippies, you're wrong. Get your head out of your TVs and take a good hard look at the world yourself. Do your own research and make your own conclusions. Does it meet up to your expectations?

Posted by: Catharz at December 4, 2004 at 06:30 PM

I wonder what, if anything, that rant had to do with the topic.

Andrea, time to crush some dissent!

Posted by: Quentin George at December 4, 2004 at 07:25 PM

I wonder what, if anything, that rant had to do with the topic.

The point is that the people at that protest have every right to protest (and I'd suggest, much reason to do so). I'll be very surprised if this period in history doesn't show up as one of the most oppressive with the USA invading another country (without reason), instigating a large number of human rights abuses and taking a large number of freedoms away from their own people (with legislation like the patriot act). But history is written by the victors.

Andrea, time to crush some dissent!

Obviously, no point in posting anything that disagrees with the views posted here. Saw this site listed as somewhere that had some good discussion. Looks a little one-sided from what I've read so far.

Posted by: Catharz at December 4, 2004 at 07:52 PM

Time for a game: Spot the leftist talking points that Catharz failed to include in his rant. Should be fairly difficult, considering how much he crammed in there.

Posted by: PW at December 4, 2004 at 08:19 PM

The point is that the people at that protest have every right to protest (and I'd suggest, much reason to do so).

No one here is suggesting that right should be taken away. But we have the same right to laugh at their stupidity, and call them idiots. Wonderful thing, free speech.

I'll be very surprised if this period in history doesn't show up as one of the most oppressive

I'd doubt that. Off the top of my hand, the Mongol conquest of Asia and Europe, which included the total destruction of cities such as Samarkand, would top the surgical removal of the Baathist regime in Iraq in brutality.

In the 1980s, 1 million Afghans were killed in the Soviet Invasion.

With the USA invading another country (without

If you actually believe that, you're beyond hope, mate.

Instigating a large number of human rights abuses and taking a large number of freedoms away from their own people (with legislation like the patriot act).

Ha! Patriot Act - favourite leftist more obsession with Abu Gharib.

But history is written by the victors.

Well, you are right there. You're not going to be one of them. Goodbye.

Time for a game: Spot the leftist talking points that Catharz failed to include in his rant. Should be fairly difficult, considering how much he crammed in there.

I think he left out the "Bush let the Bin Ladens fly out of the country..."

Posted by: Quentin George at December 4, 2004 at 08:50 PM