November 05, 2004
Intelligent and informed Melbourne Age readers react to the election result:
"Curious about the massive vote for GWB in the Southern States of the USA. Are not these the same states that have the largest numbers of executions of African Americans for oftn very minor crimes. These would also be the same last states to outlaw slavery are the home of the KKK and so the list goes on, radical right wing extremists."
"Howard, Bush and maybe Blair's re-elections is an insult to humanity. Ignorants got what they deserve."
"you idots are the minority...middle amercian voters ARE indeed ignorant, insular, fundementalist, rightous, bigoted and simply plain stupid.
Democracy is a farce when the masses are as screwed in the head as the average american.""Why do we have doplomatic relations with these monsters?"
"America is as it always was: founded by ignorant, greedy religious bigots hell bent on walking over anyone who gets in the way of their instant gratification / profit, with a love of guns, drugs and shooting each other. In America these are called values."
"If Al Gore had won the previous election, more than likely Sept 11th would never have happened."
"Both Bush and Howard have taught us it is ok to hate someone who has different beliefs, color and social status."
"very dissapointing! A mass murderer, low IQ nd alcoholic as the most powerfull man in the world."
And my favourite, from Age reader Leonard Smith:
"If another '9/11' doesn't happen - and let's not forget this event happened nearly a year AFTER George took office 1st time round - then Americans may concentrate on his abysmal domestic record of the past 4 years. If another '9/11' does happen - a distinct possibility - then Bush's re-election credentials are shot to pieces."
I'll go further than that, Leonard. I don't think there's any chance of Bush being re-elected. Hideous British artist Tracey Emin is similarly upset, but at least she has impressive Hollywood pals:
"I was out last night and I was with some friends I knew, including Val Kilmer, and they looked as if they were going to start crying. It's an overall landslide for Bush, which is really bizarre."
UPDATE. Iran has its say:
Chanting "Death to America" and "Death to corrupt Western culture" the crowd of mostly young students given a day off school listened to speeches deriding the "Great Satan", as Iran's clerical leadership routinely calls the United States.
UPDATE II. Given the absurd UK reaction to Bush’s win, it appears the Brits have decided to ignore this wise advice from Mark Passwaters:
Posted by Tim Blair at November 5, 2004 12:24 AMGood people of England, listen up: your reputation is being destroyed by a bunch of neo-socialist twits who like to lob rhetorical hand grenades then cower behind their computer screens when real people--Americans--get angry. Since they don't have the nerve to face the heat, we can only assume you are all gutless cowards or drunken barbarians. We Americans suggest you just scrap everything and start over. Maybe ask the Irish for help on developing a civilized society.
Doesn't feel real good to hear that, does it? Then have some decency and tell your media to stop bugging us with their senseless prattle. Otherwise, we may have to whip you a third time.
Hi Tim,
Gee since America is the richest and strongest country in the world, and the one more people want to come to, and the one whose culture and products are dominating, what does that say about these simpletons?
Can't even come up with a way to convince all us stupids over here.
G'day mate! (Spoken in my best Steve Irwin tones)
Posted by: AlanC at November 5, 2004 at 12:33 AMAh yes, but there are more Bushes in the wings to torment the Anybody But Bush
Posted by: charles austin at November 5, 2004 at 12:36 AMA time to love, a time to hate, a time to reap, a time to gloat...
Posted by: Clem Snide at November 5, 2004 at 12:38 AMMore popping sounds, as heads explode.
"you idots [sic] are the minority...middle amercian [sic] voters ARE indeed ignorant, insular, fundementalist [sic], rightous [sic], bigoted and simply plain stupid."
Well, it's nice to see the sneering and condescending ways of the left have filtered down in the rank and file. There's nothing like heaaping insults on people to make friends and close the divide.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at November 5, 2004 at 12:38 AMLeonard Smith's comments were so funny. These lefties act as if they are the great intellectuals and don't even know a piece of basic information like a President serves a maximum of two terms. The left parties (at least their middle class constituents) really are the parties of the dumb.
Posted by: Craig at November 5, 2004 at 12:41 AMMeanwhile, on Tuesday Nov. 2, 2004, Theo Van Gogh was openly stabbed and shot to death on the streets of Amsterdam by an Islamic Fascist all because Van Gogh made a film "Submission" which exposes the horrific treatment of Islamic females.
The implications of what occurred on the streets of Amstermdam on 11/2/2004 are staggering thoughts of what is yet to come.
Twenty years ago Islamic Fascists simply hijacked planes to get what they want, some twenty years later, they hijack airplanes to use in ramming into civilian buildings killing thousands in an instant.
Michael Moore, Val Kilmer and a majority of Hollywood artist should be ashamed to call themselves "artists" and have shown to me that they have no real concept of freedom.
Posted by: syn at November 5, 2004 at 12:53 AMFunny, I am from Alabama and I didn't know we were all bigot, KKK, right-wing idiots. Actually the largest employer in my town is NASA and most of my friends really are rocket scientists. A surprising number of them were actually born in Alabama too. BTW, Alabama has come a LONG way since the sixties. I have plenty of friends who are African American and Hispanic and there is less racism here than in most European countries I have visited. Also the only crime you can be executed for in Alabama is murder, regardless of your race.
Posted by: Jeremy at November 5, 2004 at 12:54 AMWow, your Aussie moonbats are even stupider than our American moonbats. I would not have thought that possible. Listen up, morons: No one is executed in the US except for murder. Slavery was ended after the Civil War, outlawed by federal constitutional amendment, not individual state laws. I can try to explain, but I can't make you understand if you are too stupid to know what the big words mean.
Posted by: Latino at November 5, 2004 at 12:57 AM"...with a love of guns, drugs and shooting each other. In America these are called values."
Does this gentle observer of American culture mean shooting each each with bullets or smack? But he's right, of course. My kid is being punished today because she forgot to shoot somebody with anything yesterday. I'm going to learn her our values real good so that she can grow up and marry a nice Klansman. She looks good in white linen.
Posted by: A at November 5, 2004 at 01:01 AMI think the Income tax is a form of slavery(forced labour). Do lefties mean they also want to abolish the income tax?
Posted by: Rob Read at November 5, 2004 at 01:01 AMBut remember: Bush wasn't legitimately elected in 2000. So, 2004 was the first time he was elected and he can then run again in 2008.
Bwa ha ha ha ha.
This is what happens when hobos, backpackers, and serial activists can get free internet access at public libraries.
Posted by: Richard at November 5, 2004 at 01:08 AMOK Age readers, I'll play your silly game: (with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy and tongue firmly in cheek)
You Might Have Voted for Bush If...
You think the last three words of the national anthem is 'start your engines.'
You Might Have Voted for Bush If... Fifth grade was the best six years of your life.
You Might Have Voted for Bush If... You've ever been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog.
You Might Have Voted for Bush If... Your grandfather died and left everything to his widow... but she can't touch it 'til she's fourteen.
You Might Have Voted for Bush If... The figurines on top your wedding cake were wearing overalls.
You Might Have Voted for Bush If... You've ever burped and killed a fly
You Might Have Voted for Bush If... You've ever had a dream about beef jerky.
You Might Have Voted for Bush If... You've ever tried to pass an entire funeral procession.
You Might Have Voted for Bush If... Your driving a vehicle with no original body parts.Posted by: Ernie G at November 5, 2004 at 01:15 AM
I think the front page of Thursday's Mirror from the UK summed it all up nicely, didn't it?
Posted by: Greg at November 5, 2004 at 01:15 AM"re not these the same states that have the largest numbers of executions of African Americans for oftn very minor crimes."
There is some truth to this. Alabama's death row is packed -- packed, I tell you! -- with people who failed to pay up for parking violations. Pretty harsh, but order must be maintained.
Posted by: Mike at November 5, 2004 at 01:17 AMPlato sums up the problem in the Crito:
Socrates: But why should we care so much , my good Crito, about what most people believe? (it is) the most capable people whom we should take more seriously.
That darn Socrates was just an elitist intellectual leftie after all.
Power to the ill-informed!
Oh, those evil, e-vil Republicans! Why they passed that amendment just to deny a good Democrat like FDR his well-deserved fourth term! Ok, so maybe he died in the third, but it was the IDEA! E-VIL!!
Posted by: mojo at November 5, 2004 at 01:33 AMAnd this condesending attitude is what will keep the American dems and Aussie labor party in minority status for the next 20 years. so let them rave on!!!!
Posted by: debbie at November 5, 2004 at 01:34 AMWhaddya'll think 'bout this thing called evo-lution? Me, I's is a conservative. I want ta hang on ta them old ideas what was thought up 2000 years ago. Them pro-gressives, why they want ta god dam change things! I don't like this evo-lution idea any more than I like this thing they call progress. Aint no queers gittin rights on mah watch. And them baby-killers’ll find they selves in hell reeeeal quick. No more meddlin’ with no stem-cells, neither. Yee haw, bushie!
Posted by: Greg at November 5, 2004 at 01:36 AMIs it wrong to fantasize about actually rounding up and executing people who write letters to the Age?
Reminds me of the old saying: 58 million Americans can't be wrong. And if you say we are, we will bomb the absolute shit out of you.
I wonder if these intellectuals realize they are so funny. All of this would not be as funny if these guys weren't so serious in their beliefs.
Gee since America is the richest and strongest country in the world, and the one more people want to come to, and the one whose culture and products are dominating, what does that say about these simpletons?
Funny how this is so true. How could this be if we are so stupid. Amazing!
Posted by: keith at November 5, 2004 at 01:42 AMOn Sky News (UK) this morning, they had footage of a street interview with a young American women crying her eyes out over the election result:
"(Sob sob) Blood for oil (cry, bawl), Halliburton (sob), people died for oil (sniff, choke), how could this happen? (sob sob wah)".
Seriously. (Dialogue as close as I can remember from memory). Yet the media keeps saying that Bush is the divider, rather than the people with mental problems.
Posted by: Scott Campbell at Blithering Bunny at November 5, 2004 at 01:43 AMOne day the left is going to realize that gaining political power and getting results takes compromise, and compromise means not calling your oponents mouth-breathing, Jeebus-loving bigots.
That day is not today
Reading about the disappointment, misery and disbelief on the left makes all the anguish of the last months worthwhile.
Here is an amusing account of election night in the Democratic camp.
Anybody else got any links like this? I'm in schadenfreude mode at the moment
Posted by: rexie at November 5, 2004 at 01:54 AMDay 2 of Kookabura gloating mode. Genghis Khan may have said it first, but Arnold said it best:
"What is best? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, to hear the lamentations of their women".
Posted by: Carl H. at November 5, 2004 at 01:57 AMGreg:
Bigot: One who promotes hateful and ignorant stereotypes based on supposed characteristics of a racial, ethnic or religious group. (See exception below.)
Progressive: One who promotes hateful and ignorant stereotypes based on supposed characteristics of inhabitants of the southeastern United States.
Posted by: F451 at November 5, 2004 at 02:09 AMAh ignorance. Sure they think WE have it (all 58 million of us) but we're not the ones with veins popping out of our heads about to cry. And we haven't been. Not through 4 years of them calling us stupid. See - we have that same steady CALM that Bush has. It's called being an AMERICAN. Please don't mistake half-assed intellectuals like Madonna (that was a pun) and think she speaks for us (or that we even care). We watch these people on TV and in movies. Once they tell us what they think - we STOP watching. They're not playing our game. We pay you to shut up and sing. Once you cross the line and SPEAK telling us how worldy you are, etc. etc. - you lose your luster and we move on. I am PROUD to be one of the 58 MILLION stupid Americans (we're the ones that come and protect your asses with our friends from Britain, Australia, Poland and the like).
Posted by: Kathleen A at November 5, 2004 at 02:12 AMah, yes, the "bush voturs be dum" bit. i done address it hee-uh.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at November 5, 2004 at 02:14 AMMay I please correct a few misconceptions:
I don't know where the bast*d is located these days, but for years the 'heart' of the KKK was located in Anderson, IN - where the Grand Wizard Jackass lived. Neither I nor any member of my family past or present, nor any acquaintance of mine, have EVER supported the KKK and their ilk. To the contrary, we'd like to go ahead and ship them all off to Paris where they'd no doubt be the toast of the town.
And, regardless of what public skools teach, the American Civil War (War Between The States) was NOT fought to perpetuate slavery. It was a States Right issue. And given how many people all across the nation are outraged at the intrusion of the federal govt into our lives, dare I say it is still being fought - and these angry folks are on the side of the Confederacy.
Finally, I was raised as a kind of Jewish/Uniterian (there's some religious schizophrenia for you!), and I can say that my conservative views are not in any way informed by religion, but rather are dictated by my ethics. This is true for 3 out of 4 conservatives I have spoken with on this matter.
So you know, I am an actual Southerner, who actually lives in the South, and I approved this message.
Posted by: BrendaK at November 5, 2004 at 02:15 AMFunny thing, here in America a lot of our liberals are starting to fly SOuthwest Airline because they know the people the so hate are the ones that would beat the crap out of any hijacker (thankyou Sec. Ridge, Sec Ashcroft for giving us permission to beat the crap out of hijackers). From my perspective, the people who voted for Bush are in large part the people that are making America and many of the people who voted for Kerry just consume the fruits of America (including the right to think we are idiots).
Posted by: David at November 5, 2004 at 02:15 AMGreat article Tim.
Had to go out and shoot someone this morning to make sure this wasn't all a dream.
If these people only knew the real America and quit reading all the propaganda. Being from Virginia where we keep the line on death row short and have plenty of land for cemetaries I can assure the Euros that sheriff Billy-Bob knows what he is doing.
On another subject, wondering if Arafat took the turn for the worse just as the Paris press was announcing the probable reelection of Bush...nearly to the minute. Just a few days earlier hearing the news of Kerry rising in the polls he was having a remarkable recover.
I swear, if this big shit-eating grin I've got from reading the anguish of the moonbats gets any wider, the top of my head will fall off.
""I was out last night and I was with some friends I knew, including Val Kilmer, and they looked as if they were going to start crying."
Funny coincidence: I was out at the bowling alley last night with some friends, including Billy-Bob, and we were laughing so hard we pissed ourselves. Damn, what a small World.
Posted by: tej at November 5, 2004 at 02:23 AMIn his press conference, President Bush just said:"The country is better off with a vigorous and free press." Yes, we would be wouldn't we. Can somebody start working on this!
Posted by: YoJImbo at November 5, 2004 at 02:26 AMYeah, it is the South's fault. Right. Funny bit of trivia. More people voted for Bush in New York than the entire population of Mississippi. Not just those in Mississippi who voted for Bush, but the entire state. One vote, for Bush, for every man, woman and child in Mississippi. Did they check the returns from California? 4.4 million votes for Bush. Pennsylvania? 2.75 million votes for Bush. The South is a great base, but it doesn't put a candidate into office.
Posted by: ccs178 (Chris) at November 5, 2004 at 02:39 AM"founded by ignorant, greedy religious bigots hell bent on walking over anyone who gets in the way of their instant gratification / profit, with a love of guns, drugs and shooting each other."
That's no way to talk about the British. If you're going to blame someone, blame all those Irish people who came here. Or all those Italians. Or all those Germans, Poles, Mexicans, Swedes, Portugese, Ukrainians, Romanians, Middle Easterners, South Americans, Somalis, Nigerians, Kenyans....
Oh, wait, sorry. Of course, according the Jerry Springer reruns and faux socialist op-ed columnists from which some people seem to derive all their opinions, America is 99% fundamentalist hillbilly. Sorry. Never mind. I'll get back to eatin' mah squirrel and firing off rounds at the pickininnies.
Posted by: kelly at November 5, 2004 at 03:09 AM"The wogs begin at Calais."
-- Some Mountbatten, I think...
Well, I guess today I can say I'm proud to be one of the Dumb from Flyover Suburbia.
They just really don't understand us, do they?
Posted by: Rebecca at November 5, 2004 at 03:23 AMI really enjoy reading these. I'm amazed at how most of them have the same theme that everybody that disagrees with them is stupid or ignorant.
I was listening to CNN yesterday (Some show where people in the audience comment) and one person said that she felt betrayed by her country. Betrayed? For not voting for your candidate? Did we say we would?
In any case I expect the whining to go on for a while and I'll keep enjoying it.
Posted by: Keith at November 5, 2004 at 03:24 AMHey Tim, I am righting this from the local public libary, which has a internet connecsion. Because I can't get a internet connecsion because the cable guy can't get his van up the hill to my doublewide. So I have to go into town to right you.
My wife and my pastor told me to vote for Bush 'cause he hates fags and not the limey smokes either. See, I know stuff too "fags" "limey smokes" get it?
But I weren't sure about Bush 'cause this Kerry fellow is supposed to be a real war hero and all and Bush dodged the draft or somesuch. But then I saw my good buddy Cletus out in front of the libary campaining for Bush and that was all it took; ol' Cletus gots my trust ever since we almost got busted by the water patrol for giggin' out of season but he grabbed the controls of my very swift boat and outran those patrol boys. They was even on the banks firin' at us and we beat 'em.
Weren't there some movie critic sometime who got a real Excedrin headache 'cause everybody she knew voted for some war hero but the fashist won? Well, Tim, everybody I know voted for the fashist chimp and the war hero lost. Ha, ha.
But I wonder if electin' Bush has somethin' to do with the two guys in fancy dark suits and sunglasses takin' the libarian out the back door of the libary. Nah, couldn't be...
While I greatly respect our British brothers in arms, the truth of the matter is that the Australians have been America's most steadfast friend, at least since the beginning of the 20th Century. Aussies and Americans fought side by side in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. Even the British can't make that claim. Since 9/11, you've been with us once again. Sincerely, I thank you.
As for your moonbats, well, we have them too. The best thing to do is laugh at their absurdity and NEVER let them near political power.
Posted by: Larry J at November 5, 2004 at 05:14 AMI love the neutral way the Guardian introduces historian Andrew Roberts:
"Rightwing historian and leading pro-Bush hawk"
Fair as always....
Posted by: Van at November 5, 2004 at 05:27 AMmmm... mojo - FDR was in his 4th term when he died, I am pretty sure he was elected in 44 but died soon thereafter (32/36/40/44)
KKK did not originate in Indiana, but had good support in early part of 20th century. Am pretty sure the home of the grand wizard or whatever they are called was in Mooresville or Martinsville, not Anderson. Anderson is NE of Indianapolis and the M's are SW of Indianapolis.
Posted by: JEM at November 5, 2004 at 05:49 AMOtherwise, we may have to whip you a third time.
What am I missing? When did America whip the British a second time? If he's referring to the War of 1812, I believe that's usually chalked up as a win in the British/Canadian column.
Posted by: Bobo at November 5, 2004 at 06:21 AMIf he's referring to the War of 1812, I believe that's usually chalked up as a win in the British/Canadian column.
In Britain/Canada it is.
Posted by: Angie Schultz at November 5, 2004 at 06:28 AMAngie: come up to Chateauguay and we'll discuss it somewhat civilly. Careful of any hollow logs ;o)
Really surprising story by Paul Koring in the Grope and Flail. The Globe has gone all squishy-left on us over the last five years.
Money quote:
"It wasn't just the rich, the rubes, and the NASCAR dads who sent the President back to the White House."
Boy, am I lovin' this new facility with links.
Posted by: Jim Whyte at November 5, 2004 at 07:14 AMBobo, as we're still here, as the USA, I don't think that counts as a win for the Brits.
Posted by: JP Gibb at November 5, 2004 at 07:29 AMUm mojo, FDR died during his 4th term. He was originally elected in 1932, again in 1936, a third time in 1940 and the fourth in 1944. He died in Warm Springs Georgia in April 1945.
No criticism, just some added trivia.
Posted by: EddieP at November 5, 2004 at 07:33 AMActually, the last state to outlaw slavery was Delaware, which went to Kerry.
Posted by: James A. Wolf at November 5, 2004 at 08:44 AMC'mon people, it's fun to poke fun at British socialists, but don't forget plenty of British papers welcomed or accepted the result, while plenty of American papers were just as unbalanced as the British press. I don't think the reactions from the Guardian, the Mirror and the Independent, fatuous though they are, are much worse than stuff from the SMH or The Age or plenty of American commentary quoted on this website. The election split opinion throughout the English-speaking world, just as the Iraq war did. So to speak of a "UK reaction" makes no more sense than to speak of an "American reaction".
I know I'm being pedantic here, but as a Brit I would hate to be put in the same class as most of the French or the Germans or the Operation Clark County loonies.
Posted by: PJ at November 5, 2004 at 09:44 AMJP Gibb -
As Canada is still there, with the Queen on its stamps and notes, I think the war of 1812 counts as a win for the Anglo-Canadians. Conquering America was never a British war aim - the Brits were busy with Napoleon. Americans were much more interested in conquering Canada.
And America's allies (mainly France) won the War of Independence at least as much as the colonials did.
Posted by: PJ at November 5, 2004 at 09:49 AMMilitarily, the War of 1812 ended in a draw, so everyone gave back occupied territory and declared victory.
The British got the pleasure of burning Washington (and then got hit by a storm that must has seemed like the displeasure of the Almighty), but got beaten back rather badly at Baltimore and New Orleans. And our fledgling navy prove capable of standing up to comparable British warships.
Posted by: LarryD at November 5, 2004 at 01:43 PMLarry D -
The Americans had the pleasure of burning York (Toronto), and their navy was completely useless when the British smothered them by weight of numbers. America's foreign and coastal trade collapsed under the weight of the British blockade. I agree the war ended in restitution of conquests, but that was because the British and Canadians had no war aims against the United States, not because Americans would have been able to hold their own once the British were no longer occupied in Europe.
Posted by: PJ at November 5, 2004 at 04:57 PMWow! I had no idea I was such a biggoted southern imbicile! Thanks to Melbourne Age for pointing that out! I'm suprised they didn't mention the wonderful "burn-the-witch!" crowd from Kerry's New England state of Massachusetts? Hmm, almost smacks of biased reporting...
Posted by: Bob I at November 5, 2004 at 11:05 PMI am British and I am delighted by Bush's victory. Please don't think that the idiots who write in the Guardian and the Mirror represent me !! My paper, The Daily Telegraph, endorsed Bush !!
Most Brits regard the Guardian as the House Journal of the Labour Party, it only survives because of all the adverts for Government Employees and Teachers etc.
As for the Mirror, far more people read the Sun.
Posted by: Reg DC at November 5, 2004 at 11:15 PM