October 03, 2004


• Attention, Mark Latham! Send a picture of yourself to this website! It's for a good cause, and you're totally qualified.

• If you missed Chris Sheil's latest magnificent evasions, please click and laugh. The guy spends more time in denial than an Egyptian carp.

UPDATE. Reader Patsy writes:

At a dinner party tonight the discussion turned to blogs. As the wine flowed we started listing our votes for the most pretentious wankers online. There was a bit of good natured heckling as people tried to defend favourites from attack and vice versa. I agreed with some, disagreed with others. And then someone - and no, it wasn't me - mentioned Professor Christopher Sheil as contender for Big Blog Wanker. The response was, quite frankly, amazing. Each and every person yelled as one: "Yes!!" It was a like a game of Trivial Pursuit when everyone is trying to think of the answer to an obvious question. And then someone says it and everyone wonders why they didn't see what was staring at them in the face all that time.

We adjourned to the computer and took at quick look at Professor Christopher Sheil's blog entry on Professor Peter Singer. Much hilarity was had by all. And then I navigated over to this blog. It was the end of civilised discourse. I swear to God I saw tears of laughter on the cheeks of a guy who will vote Labour in the upcoming election. It was a bonding experience.


• Professor Bunyip imagines the electoral benefits of banishing deviants, and investigates a strange blogger image in The Age.

• You've enjoyed Tree Hugging Sister’s sassy comments. Now we have a picture. Hey, Military Spice! (via Ken Summers.)

• Bernstein? Woodward? You guys awake?

• Jim Treacher demands: "Write my URL on the forehead of a sleeping hobo!"

• "I fucking hate Liberal voters," writes Greens campaigner Ruth. "Hate them. I know everyone has a right to their own political views, and I know most of them aren't actually bad people, and I'm sure they're all really nice to their mothers, and they're probably loving parents, and maybe they help little old ladies across the street, and volunteer for the CFA, and donate money to the Salvos, and cut up orange quarters for their kids' football teams, and look after stray cats and dogs they find on the street. But I don't care. I hate them ...

"On the other hand, the guy handing out Liberal how-to-vote cards yesterday bought me a coffee. It was awful coffee, but it was nice of him."

• Stop lies! Stop Bush! Stop tennis!

• Currency Lad is Schindler's List. Well, most of us are this late on a Saturday night.

• "I'll never give a veto to any country over our security. But ... "

• Just a random collection of Puce statements: "DABAT BUSK AS 'UKE-UKE'", "Hehe polatil sartir as Busk", "MOR LYS fashist wangnut STOP BEFAR TULAT", "Kos pruv as TRUETH, rightwang fat! Goolag Newes say!", "TRATCH AS FAGIT", "Saadm one teh Irak elecshin fare as sqaur, PUT HIM BAKC IN OFICE YOUFUCKS", "redy to sorendor yet, USAsholes? GIVEUP!!!", "Canyou handel TRUE?", "YOU DIDIT! Cebrate with piza exrta cheese!!!!!", "PUCE ISPUCE famis webstar who dare?", "Goodby stupad yanky dick fasis!", "PUCE CRUSH IMPOST", "Hay Bush wepon masterucshin? Their it is weight no just Irak babie no leg", "Take drog all ok!", "home brav land of free sampel?", "SHUTUP LOSAR".

• Roberto Benigni sounding like Puce: "Westerners are running the show, all of those doing these things have studied in the West, it is not the Easterners. We know how many dreams the East gives, and how grateful we are to the East and love all its beautiful things." CLICK you, Roberto.

Posted by Tim Blair at October 3, 2004 05:09 AM

Man I tought that was three dudes holding the stop Bush poster. You reckon 'ol Martina is hidin' a couple of balls in trousers? Er... tennis balls that is.

Posted by: Harry in Atlanta at October 3, 2004 at 05:52 AM

My favorite Puce quotes are "speak trout to powar" and "fingar" photoshopped onto Michael Moore.

Posted by: Brian Jones at October 3, 2004 at 06:22 AM

I hadn't seen early Puce work,I'm still smiling.Saddam with fan is pretty cool.

Posted by: gubbaboy at October 3, 2004 at 08:32 AM

I walked into that one!

Posted by: C.L. at October 3, 2004 at 10:44 AM

Hahahaha! Best Mark Latham picture evar!

Posted by: EvilPundit at October 3, 2004 at 11:53 AM

"The guy spends more time in denial than an Egyptian carp."

OK, I've never met a Egyptian carp, so I have no idea why they are in such strong denial. Would someone please enlighten me, or I will get no sleep tonight due to my worrying about the Egyptian carp denial problem!

Posted by: rinardman at October 3, 2004 at 12:39 PM


An Egyptian carp in denial/in 'de' Nile is how I read it, or were you joshing? Maybe it's even something like a Muslim Brotherhood devotee who likes bagels? Just didn't want you to lose any shut-eye.

Posted by: c at October 3, 2004 at 01:08 PM

That photo of Tree Hugging Sister looking all sassy and strapping lass-like surrounded by strong-jawed, muscular military men has enough implied sexual tension in it to keep me awake nights worrying.

Posted by: Amos at October 3, 2004 at 01:11 PM


Your command of alliteration and the romance novel is going to keep us awake for the next month.

About us crusading journos not covering the break-in at a GOP headquarters: It's tough, you see, to run to an important story when the shoe is on the other foot, our shoelaces have been tied together, and we've been pantsed all in one election season full of Democrat dirty deeds. We've decided to sit these awkward stories out and wait for Repubs to do something worthy of Pulitzer-winning exposes, like carry a glazed turkey or miss a flight physical thirty years ago.

Posted by: Bernwood and Woodstein at October 3, 2004 at 02:01 PM

WaPo correction: by-line above should read Bernwood and Wardstein or Bernward and Woodstein.

Posted by: Wardwood and Steinbern at October 3, 2004 at 02:07 PM


Posted by: Tony.T at October 3, 2004 at 03:18 PM

Owned? PWNED!

I took the leaders test from CurrencyLad's link and got Einstein. FUCK YEA.

Posted by: Sortelli at October 3, 2004 at 07:35 PM

Well, it's better than what Quentin got. :)

(I got Einstein too...and Apocalypse Now on the other one. Hmm. When do I start having a Kerry-like overactive imagination and flashbacks to Vietnam?)

Posted by: James Wolcott whispering from a tree at October 3, 2004 at 08:05 PM

Ergh, that'll teach me not to mess with the name field...

Posted by: PW at October 3, 2004 at 08:05 PM

Ha ha ha! I've done that too.

Posted by: Sortelli at October 3, 2004 at 10:45 PM


Posted by: Puce at October 4, 2004 at 03:20 AM

Hey Puce,

If you can't afford an English dictionary, please go to your nearest public library and use a computer to find English dictionaries on the internet. Keyword: English grammar.

It may help you. Especially if you don't spend all your time looking at porn sites.

Posted by: Michael at October 4, 2004 at 05:38 AM

Hey Puce,

If you can't afford an English dictionary, please go to your nearest public library and use a computer to find English dictionaries on the internet. Keyword: English grammar.

It may help you. Especially if you don't spend all your time looking at porn sites.

Posted by: Michael at October 4, 2004 at 05:39 AM

Hey Puce,

If you can't afford an English dictionary, please go to your nearest public library and use a computer to find English dictionaries on the internet. Keyword: English grammar.

It may help you. Especially if you don't spend all your time looking at porn sites.

Posted by: Michael at October 4, 2004 at 05:40 AM

Hey, Michael, if you can't be patient when you hit the POST button, stop drinking so much caffeine, and get more sleep.

Posted by: The Real JeffS at October 4, 2004 at 05:49 AM

Forget Saddim Husan! Puce for Preztint!

Posted by: Rebecca at October 4, 2004 at 07:08 AM

Hey The Real Jeffs,

Thanks for the tip. Less caffeine. More sleep. Got it.

Posted by: Michael at October 4, 2004 at 07:10 AM

Glad to be of assistance, Michael. Enjoy your beauty sleep!

Posted by: The Real JeffS at October 4, 2004 at 07:22 AM

Concerning Mr. Begnini's rant, they are not Westerners. They are people (mostly Arabs) who studied or lived in the West and developed a loathing for our civilization even greater than that our homegrown Lefies have. This goes back a long ways, since that is what happened with Sayyid Qtub, the famous ideologist of the Muslim Brethren. He studied in the US for over two years, sent by the government of Egypt, and came away with a loathing for the decadence and immorality of Western civilization. He was particularly sickened by the sexual license and immorality he found in the US during the period (well know for its sexual laxity) of 1948-1950. This included (this will disgust you I know) mixed dancing.

To blame the terrorists on the West is to invert cause and effect. These people hate us because we are free and they loath freedom. Remember, the jihadis and terrorists have a principled objection to democracy, just like the Nazis and the Commies did.

Posted by: Michael Lonie at October 4, 2004 at 10:06 AM

He was particularly sickened by the sexual license and immorality

That often happens when everyone else but you is getting laid.

Posted by: superboot at October 4, 2004 at 11:08 AM


Posted by: Puce at October 4, 2004 at 12:21 PM


Posted by: Mini-Puce at October 4, 2004 at 04:52 PM


Nobody better mess with Puce!

Posted by: Andrea Harris at October 5, 2004 at 01:26 AM

That photo of Tree Hugging Sister looking all sassy and strapping lass-like surrounded by strong-jawed, muscular military men has enough implied sexual tension in it to keep me awake nights worrying.

well, if it helps your poor tortured soul to sleep any better, the marine corps major to the right of her is her husband, and she can wipe the tarmac with those other jarheads.
the picture implies nothing, except perhaps a happy day in the midst of protecting our useless pasty-asses; methinks you infer a bit much.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 5, 2004 at 09:20 AM