September 30, 2004
Labor hardheads, writes Emma-Kate Symons, are "still trying to work out how to deal with the pesky Ivan Milat/Molloy factor". Hey, why not treat it as a positive?
Posted by Tim Blair at September 30, 2004 05:38 AMIn 1983 Mr Malloy struts around in the Philippines with his terrorist mates, rifle in hand and smiling at the camera. Just under twenty years later he blames Australia and the US for terrorism. Then in September 2004 he stands by his wife’s accusation that the Liberal Party was to blame for the Bali bombings.
That, on top of Mr Latham’s ‘No pre-emptive strike’ stand, says it all about a political party that has no true desire to eliminate terrorism. Because if it was committed to the extermination of terrorism in the region (let alone the rest of the world), then wouldn’t he start by getting rid of the disease within the party’s own ranks?
I wonder how many other Labor candidates are pro-terrorism?
Posted by: Lofty at September 30, 2004 at 09:25 AMThe Malloy situation is a good thing - it may have opened a few eyes, the online letters section of the Queensland Courier Mail was full of outraged comments. Hopefully, it will make a lot of people think twice about voting for the ALP.
Maybe some wise soul can tell me why it is that academic types think its so cool to associate with terrorists - 'scuse me, should that be 'freedom fighters'? - and to be photographed holding various types of weaponry. Is it possible that they get this mixed up with being regarded as a man?
Posted by: dee at September 30, 2004 at 10:55 AMMaybe some wise soul can tell me why it is that academic types think its so cool to associate with terrorists - 'scuse me, should that be 'freedom fighters'? - and to be photographed holding various types of weaponry. Is it possible that they get this mixed up with being regarded as a man?
It's a hypermasculine fantasy to compensate for being unable to sleep with supermodels.
Posted by: Peter Ness at September 30, 2004 at 11:52 AMWell, a gun-toting MP will get the NRA/redneck vote. Does his electorate cover Gympie?
Posted by: Freddyboy at September 30, 2004 at 01:41 PMSure, Freddy, and by the same token if Howard wears a peace badge we just know all the airhead peacniks will vote for him, won't they?
And if he hugs a tree, well he'll get the greenies too!
And if the ALP lose again, it will be because Howard didn't do the above but sent out sinister subliminal signals to the brainwashed masses... perhaps in the way he stands or dresses.
Posted by: Om at September 30, 2004 at 02:40 PMEmma Kate, by the way, is Richo's niece (former ALP number cruncher and head kicker, Graham Richardson to the non Aussies out there).
Posted by: Jehangir at September 30, 2004 at 07:19 PMNice going Tim, comparing Molloy to Milat. Must make you feel clever.
Lofty wrote:
"I wonder how many other Labor candidates are pro-terrorism?"
Dunno, but I'm sure there is one PM that doesn't mind a waste of life war. Those WMD's are still hiding.
Hey, it wasn't Tim who compared Molloy to Milat. It was Mark Latham.
Posted by: EvilPundit at September 30, 2004 at 08:06 PMHey, it wasn't Tim who compared Molloy to Milat. It was Mark Latham.
I wonder how clever that makes "Joe".
Posted by: Quentin George at September 30, 2004 at 08:27 PMI take that part back, not the rest. See EP some of us are nice. Don't want you getting all evil on me.
Posted by: Joe at September 30, 2004 at 08:28 PMCrispy Quentin garbled:
I wonder how clever that makes "Joe".
Joe slurs:
There are two schools of thought Quentin. One says that I'm fairly clever, the other says that I'm not.
My money is on the latter.
But I'm not that dumb, I bet for a lib win, when I want them to lose.
You are probably thinking, your nuts!!
No, I'm a jinx, so I've effectively put the mock on Howard. There's nothing like a Joe jinx.
Ask Collingwood FC, sorry Tim.
Shove the fork in Howard, he's done!!
Posted by: Joe at September 30, 2004 at 08:48 PM