September 08, 2004
David Penberthy smites some uppity quacks:
On what basis – apart from cliches about healing hands – do 56 doctors decide they have the right to use an open letter to John Howard as a pulpit to tell the rest of the country how to vote?
And why do journalists fall over themselves to cover the pronouncement with the kind of unquestioning reverence shown by Polynesian cargo cults towards the magic doctor-man? Everyone is entitled to a view – the more views the merrier, let it rip – but what grates is the collective self-importance of these quacks in having the conceit to issue the statement and expecting the rest of us to stand back in awed silence hanging on their every word.
The reason these doctors wrote this letter – and the reason so many media outlets took it seriously – is simple.
They're snobs.
Read the whole thing (if you can get through the formatting errors) to enjoy Penberthy’s line about amputees being "up in arms".
UPDATE. Speaking of doctors ... Clinton's surgeon is a George W. Bush donor.
(Via the Corner)
Posted by Tim Blair at September 8, 2004 04:08 PM"The reason these doctors wrote this letter – and the reason so many media outlets took it seriously – is simple.
They're snobs."
Oh well then, straight from the ALP heartland - The ALP polls very well with the snob vote.
The essence of the story is that PM Howard is doing a remarkable job at alienating Menzies' moral middle class.
Penberthy argued his case quite well. Quite witty but he seemed uncertain why 56 doctors issuing a letter was more important than if 56 plumbers issued a letter. I am surprised with his naievete here.
It is quite apparent that doctors through their wealth, achievement, knowledge and their power over people's lives hold an eminent position in society. I am sorry - is this something new? I dont think so. It has been this way a long time.
Plumbers do not hold the same eminent position- dont ask me why - a blocked drain is not very much fun but that's the way it is.
David at one point bemoaned the Howard Government's back down to the doctors compared to its tough stance against the wharfies.
Yet by doing so he doesnt seem to realise he just answered his own question why if 56 doctors issue a statement, media and people in general listen.
They have power in society.
Can't remember if I posted this here before, but here's Paul Johnson on experts in his book Intellectuals --
Now it is a characteristic of such intellectuals that they see no incongruity in moving from their own discipline, where they are acknowledged masters, to public affairs, where they might be supposed to have no more right to a hearing than anyone else. Indeed they always claim that their special knowledge gives them valuable insights.
He was writing about Chomsky, as it happens.
Posted by: Walter Plinge at September 8, 2004 at 04:59 PMI'm getting together a group of like-minded middle-management public servants to write an open letter to the Opposition Leader.
Judging by the media coverage given to the doctors' letter I expect that you'll read all about ours in the SMH as well.
Posted by: Pig Head Sucker at September 8, 2004 at 05:02 PMThe essence of the story is that PM Howard is doing a remarkable job at alienating Menzies' moral middle class.
And yet he still wins elections!
Posted by: Quentin George at September 8, 2004 at 05:11 PMHow can you say that Q?
Reith's Siev X and the Children Overboard lies were not revealed till after the election. The alienation only has gathered force this year and one has to wonder how many Conservative bastions are there left?
The doctors, the diplomats, the military have all had elements break the Party line - next it will be the old ladies at the local bowling club and the tax dodgers.
I have gone further than eminent persons as a means of ridding the country of Howard, common good.I think you will be proud of me! and scroll to second story
I can't do links 'cause I'm kind of agrarian.
Do you have to be a Liberal party member to be a doctor, serviceman or old lady?
Posted by: Gary at September 8, 2004 at 05:46 PMDo you have to be a Liberal party member to be a doctor, serviceman or old lady?
Yeah, mate. Just like you have to support the ALP if you are a labourer...
tcg doesn't get it. The middle class schismed in the 1970s, and defected to Labor under Whitlam. The Coalition has made up for that lost group by reaching out to socially-conservative sections of the working class.
There really isn't a class-based political system in Australia anymore.
Posted by: Quentin George at September 8, 2004 at 05:55 PMPiggy, don't bet on getting any coverage: a group of Australian Iraqis who responded to the 43 dessicated diplomats, praising the Howard government for liberating their country from Saddam, sank without much media notice.
Posted by: Freddyboy at September 8, 2004 at 05:57 PMGary - I think doctors knocking a Liberal Govt are as much of a story as when unionists knock an ALP Govt. In Melbourne unionists criticising the State ALP Govt is an automatic story.
I see where David Penberthy is coming from but when elements of powerful groups break ranks with their traditional political allies that equals a story.
Doctors having been treated as gods in their hospitals and practices, firmly believe they know everything. Humility doesn't come easily to them. Ask any accountant, lawyer or financial adviser - they are the worst clients.
So naturally they would believe they have some expert opinion on Iraq. Why wouldn't it follow?
Posted by: Freddyboy at September 8, 2004 at 06:02 PMSo since the 1970s, Q, the middle class has voted Labor? I dont agree.
Aussiecom - great photo.
Common Good have you ever been with a woman? Come on, let's be honest!
Posted by: aussie_joe at September 8, 2004 at 06:25 PMChrenkoff has a good fisking of the foolish doctors.
I recall that in the last election, the Slimy Morning Herald actually solicited negative comments about the government's immigration policy from "prominent Australians" -- then ran a story to the effect that "40-off prominent Australians oppose Howard". It was one of the most blatant pieces of political story-making I'd ever seen.
So it wouldn't surprise me if this letter was not just a media beat-up, but a media creation. Roll on the death of the mainstream press!
Posted by: EvilPundit at September 8, 2004 at 06:30 PMAussiecom
We are so proud of you to recommend to tcd that he look up
The site is a hoot.
(communistsfor - brought to you by a Republican "527" group to take the mickey out of those on the other side of politics)
Good stuff Common Good,
How predictable, the Daily Tele's publishes nothing on the doctors letter (in the on-line version at least) then the character assassination starts 2 days later. Snobs and elites.
Exactly the same as anyone who criticises detention centres.
Iain- you guys tell lies about detention centres also.
After the 56 physicians gave Howard his terminal diagnosis in writing, what you wanna bet they sent him a bill for it?
Posted by: charlotte at September 9, 2004 at 01:54 AMTCG,
There have always been members of the professions who are stupid enough to support the ALP. They are of course a distinct minority.
In the case of the 56 who signed the letter, I think you will find that most of them are academics rather than actually practising medicos.
This strange idea that the upper middle classes have moved towards the ALP since Whitlam is bunk. Just look at the voting in the booths in the best areas and you will see that the Liberals get 70% plus of the vote in most.
the same way when a union has problems with the ALP it is only a minority of the union movement -but it still makes the papers.
As for the upper middle class your figures are no surprise. I was referring more to the moral middle class earlier - ie ones who factor in truth and morals in their leaders when they vote.
This election could pose a few problems for them in the face of recent events.