August 11, 2004
The Byron Bay Echo has stunning news about double-agent Margo Kingston:
Her lengthy book includes website contributions, an examination of the Zionist lobby's influence (being Jewish, Kingston is on safer ground than many) and a full-frontal on the Tony Abbott-led 'Australians for Honest Politicians' that led to Hanson's jailing.
Kingston? Jewish? Well, that explains the whole Zionists rule the media thing - Margo was in on the deal the whole time! And the claim she doesn’t have a sense of humour? Just a clever ruse to avoid anyone making the link between her and a Jewish cultural stereotype. This infiltration is truly deeper than any of us imagined.
Posted by Tim Blair at August 11, 2004 04:01 PMMargo isn't really Jewish; this is simply a comical blunder by the reviewer. Wonder if Margo will sue for defamation?
Posted by: tim at August 11, 2004 at 04:03 PMI ain't ever seen her in shule.
Even if she was Jewish it wouldn't excuse her remarks. Why hasn't she resigned or been fired yet by the SMH? Oh, that's right, they have no shame.
Posted by: Simon at August 11, 2004 at 04:16 PMKingston Jewish, WTF!
Criticizing Israel is not in itself anti-semitic..... but Criticizing Jews for secretly controlling the world is!
Posted by: JBB at August 11, 2004 at 04:22 PMHer parent's changed their name when they came to Austrailia, it used to be Kingstein.
Posted by: Amos at August 11, 2004 at 04:25 PM"MAYBE THEY SHOULD BE PERSECUTED"
Tim, this is why you're one of the funniest SOBs on the planet.
Posted by: Aaron at August 11, 2004 at 04:46 PMWell judging by the new pic of Maggot on the SMH website, she is hugely relieved she's been a jew. Still some people's faces are just better off not seen!!
Posted by: tricia01 at August 11, 2004 at 05:02 PM"Her lengthy book includes... a full-frontal..."
Posted by: Maureen of the NYT at August 11, 2004 at 05:02 PMWhy would someone who is Jewish want to feed the 'Zionists Control Everything' nonsense? I understand there are some Jews who are very anti-Zionist, but I can't imagine why they'd want to give ammunition to the anti-Semites of the world. I don't get it.
For those paranoid conspiracists, having a Jewish person affirm the 'Zionists Control Everything' garbage is golden. They point to her and say there *must* be a conspiracy, we have a Jew who admits there is.
Posted by: Chris Josephson at August 11, 2004 at 05:21 PMChris J,
"Why would someone who is Jewish want to feed the 'Zionists Control Everything' nonsense?"
In case you havent noticed Margo doesnt relate to the world through the same logic as you or I. I used to not be able ot work out either, why there were so many self ahting Jews, but then it struck me that John Pilger was Australian, Michael Moore is American, and Noam Chimpsky is American AND Jewish.
Margo a jew being a comical blunder by the reviewer?
So was Margo voting for John Howard an historical fabrication?
I've been scratching my head over a strange phenomenom her at TB's blog. Whenever its a bad week for John Kerry, Margo, M Moore et al, the trolls who plague these threads seem to miraculously disappear?
Where do they go? What do they do?
Posted by: Quentin George at August 11, 2004 at 06:21 PMBack to their dark lairs, to lick their wounds and plot their next vengeful outburst.
Posted by: bob at August 11, 2004 at 07:16 PMThere must be something in the water up Byron way.
Posted by: Noel McGrath at August 11, 2004 at 07:56 PMDo I have to do all the thinking around here?
Isn't Byron Bay the hangout for 60's era Leftoid
icon Mungo MacCallum? I didn't see any name under the review, but I bet he done it.
Check this out.
Posted by: at August 11, 2004 at 08:13 PMI'm new. Have patience. Check this.
Posted by: Noel McGrath at August 11, 2004 at 08:17 PMher Roman Catholic mum and Dad in Rocky will surprised- they weren't even invited to her bris. (Just as well- they cut a bit deeply, and the resulting blood loss led to irreversable brain damage.
Posted by: Habib at August 11, 2004 at 09:10 PMIsn't it time to remind ourselves of the artwork in Decembers web-diary showing John Howard wearing a huge yellow star.
I don't thing the convenient 'discovery' that she has jewish roots should prevent people seeing what she is about.
Posted by: Ross at August 11, 2004 at 09:15 PM"There must be something in the water up Byron way."
Nah mate in the air, it's bong smoke...after all Byron is just down the road from Nimbin....
Roll me a fatty Zodiac Princess....
Posted by: JakeD at August 11, 2004 at 09:45 PM"I've been scratching my head over a strange phenomenom her at TB's blog. Whenever its a bad week for John Kerry, Margo, M Moore et al, the trolls who plague these threads seem to miraculously disappear?"
On the flip side, whenever things go particularly well for Bush, the trolls swarm out like maggots on week-old roadkill.
Posted by: Robert Crawford at August 11, 2004 at 10:43 PMAgh! I went to Margo's Web Diary -- couldn't she have gotten a pic where she looked less haggard? bleh.
In any case, there have been plenty of bios out there of people brought up Jewish who became rabid anti-Semites. Seemed to happen a lot in the Communist movement.
Posted by: meep at August 11, 2004 at 10:52 PMThis isn't going to turn out to be another one of those Cambodian hat stories, is it?
Posted by: Rebecca at August 12, 2004 at 01:30 AMHer parent's changed their name when they came to Austrailia, it used to be Kingstein.
I thought it was Kaiserton. There ya go...
Posted by: Andjam at August 12, 2004 at 01:38 AMPreviously Margo Hitler maybe?
National Socialist policies seem to be in her blood...
Posted by: Rob Read at August 12, 2004 at 03:21 AMSeems like a new lefty phenomenon. John Kerry pretended he was Irish for years, until it was more expedient nationally to discover he was really part Jewish and not Irish at all. (How about THAT for a flip-flop: "I was non-Jewish before I was Jewish.")
Posted by: Mark from Monroe at August 12, 2004 at 04:46 AMATTENTION, PEOPLE (and Margo) OF AUSTRALIA!
You've been had! It has come to my attention that TIM BLAIR IS A COMMUNIST and a Barbra Streisand impersonator.
I know, shocking. I couldn hardly believe it myself, but Matt Welch wouldn't lie.
Posted by: Ken Summers at August 12, 2004 at 07:28 AMmeep:
"couldn't she have gotten a pic where she looked less haggard?"
That IS the less haggard picture...
Posted by: Carl in N.H. at August 12, 2004 at 07:39 AMSpeaking of hags looking haggard in pictures...
Is anyone else sick of that stupid picture of Christina Aguilera with her mouth sewn shut on the sidebar there?
Sorry, I just had to bitch to someone.
Posted by: goldsmith at August 12, 2004 at 07:51 AMAn unknowing individual happens on a chance meeting with Margo. After only a few seconds he departs the area quickly, changed forevermore. Eyes are filled with fear and spittle runs down the chin. An observer makes out the only coherent words in the whispered outpour: "There is no God. The horror... the horror!"
Posted by: Lofty at August 12, 2004 at 08:53 AMActually, I think the picture of Aguilera is quite touching. I just wish we could apply the same technique to other people.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at August 12, 2004 at 09:05 AMBesides, I understand Aguilera likes bondage, which is kinda the same thing, just restricting the movement of the rest of her body, rather than only her lips...
Posted by: PW at August 12, 2004 at 10:37 AMThe first four four words of that review contain a statement that is so obviously a lie that I never even bothered with the rest.
Posted by: Hanyu at August 12, 2004 at 12:12 PMChris Josephson -- no idea why Jewsih anti-Semites exist, but they do.
Look at Bobby Fischer. He had a Jewish mother, and under Halakha (Jewish tradition and law), the the child of a Jewish mother is a Jew. This does not change the fact that he's a ranting, frothing anti-Semite who claimed in radio broadcats the Jews are persecuting him, that Jews control the courts in America, and the like.
Maybe Bobby Fischer and Margo are twins separated at birth!
Posted by: The Real JeffS at August 12, 2004 at 02:32 PMH. P. LOVECRAFT ON THE JEWS
"Nothing is more foolish than the smug platitude of the idealistic social worker who tells us that we ought to excuse the Jew's repulsive psychology because we, by persecuting him, are in a measure responsible for it. This is damned piffle. . . . We despise the Jew not only because of the stigmata which our persecution has produced, but because of the deficient stamina. . . on his part which permitted us to persecute him at all! Does anybody fancy for a moment that a Nordic race could be knocked about for two millenia by its neighbors? God! They'd either die fighting to the last man, or rise up and wipe out their would-be persecutors off the face of the earth! It's because the Jews have allowed themselves to fill a football's role that we instinctively hate them. Note how much greater is our respect for their fellow-Semites, the Arabs, who have the high heart - shewn in courage. . . which we emotionally understand and approve."
written by Lovecraft in correspondence, reprinted in L. Sprague De
Camp's "Lovecraft - A Biography".
"Look at Bobby Fischer."
I had forgotten about him. He *does* seem to hate the Jews even though he is one himself. He's also a raving loon and sees conspiracies against himself everywhere.
(Last I heard he was going to be deported back to the US. I wish he'd be allowed to stay in Japan. We have enough raving loons.)
I am trying, and failing, to come up with what the hell this has to do with the topic. Unless, of course, you think Margo Kingston is really a minion of the Great Cthulhu.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at August 12, 2004 at 10:52 PMMight not Margo Kingston really be the Great Cthulhu, but in mortal form?
Posted by: The Real JeffS at August 13, 2004 at 06:27 AMI think its possible Margo's one of the Great Old Ones.
She definately has a few things in common with the "blind idiot god of the beginning".
And I'll give you this clue: It isn't her divinity.
Posted by: Quentin George at August 13, 2004 at 08:20 AM...and Kadath of the Cold Waste has, er, um..."known" her.