July 29, 2004
Its all happening at the Convention Blog. Weve got Dave Barry, Ethel Kennedy, Sean Hannity, Jerry Brown, and a special cameo appearance from Michael Moore!
In other convention news, my feet are blistered to bits. Please post any foot-related medical advice in comments. Especially advice like: "Get the hell out of that convention hall, Tim, and go get a drink."
Posted by Tim Blair at July 29, 2004 11:44 AMGet the hell out of that convention hall, Tim, and go get three drinks!
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut at July 29, 2004 at 11:47 AMGo get a pint of bitters in the local pu.....no, wait. This IS Bahston - go get one of those frappa-lappa-dingdongs at the local StarBucks. Maybe you can pull a Do You Know Who I Am and cut in line -
"HEY! There IS a line here, pal."
"Do You Know Who I Am?" (ominous Aussie voice)
"Ah, Mr. Brooks, I thought I recognized you! By all means, mate."
Smile outwardly, groan inwardly, move forward, repeat.
Posted by: DemEnTEd at July 29, 2004 at 11:52 AMEpsom salt soaks and moleskin.
If all else fails, pour the booze on your feet; it'll make them happier.
Posted by: Dr Alice at July 29, 2004 at 11:55 AMSerious advise - Moleskin, thick socks, and Gold Bond foot powder. Then go get a couple of Sam Adams.
Posted by: Polly at July 29, 2004 at 11:56 AMAh, the thrill of victory. The agony of da feet. Here's the cure for what ails ya:
Posted by: Carl H. at July 29, 2004 at 12:20 PMHave a wank.
Won't make your feet feel any better but at least you'll forget about them for a coupla minutes.
Posted by: Pig Head Sucker at July 29, 2004 at 12:27 PMGaffer tape. Buy a roll of that reinforced silver-grey gaffer tape and stick bits over your blisters (preferably before they burst). It's cheap and it holds the blister intact, but the best bit is that it doesn't come off, even after miles of walking or several showers. When it does eventually lose it's adhesion, several days later, the blister has had a chance to heal.
I've used this method many times and I can safely say without a hint of exaggeration that it is THE SINGLE GREATEST TRAVEL TIP EVER! I was taught this wisdom by a friend in Berkeley (of all places) and now I pass it on to you.
P.S. The only downside is that it makes you feet look like cyber-mummies, which may lessen your chances with any women you meet with Aussie foot fetishes. Oh well.
Posted by: Andrew D. at July 29, 2004 at 12:54 PM"Reason: Tim Blair refers to this one as "The Freedom Cage."
So, were you intentionally quoting Strangers With Candy, or was that just great minds thinking alike?
Should have wrapped them in duct tape. Better than that nasty needle and syringe I saw to drain the blood and serum out.
Saw it on Eco-Challenge a few years ago.
Actually just saw some on someone's feet w/in the past couple of days.
Posted by: Sandy P at July 29, 2004 at 01:02 PMTincture of Bensoid aka Friar's Balsam. After a blister has burst put some of that stuff on them. Stings like hell to begin with but drys them up a treat. Perhaps being drunk would reduce the initial sting.
Posted by: Razor at July 29, 2004 at 01:15 PMSoak in hot water. It'll sting like crazy, but it'll lance the blisters and help them dry up, and take away some of the pain next day. Cortizone cream will also ease the pain and help the drying. Moleskin in the shoes, and a pint or two, and you're good as new.
Posted by: Rebecca at July 29, 2004 at 02:21 PMWot! Don't they have mercurochrome over there? And bandaids? And Johnson's Baby Powder?
Forget the beer blisters demand whiskey err, whisky err, scotch err, bourbon dammit, a double Queensland Diesel and Coke!
Posted by: BruceT at July 29, 2004 at 02:29 PM
Well Tim,
Certainly Welch can write. But have your feet been so sore you can't type? Not good enough for the purported "Michael Moore of the Right".
Michael Moore actually has a sense of humour? Who knew? And when did they know it?
Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 29, 2004 at 03:20 PMPeroxide and bandaids is what I've always done with blisters. Lots of bandaids, they protect the wound and you can layer them into padding.
Go hoist a few pints for me at the Kendall Cafe, corner of Cardinal Madeiros and Bristol St in Cambridge, near Kendall Square. I used to live up the street. Damn I miss that place.
Posted by: Greg at July 29, 2004 at 03:55 PMA good soak in epson salts & water as hot as you can stand it it is certainly called for. Duct tape is ER, but effective. The moleskin is good advice...Dr. Scholl's is commonly available.
Dear Tim,
I will not send you email, because I fear your email is somehow connected to Welch's computer, and it's clear that's not going to work, ever.
Go to the mall and get some sneakers, for fuck's sake. I'm pretty sure you're walking around in those freakin' cop wing-tips just as you did at the LA convention. Have you learned nothing???
I'm sure there's a mall or at least a shoe store nearby. Jimmy Friendly can help you.
The Welch/Blair convention blog has been the best thing going, convention-wise. I, too, am shocked and amused by the funny Blair/Moore exchange. Like you told me, it *is* all polemics these days.
Just get some sneakers, clean socks, and take a bath now and then. Here in America, we sometimes take a shower. It's crazy that way!
Also, if you can find them, get the thick socks with the HEAD brand. Or something similar. They look sorta like this:
Also, if you want to be a man & not wear sneakers around such an event, just get a pair of Doc Marten plain boots or shoes. I think Matt probably wears such shoes, and even he has learned how to put them on. They are cushiony & etc. They were made for elderly Nazi women, I've heard.
OK. Write more posts, you cunt! I am home through August; come on by on the way back as planned, or maybe I can meet you people in LA. Easier for you to come here, of course. Easier for ME. Laura sends love, etc.
Posted by: Ken Layne at July 29, 2004 at 06:53 PMI'm sorry I don't have any foot suggestions, but check out this story about Democratic Party funding and organised crime connections.
Posted by: EvilPundit at July 29, 2004 at 08:47 PMOrganised Crime Connections?
Well Tim IS a fan of the Fun Lovin'Criminals, the band which sang "Free John Gotti".
For a further expose as to what floats Tim Blair's boat. See the Darpster's blog tommorow.
You won't be dissapointed.
Posted by: Darp Hau at July 29, 2004 at 09:05 PMBTW, Edwards is a North Carolina Senator, not South Carolina, much as I hate to claim him. He was born in SC, but we got stuck with him. We got screwed on that deal for sure......
Posted by: Crusader at July 29, 2004 at 11:26 PMLove the pic, Darp! It's so you! (It's the one with the sign. Also, you're the first blogspooter to feature his zodiac sign in his profile. Surely you don't believe in that nonsense?)
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 29, 2004 at 11:39 PMhave you seen the official kerry/edwards campaign photo yet?
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at July 29, 2004 at 11:46 PMSomebody there has to have a pair of stilts you can borrow. (They'll increase the length of your stride, so you can go the same distance in fewer steps.)
Posted by: dorkafork at July 30, 2004 at 12:18 AMTim
These are the best damn socks ever. I have worn them for years. I still have the first pair I bought. They wear like iron but protect the feet like nothing I have ever seen. I have seen them at athletic stores but the selection is always limited. Buy a couple of pairs there in Boston, I bet you'll order more later.
Posted by: Franklin at July 30, 2004 at 12:45 AMTim,
Just don't use Wat Dabney as a role model to fix your foot problems.
Crusader South Carolina has been getting you NC boys in trouble for years, from Blackbeard thru Nicholas Ruffin through John Edwards...
Oh, just for future reference, do NC boys object to being called NC boys?
Posted by: richard mcenroe at July 30, 2004 at 01:26 AMRun down to the nearest CVS/Rite Aid/Duane Read or whatever drug store and get CUSHIONED FOOT INSOLES. If you don't have a scissor to trim them, I'm sure the front desk at your hotel has.
I've stood for hours and hours at trade shows, and those insoles are a godsend. Plus, if you get the charcoal ones, your feet won't stink.
I also recommend the foot powder. But remember: it should be applied "liberally" to affected area.
Posted by: Bloated_gov't at July 30, 2004 at 01:28 AMpoor north carolina...it got stuck with you too crusader ;)
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at July 30, 2004 at 01:42 AMApply the above remedies and wear clean white socks and good shoes (Puma soccer or Doc Martens).
Elbow your way onto a bar stool, sit down, and place the arches of your feet onto the brass rail under the bar.
This will relieve the pressure on your wounds.
Now remain there as it will take a while for your feet to heal. Have some drinks while you wait!
Posted by: JDB at July 30, 2004 at 05:16 AMFeet Relief:
- Bag balm at the end of the day (an old farmer's trick for cow utters, now trendy for skin relief)
- Duct tape on the blisters and hot spots during the day
Posted by: Ughman at July 30, 2004 at 06:07 AMAh pity da fool dat messes wid Bingley's jibba jabba!
Tim, wide comfy sneakers is the word and it is good. Some a' them Dr. Scholl's gel inserts would probably be easier to get than duct tape in the city. Well, in certain neighborhoods, anyway...and alchohal in copious quantities is always the prescription of choice for podiatrists in the know.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at July 30, 2004 at 06:09 AMRegarding the current poll about the hilight of the DNC - what about all of the above?
Posted by: Jonny at July 30, 2004 at 07:05 AMRichard Mc., yassuh we do object, an' me an' thu
boys 'll be ovuh tomoruh tuh git yuh, we'll brang
'long thu corn whilst we'uh et it 'n string yuh up
See the Darpster's blog tommorow.
I only have so much time on this earth, Darp, I can't waste any of it listening to one of Arafat's cheerleaders.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 30, 2004 at 09:46 AMGet some "Caterpillar" brand hunting boots , and thick socks; not only comfortable but sends an apt politically incorrect message.
Posted by: Paulm at July 30, 2004 at 12:17 PMA 'cow utter' is DNC-speak for comments made by Ted Kennedy whilst he is drunk.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 12:54 PMAndrea,
Of course I don't believe in Zodiac rubbish. It's yet another point on which Ronald Reagan and I disagree.
Can I ask why you banned poor Jeremy? I've had a read this and it seems you had a lively little debate going. Why ban him? What's wrong with a little dissent?
Is that the issue? You only tolerate a "little" dissent on this site. Pffft
It's like as I say on my blog:
"Blair on the other hand does not contribute anything. His "critiques" don't inspire debate or exploration of ideas - if anything he just provides his website audience with the opportunity to not only have their prejudices confirmed, but to form an online mutual appreciation society where much back-slapping (and rectum licking) takes place. his website administrator, Andrea Harris, bans anyone that makes too many posts that criticise Blair. It's a private site, so fair enough, but really, if he had such confidence in his ideas, then why be so threatened by naysayers?"
Posted by: Darp Hau at July 30, 2004 at 01:15 PMDarp, you can say it on your site and nobody will read it.
Or you can say it in the comments on Tim's site and hundreds will read it.
I think the difference in popularity pretty much sums up the difference in quality.
Posted by: EvilPundit at July 30, 2004 at 01:48 PMDarp, Andrea clearly explained why Jeremy was banned here.
You either don't know how to read the printed word (at least in English), or you are just trying to stir up crap so we'll pop over to your blog and raise your hit count.
In either case, this is not a "crushing of dissent", so relax.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 01:56 PMHahah ..
So she banned him for some email sledge regarding someone calling someone a "sick f*ck".
So it's all very well and good for the charming folk on the Right to lambast an interjecting leftie and call them everything under the sun, but Andrea couldn't handle a few tame (in my opinion) insults being bandied about via private email.
Grow a fucking thicker skin!
And then she denied she banned him.
How Orwellian.
Posted by: Darp Hau at July 30, 2004 at 02:14 PMDarp Hau: "the Right as a whole...have never known the love of an un-intoxicated woman."
is there such a thing?
Annnnnd a strong late series of entries By Mr. Blair. Us fans was starting to worry there.
Posted by: Bruce W. at July 30, 2004 at 02:30 PMno reads darps site?..
thats good.. cos your all a bunch of howards puppets.. right wing homophobes who are closet gays..
its quite funny.. i doubt any of you can count..
i dont know how you use the internet!.
Apart from the populist econ talk, Kerry really nailed the speech. Stuck it to Bush on religion and war service. Go boy go!
Posted by: kerry at July 30, 2004 at 02:51 PMI don't know I don't think there were enough balloons.
Posted by: Pig Head Sucker at July 30, 2004 at 03:32 PMIn case you missed it, Tim - The Oz got stuck into Phillip Adams today via Chris Hitchens. Worth a read.
Posted by: Dylan at July 30, 2004 at 03:39 PMDarp, EvilPundit nailed you quite nicely. Your blogging ability sucks.
I wondered why you dug up that particular thread; now I know why. You must of really browsed through the archives to catch that one. You thought you were going to nail Andrea as being a hypocrite, eh?
Think again. Ask Miranda Divide, who is banned on a regular basis by Andrea. However, Miranda comes back to haunt this blog equally regularly. Miranda can do this because of something called a "dynamic IP address", something that Andrea can't anticipate.
It's sort of like swatting flies; there's always more coming out of the neighbor's garbage can.
Hmmmmmmmmmm......maybe the DNC did need more ballons, after all.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 03:47 PMWhere's Tim been? Hope he wasn't rolled by a couple of Southies in the Combat Zone...
Posted by: richard mcenroe at July 30, 2004 at 04:15 PMMaybe his sore foot medication is kicking in?
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 30, 2004 at 04:25 PMWell, I don't know about more ballons because I only watched about 30 seconds of the speech. I turned on the t.v. and there he was talking about how we must rely on our abilites instead of the Saudi Royal family. I don't know if I got the context right but it sounded like another House of Saud alert to me and I just said "Oh Bleep" and turned it off. Meanwhile instapunit linked a story from the NY post indicating Wilson is still alive and well in the DNC! I simply don't know what has happened to a once great party? My first presidential vote was for HHH in 1968. Never voted for them again(neither party in 1972) and it appears that I will never vote for them in the future. Something has to give here. The path that they are on just appears so destructive to me it is almost beyond my comprehension(not always difficult, but that's another story). The level of hate and anger is so high that I really fear an implosion if Bush wins(Oh please God!!). If you look at some of the advance text he is talking about reacting to terrorist events instead of being pre-emptive. I don't know if you can carry this out all the way but we're back into that same "law enforcement" garbage again. I doubt that he would actually allow something to happen but I fear that he simply won't be proactive enough. He simply has one of those internationalist, UN type of mindsets and its scary.
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 30, 2004 at 04:51 PMthe Right as a whole...have never known the love of an un-intoxicated woman."
That is a terrible thing to say about your mother! She only had one glass of sherry.
Posted by: Quentin George at July 30, 2004 at 06:19 PMJeffs.
Uhm ...ahh ...well ..no, I didn't spend ages digging up the link. Jeremy sent it to me.
And ...funny how you didn't actually respond with a comeback to my content.
YES - she did ban him, then deny she banned him. All you can say is "You must of really browsed through the archives to catch that one. You thought you were going to nail Andrea as being a hypocrite, eh?"
Liker ..fucken DERR!
My point is why ban people from a site that is apparently supposed to encourage political discourse?
Why even bother when anyone can simply log on from a different IP address?
Why bother? Why why why why why why why?
Posted by: Darp Hau at July 30, 2004 at 06:44 PM
My goodness - it appears that poor Saddam may have a prostrate infection but is refusing a biopsy!! However I think he would agree to the procedure if they got the right person to do it. I nominate Robert Fisk - he always seemed to crawling around up there so it should be familiar ground to him. Any other suggestions?
Posted by: Rob at July 30, 2004 at 07:18 PMWatch out Tim. Those commie democrats aren't jumping to George Bush's dance tune.
What happens to all the Australian based Bush apologists if Kerry gets elected?
Where will Downer get his foreign policy from then?
What happens to all the Australian based Bush apologists if Kerry gets elected?
Where will Downer get his foreign policy from then?
Better yet, what will happen to all the Australian based Bush-bashers if Bush gets re-elected?
Where will they go to cry?
Posted by: Quentin George at July 30, 2004 at 08:52 PMenough with the duct tape talk, already
Mr. Bingley
Bring back bad memories, eh? I always warned you about getting there early to suck up..........
Posted by: Crusader at July 30, 2004 at 10:25 PM"..what will happen to all the Australian based Bush-bashers if Bush gets re-elected?"
Qentin, They'll still be doing their usual dummy spitting by burning flags in front of embassies, pelting with eggs those they disapprove of, occupying offices and foyers of institutions they're aggrieved with, obstructing traffic with sit-downs on city streets - you now, the usual anti-social teen-mentality "I'm SO indignant, I'll SHOW 'em!.." etc etc.
Posted by: Romeo at July 30, 2004 at 10:33 PMCrusader South Carolina has been getting you NC boys in trouble for years, from Blackbeard thru Nicholas Ruffin through John Edwards...
Oh, just for future reference, do NC boys object to being called NC boys?
richard mcenroe
I'm fine with NC boys, but the natives prefer Ya'll boys, as ya'll is considered a four letter word in my house. Being from NJ, even tho' Ive been down here for 16 yrs, I still cringe when I hear "Ya'll"........
Posted by: Crusader at July 30, 2004 at 10:34 PMBring back bad memories, eh? I always warned you about getting there early to suck up..........
hell yeah, it does. and 'suck up' turned into 'stuck up'...
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at July 30, 2004 at 10:46 PMEr, Dork How, I didn't "deny" banning Jeremy. I said I wasn't going to ban him. That referred to that particular time and place, not some previous banning which obviously no longer held because I had either unbanned him (which I do periodically, entirely at my own whim, bwahahaha!) or, as a commenter with a brain has already pointed out, he was using a different IP address.
But the idea of Jeremy running to you and whining about how mean I was to him is admittedly hilarious. Thanks for the morning laugh!
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 30, 2004 at 11:09 PMApply cherry-red 18 hole Doc Martens to affected area. Apply Doc Marten-treated area to bollocks of nearest dreadlocked Michael Moore fan tie dyed Kerry supporter.
Instant relief of foot pain.
Oh, and have a few cold ones while performing treatment.
Oh, my apologies, Darp. You didn't waste your time browsing through archives. Instead you took up the noble cause of fronting for some whining puke who couldn't answer a simple question, and then behaved like an ass.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 31, 2004 at 12:36 AMhell yeah, it does. and 'suck up' turned into 'stuck up'...
hehe, I hoped you'd catch the slip of the "T"......
Posted by: Crusader at July 31, 2004 at 01:20 AMEr, to the dishonest bastards who keep misrepresenting the previous occasions I've had the misfortune of dealing with Ms Harris, actually read the links provided by Mr Darp above. What "simple question" did I not answer, Mr Real Jeffs?
I happened to view Mr Darp's thread, and posted this comment referring to my previous experiences with Tim Bliar's blog. (Which, you'll be pleased to know, inspired me to start my own.) And Mr Darp followed the links, and as one who can actually read English, formed some logical and sensible views about the debates on those threads, which were as he has described them here.
Go and read them again. (And take Ms Harris' remarks about that email conversation with a grain of salt, since I was not permitted to respond.)
Posted by: Jeremy at July 31, 2004 at 01:52 AMSo Andrea,
Yes or No.
Did you ban him?
If yes, the reason?
Why do you make a habit of banning people who differ from the the neo-con line?
No "noble cause" taken up here other than trying to sus out why the moderator of Australia's most popular blog decides to try and ban feedback access to readers.
Don't like having your comfortable little back-slapping world invaded by people who don't think as you do?
Posted by: Darp Hau at July 31, 2004 at 01:54 AMI haven't blocked your email, Jeremy. Of course, you can "respond" all you like -- I believe what I said was I would simply not be reading any more of your pathetic, whining emails.
Darp: still not able to read, I see.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 31, 2004 at 02:08 AMDarp, while you don't seem to agree with this (else you would not be on this Holy Grail type quest for Jeremy), Andrea is actually pretty reasonable on this subject. More so than some of the regulars here, who have begged her to ban some trolls long before she did. Including me.
Jeremy didn't have his dissent crushed. There's debate and then there's vying for attention like a spoiled little child. Jeremy was being a rude and pompous ass in that thread, and got whiny when he was called on his behavior. I won't say he was a troll, but he sure skirted the line.
And as far as this "back slapping world".....get real! Like minded people tend to agree. "Tend", get it? Not everyone completely agrees on this blog. The only back slapping I see around here are all the trolls telling each other how bad this site is.
Why this fixation on Andrea banning people from blogs? Do you pay for the bandwidith here? TANSTAAFL is in full force on the INTERNET, chum. It's not free. It's Andrea's site, and her rules control. If this was a taxpayer supported site, well, you might have a reason to complain. But it's not, it's privately funded.
And I believe that this site is better run than most. Even trolls tend to be polite here. Or at least not blatantly putrid.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 31, 2004 at 02:41 AMI'll agree that said trolls are amusing, Mr. Bingley. But not because they are practising their stand up routine...it's because they don't realize how clueless they sound.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 31, 2004 at 03:00 AMOT from all of the Darp moments. CDNC TV, some still mistakenly refer to it as a business channel,has a Kerry speech poll. Hit a home run 39%. A single 16%. Struck out 45%. These are actually pretty good litmus tests because the mix is usually half and half, give or take. 61% with no WOW factor. A large vote in terms of numbers for this time into a two hour poll too.
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 31, 2004 at 03:28 AMI'm new to this sort of thing. But I think YoJimbo has this U.S. election bizzo pretty much sussed out. Good on ya Yojimbo!
Posted by: Bob Milka at July 31, 2004 at 03:50 AMYo Bob. I take it that "sussed" is a good term No, I certainly don't have any special take on the election, but I think the CNBC(CDNC) pool is a fairly representative poll because they have two polls every day on matters ranging from the mundane to the serious and there seems to be a pretty even mix of Rep,Dem and swing voters. That is why I posted it to this site. Thanks.
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 31, 2004 at 04:09 AMI'm a bit disappointed with Tim's efforts on the Reason blog. Just sayin'. Might be suckin the sauce instead and who can blame him? Matt W is writing some great stuff though.
Posted by: baker at July 31, 2004 at 04:43 AMYah Tim, get yer nose outa the bottle and blog!
Posted by: The Happy Dyslectic at July 31, 2004 at 05:06 AMFinal poll results. Home run 46%. Single 14%. Struck out 40%. I would go with the earlier results myself. Not just because it fits my wishes, but I have a suspicion that the "Chicago option" may have been employed. Or, at the very least, a concerted effort to "get out the vote". Contrary to popular opinion, some of the Wall Street houses are highly Democratic(just think Goldman Sachs, for example).
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 31, 2004 at 05:10 AMI happened to view Mr Darp's thread, and posted this comment referring to my previous experiences with Tim Bliar's blog.
I guess this means that Darp's blog is that mythical "where all the banned-from-Spleenville people congregate" place that Peter ("I was banned from Spleenville multiple times, I swear!") referred to a couple of weeks ago. Glad to have that cleared up!
Posted by: PW at July 31, 2004 at 05:36 AMWell, I certainly won't go to Darp's blog if that's the case. It sounds like the INTERNET equivalent of the mythical Sargasso Sea, where ships of the ages gathered into a bizarre maritime graveyard.
Only we are talking a collection of whiners and whingers over at Darps' blog. I prefer ghost ships with rotten decks.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 31, 2004 at 05:55 AMWord up PW. I'm just ever so sure that they would never be "banned in Boston". Especially this week.
Posted by: YoJimbo at July 31, 2004 at 06:03 AMSoak your feet with Epsom salt, or better yet a with a high concentration of ethanol. Non-denatured pure ethanol would be great, but Everclear would probably work.
Posted by: aaron at July 31, 2004 at 06:19 AMAndrea, ban me! I want to join this exclusive club of Darp and Jeremy's so I can bitch non-stop about nothing more than how I was banned. 'Cause, apparently, that is actually slightly more respectable than everything else Darp and Jeremy have to bitch about.
Which says a lot, I guess.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 31, 2004 at 07:06 AMLast time, because this is boring me, and - despite the god complex you people have - simply commenting on this thread is actually a tiny part of the small proportion of my day I'm logged on, anyway.
Andrea - again, misrepresenting me. No-one said you blocked my email. You blocked my ability to post to the site, and then misrepresented an email conversation I'd had with you, safe in the knowledge that I couldn't respond.
Real Jeffs - exactly how was I a "rude and pompous ass" in that original thread? I recall making some considered debating posts and being called a "sick fuck" in response. I did eventually refer to Ms Harris as a "moron", which is what got me banned, but, to use an appropriately childish phrase for the people on Bliar's site, "she started it".
Sortelli. Don't know how you reach that conclusion. Darp's blog is not the only place we congregate, any more than Bliar's blog is the only place you visit. Go visit my blog before you accuse me of being fixated on this ridiculous issue.
The point I was making, and Darp was making, is that Bliar's blog is now a pointless place to have a debate, because the administrator bans dissenting views. Her right, sure, but it makes visiting the site pointless for anyone after more than the self-congratulatory mutual masturbation you guys enjoy.
Posted by: Jeremy at July 31, 2004 at 10:49 AMThat speech was the longest I ever forced myself to pay attention to John Forbes Kerry. And you know what?
That man is stone crazy. Nuts. I don't know what's going on back of those eyes but it is nothing that should be anywhere near a position of power.
This might be a tad subjective.
Posted by: richard mcenroe at July 31, 2004 at 11:07 AMAndrea -- Your adventures with the folks who don't think you have a right to run your own blog remind me of James' Lileks column about the teenage Democrat fundraiser who came to his house and told him he shouldn't have had his tax refund if all he was going to do with it was fix his house...
Posted by: richard mcenroe at July 31, 2004 at 11:33 AMDarp's The same bloke that Emailed Threatening to sic his Lawyers on me,LOL!.
Posted by: Gary at July 31, 2004 at 11:37 AMWell, Gary, that explains Darp's whining. Now how about Jeremy?
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 31, 2004 at 12:04 PMEr, how am I "misrepresenting" your emails? I did say that they were "pathetic" and "whining," which is an opinion, which people are free to take or leave. I kept your emails by the way, so people can judge for themselves. Here they are:
On 6/25/2004 9:02 PM, you sent this, subject headed "Righto":
What I just tried to post, but "banned".
Whatever, Andrea. Okay, I'm a "sick f*ck" who "makes poo pictures on the living room wall again, or molests chihuahuas". But heaven-forbid I should respond to that with the word "moronic".
By the way, your posters emailed me and asked me to come back and respond to my original post. Maybe you should have something at the top of the site which says "Andrea Harris is above reproach, and must not be argued with." And I'll go have a debate with those conservatives here who can actually debate, somewhere else.
Actually, I'm just annoyed I bothered wasting my time debating with people on your site. I should have realised that the normal conservative response to debate is to try to shut it down.Whine whine whine you're shutting me down boohoo. Here was my reply:
Yes, brilliant, you are banned, for life if I can do it. I have short patience with people like you -- snotnoses who insist that the mostly rudimentary (if that) "knowledge" they display on the subject they are fulminating about is the last word on it. Give me a break. Your pig-ignorance of world affairs, bigoted ideas about people who don't think exactly like you (like dastardly "conservatives" who won't let poor little you rant on and on), and breathtaking illogic have made you a laughingstock on this blog. Thanks for the amusement, though, but like any comedy it has a short shelf-life and you have been begging for the vaudeville hook for quite some time now.
By the way: I did not call you a "sick fuck" -- with or without asterixes. You can't even seem to read well enough to tell one poster from another. As to the rest of your whinging -- go boil your head. You obviously think people owe you an ear; guess what -- they don't. You aren't owed shit (there, a "foul" word, are you happy, Miss Grundy?) as far as I am concerned. If you want a soapbox get your own. Blogspot offers free blogs. If you want to continue the boring and tedious argument then you obviously know how to use email. Don't, however, use it to email me.Here was your second (and last, as far as I and my junk mail filter know):
a) I know who used the expression "sick fuck", the point was that on that thread that sort of language had been used, so "moron" seems hardly out of place.
b) There are plenty of blogs where the owners are prepared to debate things with people they don't agree with. Those are worthwhile interesting blogs. I foolishly thought the Blair one was one of those. Apparently it isn't.
So I'll go somewhere else.
Feel free to delete this. I'll be deleting anything else from you.Typically snippy and immature rejoinder from someone who still hasn't accepted the fact that the world does not, in fact, revolve around him and his needs.
As for "misrepresenting" you and telling terrible lies which are ruining your heretofore spotless internet reputation, I freely admit that I did say I was going to ban you "for life"; obviously later I changed my mind, which as the administrator of this site I am quite free to do unless and only unless Tim Blair requests otherwise. I guess in your tiny, entitlement-engorged brainlet you think of this as "lying." Try that out on your girlfriend next time.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 31, 2004 at 12:24 PM"By the way, your posters emailed me and asked me to come back and respond to my original post"-- Jeremy
If he dreams it must be true Jeremy from never never land. Fighting those mean pirates(conservatives) with his fairy dust.
Wasn't Peter Pan traditionally played by a girl also?.
Posted by: Gary at July 31, 2004 at 12:44 PMYeah, I really believe that all you guys were begging him to come back. Shyeah, as if.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 31, 2004 at 01:13 PMDarp's The same bloke that Emailed Threatening to sic his Lawyers on me,LOL!.
Really? What was he mad about? Please tell us more!
Posted by: EvilPundit at July 31, 2004 at 01:22 PMWhat a fucking baby this Mat aka "Darp" Hau is. He does like to fling accusations far and wide, doesn't he?
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 31, 2004 at 01:43 PMGo visit my blog
... No!
MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! [/evil dissent crushing laughter]
Seriously, I don't have time. I'm not going to go out of my way to hear even MORE fatuous crap from a self-important nimrod who is desperate for attention, thank you very much.
Posted by: Sortelli at July 31, 2004 at 01:46 PMAndrea
Yep, I'm a Christian fundamentalist, Liberal party member, Neo-con and anti-Muslim apparently.
Posted by: Gary at July 31, 2004 at 01:53 PMThanks, Gary.
What a dork! At least his antics are good for a laugh.
Posted by: EvilPundit at July 31, 2004 at 02:15 PMGreat Convention blogging Mr. Blair.
Your coverage played no small part in saving me from shooting myself in the friggin head over the muddy kool-aidesque mixture of equal parts outrage and utter boredom with a lemon twist that called itself a convention.
I should sue them for victimizing me but for you and the joyous rapture I felt upon hearing Teh-rey-suh's drunken new-age speech.
Posted by: Rtfm at July 31, 2004 at 02:17 PMBy the way, your posters emailed me and asked me to come back and respond to my original post.
It's Usenet's "the lurkers support me in email" argument for a new generation!
Posted by: PW at July 31, 2004 at 06:51 PMAndrea, you crack me up. How you can't see how completely inconsistent your posts are... oh well.
As it happens, my first encounter with you Bliarites was when I made this post on your thread about "terrorists":
The problem with the word terrorist is that Bush has completely stripped it of meaning. Yeah, the bastards who've executed this bloke are terrorists - acts of violence intended to inspire terror. But Bush has defined terrorist so broadly now that they can call anyone a terrorist and simply the act of declaring someone a terrorist is enough to remove their civil rights. Don't have to prove anything.
Do you expect the left to get up and defend these terrorists, do you? Well, I won't be. But that doesn't mute criticism of Bush, either. Both sides are bastards. The only plus of the Bush side is that at least they don't publicly execute prisoners.
After which "superboot" wrote:
Cutting heads off only works for some people, son. In your case, the shit hole would keep right on pumping out crap like that quoted above.
"Pop" said: What a sick fuck you are.
"PW" asked me several times to respond to his question, as did "ras" and "Alan E Brain".
And finally, your great Andrea Harris posted:
Yoo-hoo! Jeremy! Hey! Jer!
(Psst. Guys: I think he must have been grounded from the computer. Bet his ma caught him making poo pictures on the living room wall again, or molesting her chihuahua.)
Then (because I wasn't following the Bliarites antics) I received the following email:
On this thread - http://timblair.spleenville.com/archives/007020.php#comments some people have some questions for you.
John Davies
Pittsburgh, PA USA
I visited the site again, read the above, and responded with:
Charming messages above. (Andrea, you're clearly a filthy-minded moron.) You know what? I work, and don't check blog message boards constantly..
Then there was a bit of debate with "DrZin" about the actual topic of the thread, until Andrea chucked a hissy fit and banned me.
Thanks Andrea for saving me the trouble of cutting and pasting our email correspondence, which clearly reveals just how dishonest you've been over this whole thing.
Posted by: Jeremy at July 31, 2004 at 08:14 PMOh - on this commenting system the italics seem to cut off after one paragraph. Obviously above some parts of the posts I'm quoting should be in italics. It should be obvious from context what's a quote and what isn't.
Posted by: Jeremy at July 31, 2004 at 08:17 PMSortelli:Seriously, I don't have time. I'm not going to go out of my way to hear even MORE fatuous crap from a self-important nimrod who is desperate for attention, thank you very much.
Sortelli, you mean you get your need to hear fatuous crap from self-important nimrods desperate for attention sated by Tim Bliar's blog? Fair enough.
Posted by: Jeremy at July 31, 2004 at 08:22 PMWell, okay, Jeremy, you seem to be begging to be banned from this blog again, so you can preen about what a little martyr you are, so now you have your wish.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at August 1, 2004 at 02:10 AMI know bandwidth probably isn't cheap, but, Andrea, this guy is fucking hilarius.
Posted by: aaron at August 1, 2004 at 02:53 AMSortelli, you mean you get your need to hear fatuous crap from self-important nimrods desperate for attention sated by Tim Bliar's blog? Fair enough.
Oh... you didn't realize that I was referring to you, did you?
Posted by: Sortelli at August 1, 2004 at 09:44 AMLook Jeremy, Darpie, et al...
Yes, yes, very witty, you can mispel Tim's surname to get the word "Liar" in it.
We know. It's not very original, and has become quite tiresome.
You can stop now.
Posted by: Quentin George at August 1, 2004 at 09:48 PMBoth sides are bastards. The only plus of the Bush side is that at least they don't publicly execute prisoners.
The 'only' plus?
'at least'?
What do you mean, exactly, by 'at least'?
And what, exactly, do you mean by 'the only plus'?
In fact, what do you really mean by that whole sentence?
While I'm late to this post and don't know the entire context, I'm not late enough to know you're an intellectual cretin.
Like so many others, sad to say.
I'm a smidge late to the intercine, fratricidal combat, but:
Bring back bad memories, eh? I always warned you about getting there early to suck up... is completely unforgivable and insensitive Crusader, you miserable puke. Bingley was traumatised, and you should be redfaced and abashed. Or Athabascan...or ABBA...or something.
hell yeah, it does. and 'suck up' turned into 'stuck up'... which is always better than 'stuck in', a distinct but unrealized possibilty at the time, so a happy ending, none the less.
Oooo! Somebody said 'cretin'!!! Ken gets the green bitch!
Posted by: tree hugging sister at August 2, 2004 at 03:21 PM