July 20, 2004
When you get your teeth knocked out, the best thing to do is stuff them right back in your head.
Posted by Tim Blair at July 20, 2004 03:35 PMI dunno, Tim. The idea of registering with F2 makes me feel kind of unclean. And won't it only encourage them?
Posted by: Al Bundy at July 20, 2004 at 03:51 PMYou have to find them first:
(Coach)Sheedy praised the work of Eagles dentist Graeme Ewers and a Perth dental surgeon who reattached the teeth after Bombers doctor Ian Reynolds retrieved one of them from the turf. "We would like to thank West Coast, the medical staff and the dental people over in Perth who performed a fairly urgent operation. And probably Ian Reynolds for actually finding the tooth. It was a needle in a haystack, really like a tooth in a garden bed," Sheedy said.
Posted by: ilibcc at July 20, 2004 at 04:20 PMI cringed like a pretty school girl at a Hells Angels rally when I saw that. I've had my front teeth knocked out and snapped off in seperate instances and it isn't much fun. Thank God for modern dentistry otherwise I'd be a pin-up boy for Yokel Banjo Players Monthly.
Posted by: JakeD at July 20, 2004 at 04:25 PMMy bloody oath it's the thing to do! I'm surprised that these dickheads don't know that - after all, it's pretty "high risk" activity.
Posted by: TFK at July 20, 2004 at 05:14 PMWhere was his bloody mouthguard. Every junior footballer in the country has to wear one.
Posted by: DaveACT at July 20, 2004 at 06:25 PMHe was wearing a mouthguard:
Banky said Fletcher's injury proved that people should not think they were immune to dental injury merely because they were wearing a mouthguard.
Posted by: Anonymous at July 20, 2004 at 07:19 PMUnless they are like mine, in which case you find yourself walking up to random people in the street begging them to knock them out.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 20, 2004 at 10:51 PMThis just illustrates the difference between AFL and rugby- this player knew where his missing fangs were. For a rugby forward, x-rays of most of the opposing side would be required to locate the missing toothy-pegs.
Posted by: Habib at July 21, 2004 at 12:08 AMI recall a collision from my youth baseball days, wherein a school friend trying to cross home plate crashed into the catcher, and managed to have one of his teeth come out and stick in the catcher's head (albeit temporarily). Lots of blood for 12-year-olds to witness. Come to think of it, this same friend also broke my nose with his chompers during a soccer match in 4th grade. With friends like these, no?
Apologies if baseball ain't yo thing.
Posted by: Rob at July 21, 2004 at 01:38 AMWhen I was a kid, me and my buddies were playing a little sandlot football (full contact, no pads, and "no blood, no penalty" rules). One guy was returning a punt and charged straight into the onrushing team. He came out the other side with the ball, but minus one of his front teeth. He never opened his mouth, either - it came straight out his face, directly under his nose.
We found the tooth (covered in mud) and my friend's Dad took it to the hospital where they plugged that sucker right back into his jaw. As far as I can remember, it stayed in, and looked normal too.