July 02, 2004
Idealistic Republicans, aiming to build a stronger democracy, are actively encouraging dissent:
Billionaire Richard J. Egan built his reputation in politics as a major donor and fund-raiser for the Bush campaign, steering hundreds of thousands of dollars into Republican coffers in recent years. But now it appears Egan and his relatives are bankrolling a new candidate: independent presidential contender Ralph Nader.
I applaud this development. Hey, where’s John Kerry lately? The prospective Democrat nominee and former Triple Crown winner has been all but invisible. Turns out he’s busy arguing with Boston Democrats:
Posted by Tim Blair at July 2, 2004 05:20 AMIn an unusual rebuke of his party's nominee, Menino told the Boston Herald that he found the Kerry campaign small-minded and incompetent, and expressed frustration over a report that he had hung up on Kerry during a phone conversation about the canceled speech.
Also note this story: Local Democratic Party officials send shills to fill up a Nader meeting to prevent him from getting ballot signatures. Shades of the Gore campaign blocking a New Hampshire highway to prevent Bradley voters from getting home -- but enough about that. We need to hear more about imaginary roadblocks in Florida!
Posted by: Otter at July 2, 2004 at 06:55 AMIt's been fun here in Boston listening to the arguing that's taking place due to the DNC coming to town. The unions aren't cooperating and the Dems. are fighting among themselves.
Ordinary citizens are upset due to the travel and other restrictions to be imposed while the DNC is here. (Google the Boston media for further info.) Couple of the local talk shows have been lots of fun to listen to as people call in to moan and complain.
I am SO GLAD I will be many miles away during the convention. Although I have to admit to being curious as to what sort of zoo or circus I'll be missing. I keep hearing the names of various 'activist groups' that plan to protest during the convention. Between the union problems, travel restrictions and the political fighting the convention sounds like it will be lots of fun. Of course, the fun will take place OUTSIDE on the streets.
One of the protesting unions is the police union (unless they have settled and I've not heard). They have been working sans contract for a while and are pretty upset about it. I don't envy Boston's mayor. He's already upset because Kerry refused to cross a picket line to attend a conference of mayors hosted by Boston's mayor. Kerry was to be a guest speaker.
Some New Yorkers (hosting the Republican Convention this year) are making fun of the Bostonians for making such a big deal of things. They (New Yorkers) have reminded the Bostonians that New York takes such things in stride and they (New Yorkers) are above making such a fuss. What the New Yorkers don't understand is that politics, and arguing about it, seems to be in the blood. We enjoy it. We can be as passionate about politics as we are about our sports teams.
New Yorkers are too laid back. Bostonians know what to get upset about. After all, it was here that the American Revolution fighting started.
Ah, Boston. Politics (you can't get more political than the DNC) is considered a blood sport here. We are enjoying our sporting event and the blood is flowing. The pre-DNC 'events' are as entertaining as anything the DNC will offer.
(For any Bostonians: I was born in Boston and have lived near it all my life. So, this isn't a dig from a non-native.)
Some New Yorkers (hosting the Republican Convention this year) are making fun of the Bostonians for making such a big deal of things. They (New Yorkers) have reminded the Bostonians that New York takes such things in stride and they (New Yorkers) are above making such a fuss.
Those New Yorkers also don't seem to realize that we're facing the equivalent of a shutdown of Penn Station, I-95, the A and D trains, the Staten Island ferry and several bridges. The Democrats are _very_ lucky that Massachusetts is entirely out of play -- if they were creating a mess like this in Florida or Michigan, you could stick a fork in Kerry right now.
Posted by: Otter at July 2, 2004 at 07:50 AM"New Yorkers are too laid back."
I am now terrified of Boston and Bostinians.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at July 2, 2004 at 07:56 AMNew Yorkers are too laid back.
Excuse me? Must have never met one.
Posted by: Crusader at July 2, 2004 at 09:12 AMNew Yorkers are laid back when compared to Bostonians.
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 2, 2004 at 09:57 AMSome wag somewhere has already pointed this out but it bears repeating (paraphrased):
"The Democrats are fond of asserting that too many Americans live paycheck to paycheck and are one paycheck away from ending up on the streets.
So, when asked how Bostonians should cope with the inevitable disruptions caused by this year's convention, one Democratic big wig actually responded, 'Take the week off!'".
Posted by: JDB at July 2, 2004 at 12:50 PMIf I lived in Boston, I'd ask the Democratic party to pay for my vacation!
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 2, 2004 at 01:14 PMThe prospective Democrat nominee and former Triple Crown winner...
(wipes off keyboard)
Was he a mudder?
Posted by: mojo at July 2, 2004 at 04:41 PMSo John Kerry walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Hey, why the long face?"
Posted by: Roger Bournival at July 3, 2004 at 12:19 AM