July 01, 2004
Margo Kingston -- whose press gallery power-grab has been successfully repulsed -- hit Melbourne last week to hawk her "book". Blogger Ari Sharp was on the scene:
The event was scheduled to start at 6:30, got under way at about 6:32, and the Israel-bashing had commenced in earnest by 6:44. It was courtesy of Antony Lowenstein, one of Kingston's contributers, who informed us of how brave he was to be challenging Israel (a room full of true believing lefties and an attack on Israel ... real brave, Antony, real brave).
Once her warm-up act had slithered away, Margo commenced to speak. Among Ari’s highlights:
Penguin, the publishers, initially wanted to present Kingston as the Michael Moore of Australia and build a profile for her in that way. Kingston rejected the offer, arguing that "she didn't have a sense of humour."
On the contrary. Margo is much funnier than Michael Moore.
Posted by Tim Blair at July 1, 2004 04:05 AMIf she stopped shaving, she could have a beard like Michael The Moor!
Posted by: The Real JeffS at July 1, 2004 at 04:11 AMI certainly hope she smells better than the hygenically challenged Lumpy Riefenstahl.
Posted by: EddieP at July 1, 2004 at 09:32 AMNot really the place for this, but I reckon this is a cracker....
The PC version of Waltzing Matilda
Once a Jolly Swagperson temporarily halted by a water source
Under the shade of an indiginous eucalypt species
An he or she sang as he or she watched and waited till his or her
kettle boiled (using solar power)
Will you consent to perambulate on a dance floor Matilda with me,
Down came an introduced livestock species to drink at the water source
Up jumped the swagperson and grabbed him/her/it with glee
And he or she sang as he or she stuffed the introduced livestock
species into his receptacle
Will you consent to perambulate on a dance floor Matilda with me,
Down came the land leaseholder (and owner of the introduced livestock
species) mounted on his tame introduced equine species
Up rode the peacekeepers, one, two ,three
"Where's that jolly introduced livestock species you secreted in your
Will you consent to perambulate on a dance floor Matilda with me,
Up jumped the swagperson and jumped into the water source
"You'll never take me alive" said he or she
And his or her apparition may be observed as one passes by the water
Will you consent to perambulate on a dance floor Matilda with me,
Consenting adult perambulating Matilda, consenting adult perambulating
Will you consent to perambulate on a dance floor Matilda with me,
And he or she sang as he or she watched and waited till his or her
kettle boiled (using solar power)
Will you consent to perambulate on a dance floor Matilda with me,
*billabong is too masculine and has illegal drug implications
*Camped has homophobic connotations
*Coolabah is blatant brand-name placement
*A billy is gender specific and attention must be given to heating
water using non-greenhouse methods
*A trooper suggests aggression
*Permission must be sought from a potential dance partner before
engaging in close-contact perambulation
A true sign of the times!
Posted by: Yasonas at July 1, 2004 at 09:47 AMMargo was featured on the ABC drive show last week in Sydney. She came on all bluster and to be honest, I didn't know who she was. She was introduced as the author of the book "Not Happy John".
She commenced the interview by saying that she had been a Liberal supporter but at the last election "Howard" had engineered a win using the "Tampa Issue". She said he had been searching for just such an issue this election and had found it in the "US alliance".
The interviewer, not being political asked "surely that's democracy in action? The voter can chose between the ALP and the Liberals based on how they stand on the issue." I have never heard someone so stumped. Clearly, from her reaction she is no supporter of democracy.
That to me in a nutshell is the problem and always has been with the "small L liberals". They are, when the surface is scratched, elitists. The world would be a better place if only their sort had the power.
Posted by: Allan at July 1, 2004 at 10:36 AMMargo and Michael Moore are simultaneously alike and different. Margo tries to be serious and incisive but fails, while Moore tries to be funny and incisive and also fails (unless you're a particularly ignorant leftie who shares his stupid prejudices).
Posted by: Ken Parish at July 1, 2004 at 10:52 AMWhy do I get the feeling that the Liberals must have snubbed her at some point in the past and her entire "journalistic" oeuvre since then has been one big juvenile temper tantrum from somebody who didn't feel sufficiently appreciated?
Posted by: PW at July 1, 2004 at 10:53 AMDid anyone hear Margo on the Philip Adams show last night? The usual level of nausea supervened, unfortunately.
I guess I wouldn't really care that much, except that no-one from the other side of politics ever gets a chance to promote their books so unashamedly and with a host so clearly on their side. On the ABC, I mean, i.e. the taxpayer funded broadcaster.
Posted by: Geoffm at July 1, 2004 at 12:13 PMShe's convinced me. I'm voting either Latham/Garrett or Fraser/Luck.
Posted by: Pig Head Sucker at July 1, 2004 at 03:26 PMMargo may be funnier than Michael Moore but Moore is much prettier.
Posted by: Sue at July 1, 2004 at 04:02 PMThankfully this article didn't feature a pic of the Margoyle.
I heard a Margoyle lover and reader of it's latest offering on ABC radio yesterday. "It's all Howards fault" she uttered and "this government hasn't a clue", I read Margot's book and it told me so".
If only my time machine was still working. A visist back to the late 80's early 90's would be just the elixer this stupid bitch needs to remind her of what her Labor party did to this country.
Posted by: scott at July 1, 2004 at 04:19 PMI’m happy to debate Kingston anywhere, anytime, Liz. Scroll to the last item in this column.
Posted by: tim at July 1, 2004 at 05:06 PMIf Margo is a former supporter of the Liberals then let me just say this:
The Liberal party is better off without her. She is fast approaching a left-wing version of Pauline Hanson.
Posted by: Quentin George at July 1, 2004 at 05:49 PM