June 02, 2004
At last, something worthwhile on the Internet:
The Philippines is to launch on-line betting on cockfights in the next few weeks, officials said.
Oh, yeah! Let the pecking begin!
Posted by Tim Blair at June 2, 2004 05:04 PMMore like slashing. I don't know how the Pilipinos do it, but where I live, the Messcans strap little sharpened steel spurs onto the roosters to supplement their natural equipment. I will just guess that the Flips are not more humane, what with cockfighting being legal over there.
Defeat in a match means a date with some chili, lime, salt, and a grill.
Posted by: Mike James at June 2, 2004 at 05:34 PMSeveral Australian journalists should be banned from reporting the sport, lest the critters morph into 'plastic' cocks. Greenie reporters would only compound the problem by insisting cruel batteries be not included.
Posted by: CurrencyLad at June 2, 2004 at 05:38 PMYou want worthwhile stuff on the internet? Check out the 36 frame slideshow that www.news.com.au has on the miss universe swimsuit section.
The overall competition was won, of course, by an aussie, one of whose hobbies is 'watching the footy with her dad". Go. You. Good. Thing.
Posted by: attila at June 2, 2004 at 05:43 PM"I was a cock-teaser at Roosterama. I used to enrage the bantams before the big bout."
-- Firesign Theatre
If they get the Spanish in on the act, this could be a cock-and-bull story.
Posted by: EvilPundit at June 2, 2004 at 05:49 PMInternet? Philippines? Mexico?
You can catch live cock-fighting around St Albans and Deer Park.
Posted by: ilibcc at June 2, 2004 at 06:02 PMTim, I know this is off-topic but you've get to let readers know about the triumph of the girl from your 'hood.
Posted by: slatts at June 2, 2004 at 09:13 PMThere's something Freudian about your choice of thread for relating that news Slatts.
Inside gossip on the contest is starting to make its way out. Apparently Miss France slept through the final heats, exhausted by the globalisation implicit in the competition. Miss Syria lost points in the swimsuit category.
Australia first, USA second. The Coalition of the Willing continues its evil takeover of the whole planet!
Bwa ha ha haaa!
Posted by: CurrencyLad at June 2, 2004 at 09:56 PMYou want worthwhile stuff on the internet? Check out the 36 frame slideshow that www.news.com.au has on the miss universe swimsuit section.
The overall competition was won, of course, by an aussie, one of whose hobbies is 'watching the footy with her dad". Go. You. Good. Thing.
NEWCASTLE born and bred, guys! WOOO-HOOOO!
Posted by: TimT at June 2, 2004 at 10:35 PM"Defeat in a match means a date with some chili, lime, salt, and a grill."
Actually, I'd advise against that. The yardbirds are doped to the gills to help win the match. Heavy doses of uppers, usually. Where I live, it's legal & un-regulated, and a subject of serious betting. (I've seen bets placed that came pretty close to my after-tax annual income!) With that sort of money on the line, folks'll do all sorts of stuff to give their bird an edge.
Posted by: Cybrludite at June 2, 2004 at 11:22 PMThis reminds me of the proposed tagline to the proposed tagline to the film Cockfighter.
"He came to town with his cock in his hand. What he did with it was illegal in 49 states!"
Oh, yeah! Let the pecking begin!
Well, we wouldn't want to go against the Pecking Order, now, would we?
Posted by: TimT at June 2, 2004 at 11:36 PMThere's already a bunch of websites like that. Pretty fit lookin' fellas, too.
Posted by: richard mcenroe at June 3, 2004 at 01:24 AMPresident Bush is doing a great job. He has never waiver on his conviction or his belief. That's something the voters should look for. Someone that states what he will do and go ahead does exactly what he said he would do. No nuance, no interpretation... I am not a religious person at all and have no problem with all the presents and past speeches by presidents and politicians using "GOD" in their speech. This is after a Christian founded country.
Posted by: Alex at June 3, 2004 at 01:53 AM"Actually, I'd advise against that. The yardbirds are doped to the gills to help win the match. Heavy doses of uppers, usually."
I did not know that, but what you write makes sense, Cyberludite.
Well, crap. So much for my plans to start a chain of "Pollo Amphetemino" take out restaurants.
Posted by: Mike James at June 3, 2004 at 02:26 AMJoe Ely sings the greatest of all Cockfighting songs--Gallo de Cielo (Heaven's Cock).
It is about a guy who steals a rooster in old Mexico, heads north to California, and wins big money travelling up the coast. He wants to win enough to buy back the land stolen from his father long ago.
The song's driving, driving, driving rhythms have to be heard to be appreciated. It's available on the net in MP3 form.
Gallo del Cielo Lyrics
Carlos Saragosa left his home in Casas Grandes when the moon was full
He had no money in his pocket, just a locket of his sister framed in Gold
He headed for el Sueco, stole a rooster named Gallo Del Cielo
Then he crossed the Rio Grande with that rooster nestled deep within his arm
Galllo del Cielo was a warrior born in heaven so the legends say
His wings they had been broken, he had one eye rollin crazy in his head
He'd fought a hundred fights and the legends say that one night near El Sueco
He fought Cielo seven times, seven times he left brave roosters dead
Hola my Teresa I'm thinkin of you now in San Antonio
I have 27 dollars and the good luck of your picture framed in gold
Tonight I'll put it all on the fighting spurs of Gallo Del Cielo
Then I'll return to buy the land Pancho Villa stole from father long ago
Outside of San Diego in the Onion fields of Paco Monte Verde
The Pride of San Diego lay sleeping on a fancy bed of silk
And they laughed when Saragosa pulled the one-eyed Del Cielo from beneath his shirt
But they cried when Saragosa waked away with a thousand dollar bill
Hola my Teresa I'm thinkin of you now in Santa Barbara
I have 27 dollars and the good luck of your picture framed in gold
Tonight I'll put it all on the fighting spurs of Gallo Del Cielo
Then I'll return to buy the land Pancho Villa stole from father long ago
Now the moon has gone to hiding and the lantern light spills shadows on the fighting sand
A wicked black named Zorro faces Del Cielo in the sand
And Carlos Saragosa fears the tiny crack that runs across his roosters beak
And he fears that he has lost the 50,000 dollars riding on the fight
Hola my Teresa I'm thinkin of you now in Santa Clara
The money's on the table, I'm holding now your good luck framed in gold
Everything we dream of is riding on the spurs of Del Cielo
Then I'll return to buy the land Pancho Villa stole from father long ago
The signal it was given and the roosters rose together far above the sand
Gallo Del Cielo sunk a gaff into Zorro's shiny breast
They were separated quickly but they rose and fought each other time and time again
And the legends all agreed that Gallo Del Cielo fought the best
But then the screams of Saragosa filled the night outside the town of Santa Clara
As the beak of Del Cielo lay broken like a shell within his hand
And they say that Saragosa screamed a curse upon the bones of Pancho Villa
As Zorro rose up one more time and drove Del Cielo in the sand
Hola my Teresa I'm thinkin of you now in San Francisco
I have no money in my pocket I no longer have your good luck framed in gold
I buried it last evening with the bones of my beloved Del Cielo
I will not return to buy the land that Villa stole long ago
Do the rivers still run muddy outside of my beloved Casas Grandes?
Does the scar upon my brother's face turn red when he hears mention of my name?
And do the people of El Sueco still curse the theft of Gallo Del Cielo?
Tell my family not to worry, I will not return to cause them shame.