March 14, 2004
Al Qaeda video claims Madrid Attacks
Angel Acebes, Spanish Interior Minister has just announced that the police has a video of an arab man claiming the attacks in the name of Al Qaeda.
UPDATE I: Here's a link.
UPDATE II: (This is a translation of a post I have just written in HispaLibertas)
My fellow countrymen, all of you: This is a crucial moment for our nation. No, I am not speaking about the elections that we hold tomorrow. Whoever wins tomorrow and becomes the next President, this is the time to show courage and to give battle. In the uncertain moments of this strange century, we must give the best of ourselves. We have to win this confrontation between civilization and barbarism, for these are the true alternatives we have to choose from. It's not the moment to be weak or to waste efforts in our divisions. We will not surrender, we will rise to this challenge and we will combat our enemies. This is not a war we started. But we must end it. And we will prevail.
[Posted by Golan from HispaLibertas]
Posted by Tim Blair at March 14, 2004 10:05 AMOn the video the goat-botherer reckons he is the military head of Al-Qaeda in Europe. Al-Qaeda in Europe! Say it isn't so!!! What a shock.
Posted by: Rob at March 14, 2004 at 11:12 AM"A banner referring to the government as liars stretched above hundreds of signs bearing the single word "Paz," Spanish for peace."
Seems the Spanish folks think their government is lying to them. And alot of Americans think their government is lying to them.
You Australians believe everything your ministers tell you?
Posted by: IXLNXS at March 14, 2004 at 11:41 AMDear Tim Blair and friends:
As American Troops arrived in Centeral Baghdad
a year ago a young woman dressed in western clothes and with a british accent was ranting at the US Troops just across from Saddam's Statue (which later that day was dragged down... Was this Yvonne Ridley It think it was - damn waste of skin
Michael C.
Posted by: mICHAEL cOLPITTS at March 14, 2004 at 11:49 AMYo, IXLNXS!
Seems to me you have your priorities backwards. Public officials can be voted out of office, but not if the voters are dead. Or intimidated into not voting by being murdered in droves by lunatics motivated by their love and devotion to [insert name of cause here].
We've always had lying politicians -- pick anyone elected to public office in the last 25 years, and see how many lies went forth from their lips during their term of office (the party is immaterial). When I vote, I usually vote for the lesser of the two evils. You see, I'm more interested in results than rhetoric.
What matters now is taking these terrorists out. Out as in D-E-A-D, and no longer able to butcher babies while in their mother's arms. The exact method of killing those terrorists is immaterial (although nukes are socially unacceptable). Terrorists are an infection on this planet, and need to be excised.
So don't worry about a few lying politicians -- them we can deal with in the polls, That part is easy. It's those sneaky little Islamofacsist bastards killing people to divert attention from their own (self-made) problems that worry me. We can't vote them out of office (a real pity, that). But we can kill them.
So we are at war here -- there are hundreds of funerals taking place in Madrid if you care to look. Maybe some politician wanted to lie, but the funny thing, AQ didn't give them a chance.
But I have to admit, sending a video claiming responsibility for mass murder is an act of honesty. Would it make you feel better if everyone sent a video to their favorite news network, saying "I LIED!""?
Perhaps then we could focus on the war?
Posted by: JeffS at March 14, 2004 at 12:18 PMFrom your mouth to the voters' ears, Golan.
Remember the lesson of the Barbary Pirates.
Posted by: Sandy P. at March 14, 2004 at 12:26 PMJeffS. You miss the point. INXXDIIXSSSDLNXS doesn't really care about lying. The only time he even bothers to mention are when someone says something he disagrees with. Since he is never wrong and never makes a mistake, and disagreement with him demonstrates that it is a lie. What he cares about is that we leave Islamofascists and other terrorists alone so they can do their dirty work. It certainly looks like he hopes they are so successful that his preferred group of tyrants (evidently Lefites, but who really knows) can seize power and enforce "true thought and behavior" on the rest of us.
Posted by: JorgXMcKie at March 14, 2004 at 12:43 PMJorgXMcKie:
Yeah, I thought that IXLNXS had a hard time connecting with reality. But I feel that during this life, we are obligated by higher powers to tell fools about their mistakes and problems.
But they get only one try at correcting themselves. If they continue with their silly behavior, we have our choice of heaping verbal abuse upon them, or simply ignoring them for being the non-entities that they really are.
I like the second one the best, especially if said fools are targeted by their loving friends within the Islamofacist community. That would be ironic as hell.
Posted by: JeffS at March 14, 2004 at 01:00 PMSocialists and Islamists ... hand in hand in a marriage of terror.
I think that's what we have going on here.
Posted by: Dwayne at March 14, 2004 at 01:09 PMRegardless of who did the Madrid bombings, the claims about them are instructive:
ETA: wasn't us!
Al Qaeda: Yes, we did it!
Which one of these worships dead and destruction more?
Posted by: Stephen Dawson at March 14, 2004 at 01:10 PMStand strong Spain. Don't give in to the fuckwits among you who blame Aznar's support of Bush/Iraq for the bombings. If it wasn't Iraq, it would have been something else down the road.
Stand. Take the fight to the scum. Don't let the appeasers and useful idiots and mental Frenchmen of the world deter you. Stand. You won't be alone.
Stand with America. Stand with England. Stand with Israel. Stand with the Aussies god bless them, our good and true friends. Stand with courage. Stand with conviction. Stand with determination. WE STAND WITH YOU!
Viva Espana!
Posted by: Trump at March 14, 2004 at 01:54 PM"What matters now is taking these terrorists out. Out as in D-E-A-D, and no longer able to butcher babies while in their mother's arms. The exact method of killing those terrorists is immaterial (although nukes are socially unacceptable). Terrorists are an infection on this planet, and need to be excised."
See there you went and pussied out. Nukes are sicially unacceptable. Pussy. If you really want to take out the "terrorist" as in the islamic ones, you gotta nuke em all. every fucking one of em. anything less is a waste of time, and lives on the other side.
I don't go left. I don't go right. I'm somewhere in the middle and tired of lying sacks of manure running the country.
I might even believe in Bush had him and his Daddy not made so much money off the terrorist most call Arabs.
Posted by: IXLNXS at March 14, 2004 at 02:21 PMTrump: us Canadians would like to join; if we promise lots of maple syrup, will you let us in?
J. M.-
You're gonna have to pour that maple syrup on all of the LP smugmonkeys, followed by a bucket of feathers, and run 'em out before you'll be able to join. Take back your country, cure the Trudeaupian cancer that's eaten away at a once-proud people, and climb aboard.
Posted by: Dave S. at March 14, 2004 at 02:48 PMTwo whole days after the attacks and Aznar's government doesn't have the whole investigation wrapped up already? Obviously a cover-up.
When your ideology provides you with instant answers to any question, those greasy grinds who insist on having the facts first sure can look slothful by comparison.
Posted by: Paul Zrimsek at March 14, 2004 at 03:03 PMDear IXLNLS:
Pussied out? Me? On the contrary! The problem with nukes is that while they are thorough, they have a nasty tendency to produce fallout. No matter how small a yield, we'll have a decontamination issue down the road. That or we'll be buying downwind farmland and establishing wildlife refuges around the world. While some people do want wildlife refuges, the majority tend to be unreasonable in demanding that we don't contaminate productive farmland. I merely bow to their wishes.
Now, if you want to nuke everyone, I suggest filing an environmental impact statement with the appropriate authorities first. Be sure to include a good monitoring plan and mitigation projects. And don't forget to check weather conditions just before the strike. Downwind predictions can be tricky.
(Sidebar for misinformed potential responders: All of the spent depleted uranium rounds laying around Iraq don't count as radiation contamination. The definition of "depleted" is that "none is left". In this case, the U235 is largely gone, and the radiation level is very low. You'd be in about as much danger from your home smoke detector. Spent DU rounds do pose a heavy metal problem.)
As a postscript, let me congratulate you -- you drew me off with a specious argument. I had to re-read this thread to see that. Nice job!
But back to the main point -- if you are more worried about lying politicians than cold blooded murderers, you need to check your values. Not at the door, but open your soul and see what the problem is.
Yes, I despise lying politicians, especially after I voted for them. But I much prefer the devil I know, instead of someone who thinks as you do. You are shamelessly manipulating a tragedy for your own uses. At least the lying politicians who manipulate 9/11 had the decency to wait a few months before wading in. Please note that I make no mention of political leanings here. That is deliberate.
In the meantime, give the dead some respect, would you?
Posted by: JeffS at March 14, 2004 at 03:42 PMGuys, don't talk to the 'tard. (That would be INSXAIBNXOAGHGFLHKG.) It just agitates him and makes him spill his milk.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at March 14, 2004 at 04:07 PMSidebar for misinformed potential responders: All of the spent depleted uranium rounds laying around Iraq don't count as radiation contamination. The definition of "depleted" is that "none is left". In this case, the U235 is largely gone, and the radiation level is very low. You'd be in about as much danger from your home smoke detector. Spent DU rounds do pose a heavy metal problem.)
Posted by: JeffS at March 14, 2004 at 03:09 PM
As I live and breathe, someone who ACTUALLY understands something about Physics???? ;-)
A man would get a much greater radiation exposure by laying in bed beside a good looking woman than beside the same mass of DU.
Me I would take the added risk and hop in bed with the former, give a choice. ;_)
Posted by: Dan Kauffman at March 14, 2004 at 04:11 PM"they have a nasty tendency to produce fallout. No matter how small a yield, we'll have a decontamination issue down the road"
Can you say Neutron? Clean burn anywhere out of one mile epicenter. Rehabitation within three months of blast. See I know what we "are" capable of. I am just suprised it hasn't been done before now.
I am also suprised none of the current administration in America has been shot on charges of treason to the state.
Posted by: IXLNXS at March 14, 2004 at 04:21 PMSee what you did! Now when that dries that's going to smell.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at March 14, 2004 at 04:23 PMAs usual, the error isn't in the realization/assumption that the current administration is a bunch of questionable, lying, biased bastards. It's the assumption that ANY of them AREN'T.
Remember: whoever you back for the revolution BECOMES the government, or the Man, or whoever you want to call him/it. Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss.
Posted by: LabRat at March 14, 2004 at 04:40 PMMy apologies, all.
Now, to reinforce the lesson:
I will not feed the trolls, I will not feed the trolls, I will not feed the trolls, I will not feed the trolls, I will not feed the trolls, I will not feed the trolls, I will not feed the trolls, I will not feed the trolls, ........
Posted by: JeffS at March 14, 2004 at 05:07 PMDan Kauffman:
Well, yes, I would make the same choice, now that you mention it. DU would make for rather poor pillow talk. ;-)
Posted by: JeffS at March 14, 2004 at 05:14 PMI am also suprised none of the current administration in America has been shot on charges of treason to the state.
I'm surprised you haven't managed to pull your "old fella" off mate. You seem to yank it mighty hard.
Posted by: Quentin George at March 14, 2004 at 05:28 PMMaybe if we get him to say his name backwards, he'll be banished back to the 5th dimension for 90 days...
I have to hand it to the scum. The timing of the bombings just before the election was impeccable. It will be a most interesting election.
I wish I had more confidence in Europeans and I will if they return Aznar's party with a hefty majority.
Posted by: Theodopoulos Pherecydes at March 14, 2004 at 07:18 PM"We will not surrender, we will rise to this challenge and we will combat our enemies. This is not a war we started. But we must end it. And we will prevail."
No, no ... you've got it all wrong. Now is the time for "compromise" and "dialogue."
Like this:
Posted by: The Tapir at March 14, 2004 at 07:48 PMI love Spain. All of my family is from Spain -- including my Basque wife. But I am worried by the reaction of the leftoids in Spain and how even some of my sane relatives are reacting to the story that Al Qaeda might have been behind the attack, to wit, blame the alliance with the USA. I am struck by the differences between the USA and much of Europe. When the USA is attacked, Marine Corps recruiters are overwhelmned with young Americans wanting to enlist and defend their country; Spain is attacked and people march in the street calling for peace, yelling against the USA, painting their hands white and doing all the other dumb leftist street theatre stunts we all know and ridicule.
The Anglosphere is the last and best hope of civilization.
Posted by: Lewis at March 14, 2004 at 08:31 PMJ.M.Heinrichs: is the maple syrup flamable?
Lewis: Believe me, the press is giving a lot of coverage to this leftist pussy bastards, but the common Spaniard is very far from their views. I've seen at least a dozen interviews with common people in the streets and they all said the same "ETA or Al-Qaeda, i don't care, we want the bastards DEAD"
Posted by: madne0 at March 14, 2004 at 09:31 PMWas just perusing "Strategy Page" and stumbled upon "Open letter to Spain" on that site.
Most interesting was the question (I'm paraphrasing here)- If Al-quaeda and Saddam Hussein had no links, why is Al-quaeda supposedly punishing Spain for being rightfully involved in Iraq.
Therefore - does this mean that the anti-war mob are correct that the Madrid bombings are punishment and are admitting that the WOT is so very real, and pre-war intelligence was a little bit more reliable than currently portrayed, or that the anti-war mob is a pack of evil cowardly ass-holes, who will go to any lengths to be always "correct" and know what is always the best thing to do, as though they are a bloody religion.
PS - Come to think of it, the number of leftoids that have faith in their political views would indicate that........
I think that atheists and haters of traditional religion would shit themselves if they considered how close their belief systems are to a form of religion.
Posted by: Tom at March 14, 2004 at 09:54 PM"why is Al-quaeda supposedly punishing Spain for being rightfully involved in Iraq"
For attacking a Moslem country. Just reinforces their message: the Crusaders are out to crush Moslems.
Any other problems recognising the bleedin' obvious?
Posted by: warbo at March 14, 2004 at 10:14 PMI hope this horrible tragedy can finally wake Europe up to the grave danger posed by Islamic fundamentalism. We have been discussing this for some time over at , the major website of ex-muslims on the internet.
Posted by: Ali Dashti at March 14, 2004 at 10:15 PM>I am also suprised none of the current administration in America has been shot on charges of treason to the state.
Of course you are -- you don't even understand "treason" as defined in the US Constitution.
"Sidebar for misinformed potential responders: All of the spent depleted uranium rounds laying around Iraq don't count as radiation contamination. The definition of "depleted" is that "none is left". In this case, the U235 is largely gone, and the radiation level is very low. You'd be in about as much danger from your home smoke detector. Spent DU rounds do pose a heavy metal problem."
I asked John Pilger and he assures me that DU
has been killing 5000 Iraqi babies a minute since
Warbo you fail to recognize the obvious glitch. Saddam was secular, OBL and company are religious, never the twain shall meet.[or at least that is what we were told time and again] Now if the idea is that anyone that attacks a Muslim country gets attacked by Muslims in return it should be noted that most Muslims in Iraq and elsewhere [such as Turkey which did not support the war] have not been killed by infidels, but by other Muslims. That includes both before and after the war in Iraq.
is that clear?
Posted by: Terrye at March 15, 2004 at 12:39 AM• The horrific train explosions in Madrid on 3/11 killed nearly 200 people and wounded over a thousand more. Some fingers are pointing at the Basque separatist group, ETA, and some at Al-Qaeda. Spanish authorites have detained three Moroccans and two Indians connected with the bombings; they have also received a videotaped message showing a man declaring, in Arabic, that the Madrid tragedy is a response to Spain's "collaboration with the criminals Bush and his allies."
I have never been to Spain and I had always wanted to visit it. But there are certain Spanish traditions that continue to appall me, especially those that involve the abuse of animals such as bullfighting. As a vegan and an animal rights activist, I find it very perplexing as to how the Spaniards - supposedly a civilized and progressive people - consider bullfighting as a "sport" or a "fight" when in fact the bull's fate is already sealed from the beginning. I heard that blood fiestas are still held annually all over the country, and that cattle animals remain as the most popular victims of these barbaric practices. But other animals are also used such as chickens, geese, duck, pigeons, squirrels, pigs, donkeys and goats; they are either tortured, abused, buried alive, mutilated, drowned, beaten, slaughtered or dropped from a church tower.
I propose, to put a permanent end to the unjust and merciless abuse and slaughter of animals, to replace the animals with unrepentant and merciless terrorists. Enough of unkindness and cruelty towards innocent creatures. If Spanish fury is going to be unleashed, let it be unkind and cruel towards the terrorists. Please, just because I'm a vegan - that doesn't mean I cannot be vindictive. There's always room for hatred towards hateful ideologies.
Posted by: Rafael Robert Delfin at March 15, 2004 at 12:55 AMWhat the hell is the Spanish bull-fighting to do with these attacks? Are you, RRD, saying 200+ people deserved to die because of the practice of bullfighting? No doubt you feel for the bulls...probably because you have an IQ of one.
I hope the next Spaniard who reads this and meets you in person beats the living shit out of sick fucking excuse for a human being.
Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge at March 15, 2004 at 05:10 AMI was going to reply to Rafael, but I promised not to feed the trolls.
Thanks, Andrew!
Posted by: JeffS at March 15, 2004 at 07:41 AMOh, Rafael is here, too? I thought I was special.
I think I'll go have a nice, rare bull steak now.
Posted by: michele at March 15, 2004 at 09:35 AMWell, with views like this perhaps the security forces should have a chat with Raphael, after all ETA/PETA can never be too careful.
These people have a serious Humanity Deficit if all they can think of at a time like this is their pet cause.Loathesome!
Mmmm... steak... I like my slice of dead bull to be done medium well, thank you. With a nice gravy made from the delicious blood.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at March 15, 2004 at 01:27 PMIt's already Eat an Animal For Peta Day in Australia!
My love for humanity has grown to see an idiot vegan spit on.
Posted by: Sortelli at March 15, 2004 at 02:20 PMOddly enough on Saturday I had a nice blue steak...mmm.
Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge at March 15, 2004 at 11:58 PM