February 29, 2004


Maybe it’s just me, but our beloved local Mufti seems to be begging for a one-way ticket back to Egypt:

The powerful leader of Australia's 300,000 Muslims, Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly, has praised the September 11 terrorist attacks as "God's work".

The controversial Mufti also appears to have lent support to Arab suicide bombers in an inflammatory sermon during a Middle East lecture tour.

Sheik Al Hilaly, who is based at the Lakemba mosque, last week vehemently denied that he called for a jihad against Israel in one of his sermons. But a translation of a sermon, delivered at the Sidon mosque in Lebanon and obtained by The Sun-Herald, is littered with references to Arab martyrs and Americans being punished by God.

Sheik Al Hilaly spoke of an "Islamic revolution", and told his audience not to be surprised if one day a muezzin called out "Allah is Great!" from the "top of the White House".

The muezzin should practice a little before trying on the White House. Let him start with Elvis’s birthplace in Tupelo. Then, once his remains are strained from the fingers of outraged Mississippians, they can be hauled to the White House roof in a sack. The Mufti continues:

"September 11 is God's work against oppressors," he said. "Some of the things that happen in the world cannot be explained; a civilian airplane whose secrets cannot be explained, if we ask its pilot who reached his objective without error: 'Who led your steps?'

"Or if we ask the giant that fell: 'Who humiliated you?' Or if we ask the president: 'Who made you cry?' God is the answer."

If we ask the Mufti: “Who humiliated you? Who made you cry?” Customs officials running a ten-minute baggage check is the answer. Andrew Bolt recently explored the background to the Mufti’s presence in Australia:

Hilaly came to Australia from Egypt in 1982 on a temporary entry permit and simply overstayed. But when the Hawke Government's Immigration Minister, Chris Hurford, horrified by Hilaly's extremism, tried to deport him, he was overruled by Labor heavies such as Leo McLeay and Paul Keating, who had seats in Sydney's west and wanted Islamic votes.

If votes were the reason ol’ Mufto was allowed to stay, think of the potential votes for John Howard if the government were to deport the goon.

UPDATE. As Gnu Hunter points out, we can’t deport Mr Mufti. He’s a citizen. Thank you, Labor Party!

Posted by Tim Blair at February 29, 2004 02:13 AM

Sheik Al Hilaly spoke of an "Islamic revolution", and told his audience not to be surprised if one day a muezzin called out "Allah is Great!" from the "top of the White House".

Oh, good...the Secret Service could stand a little live target practice...


Posted by: cheshirecat at February 29, 2004 at 02:47 AM

Tupelo is in Mississippi, though Elvis is buried in Tennessee (Memphis). So I guess Mississippians and Tennesseeans could both get in on the fun. Not to mention a million other fans of the King.

Posted by: Don at February 29, 2004 at 02:57 AM

Fixed! Dumb mistake by me.

Posted by: tim at February 29, 2004 at 02:59 AM

"Some of the things that happen in the world cannot be explained; a civilian airplane whose secrets cannot be explained, if we ask its pilot who reached his objective without error: 'Who led your steps?'

This nitwit sounds like he has a Michael Moore-like understanding of aviation.

Posted by: Randal Robinson at February 29, 2004 at 03:47 AM

a civilian airplane whose secrets cannot be explained, if we ask its pilot who reached his objective without error: 'Who led your steps?'

I know! I know! The djinn of the air!

We joke about these fools "living in the 7th Century", but it's true. The Jihadis make the Amish seen downright modern.

Posted by: Spiny Norman at February 29, 2004 at 05:06 AM

Paul Shean, in Amongst the Barbarians, details how Labor in the '80's, branch-stacked Islamics into key Labor seats in Sydneys west. His account has never been refuted. In the run up to the Federal election, we should be constantly reminded of this Labor recklessness. Thanks Tim.

Posted by: jafa at February 29, 2004 at 05:15 AM

Here's a message from New York: You guys better take care of this problem before he becomes someone else's work. You don't need bastard like that among your citizens -- send him back to Egypt and let him sit in his own Muslim filth.

Posted by: brett at February 29, 2004 at 05:31 AM

I've wondered about people like the sheik who are in various Western nations advocating the demise of same. Is there some law against advocating the overthrow of the government that could be used to deport such people?

On the one hand, I can see allowing people like the sheik freedom of speech, even 'hate' speech. On the other hand it's very worrisome to have a person like the sheik encourage others to join the great 'Islamic Revolution'.

It's very galling to realize a Westerner in one of the Islamic countries would probably get his/her head handed to them if they preached against Islam and advocated Judasim, Christianity, Atheism, etc. and said one day all the muezzins would be removed as the result of a great Judaic, Christian, Atheistic, etc. Revolution; or that one day Mecca would become a shopping mall because of this revolution.

Posted by: Chris Josephson at February 29, 2004 at 06:15 AM

Chris you are so right! Muzzies are the most intolerant shits I have ever met. They don't even allow foreginers to wear a cross in their counrty, let alone have a church or even speak about any religion other than islam.

Posted by: koranistoiletpaper at February 29, 2004 at 06:32 AM

If you guys deport him, do we get to deport Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson for saying the same things? Please? I wouldn't miss 'em.

Posted by: Sortelli at February 29, 2004 at 09:07 AM

I'd love to see the poisonous bastard deported, too, but the last Labor government gave him permanent residency, I understand. Once granted, that is extremely difficult or impossible to revoke.

On the other hand, he looks like great crab food. What do you reckon, Drago?

Posted by: Bob Bunnett at February 29, 2004 at 10:05 AM

The Mufti is now an Australian citizen and cannot be deported. Chris Hurford, ALP Immigration Minister, failed in his attempts to deport him in 1986 after political intervention by Federal and State branches of the Labor party. Instead he was given a permanent visa and now has citizenship. We give away citizenship certificates like confetti. Want one? No problem...

Your Grand Mufti is a True Blue Aussie and is here to stay.

Posted by: The Gnu Hunter at February 29, 2004 at 12:11 PM


Muff(diver)ti looks like he could make great Shark shit too.

Posted by: Dog at February 29, 2004 at 01:09 PM

The British Labour government changed the law so that they could remove this bloke's citizenship.

There's no such word as can't.

Posted by: Peter at February 29, 2004 at 01:35 PM

America deports naturalized citizens all the time. Ask Meyer Lansky. It's only native born who can't be deported. Get with the times, Oz!

Posted by: Mike G at February 29, 2004 at 01:40 PM

Australian citizens can lose their Australian citizenship in several ways:

by formally renouncing their citizenship

by being deprived of their citizenship because of a conviction for providing false or misleading information when obtaining citizenship, and

before 4 April 2002, by deliberately acquiring the citizenship of another country.

A child under 18 years of age will lose Australian citizenship if a responsible parent of the child ceases to be an Australian citizen. However, this would not happen if it would result in the child having no citizenship, or if one responsible parent was still an Australian citizen.

Posted by: Harry Tuttle at February 29, 2004 at 03:33 PM

As much as he annoys me he is a citizen and its too late.

As a citizen he is free to gripe and carry on as much as he wants. The Mufti wants a Holy War? These idiots declare a Jihad if their kabab takes too long to cook - who really cares. If any of his inbred followers take him too seriously lock em up.

Generally these morons could not organise a piss up in a brewery. On the rare occasion they get a big hit, what is important is that we hit them back - and since BUSH, HOWARD and BLAIR, along with the other useful world leaders we have hit back and should continue to do so.

Letting them into the country and then trying to throw them out is never a good solution. They use all the legal loop holes and exploit public sensibilities to force our governments to let them stay so they can make pests of themselves.

Changing legal systems to try and stop their endless appeals removes the ability of legitimate individuals from using those same legal systems for the purpose they were set up.

The best solution is to not let them in the first place. Thats why so many people voted for Howard. Make illegal entry a crime, their very presence in Australia will be prima facae evidence on its own. The only sentence available upon conviction is deportation. Problem solved!

Posted by: Gilly at February 29, 2004 at 03:42 PM

Let's take this man at his word for a moment. Let's say that Allah guided the planes that felled the giants. Of course, Allah didn't so much humiliate America as cause us to wake up -- which, given the premise, was the goal of the exercise. Then Allah guided the Bush, Blair and Howard -- whose secrets we cannot know -- to bomb the hell out of Afghanistan, humiliate the Taliban, and run these instruments of Allah into the caves. Then he turned his wrath upon the Face-of-Evil in Iraq, where he routed the Face's Army of Allah-fearing prisoners of oppression in short order. Then Allah further humiliated the Muslims by showing what the Face-of-Evil REALLY looks like: a skanky, craven, lice-infested, face hiding in a septic tank, thereby humiliating the entire Umah.

All praise to Allah!

Posted by: Debra at February 29, 2004 at 04:44 PM

You *can* deport citizens, after stripping them of their citizenship, if the reason is right. The last question on the citizeship application asks whether or not one has ever been a member of an organization seeking the violent overthrow of Australia or is a terrorist. If the mufti has lied on that question, then the government has cause to revoke his citizenship.

Posted by: Seppo at February 29, 2004 at 05:40 PM

Gilly, it may not be too late -
it depends on what he was asked when he applied for citizenship, if they asked him if he intended to obey the law and/or not incite hatred (for example), then, "by being deprived of their citizenship because of a conviction for providing false or misleading information when obtaining citizenship" would apply and he would be out on his arse.

Posted by: Harry Tuttle at February 29, 2004 at 05:43 PM


The only thing he was asked when he wanted to come in was if he could deliver some inner city seats to Labor.

Posted by: Gilly at February 29, 2004 at 05:44 PM

Can he be stripped of "Grand Mufti" title for starters?

Posted by: Andjam at February 29, 2004 at 06:46 PM

Keysar's attempt to say the quotes were out of context (the big lie technique) looks like it will work with the media.

Posted by: Andjam at February 29, 2004 at 06:59 PM

Interesting discussions over at islamicsydney.com


Posted by: AU at February 29, 2004 at 08:19 PM

I agree with Gilly. Make illegal entry a crime. Economic migrants usually are not educated/civil enough to earn a good living in their own countries. Moreover stop those greedy Aussie educational institutes who enrole foreign students only for money. Some institutes do not have any criteria for judging the true meritorious students. So there is a loophole.

Freaks like Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly got to be stopped.

Posted by: Rezwan at February 29, 2004 at 08:41 PM

But where do we exile everyone once we've stripped them of their citizenship? Lesbos?

Posted by: Miranda Divide at March 1, 2004 at 09:10 AM

Has anyone ever noticed what a kind and compassionate face the Mufti has? He is the very embodiment of Islamic ideology.
One can only wonder where these cretans would run to once their dream of turning the West into a grovelling, caterwauling basket-case came true!

Posted by: Brian at March 1, 2004 at 06:27 PM

Isn't the Mufti really a Jew in Islamic garb? The Jews need a foothold in the South Eastern part of the world and what better way to cultivate than in the liberal down under?

It's all part of the "Nile to the Euphrates" plan.

Isn't it?

Posted by: AG in Houston at March 1, 2004 at 11:34 PM