February 27, 2004
And people tell Bill Gates to "give back" to the community, while people like Castro who actually took from the community are praised.
Posted by: Alan K. Henderson at February 27, 2004 at 04:15 PMCastro reaps millions while his people starve and dissenters are imprisoned and tortured. But why would the left care? Afterall, Cuba has free health care!
Posted by: Justin Miller at February 27, 2004 at 04:23 PMWhat do we expect - I mean the guy has a monopoly on all those Cohiba cigars and no doubt a stable of the virgins on whose thighs they are rolled....... it needs constant replenishing....the cigars that is or both or whatever.
Posted by: Rob at February 27, 2004 at 04:23 PMWow 195 million, after 40+ how many years of corruption and oppression. That's a little weak: I think Saddam and lil' Kim have him beat.
Posted by: aaron at February 27, 2004 at 06:29 PMHe could buy a Canadian baseball team with that.
Posted by: Ron Hardin at February 27, 2004 at 08:29 PM"THE WORST (my emphasis) that could be said is that, in Cuba, you were in jeopardy of receiving free health care whenever you needed it, an excellent education in one of the few countries that has 100% literacy, and a better chance of your baby brother being born and making it to his first birthday than if he had been born in Washington, DC."
-- March 31, 2000
A Letter of Apology to Elian Gonzalez from Michael Moore
see, cuba is a great place to live.
The light bulb just went on: Oliver Stone should be forgiven for scraping, bowing and otherwise kissing Castro's ass. Castro's got more money than God and so do most major studio producers. Kissing Castro's oozing anus is a reflex, a mere force of habit honed through years in the Hollywood trenches. Oliver Stone is a wretched victim of his environment and can't help himself.
Posted by: Tongue Boy at February 28, 2004 at 12:02 AMi guess fidel's one of those 'more equal than others' kind of guys
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at February 28, 2004 at 01:24 AMAt his daughters wedding they played Havana Gilla.....
100 years from now when they look back on Cuban history, they will say that He Fidled while his Havana burned.....in the ashtray....
But who are we to judge?
Haven't you ever wished to be wealthy, have a big house with lots of servants....well that's what he's got.....a huge country of servants...
Posted by: Traps at February 28, 2004 at 01:59 AMWow 195 million, after 40+ how many years of corruption and oppression. That's a little weak: I think Saddam and lil' Kim have him beat.
Yeah, that's actually kind of pathetic for a long-time tyrant. Even Arafat has him beat on that score. It's probably because Castro's trashed his poor little island's economy so badly there's just not that much to steal. He doesn't have any oil and the EUneuch's aren't funneling him money like they are with Arafat -- not to mention that none of his records have gone platinum like lil' Kim.
Posted by: Randal Robinson at February 28, 2004 at 03:56 AMI ran some numbers on Castro net worth vs the net worth of the average Cuban in his age group:
289,317 times the average Cuban net worth.
Bill Gates is only 210,289 times the average American. (Once again by age group)
I have couple more you can see the rest at my
Poor Castro, It hasn't been the same since the Soviets packed it in... He was pegged at being worth around one billion in the early '90s.
Posted by: RainDog at February 28, 2004 at 06:21 AMHey, Libberocky, your url was a little screwed up, so I fixed it. Note, people with subdomain or domain name urls -- put a "/" (without quotation marks) after the ".com" or whatever your url ends with. Also -- the url is not screwed up now, it's hidden by an anti-spam redirect code.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 28, 2004 at 11:01 AMPS: I meant that Libberocky's url was screwed up in the url field where you enter your home page, not just in the comment itself (where you forgot to put the "http://" in your a href tag).
Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 28, 2004 at 11:02 AMYou guys sound scared! Castro could buy this pathetic blogmire twenty times over! And you guys wonder why those literate Cubans aren't allowed into this warmongering bloghead bloggy blogistan blogopoly.
Posted by: Sortelli Divide at February 28, 2004 at 04:12 PMWho believes a word Forbes magazine cobbles together anyway, especially about Castro? Oh, the blogheads of course.
Posted by: Miranda Divide at February 29, 2004 at 02:46 AMAmazing...she proved the whole article wrong, without having to actually read it or find evidence or anything! It's incredible!
Posted by: Big Dog at February 29, 2004 at 09:58 AMIt's incredible!
That's insanity for you.
Posted by: Quentin George at February 29, 2004 at 11:29 AM