February 17, 2004
The Sydney Morning Herald warns:
Margo will be back on deck very soon.
Her readers -- well, they’ll be eating their crayons with delight:
Posted by Tim Blair at February 17, 2004 12:48 AM... the Sydney Morning Herald is written for a 5th grade reading level.
The anticipation of Margots return is clearly getting to you Tim,and oh, wipe the drool of your chin.
Posted by: aussieoldfart at February 17, 2004 at 03:28 AMWe're all drooling, old fat. Bet you are too! Come on, admit it. You can't wait for Tim to have a go at her.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 17, 2004 at 03:35 AMI meant "old fart." Er, I blame being sick. Yeah.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 17, 2004 at 03:42 AMYour're right about the "drool" and the "fat" Andrea. And I meant off- off- off his chin I blame my Beer fridge.
Posted by: aussieoldfart at February 17, 2004 at 03:52 AMI suspect most of her readers come from this blog. Certainly I don't know anyone else who pays such attention to the Web Diary.
If this is right, clearly crayons might be a bit of a stretch.
Can lend you my 2 year old's fingerpaints if you like...
Posted by: Nemesis at February 17, 2004 at 07:57 AMWhat's so unusual for a newspaper to be composed for easy comprehension by an upper primary school student? Isn't that the standard across all Aust. papers, broadsheet and tabloid?
Posted by: LD at February 17, 2004 at 08:12 AMFrom the SMH's 170-year-old code of ethics:
Community values evolve, and the code will be reviewed from time to time to ensure it reflects what our readers expect of us.
They make it up as they go along based on reader 'expectations'. Get out the crayons, readers.
Posted by: ilibcc at February 17, 2004 at 09:46 AMYeah Tim, we all can't wait for you to really go at her! What a sight it will be to behold. And just who are the children in this equation?
Oh, and you'll find in the style guide of most broadsheets that the text is aimed at the vocabulary of your average 12 year old. That's vocabulary, not mentality, dimwit.
Posted by: Miranda Divide at February 17, 2004 at 10:16 AMWell, Miranda, then it obviously is beyond you for the most part.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at February 17, 2004 at 10:26 AMWho's Margo's boss at the SMH ? Hans Blix ?
Posted by: Johnny Wishbone at February 17, 2004 at 12:33 PMThe link "eating their crayons" takes me here: http://www.acegraphics.com.au/articles/dietsch01.html.
??? Am I missing this joke? Or is the link wacky?
I guess Tim's partner is at risk of producing offspring afflicted with among other things, Down's Syndrome, and he mistakenly let that link get in to a blog post.
Posted by: Jack O'Farrell at February 17, 2004 at 02:46 PMNemesis: I suspect most of her readers come from this blog. Certainly I don't know anyone else who pays such attention to the Web Diary.
If this is right, clearly crayons might be a bit of a stretch.
Can lend you my 2 year old's fingerpaints if you like...
So... what does this say about you guys, Troll Brigade? If the angle is "Hah ha, you stupid heads spend all your time laughing at that other stupid head and that makes you so stupid that I must sit here laughing at your head which is bigger and stupider", what do you think of yourselves?
Is this like some bizarro case of the car bumper propoganda wars here in the States, with the Christian Fish, then the Darwin Fish That Makes Fun of It, then the Christian Fish Eating The Darwin Fish That Makes Fun Of It, Then The Darwin Fish Eating The Christian Fish Eating The Darwin Fish Being Peed On By Calvin etc etc etc?
The SMH go to new heights with their reporting of the riot in Redfern on Sunday.
Apparantly the rioters were in fact protesters.
Posted by: Gilly at February 17, 2004 at 06:21 PMI just can't understand how the Herald can continue to employ someone who obviously has such a huge problem with drugs and alcohol.
Posted by: neoconchick at February 17, 2004 at 06:26 PM