February 05, 2004
From a Sean Hannity interview with John McCain:
Posted by Tim Blair at February 5, 2004 04:25 PMMCCAIN: I'm all for an investigation. I think we probably need to find out whether there were any flaws in our intelligence or not.
But that doesn't change the indisputable fact that Saddam Hussein had acquired weapons of mass destruction. He had used them against his own people. He had used them against his enemies.
And there is no one, no one, who believes that if Saddam Hussein were still in power he wouldn't be trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction.
HANNITY: Maybe Howard Dean. You heard his comments.
MCCAIN: Excuse me. But, I mean, any expert.
MCCAIN: Excuse me. But, I mean, any expert.
Give that man a blog!
Posted by: Quentin George at February 5, 2004 at 04:39 PMWhat Dean comments are Hannity referring to?
Give that man a blog!
We here in Arizona gave him a seat in the US Senate.
Posted by: Sortelli at February 5, 2004 at 05:07 PMI like John McCain. Wish he'd run for president again.
Posted by: Chris Josephson at February 5, 2004 at 06:46 PMMicCain is an authoritarian a-hole who just gutted our free speech rights and never saw a problem that couldn't be fixed with a good swift application of Jackboot, One, Highly Polished.
Still, he nailed Dean on that one.
Posted by: R C Dean at February 6, 2004 at 01:31 AMMcCain is an honorable man, not by any stretch an a-hole, a-hole.
Posted by: Bill at February 6, 2004 at 05:23 AMNo, he's an a-hole. Anyone who thinks it should be illegal to criticize him is an a-hole, no matter what their past.
Posted by: Robert Crawford at February 6, 2004 at 05:27 AMWhat's with this a-hole? Say it loud arseholes!
Posted by: Quentin George at February 6, 2004 at 06:52 AMWho said anything about illegality, arsehole? Free market of ideas, brutha.
Posted by: Bill at February 6, 2004 at 02:03 PMGentlemen,
Bob Crawford is the a-hole.
Bill is a honorable man.
The thing is settled. I, Arik, IEW, have spoken.
Note: IEW = Insanely Egotistical Wanker
Posted by: Arik, aka Solomon at February 6, 2004 at 03:05 PM