January 20, 2004
Al Gore's endorsement of Howard Dean was a momentous event.
Posted by Tim Blair at January 20, 2004 11:19 PMThe entrance poll in Iowa found that less than one percent of voters cared about endorsements.
The entrance poll in Iowa found that less than one percent of voters cared about endorsements.That it in a nutshell.
Anybody who votes for a candidate because of who endorsed him is a vapid idiot.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut at January 21, 2004 at 12:09 AMMuch less than one percent of voters care about Paul Krugman.
Posted by: perfectsense at January 21, 2004 at 03:32 AMSee for yourself the net effect of the extra weight given the Dean campaign by Jimmuh and Al.
Posted by: Natalie at January 21, 2004 at 03:56 AMKrugman was right- Gore's endorsement sealed Dean's fate.
"The Kiss of Death"?
"The Black Spot"?
Oh, crap. I was waiting to see who Carrottop endorsed. Now you're trying to tell me it'll mean nothing. What about Michael Moore. Now, THERE'S a big endorsement.
Posted by: JorgXMcKie at January 21, 2004 at 07:21 AMJorgXMcKie - Mikey has already endorsed Clark (and Clark didn't NOT endorse Mikey's statement that Bush was a deserter - just charming).
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut at January 21, 2004 at 09:43 AMVoters would say that, wouldn't they, just like smokers say that smoking doesn't kill. The fact that voters rationalise their votes in a particular way does not mean its true.
Posted by: tom at January 21, 2004 at 09:58 AMBut Tom, surely if the endorsements did matter to voters, we would have seen a greater vote for Howard?
Or perhaps his endorsements convinced people to vote against him.
Posted by: tim at January 21, 2004 at 11:37 AMAnother feather in the old cap for HerrDoktorProfessor.
A Dodo bird feather, alas (yeah, I know, Dodo birds are extinct. Unlike whackjob NY Times op-ed columnists; they're cloning them by the dozens over there).
Posted by: SteveMG at January 21, 2004 at 11:46 AMDid you read his idiotic rant today? Priceless. Would be funny if so many people didn't actually take him seriously...
Posted by: Jerry at January 21, 2004 at 02:01 PM