December 17, 2003
Jim Treacher corrects the current imbalance of smug right-wing jokery:
Since Saddam's capture, White House officials have avoided public gloating...
Yeah, they've got Fox News for that! Seriously, Brit Hume was so overjoyed, he almost moved his face. I haven't seen Bill O'Reilly this giddy since Krystallnacht. Ohhhhhh! Hey, Hannity, is that a banana in your pocket, or did they just catch the guy who didn't have anything to do with 9/11? Shepard Smith hasn't drooled this much since that one time his CPU crashed. Laurie Dhue smacked her lips so hard... er... she's got big lips for a Fox News babe, right? Um... So hard it blew out the burning cross in the lobby? I don't know.
It’s all part of Treacher’s new “equal time” policy. Fill that quota, Jim!
Posted by Tim Blair at December 17, 2003 12:54 PMHUSSEIN DEAD...
12.16.03 by David Wong
...silent as he refuses to answer questions in his third day in custody. George W. Bush himself begain punching Saddam in the stomach repeatedly, angrily demanding the confused dictator tell him "the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein."
The former dictator's captors shaved off the thick beard he had grown while a fugitive. The beard was moved to another location and questioned separately.
America's top interrogator, a black-clad old man with an eyepatch named Dr. Ivanoff, has been brought in to extract information from Saddam. He began slowly removing his black gloves early this morning, and experts speculate that the process has now moved on to the part where Saddam defiantly spits in the questioner's face, followed by Ivanoff slowly wiping the spit from his cheek and giving Saddam a backhand slap that sends him to the floor.
Ivanoff is reported to use devices such as an Iron Maiden, a Spanish Reamer and several, quote, "weapons of ass destruction" in his interrogations.
"I haven't seen Bill O'Reilly this giddy since Krystallnacht."
I am perpetually amazed that the Left -- which has recently aligned itself with angry and ignorant Muslims like the Palestinians -- has the gall to suggest that the Right is anti-Semetic. This Gentile has come to the conslusion that the Left hates Jews for the same reason they hate everyone else with an ounce of common sense: the Left keeps getting outsmarted by 'em!
Posted by: brett at December 17, 2003 at 01:54 PMI think Treacher is proving caviar to the general.
Posted by: Andrea Harris at December 17, 2003 at 02:16 PM"Sounds like a Sambo racial stereotype."
Huh? Laurie Dhue is white. She's a Fox News anchor, after all.
Posted by: Angus Jung at December 17, 2003 at 02:36 PM
The capture of Saddam is causing these lefties some serious convulsions as they try to reconcile:
Saddam was one of the worst dictators in history, responsible for torture, massacres and wars over decades. He has been captured alive and faces justice at the hands of the people he inflicted this upon. I think anyone would agree that this is a reason to celebrate.
His capture was due to the actions of the US army and their commander in chief Bush.
It appears that in their case the second reason trumps the first. It is sort of like the Fonz in Happy Days - he could never say that phrase - I was wr.... I was wr....
Posted by: Rob at December 17, 2003 at 02:56 PMignorant Muslims like the Palestinians -- has the gall to suggest that the Right is anti-Semetic
Bzzzzzzt! Thanks for playing, Mr Ignorant of Spelling!
Posted by: Clog at December 17, 2003 at 04:58 PMI don't wanna say Neil Cavuto was popping the boner of a lifetime, but you could actually see the blood draining from his wattles. Heyyyy! Hello? Is this thing on?
Posted by: Jim Treacher at December 17, 2003 at 05:14 PMLaurie Dhuie has her points, but personally, I think the hottest babe is Dari Alexander. Not being a Bill Clinton, too bad she's young enough to be my daughter. Hmmm, maybe granddaughter. Sheesh! Getting old's a bitch. Still, my imagination is still young!
Posted by: CGeib at December 17, 2003 at 07:01 PMI notice, if you quoted his article correctly in the first place, that Treacher seems to have changed Hannity's "banana" to a "roll of Life Savers."
Posted by: tbrosz at December 17, 2003 at 07:36 PMI notice, if you quoted his article correctly in the first place, that Treacher seems to have changed Hannity's "banana" to a "roll of Life Savers."
Posted by: scott h. at December 17, 2003 at 07:54 PMRoll of Lifesavers does improve the joke.
FOX News has my undying loyalty due to their mocking of protesters outside their headquarters.
Sorry bout the link to commondreams, it was the first one up on Google. Oddly enough, I tend to dream about Laurie Dhue more than the common dreams folks do, but I digress...
Posted by: Jim Harris at December 17, 2003 at 10:19 PMDarn that FoxNews, violating the protestors First Amendment-protected right to Not Be Mocked... oh wait, that's isn't protected by the 1st amendment.
Posted by: Patrick Chester at December 18, 2003 at 02:19 AM