July 09, 2003


No Pirates of Penzance parody has ever before featured the phrase frogging spear. Or "bureau puke", for that matter. Doggerel Pundit corrects (hilariously) these historic wrongs.

In the midst of an historic right is Chief Wiggles, reporting from Iraq on MREs, MPs, POWs, and -- eventually -- WMDs. Or not; I don’t particularly care if WMDs are ever found. It’s enough for me that a guy who had 'em, deployed 'em, liked 'em, and wanted more of 'em, will never again be able to use 'em.

Posted by Tim Blair at July 9, 2003 01:32 AM

Many thanks.

Nota Bene: A “frogging spear” describes a small three or four pronged fork-like device mounted on a pole, used to take frogs at night, while floating by the riverbank in a small boat. Aka “frog gig.” Given the current political context it should also be noted that this device, and its use, has nothing to do with the French, or their legs. As yet.

Posted by: Stephen at July 9, 2003 at 04:09 AM

It’s enough for me that a guy who had 'em, deployed 'em, liked 'em, and wanted more of 'em, will never again be able to use 'em.

Bless you for that! I've been trying to articulate the feelings I have that Saddam being gone is a *good* thing, and you just did it.

Posted by: Meezer from Amerikay at July 9, 2003 at 04:09 AM

Priceless. Bound for the newsroom notice board.

Posted by: slatts at July 9, 2003 at 01:37 PM