June 26, 2003
Edward Said meets Rachel Corrie’s family. There’s too much stupid happening in this article to highlight any primary examples, except for Red Ed’s observation that suicide bombing “does much more harm than good”.
No kidding, Ed! Pray reveal the good achieved by suicide bombing!
Posted by Tim Blair at June 26, 2003 05:12 AM"Pray reveal the good achieved by suicide bombing!"
It kills Jews, which is a good thing. To a disturbingly large number of lefties, anyway.
Posted by: Damian P. at June 26, 2003 at 05:31 AM“Pray reveal the good achieved by suicide bombing!”
The murderer isn't around to repeat his act.
Posted by: Eric Jablow at June 26, 2003 at 05:39 AM"However else one blames Saddam Hussein as a vicious tyrant, which he was, he had provided the people of Iraq with the best infrastructure of services like water, electricity, health, and education of any Arab country."
hey, mussolini made the trains run on time too, right eddie?
"It is no wonder, then, with the extraordinary fear of seeming anti-Semitic by criticizing Israel for its daily crimes of war against innocent unarmed Palestinian civilians or criticizing the US government and being called "anti-American" for its illegal war and its dreadfully run military occupation, that the vicious media and government campaign against Arab society, culture, history and mentality that has been led by Neanderthal publicists and Orientalists like Bernard Lewis and Daniel Pipes, has cowed far too many of us into believing that Arabs really are an underdeveloped, incompetent and doomed people, and that with all the failures in democracy and development, Arabs are alone in this world for being retarded, behind the times, unmodernized, and deeply reactionary."
fails the "if-you-can-not-say-it-without-breathing-it's-a-run-on-sentence" test. chalk up another member of the cult of obfuscation.
"Because it is a just cause, a noble ideal, a moral quest for equality and human rights."
...of males. muslim women need not apply
"Instead of seeing their citizens as the potential wealth of the nation, they (arab leaders) regard them all as guilty conspirators vying for the ruler's power."
probably because that's how they came to power.
oh, i couldn't finish reading this barfbasket.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at June 26, 2003 at 05:52 AMThe enduring lesson of Rachel Corrie:
Rage - 0
Machine - 1
What good does suicide bombing do? A substantial amount if (as sometimes happens) the splodeydope accidentally trips the fuse, killing only himself.
"What?! No dead infidels!? And you call yourself a 'martry'! No virgins for you, Akbar!"
Posted by: iowahawk at June 26, 2003 at 06:23 AMOh, Red Ed, I wish you'd just get in your limousine and go to your summer place in the Hamptons and stay there forever, and leave things to us folks out here in the REAL world.
Posted by: Susan at June 26, 2003 at 06:46 AMA few other choice quotes:
"Mr. Corrie told me that he had himself driven bulldozers, although the one that killed his daughter deliberately because she was trying valiantly to protect a Palestinian home in Rafah from demolition was a 60 ton behemoth especially designed by Caterpillar for house demolitions."
First of all, I'd like to send this column to my High School Journalism teacher, who told me my bad grammer would keep my writing from getting published professionally. With a note attached saying "nany nany nya nya!" Actually, the poor lady is 85 and I seriously suspect the quality of writing demonstrated here would be too much for her to bear.
On a more mundane note, hasn't it already been established that the earth mover in question was demolishing fortifications to protect "freedom fighters" from return fire?
"After both (US Senators Patty Murray and Mary Cantwell) returned to Washington, the Corries never heard from them again, and the promised investigation simply didn't materialize. As expected, the Israeli lobby had explained the realities to them, and both women simply begged off."
Would it hurt Cockburn too much to confirm WHEN the Elders of Zion (I mean, the Israeli lobby) met with Sentators Murray and Cantwell and what "realities" were explained to them?
"But the second and far more important aspect of the Rachel Corrie story for me was the young woman's action itself, heroic and dignified at the same time."
I have to admit, I have never seen a young woman look so heroic and dignified while foaming at the mouth, screaming at the top of her lungs and burning an American flag.
"...most Israelis and what seems like the majority of American Jews have made every effort to deny, avoid, or negate the Palestinian reality. This is why there is no peace."
I thought it was because of the Israeli lobby? Either the Elders of Zion/ Israeli lobby controls US foreign policy or American Jews control Israeli foreign policy -- you can't have it both ways!
"The apartheid wall 25 feet high, five feet thick, and 350 kilometers long that Israel is building"
Here is where Cockburn gives himself away. If he truely favored a 2 state solution, this wall wouldn't be "aphartheid", because the West Bank would be a separate country. In other words, Cockburn believes that Isreal and the West Bank should all be part of the same nation -- Palestine. Just like David Duke does(not that I'm making comparisons or anything).
"However else one blames Saddam Hussein as a vicious tyrant, which he was, he had provided the people of Iraq with the best infrastructure of services like water, electricity, health, and education of any Arab country."
Oh dear God. Doctors, quick! The medication is wearing off! He's hallucinating again!
"It is no wonder, then... that the vicious media and government campaign against Arab society... has cowed far too many of us into believing that Arabs really are an underdeveloped, incompetent and doomed people..."
Except that its the OPPONENTS of US action in Afganistan and Iraq who were the ones who claimed that democracy and modernisation in those nations was impossible. No wonder Christopher Hitchens left the Nation. Anybody with half a brain would go insane listening to this drivel on a regular basis.
Posted by: BushisworsethanHitlerSatanandKennyG at June 26, 2003 at 06:59 AMWell it's what I'd expect from the whole useless lot. Keep the fantasy of Rachel being explicitly targeted by the UberZog and whatever you do, don't mention that she was knowingly protecting a terrorist tunnel network and don't mention how she spoke kindly of jew killers.
And Keep pointing out some silver and gold lining from the Ba'athist regime (even if that silver and gold is taken from the teeth of Saddam's victims before they're dumped in a mass grave). Anything to make what "Bush did" a crime againt humanity.
Trash. All of them.
Posted by: Kev at June 26, 2003 at 07:15 AMI stopped reading after "In early May, I was in Seattle lecturing for a few days. While there, I had dinner one night with Rachel Corrie's parents and sister, who were still reeling from the shock of their daughter's murder on March 16 in Gaza by an Israeli bulldozer. Mr. Corrie told me that he had himself driven bulldozers, although the one that killed his daughter deliberately because she was trying valiantly to protect a Palestinian home in Rafah from demolition was a 60 ton behemoth especially designed by Caterpillar for house demolitions, a far bigger machine than anything he had ever seen or driven."
Posted by: John Anderson at June 26, 2003 at 08:01 AM